Continuing an nuack on So zcinl Credil doctrine he smrlcd In Chicoulimi Que Feb 27 Mr Kicrnns said that when ynu buy government hands you are paid Interest or lending ayan savings In Oltiawn Exams his address were relcasud In the press before dc livgrya Who gels his InteresHynu do he told meeting of the womcnn Canadian Club QUEBEC CWEric Kier ans president of the Canadian and Montreal stock exchanges sald Tuesday the Snclnl Credit panys pruposai In liquidnic Canadns nalional debt and save 5800900300 in interest Vchnrges is stupidity Kierans Boos Socred Plan junior citizen much too young or the April alcdernl clecllan gel friendly pat you want to Invest your Wnlhnhk am mm cl mlm and wool bIond Vlanmlï¬hoou plum ulmdn mmmummlmmu 593 PM mam FUTURE VOTER Dm Ihlm ï¬nd Knot auld havu been Invested In Canadian government bonds would under Social Credit government be sent out or Canada and inveslcd in bonds of nnolher country or slate Vhal stupidity No wonder Rnberl Thompson does not Montreal Stock Exchange survey had shown however pmple In Quebec preferred crnm nt bnhds to equllcs tn illMd nddllinnal Independ enco and security you should haye thatAr5hlj savings In from Prime Minister DIeIen ough Ont yesterday CP baker as he visit Pembor Wircphun Mr 3th mm man Aladdin nowHy pvlnhd collon wllh com Illmmod Ill hull Minded bllul Mun or pink In lo um 595 SAFETY MAN FINED VANCOUVER CWRobert McMurdo l7 vlccchalrman oi lhe Briiish Columbia Sniely Councils ironic salary section was lined $350 Tuesday or im paired driving Magistrate James Burimun nave liicMurdo only partial licence suspen sion because he is lee super vlsur in supermarket and needs ihc licence to work Mr Kinrnus and Mn Thomir son agreed to debate on So cial Credit pniicie inst week Mr Kicran also snld Mr Thompson seems In be very reluclnnl to set mo and place at debate with him on Social Credit economic doc Irina wan to debate with ecunnmlsls and cannot ï¬nd single ecun nmisl In any unlvcrslly In country French 01 English In support him xpeclal Me 097 Answérï¬ig local szrél charge that NDP policy would mean abandoning the West and While stressing there was no cause to lndnlg In cheap nntlAmerlcnnlsm he do clnred that Canadian must generate more at their own capital Douglas wound up with In appeal to the peopla of Can adn lo Jaln crusade lo kucp nuclear arms from spreading whlla workinz towards lull dis armament The rmnlor ecnnomic decl alons regarding your welfare and mine are made by men amng and rooms out slde Cnnad Mri Douzlu played up the theme that hlx parlys eco numlc recovery program dlf 1m fundamentally from Lil ernl parly Idea In making mclnl wellare measure prov rcqulslle while lhe Liberal place new deallsm poor sec End Hi second major proposal was or pranam oi Canadian public and private invaaimant io regain control oi IiIe Cana dian cconamy from 60 per cent United States ownership MIAle DECISIONS Mun halal any ylllow In Ilm lo 14 I1 Local RD olllclals blamed Tuesday ghlu storm or kccp lng the audience about 150 ho low capaclly In tho 75mm hlgh school hall Mr Douala was spenklng In support of Rod Stewart your old history teacher who Is trying to wrest Walcrloo 50th mm Conserva llve Gordon Chaplin AIlno coll ol wool llmlnlh Illl Na Inn hlmmd ollu In ud yollowfhmx nlvy In um Io OX 98 Wool lunlnllc In mm m9 The sleet hi just the New Democratic Party leader lei lorunin or this southern 0n iario industrial and marketing cenlre alter weekend inllho North during which blizzard mined out rally ll Kapuskas Hy CARL MOLLINS GALT cm1 Cr Doualu drove Ulrough an alarm meadow night to ask people at Waterloo Soulh to elect nu clear weapon and Ioln his parlyx program or economic recovery tBadv Slegtv Storm Plays Havoc With Attendance ï¬t NDP Bally BAR EXARHNER WEbnnaImz MARCR 1N The head of the German Shepherd dog was sent to North Bay or rubles test Dr Harris medical otlcer of health Enid thorn hnwe been no cases of rubles reported In hr area and here In no vaccine here He said no serum win he brought In or treatment of tho children umll the resulll the lust IN known you was tracked down