172 I91 11w Ilrnr 1m mm by Ike Iul Inlnl in In Ilvlln llrlplll In hnnmr rmnlyim llnn Irllnuranl um llnalln uh uum flw lnl mlivml Hm ran um um ll lullM nld 1th flyr My luu Inlunl nlxmul 1h llrm Iruy Mlin nml lIrmy Diuzln mmnuulh ulmnulnnwl shlp In Inhhrr In Illvlvprll lny Unilnl mum mu Humvl IImw mm hm hm urn plllnl up by lul Mnmmniv Him we mm mllill In 10 1mm MIer HALIFAX WIN11 Klyrnr nhl lmmurmlnr Ilrnr Nth rnnlrd Atlmhnl chlmld llynl nu hl wan In Um Anlnrcllc In In mu Imzr Inn gnnt tllmn In Hm Ilullny Allnnltr Hm IllAI MM lrnrluvl hum Hmlnn smnh Intllo nHinll llml Ihr IMp Innk Tutthy Mum In 20 mi hr Mullvrm llp ul Nmn 81an 11w car lmwd ulxxlrn wer mo druvllrrll In mum Ihlp urr lullll lug mer In Ihllmlrllullln rum I1w Jflrycnrnld truwn prlncc wltluwwl lullwr Hum Ineg herMnn nidc ml 121ml MIHB nllk m1 urullml Ihr lmk MM llrldc Hm GANGTOK Sikkim Ml Blessed hy me Hans and MI llnn nlhrr dcfllcl aocinlly prnmincm me rlcn ana mGc sllcnlly rxrhnnml while Mlk scnrwx WIlh lhu rrnwn prince Sikkim lnllny nml lm mm Ina kuxnzlmnlcmwn damnn nynn IHIO nn inc donnhvp Cnllllllunisl hin Premier Ilnhuns said Hm bills porlulnlily rlaum mrzm lhnl pension will not he or Icilod as so many are today In Jnh transler mu an Imp dimcnl to he rxnplnymcnl older work will be lessrne 0thrr pranan lune ex prcsxcll Inlcrcst in paltable pcn sions nnll lune been manning lhc nulcnme at the proposal ln Ontario Prime Minkter Dictcn baker told an election rally Tuesday night Conservative gnrcmmcnt in Ottawa would momratc with the provinms in portable pumlon scheme Iimgrican Socialite Is Married Now Crown Princess Of Sikkim TORONTO CmA bill which will make portable pensinn scheme compulsnry or all firms employing 15 nr mme persons was inroduccd in he Onlariu lczialalure by Premier nobarls nxcsduy Based nn an annual malxl mum salury 51800 lhn hxlls minimum slandnrd prnvhlcs or lnsinn at $320 month after 40 years servico and 70 mnnth mm 35 years Byrds Sinks sunrmsab in ma snnw lnll Nationan Social Credit Ic dcr Robertmumps play RdBdrts Introd uces Portable Pension Plan 99 Year No 67 For Examiner Want Ads Tele phone PA 32414 Thu telephone number to call or he Business or Editorialbcpl PA 66531 Our Telephones MM ll lrnrluwl mh mum IMF Innk 200 In 230 INN Vessel In Ocean Ilrr llrll 7an In Um An Inullr In um llIW Ivrr umk In Iul many Hum Iml Iw rIlnIIV runnan Irr way Irv His snllnl unln Inr Lllllv Amulra the US mm In llw mum llr In Im lhln Ilm will nw nml ruulm lrplnrlnl nlrl IM rnglnr TM car In ml uretlnnd palm lrom IMHO TM llrnr Iplrlll Um lwll l1 yrnu mum rurl nlnnl MM and NH nllrr mm 1wwa mumnn In nklmul nlil WI INVHKM Iy Allmlrnl nym lnr on WMI MMHIII Ihr WHII am Ilwnllml WI AIIIHIIHIIII Inmlmlk hm hm lumuhl ny Allml Jnlmvm llviln Ilrlpllll lrnm me Hrnlmhip Company nl Ilnlilnl Hr urn nu mm In lunr 12pm 75000 In LINK um nml rnmrlslun III In Inn III lmmlrr $4va lnml or Wallrr Winn Inrr him In Jnhnl NIH HM llm Iprnl hrr ml 10 yrm alum mm nnnk Allrr Ila lmrmml lmnlw ML 11w ulhrr le luul Irrrn in nor mm Hw my ymxml ndxulwd Iunm III 11an IhIIprll hnl 10ml prnyrrs In Txhrlnn llxr wmmulv prev muny wnn rnlanrxl Hr ln nkrll Ill Mrwlm nl Hm munch Inn IMHN kkllu Mthle at llmn imlmlmu llw snuw lIuu The Xlhulllfll rl nmmhm mum vlnr mm comm nurlnml hrr hrldegrnom Hm nltl rulxd mnhnmjkum An cmpx re wllclllnu julu will be nllllcd lu lull minimum smllrd lniplly shl unlchml Employers Ill have mn ide minimum prnsinn Camr nae fur nny mplnyco 30 who has vurkcxl six munlm nu