Hlllon llnssell Port Credit was guest speaker al the Bar rie Art Club last evening and dellghlcd all present wlth line dlclmonstrnlion of landscape ln Mn Husscll Ls well known artist in his area He £5 one he more Inrlunale Canadian nr lists able to live by his nlonu Educated the Ontario Col lege of Art and in London Eng land he has painlcd extensivb 1y In Europe Canada and north em US urllsl began llls wnrk with roughedIn sketch using projected slide ol lnndscapu as guide to his baslc com poslllon The subject was vll lagn near Guelph wllh the artist looking at the scene lrnm local mm above Noted Artist Achieves Unity WhilePainting Landscape BASIC ELEMENTS nrsznenncd In his basic elements of dcslgn The vertical tree and houses cuurglcr bnl NATIONAL SOCIAL Crcdlt leader Ruben Thnmpson displays tha stamps on the envelope of me leuer that ha received mm Halls Selassie All Slmtoc North chern elec tion candldalcs will speak hu Nuclear Sudy Gruupn meeting lhu lernry llnll Saturday The mccllnx ariglnully sche duled or Friday was postpom cd to Snlurdny so all candldalc could be In allcndunce cher Smith Progressive Conservat lhe Ralph Snelurovn Libcrnl Russell Pouun New Dcmucru llc Jntk nrnwnc Indopnndcn Conscrvullve and Willard Km 10 lSoclnl Credit cake have an on or lun ly to give their Impress on ol nuclear armS comment on each olhcrx oplnluns and Ihm answer qucsllun mm he flour Blg names In the Kinsmen Club are mum to attend um Dlslrlc hnn Spring Inter Club vlm nl ho nmlu Arm only gonlnhl District Governor Huh Luka tom Sullon West nionx wllh um Deputy Govtmar or Zane 11 Jim Asler Simuvme and John Goldie nnllnnnl co ordlnnlor of Kimmcn mm To mum will be part of he ex pected 21 nuendiul An enlcrlninmcnl proxrnm hm been prcpnml nml wlll in elude Iho Foruwood Trlo 12 Or IXIIn Hon Leonnnl Tomnlo mulclnn nnd lhu Camp Dur dm ymnnxtlc lenm All Candidates Attend Meeting Of Nuclear Group milmm or the cvcnlng will In no Hurwrll An opennun MRI sum mu nnildlmlfll by Um 51mm County mu 1in ar k1 hlldrr Md Boddy Anllrlpnml lnmmu ymr EIIJM Kin Conference Here Tonight Them min were prrsvnlï¬l 10 hr mrlrly elrnlllm llLll nle luy Hush Jalmwn nl 0r IIIII II txrlnlmd llm Lounly ouncll lund been unnlxlc In wt the gum rcqurml Iry Hm My llnwrwr uflnilmml nl Iorvlcrl l1 upcdrd ï¬lm In umlvnl Ivy Inm llrr lnovl mu tlnulun Imlh ul Edlnr llzr Inlemml lnlm HMle pudumml IItr Trmmrnry lumbmtnl wan Illa luflltl Cummy Chi lnlnmml II be In up on Bapllll Juneau FunMAI NIH Ior Mun Mnry Ann Slurllurll hrlrl Mnull 1119 lumwr my Ann llrnwn HM Frlv Tl CH5 Predicts Operating Deï¬cit MM flllELBWEIJ OBITUARY vur ml nnced and slnbled other diagon als and horizonlnls Mr Ha sell eels that as In music soma passages are repeated over and our lo emphasize the key In the composition so in panfling he attempts do this by occanlunung his vertical lines and planes The artist uses palm oi black while burn umber and raw umber permanent green light turn cudmium yellows cud mium orange yellow ochre two cadmium reds burnt sienna and light red and manganese He has mnsioriul conirui over his color achieving very beaut iful pearly greys and lovely subtle clean lanes Varlous transparent washes ol color were applied all over the planned design ol the canvas Thls helped lo dclcrmlne whnre the cumpnslllon could be lm proved by slmnglhenlng wenk planes and mlnimlzlng those that wcm loo strung Whlle palnling he sky Mr lassell rcmnrkcd lhnl many nmalcuu paint ll Ilnlly one one whereas one observes ll closely the rcflccllons of tree or hills elm can vary lhe one the sky considerably and ccr lainly will make lhc plclure mum interesting ACIHEVES UNITY Worklng nll aver hls canvas keeping all men moving to achlcve unily he added mm color Improved on hL1 design and balanced hls lone emperor of Elhlnplu coo North candldate Klnzlc Bob and sun and Mrs Klmle The ur in his later to Mr the slugs of complcllnn Ihu plclure has really very little nclunl dclallr The nfllsl to loo thls would lend to make the much dcmll In subject such picture more of an Illuslrallon rather Ihan pnlnllng with lho more slmplmcd