by police and shot just it was moving toward school rema iion yard which had been evac unied by Iiarmcd xchool olii clals The towmhlp council intru ducod motion in amend oily bylaw and prohihli dogs irum running ai large for 12 monthl Iho year Under bylaw adopted tailor Moron dum our yeafl ago dogs were to be kept led up from March to November but could run free the rest of the year Previously there had ban no conirol aver dogs The children ranging In use mm xevcn to 13 were treated or cull and lunches and re lcased Pollée said their henvy wlnler clothing saved them Hon jnjyry KIRKLAND LAKE CPD Council in Tech Township moved quickly niexday night to bring dogs In the man mining are under yenrround contra nilcrl large dog It tncked group oi school chil dren and Ian eight oi them io Izospiia But Is not the privilege to came an and question the Integrity and la Ally nl people or holding apln on on nuclear weapons that may themselves once held In Inld humanity he iald he Llhmli had right in change hair awn sland rpm anll to pronuclenr From Running After Attack Prohibit Dogs ONE OUR All ml so oumor mr mm mfmu if spokesman or Massachu selt General Hospital when the surgery was performed snld It still too early Io pre dch the ultimate extent 01 cavery BOSNN AHThe cast he been removed mm the right arm 01 Everett Knowles 111 ll yenmld boy who underwent surgery to have the arm stored utter It was severed In an accident last year Premier Assadéllnh Alum said the government In in lull control or the situation TElmAN lrnn Remem Forlylour persons lncludlnx 10 pollccmen were kllled and more than 100 lnlured In clash betwean government lorm and rebel lrlbesmen at Fara In southern lran ll was announced Tuesday Cast Off The only extraordinary thing about 1t that the truth he told reporters at his home when he hu been taking complete not after six heart attacks ollowlnl ht appear am as wllnm baton the commission He nld he could not under stand haw Mr Justice Ranch royal commissioner In vestigating Ontr10 crime could label asmnlasllc hi evlde he alum $1000 In flower pal at his horns and tried tuelurn It In two lamb lurs wllhoul reporting It hll aupglora 44 Killed mummy 3y hav nevar done dishon est an In my whgla weer deputy commissioner oi ha 0n ario valncini Police was an nnunmd royal commiainn mm quesuaned his honesty ma cupsUu NEWS mnomq 1cm mu commissioner Says Never Was DishOnest TORONTO CplThe icgisla iures municipal law committee has unanimously approved an amendment that will allow mu nicipalities to give iinnnclni aid to homeowners In controlling termiics Tile nmcndmeni moved by Vernon Singer annniu York Centre was added to government hlii lha will give municipalities the authority in Correcting an Impression by he mport on crime in 0n lflffl released Mundny Mr noharls all uppolmmqylls IORONM CP Premier Rohnm said hlesdny the royal commission rcpnri oi Mr Jus lice Wilfred Randi erred when it said consiabiz in the provincial police are appointed lhmuzh he government fr Ia Ihe civil service including those ni provincial police can siahles have to be made by the Civil 5mm Commission Termite Aid mama Roamrsf Corrects Error Intmduce termite cowlcl by llnws PARTY BLAME SAIGON AP mud was tossed Into private din ner puny nxesdny night injur in five Amaricnns Including iwo Ileulennnlcoionei Ind the wiie oi one military spoke man said the homemade con cussion lypa was Unown at an American home in north Saigon group of Amaricans were lilting dawn to inwn dinner scarce aerum wan rushed hen Monday night from Top min in an effort to me Im llle TM palwnlng comes mm germcontaminated food and MERE lhq nerves Tie pivlaux victim wu Mm Cancun Brown 37 Also of Gram Ile he win polsordnzlypo boluIimcauzed the dam of anymny woman In Friday DETROIT AmMm erl are McCarthy suburban Grasse lledled why vigilant type allloqd pajnonlng The amendment permit mII nlclpnutlu to my hall the cost up to $250 urmllaprooflnz and repair home damned by termhu may Poison Thu um um All11m ï¬ll Sheet Hulk Dunlap PA um See Ul For All Your Muted Need MUSIC TO Cluslcnl Grnll KEENANS PLEASE YOU