DETROIT IMI with lulhovlllu Illll not 3mm Amun lmlay ulwllm rmlnmlnnml Inna tmunl lvm nod mhmuin dullu In annhln leumnn or Cunudlnn and 11 IN mum llmA IIH IllMuvm mm at In IL lnnnzllnn ï¬rmI 1M1 nva Mflulng 1n 110 II lhu anmllm mar npnknman um WI luv mu Impmlrd mmrd mm hum IN United 5m IIJ 1AM Ml In Junu IDJD July Awultlwl JAIan nllhk lnmwr lulllmnw and flhln who vuulvl 1101 rltlflnwl Illa flllnl lhn lu mmly lullm4 v4an Inllrn ry In mm dunn1 ny mar MIMI In wrunth Wulnrulny Wimp In mllulnl ml um lltllnatl Gullllk WI Hp NEW Il Mll Thv Unllrd MAIN uhilo vxrpnllnfl In plau mrn nn Hm numu Him mung rm plum Arm Ilarl llum Inn ummmw Inm mm mum Mm upm Mum Wnnlvrr vun llmm my nn mm luld IN New mk than Hm Nnihmzl Mulnly llhhulilhl Amnlnllnn Ulnl Mnlllnn rlnllm luauMp muurnl lhu mnsl Ilmnnl lhlnllnl ol Ivnrn Irirnl All NICE Frame lllrnlrlnl Irnlnr nlflrlkl nl Klux Smmln mle lvrrr man lmluy Um Hm nmnnnh hm Inmlu dun rrr Innl Alnlrmrul In mun Mm churnlnu rmhrd Jrlllnlr mu blown up Ivy Iuvlnh ll Ll nnl lhe KMEI rrnrlkn In Irvle Irv mgrN Mle Nubian lunlncol Md Mnrl Mnnlwm Mil lull rrvnvlm No Eilocl 0n Canadian Tuna ilJlCIJll 11 Tm Guclph plIulx Mm pnï¬ldpulnl in II I1y pm nur Purlphl llowllnun INllnn on SrIIL II rudl um 11 In rum Irxlny Plan of gulHy wrm Mmd In Hm vlmrko unlnulully Hymn un Mrmvn Mr hum up Mr nl nn nluhulr It lhlm 1000 Irrl nhmr Mghcsl ollenrlu Nth WM Mlhm hollmnlnl mum nl 1000 rel mm llw Ilrrrnfl Dion Without Golï¬ng $625000 Under lhls nulxumn Inaugu rnlnd In the Imus RCMP mm mum unlvrmy as nhulcnls Ilnylnz lhmuxh lo rnrlunllun 1n mum nf klnd llkcly In cuntrihule lo lhtlr mllro vrmk The Lummissioncr mid mm Iludmls HRisltr upcllly Ml pmnnnnl and mu no mm of lho mnmcunn HAS lAllllM In lllu Ampli wifll The Lnnnrllnn Press the wmmisflnncr mid ml Invcsll gallon 11 communism nn ml lrxe campuses not conncclcd in my way wllh he arms uni vmlly Educalinn plonrnm or ulcrlrd pmbnncl Working On Martian Ioumey OITMVA CPIRCMP Cnmv mlsslnncr Hnrvison says hls force kccps lnhs nn Cann dlan universin artivilics be rausn the Communists lry to recruit undorcovrr nutnu nn collcnn campuacs II is the lab II RCMP In knnw nhcro subversion is and allnck esplnnugc whnrcvcr il nund lhn cummisslnnrr maid in copyright inlcrvlcw wixh Cnnndlnn Universily Press or its member papers at unL vcrsilits across Inn country If we lhlnk it is found an In unhcrsily campuses we lha universin campuses hnye Riga lhqrm lie311M Denies King Saud Made Bomb Charge Guelph Pilots Fined $25 Each NEW Il Mll Natiunal New Dcmuomlic Party Ieadrr Douglas gm mquainled vilh ful Has Tabs On Campus Says RCMP Official 99th Your No 65 vr AMI 4m In Junn I339 NEWS BRIEFS For Examiner Wan Ads Tele phone PA MN The lelcphnna number lo call or lhe Business or Editorial Dch PA 65517 Our Telephones SULUZSS lnllnlnw KOOTCHYKOO SAYS TOMMY Cam i0 UNDERGROUND cry mparnnl Mumml of he party run turdcurry In lhl would who knawn lo puhlic 11m xmup Thzrc won nhonl 3500 cnl cmyinx Communls party members In Cnnndu Ru lhcsu cns nnl lhc CHI main mum at conccm In In university CDmmU nlly Inquiries we mnke lnlu Aludrnln hackxmund nu 011m llrcrlcd nl nrofcssou he tnmmisslnncr said mlssioncr iinrvlson snid the Communist ciiurl to recruit sci milsis nnd government leaders while lhny are university