pluner and color Mr Husscll brouulul our 011m campldcd W01 with Ilm all pninlnd In his alngulnr 5ch crllcnl plane and sunsltlvo colur Senllle WMhlnllon David Dawnle dlroclar and lnrmtr coach he SeullIn To lcml lm wrslcrn Hockey mumv Prlerbomuxh Mm Howard ImIL vlnuplosldrnl lho Tor onto Vomcnl lrnxrcsshu Con Mrvnlhc Aucclnllon cl Injun Ics IuHcrcd In mu nccldcnl By THE CANADIAN PRESS SPECIAL To tcnlorm In Iho land 1h lndullry your COOP wlll provide FREE TO ALL our ruldonllll lurnm all cummlrl FREE CLEANOUT your lurnm Innulny FREE SERVICE CALLS ihrounhoul 1h ynr You ply only lor REPLACEMENT FARTI Alllwqrk II don by our own qunllflod urvlu 259 INNISFIL STREET lochnlcllm All work ll uncondlllomlly gunMud 14 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE VCOOD Slmcoe District Cooperative Services DEATHS IT WILL PAY YOU TO HAVE THE IENIIH 843000 nu Cu Town Cvflnmnl Call COOP PHONE PA M53 to 51m Willard George Emper Thoer LOOK AFTER ALL OF YOUR HEATING NEEDS Willard Klnzle Social Credit candidate or Simeon North told more than 500 people at rally In Narlh Collegiate last nlghl he became Social Crediter days phat thy last elccuunz member we were laid conditions were never beltcr And supported the present government at the polls Then only cw days after the polls closed we ï¬nd the hot rible Iruth Our country Is in ï¬nancial crisls all he real shock ar came the Ghmco Report and remember these flaming revelation waste and Inefï¬c lcncy nl governmch covrrlnx bolh the term Liberal and Cunservaflvcs abhor waste one time Hrnvellnd on hehal of our dairy assoclnllon in hath Iho United State at America and Canada and spoke bclnre groups of dalrymen In many centres on the topic Waste In corporpgcd told businessmen haw waste was In degenerating evil that was devoted exclusively to the denl munt at business how wag business biggest competitor us ing their labour their material lhclr equipmrnt while they paid the bill and waste tank the pnr its son expï¬ssed conï¬dence In ved In Ethiopla as Dlrector of the leader Mr Thompson ser Erovlnclal Education WILLARD KINZIE SAYS MINORS WASTE Parks Superintendent Jlm Snvngn report he nrrlvnl of the seasons ï¬rst mbln 111i blrd nppnrcnlly ell hnt someone In nulhorily should gel Lha mcy nnge so he Inndnd In Mr Savnuqs packynrd lnsplrcd by lhll Mr Savage dlscusscd soma ol lha pmch hls department lun ln mlml or the comln mason Major pro lcc la the mdlnx of Kompcn lull Park allowing camplellan ol the alarm sewer proch Sevual olhar bare IpoLI ln clly park will also ba reactdad An oulslnndlnu dlsplny lu llp In expected lhls year In Mcmorlnl Square and In tho clly pngk Thu shulncbonrd court In Lion Park ml xclllng Ila lull share of use and Mr Snvuuu sunmlnd that lho formnllon of cum Imd lenxuu mlxhl spark numu lnlcrul In ml sport Robin Heralds Spring Season Social Credit Policy Is To Provide Worké NEWS BULLEIIN llll BARRII Smnll wonder we ï¬nd auxM selves burdened under spiral ling lax load Small wonder taxes are loaded into the prlce everylhlng yuu purchase We have elected people lo do our buslness for us and thls ls the mull business firm engage manager and he does not pm dune satisfnclory resuus the sharchnlders usually demand his dlsmissul to protect the interests of Lheir company TIME OVERDUE hellevu time is overdue when we as shnrcholdcrhln Canada Unlimited should dis 111553 our n19 line pargles Thu evidnncc ls before us clear and pinin flleir inciilc icncy on record The task now yours Are you going in say Repcat your performance over again this periarmance of waste and inefficiency and have us sul ier more punishment mm our capital Olinvrn Perhaps we shauld turn LhI around and say Capital Punish ment and should like to give you one mans description PETERDOROUGH England CmMayor George Govcy Northamptonshim city will have foot lho lravcl bills Mm xcl Iar hls civic Hail to Peter bqrough Onl Mayor Covey mu Canada April He had hoped hls coun cll would pay for hu IirsIclns n15 am In Tarnnlo Bu tho can recent Ilse In hc clly rnlcl has Indicated reluctance lo flnancu lhn lrlp Mayor Govry nnw plans Irnvnl