slu drni has been nl lenskpnn iinlly wcccxshil univrcsiiyy ruined man was mine usciul lo the Communist than nun univnrsliy mnn IICCHHSO it was mum likely lhn lnrmcr vnuld gain access lo iniurmulinn Commissioner Hnrvlson suld It is no unknown Inr lurcan Inlclllgcncc OthlS lo nllvmpl rccruil slndnnu la work or Russia The RCMP rcpnrlcd In nov emmcnl drparlmcnu on Mr sun mking tmploymcnl In scmilive branches RCMP Insponsibillly uczmd lhnro The hiring WM up In the damn mun llscIL ure voler Mr Douglas ar rived In Regina Wednesday or an demon campaign rah all Thu Junomud In mar Hum rmlurynuvlrd 11mm rrlv In hllllnn 17 mum lhcn hum lulu lull lllll Sunday It began Emil oul link and ï¬lm mu lull Imr lmumllnlcly Illrlllrr lllr lmnnml llrnlll lull um luv In nrw nupllum Im inmly nunInk lyml ml nu lrnlll lnll nl Ill mnxr HUI Im lmurv III Ial 1m lqmlll Hum 11 luau Inhnwl Ilnvwvrn In Vhw lvl WI jump in nu den lnll num Im at In um Ilsa wa mul In MuI mp1 Tlm wukmmau luhl Ilmn mu an hmrmlul Hurnl mm mm rnlxullnui mm In IDJIIVHHM WIIlnnu rl Mllhlnll WI and llrlhlrnl SuiInn lull Illrlmrcl lhal Inland tilum mm VASIIINGION Al llul llrnl Hrunnly Irpmh lnnlrhl In ho hum mm mnlcrrnw lhul mmluml nurrrmcnl ln word Lnunmlc xlrvelnpmcnl In Cen trnl Amrrlrn nml curl whvnrv me nulvlllrn bnml In Cub JAKARTA IWIImMIn MN Ilnll lllnndl rnmpuilll AIM akunn Im kllInI al Iral prmml wnkmnnn qr Uch lnrlnnrdnn chll ulrhnu llrlnn llnlltm Mill ltnlny ml in hr all lml ho no luuy Whm hunn up he Ild Uw mw wasnt Imme vum Ahl Mutu hrluru Krnnnly ldl Um mm lllcnn tnpllld III Sun Mu ï¬ning lo make Ion distnme phnnc call and our mm 25 mxl la the phone Mir hh Im calling long duluncr arms what the Communists lhtmsnlvu term hair under ground movement Those pm pic an able because this nnonymlly in not lnln annulm kiumnndJnllucnm uyinion selfprnchimed Commu nlsl In the universin does no vmrry us too much One II on guard ngnlnsl nny slnlemcnu may make us lhclr pollch Ire ull known However lhcsa undcramund agents who are no known as Communlsl can do the damage We are Conscinus persons right lo express dis scnllnz upknlnn without being mnsiduml dlslnynl Wu nro canstlnux of lhu riahls the rudicnl We me am cnmclous ul lhn dangers of cnnsplralor who lemming In dulrny our mlnm under the guise something uhlrh hu II ML Bali Volcano Claims 400 Kennedy Plans Press Conierence To Report On Costa Rican Talks 1y Wednesday night Virepholo HERES ONE CF The wnlrlmu nl ï¬nal Nu rummu In InInu llan Crnlvul Amukl utter med nu Ihelr llrdlllnl mm mm mmlul wlvlth wmlld ll In In wllh Lulu Amman lm md Hrlm lrnvlni Sun Jun Krlh nnly uh chrrvlnl mum at Imhuuily Illllhnll llInl iuhn rmmnln rummuuluuu lullurn In wmlvla lnr ll prnpln fnntmunu Nnï¬rou n1 lllrl VII III III Hm nmmnnlnl rnnlrnllrl Cull bun ltlnml Krnnnly I4 ulln mm mnluru per IM IN hm Ihnn II am In yrnu nu vllnl Ihrouflmul hlu my In UNI IUIR lhl HrMr mullwtlyrll Itl lhmm HI II hrmIphm naflnm mml ump nula In mhlne Illlvngnr rmn mum Am mu nwnmm Mclll juxllro lhmulh pvnutul nvnlulllm Krlmrlly Mm Itll anhlnnhln Ml Frldny nr Mrkrml In IAhn Hrnrh Flu hrlnu gum In Kan luxu Mmulny nhxrnrd hurl Wrdnudly nlnhl nl INK 0AA MTIION dont llkn Ulla klnzl null lnx lhnll going on ml In he nuxlel tnll lunlhm ho mld Conservnllvn pcrchu an thm alwnyl mm am not nnllAmnrkcan but HAMMER 0N TIIHh llalh hm and Summrr Jmu lnlc Vulnmlny lm nn nmmml hr wmlld nprn HST Wmhlnnhm mm 1mm rnrr vllh nahmen un Ml Hominy lhmuzll Vednmlny lnIkl wilh l0 rnthlx nl lnnnmn len Run Ll Snlvl dnr iunlrmnln Nlcnrnuun nml Hnndurnl 11m pm rnnlrunro III In nnlrll llm NI NHC THE mul MN Indln nrlwmkl ll nlm Ill Pv rnrrlrrl llu nu rlrvt1nn Ivy Mr Ptarson also accustd Prlme Minislcr Diclcnhukcr hclrnylnx Cnnndnn donnee ohllxnllon lo AIME mu mlsrcprnscnllnz the muHm hchlnd lhn Lihcrnl parlyl poL lry nn nulunr wugpq The Conservatives are nllnw In nnliAmcricnn Incllcs In Hm clccllnn cnmpulxn um um un worthy of Canada hu Did crowd of 1000 hora chncsduy nlghl MONLTON CPI Lihcml Leader Pearson cnnlinuing lo strike back at Canscrvmlve crilicism Mmscl though he says he would mlhcr not llnllan judiclal He he town Cunca annnunccd lo day they had opened an lnqulry lnln the crash and would ask technical cxpcns In aslnblish whether bomb could have ex pludcd lnshie Ihn plane NICE Francs lfleulcm Avalanche Ind hnd weather today prcvnnlcd rescue squad and Investigation team from ï¬lling out or mo Italian moun lalnsldc where King Saudx peh snnal Jet alrllncr crushed Wed nesday with IR person aboard Police palrul slnrled up the moumaln to Investigate the wreckage and find the casual lics spurred by he Saudi Ara blun monurchs charges that bomb plnnltd by his enemies may hnvn mused lhe crash Bu nvalanchas rumbllnx Ihmugh the mnunlnln valley at the fool of Monte Mann when the plane crushed In the Argen ten Mountain area of the lla lian Alps 50 miles nnrlh 01 Nice forced the patrols lo turn back SIAIIT INVESTIGATION Cnurt sources said the lugnl Inquiry wnuld be independent nf Mug iup bciyll carrigd mar w4mmvrnmv the village Sanlnnnn di Valdieri below lhe mnumaln pnllce said lhcy wauld wait at hellcaplm to carry them to the wreckage lying 6000 lee up the mountainside as soon as heavy 105 cleared Pearson Blasts AntiU5 Swipes Twisting Eagles Tail Feather Avalanches Halt Rescue Patrols Farm Sales Go Up InSimcoe CountYf Blrrlo Onhrlo Clnuh Thundny March 21 1963 An Allnn Cup lwrkry plum name New Vulnudny nlnhl Wu lllflllltd hy Lihcrnl nfllclnh or he lrss lluln Cnpucil mu rntu Inr Mr Watson In Law Irnl hluh ldlnnl nutMnrluxu whnm Irlmo Mlnislrr Iclm hnklr hrw 14m prnpln ml wrrk The hockey game drew 3712 Mr Ithn lulrl llw clnml lu unulxl llule l0 mnkn llm dulln MumII hrlurrn Ilm nmo nml lhn milllcnl mul lnx Wednesday nluhls mvcllnx pmducvd new clrrnun onnn lcnmm lnrnlysis prescnlrd hy Sennlor Jnhn Connolly Illu ldcnl nl he Nlllionul LIIch Fodernllon Its paruplurnso nl lhn Llhcml Alognn King or Cllnm They hiH nl llnncc In ï¬rm majorily mcrnmrnl nnd hey know Mr Pcnrsnn Ilsa cla ed on his muslnnt heme Hm only lhI lecnll hmc chance In mm annrny Anrcrnmcm nllcr lhc Aprll clccllnn The Tunsclvnlhfl clncl nnly umdtul MP In Quohu Imd not murh mun mm handful Ontario No mum vim mm In in In 3mm an aim mm Mr In am In if and but lb Sand wlm had lluwn In Nicu In the same plane only azlew hours helm clalmcd Vcdncs dny nlght In broadcast over Mecca radio When the plane arrived nl llm Italian harder it exploded The cause nl his ex plnsion was bomb An airport 01mm in Geneva said he did not believe It pus sihle bomb could have been put