lourlal at his own cxptnse will lakn my mnyornl chnln nnd robe wlth me he snld But Ihnva nut dnrcd lo ask lho council whether lhcy wlll pay for tho cxlm luggage costs Mayor Pays His Own Way Mayor Guvry wlll spend week In tho Onlnrlo ciya om clnl zucsl nw Invllnllan camo mm Pclcrhomuxhn clurk Oulrnm MEI maxng Capital punlsimcnt Is Ithn Mull Conhlbullon To KIWANIS CLUB OF BARRIE EASTER SEAL CAMPAIGN You Can Help Supporting 9h CRIPPLED CHILDREN lhe government Iaxcs you to get capilnl so that It can go Into business in competition with you and then taxes the proï¬ts on your business In order to pay CROWDOF MORE than 500 people llstencd Intently to said Social Crediir ï¬rst aim or the worker is ï¬nancial policy lhnz will ensure that work is availabie in all who want it and that the worker is properly paid or the bencil he brings to society through his inbouri nIms to ensure mm every Canadian receives an of right an lncomo suflicicnl prescrvn hls economic independence It nlms to mnke the State um wnrkcrs helper and defender not his mnsmr and not hls nursr mnld nim unher that tho worker one of the most Import nnl pcnplc in Canadian snclcly not In s1ave to lnxnuon and debt hat he can enjoy more at the run labour with out paying one hall of whnuwer he buys In taxes concealed or otherwise Mr Kinzlo conciuded his ad dress by urging people to sup Wit Social Credit URGES SUPPORT Rahal up Iun um do mm mm mm Mmh MmumlmmthMmmAmydlmum 10 month 3147 noncallablo bonds duo February 1964 Issue prlco 9820 Yloldlng about 423 matullty Bank of Cnnndn 1m nlrrndy ngrccd lo ncquire minimum $100000000 lhv ncw Dondl open III to mnlurily Mall of lllc ollcrlng will be uml to nnInd $100000000 of Gowmmcnl of Cnnndn Bond mnlminy April Th new JhCh llomll nu nu mllillon lo $125000000 ofJMX Dmull due lclnunry WM nml lnlnl Ftlmmry 1903 The ncw land in an mklillon $50000000 UN Domll due April 1065 and dated Ocmbcr I001 Bolh new litan wlll he dnlul Aprll ll 19m and will lmnr lnlmnt from lml Ilule Prlnclpnl and lnltmt nu pnynlxlc In lawful lmmty or Canada Prlnripnl ll pnynlvlc at any Agency of Dunk Cnnmln lnuml ll pnynlwlc at any lunncll ln Cnnmln of my clmntml lunnk wlllwul clmtgc mull mny he nginltml lo prlnclpnl or In printivnl nnd inluul Dcï¬nlllvc band will he nvnilnhlc on nr bunt Aprll 1963 and llmmnu ln lwu form Ixnm farm with mupum nllnrlml lllll farm my be rrgllltml II In miucipnl mul lully rczlllcml mm willl Inlunl pnyAl by cllzqm and of bull funm will be In Illa Mme ltnomilmllnm and fully lnlmlmuuublc II 10 Iltnumlnnllon Indn lonn willlout hm mlled la Oovunmcnl unmlcr rcquinmcnll wlmc nppllmblt The new law mt nmhmlmi undu nulhmlly at an Act of mu Parllnmcm of Canada and both principal and mum an charge on Conwlldnled ancnuc Fund ol Cumin Bulawlpuom mum to nllelmmh mny In mdn to Inn Cantil 0mm though my Inmtmml dulcr ollllblo Id II 11le erlhutol or Hmth my bank In Gouda your noncallable bonds duo Apr 1965 Issuo prlco 9950 Yloldlng about 451 to mnlurlty Bank of Canada is authorized by he Miniflzr nl Finance to 11¢ch subscription or loan be issued for mm as follows lnttnlt paybig Auuun and Fthmnly Fm monlhl lnluul yum Auzull mu Dmomimiom 000 $5000 $25000 summon ml 51000900 yumg pm anemiaEL $1000 $5000 mmu 3100000 ma momma $300000000 GOVERNMENT OFCANADA BONDS Social Credit leader Robert Thompson at last nights rally at Barrie North Callcglale Thu Friends Ms say to the old parllns Yuum had yuur appurt unily to do what you said you wnuld But here we arc unam ployman norincreasing km SLICOE NORTH Soclal Credit candidake Villnrd Kin ziu stresses point at last ISSUE OF cmwd cheered Mr Thompson as he frequently referred ta Barrie ns Ontariox most aunn Increasing dobL And with Canndlnn people with no lillle money In purchase the goods we can produce so now it Is time lar Thompson nlghts Sacred rally at BunIa North Collegiate In lhc back gmund me oil to right Mrs beautiful and progressm dun Margaret Elsom Social Credit candldaln lar Oxlordx lennn Lender Robert Thompson and Sacred Sim cue Nunh riding president Mel Rownl who doubled master of ccrcmonIeuExanv incr Photos