aboard the plane Swisa police In Gcncvn nnd Lausnnnc whom Ihu king had been under medical lrcalmcnl bdrm beginning hl Riviera Cullen at Nico said lhny know nuUung abum any suggestion Iabotngkcognquyim 1h ac mgr lamls They warned that ll sahu tours were responsible fur lhe crash lhey wuuld be cxlradilud and duargcd wllh mulllple mur cr Nine passengers Including Saudi senlnr olliclal German cook and members of the royal stall were kllled along with the nrnevmnn crew No members ol the Saudl royal family were aboard lho lllgbl brlnging bag gage and members nl the kings enlunrngo from Geneva to Nice He lald Saudi Amhinn radio listeners menly ha ynu know very well who is carrying out lhcse plots and hm basu acts N0 DIRECT CHARGE The king did not direct charge anyone with he crush not directly 11m mlrlllln wnn one Hm mm or HIE untlmmlinn he Smlcl unite mmrrh pm vnm nrlulnnlIy nnnnuncrd Mnuh or hm your Tn will MOSCOW muralThe Sch vid Uniun lilunrhed 1m Im mnnncd re snlcllile culled Cmma VIII lmluy ll Snvid new ngmcy Tau puma TI described lb launching mullm nml 51M Um mun mcnl nImnnl Colmns XIII wnI lunrllnninx nnrmnllyI mman hark InInnnaIlon uhlch wns he lml nrnmud nl lhu SmllI nnlInnlln compullnu rtnlrc xmnus XII nnuthrr llw mlex wn lnunchrd Insl lkc Earlier Ihe mapier voted to lcave the international body un less it rcmmu provisions irom Ihu consliiuiian which prohibit all but white girls com mnrni charmer imm Joining The Swucl Adelinu ininrna imuai headquarters in in hilsa Ukla Miss Begin secretary Mumilllm hakrry sald in nn III lcnlcw Hue Hamilton member nund the ban on Nogmcl un hcnrahlc Conco mug W23 Cunndlln Wily llamaNM mm HAMILTON CWThe In Canadian chapters the Sweet Adelina an lnlernnlianul bar bershop quartet gmup or wumcn are being askcd la secede from the parent body and set up Canadian nrgan lzalion wilh no color bum France Resin prcsdcnl the Ilnmillon chapter sald Wednesday nighl leucrs hava none nut mm lhu wmcmben Hantnn group In all other chapters In Canada seekan lo slnn slrlclly Canadian nuan iznlion Russian Satellite Launched Today Ask Secession OI Bdelines Lcon Creslohl sucking clcclion as Liberal MP or Montreal Cartier dind or heart attack In Momma lo day An MP since 950 Mr Cruluhl was native of P01 and He was 62 at his death CP Vimphmnl MP DIES Ha Inld cnnrcrcnce ml crnl nnd pmvintinl nnlhnrilln wlll he held In diucuu linnnl hlghwnyn pruzrnm mi Added MI Inrl ll wnlxld In tlmla he lmnlly lnvnml Yr lnvhwl rmllo lhrmmh nurlhem Smknlchrwnn nnd Allmln nml lhr nnrky Mounhlin nurr HIE 511mm loll nhulll llnlkm nlld Mm rhoul 11 rrlrtrnrrs mum xldrncn mlnnlrr Dmlï¬ In Mknm nlgnry nnd lumrr lrmlo nllnlslrr icnrun Tha Progressive Cansnnnuva Imdcr spake in Edmunlunn Jubin Audilarium In crowd lhnl Hod lho mnln halls 2711 seal nml packed Inln he hund Ingl lhrco level lnhby The un tlllnrlum mnnngcr tslimnlcd Hm nvcxllnw nboul 5000 Mr Dicfcnhukcr new ground in hlx in In Albcrln In clrcllon mmpnlxn Inna MJMIMRX tundummy Amm zwum an mm EDMONTON CP Prime Mlnlslcr Diolcnlmkcr plnwcd lhrnugh llvcly mminuln mm pnlgn snucch Vzdnusday uixhl Inning nut man In shamed lnlchccllnn from sucllun his ovcrIInw audience Thu hackle Bpptiflcd to he mnslly university sludenlx Markdlng ngs 71 per com lhcrn direct to packing planls and the rest lhrough pub lic sockynrds amounted to 110 last year lo top the MI lolnl by 5431 says the livesluck division Canada Department of Agricujlure Grade and hogs logelhcr accounted for 109913 the countys sales the same time ll cnumbcr Grndn As mse mm 45796 In 196 to 916 about 44 per cent at lha loLal Thn pcrccnlage of Grade for Simcne County surpassed lhe provincial ligurc by about lhrcc per cent and was ï¬ve per cent above the nallonal lnvel ol some 66 million hogs mark clot in Canada last year about 23 mllllon were grade lillle holler an returns ins year when Ihn average price per hundrcdwelghl or hugs at lnronlo climbed to $22160 from $2110 ha previous VF total at 39614hcadolcaule from Sirncne Caunly were mark clcd lhmuxh puhhc xlnckynrds nr shipped dlrecl In packing plant last topping 1961 IsalumyJJiL Stem Ind heims accounted Higher sales and lncrnascd prlccs wprc enjoyed by Simcne nly lwcsmck producers In Wilh some 2220 ul he counlys 3555 commercial larm engag ed In livestock prnducllon last years results henclilcd large segman nl lhe area PRICE GOES UP Students Heckle PM In Edmonton Grade Hogs Marketed Above National Level Na Morn Than Fur Copy hmke Hula speech Ma lhe prcscnl Clem onlth and Friday Low Ionlghl 17 High tome NW 35 For complete sum mary please mm to page two Local Weather TM appear In llw same kind Liberalism mind In the Huusn nl Commnm In Dn ccmhrr when or he llrsl llxna III hislnry Lllyurnlilm IIMCII II prime minhlcr Um npnorlunlly qwnk me peopla hclnnz l0 lhnl MIlna Mr Didrnhnlrr Mill ha Newmrrk nxllrlo nu Hut arcrlml will plrmum hy Uh rrnl delcgnm la nnUvmnl rnunrll mrcllnn lhrn Mina thd In Ollnwn nml hm Mm mlml min Nu nu and lhmw llltm nul He drew Ms nnuricsl lmcllnn mm hockku when he re pealed charge lhal 2m arlitle In Newswcck magminn cnliclzc In hlm was cnncclml In ml hendquarlm In Ounwa Youre liar and crlcs no mm mm scvrrnl mm 17 Ill lwuKullcricd nuditnrium when he slnrlcd lo spcnk mm he was nKnIn Inlcrruplcd Then he canunucd calmly Hm Toranla whit null he cabinet on the nuclear arms is we last monlh Mr melon haktr slapped at he lnlnrjcc llnns hut did not reply directly to them REACTION IS or 55 per cent myrkgflngg in the case of hugs Um number at lnpqualily slecrs and hcilcu showed subslanlIBl ln creasn the £59 slccrs marketed last year per cent lhr carcasses were graded as chnlca corqplarcd to g4 per com in 19611 Allhaugh the slaughlcr heifers sold in I9ï¬2 showed only modest galn 01 774 over the previous years 7172 the qualily lmpmvnd sub smnllnlly as 16 per cent graded choice compared with night per cent in 1961 The avérége pnce far cattle snld on the Toronto Inh lic Stockyards was up hy 95 per cwl from 1961 average $2010 Sales of calves mm Simcou Counly amounted ln 8175 lillla changed from Ihe Is In 1961 Veal calm accounted or 7501 the total Calf sales at the Tnmnln lockynrds last year hmugh An avenge price per hundrcdweigm cl $2635 compared wilh 5255 yepr earlier Sale of sheep and lamb in Simcoe Cnunly Inst year nmnunl ed In 11703 head The all which 1715 ware sheep was an Increase of about 500 from 1961 he 9939 mm carcasses grndcd 77 per cent were in grades cllxmle for premium payments Avcraxe prlcv Tor nnln an $1501 per cut lwo weianparcd wilhluum I961 AVERAGE PRICE ho Mal