average of 20 hnuu weak The bill also prmidcx lur sun plcmmlnry lmnrhls In he paid hy he enmluycn Under lhe hill pm us he mrhlblc Illcr mrkor reaches 30 and 110115 mini mum rcquircmunl 12 months ennlrihmiuns year sludy by Icglsmurc am he mmmillcc WI be Inferred to specinl committee or the whole House for dobalc March 26 Human is assured by Ike Gmcrnmcm delinilc mnjnrily The bill pmvidcs pcnsiun ar rangcmcnls whlch are adapted In world in hith industry and In ho llcxihlc and labor needs be mnbilu Wilhln this framework how will soon he mnrc plans and bigger munbnrship he mid The bill mscd on um ully brows handful of snow in front of candidate Willard Kinzio Mr Thomp son had just remarked that mnuuhINI Ihe umunlninlnp blazing will mm an mm nnd In llnmzrr Ynkinx In hulk Ihl lmnmu mm llur Lnlmr Mlnlslcr II Luslio ï¬nwnlrcc old he lophlnlum new nlinlmum wane lcnlslullnn buqu on rrmmmcndullom made in an II Goldmlwrus mynl umunlslun mm on lhc tnmlmcllon imluslry will be inlrmluml by line xmunmcn lml mm wlll npply nnl nnly In cumirudlnn wmkzn hul In All rkm lo whum It rclc nn Itmplnycrx lmnslcnng 50b Will also he nhlc In ullhdrnw per um 01 lhcir supplrmrn lnry Lndils in The emnlnyrc will also hn nhlz In hmc III cmhls In cold Mornge mlh hu nrmcr cmplnycr or lrnnsIcr them In his ncw cmplnycr The plan vull he ndminisltrcd by prnrincinl pension cum mlssinn and ccnmnl pension flKtnfy will hr cslzlhllslwd as arm dcpmil hunk In which an employees pension crtdila might In stored upon joh Iran for CAN STORE CREDITS pcnsiun bruinsincluding all company conLrihuliuns allcr mathan 45 years oi age and 10 years cuntinunus services Mr Ilalinrls said lhe primary rcsponsibilily nl paying lnr he plnn rcsls with he nrnplnynr hul he is given the right In re quirn the employee In paynp lo hull he cost He expressed the hope lhai mnsi employers whn do not haw pcnsinn schemes will ex crtd he minlmum rcquircmenls at the Na Na pnrt nl the pan sion will be mill or by lhn gov crnmcnl he had watched the buds open lng on the maple fees in Pen liclon BC last Sunday Ex aminer Photo ulruulu bar Illl In norm nilr lawum unm ed mm Mr luqlml ICI WIIIDMU Thwan Mr lcnunn woke wllh minim he msihfllly CanscnnuvnvSoclM Crndll II was lhe umngul lunxunxu um In ml cnmpnlxn by lhc Liberal lender Deanna mow clnxzcd roads nhoul 700 pm Ion lurncd out In hcnr Mm In hlgh achonl hull Jun like one here In whlch Mr Dirlnnbnkcr Apnke I400 person Inst wcck IS CONFIDENT Mr Penman aroused Ihn Con aervalIvc loo much dema Izouucry nnd loo much deceit In hclr election campnlun and xuld Prlmu hIInIxur DIcItn hnkcr wux guIIly Imvcaly or the Irulh unwonhy 01 any Cnnndlnn lender In his rcItr MCI In Uniled Slnlcs Involve fncnl In Cunndlnn defence pol my on com Inx out Ilahung or malorfly elecllnn vlcmy April IL hn Ialscd Hm pouibilily of chI cnbukcrvcuoucuu alliance and shudders 81 he lhnuxhl can lhlnk of nothan else much me than wur nr com plete damcsllc anarchy ho Hid here Tuesday nlnhl Heavy snow warnlnx were Issucd for northern New York New Hampshire Vermnnl and Mnlnc with mm Ith six inches In most areas Gall warnings were postcd Along am New England cons lrom Block Island ILL In Easlpon Me snowstorm whlch swap acrnss nreas from the Daknlu In Michigan dumping not lnnw In many secllons Iapnrcd on during he night as It moved lnlo tho norflwasl The wild aulhmak weather Tuesday included heavy snow rain hail lomadaes and dam aging wind storms Slam in lIndiana claimed at least three 23 CHICAGO MNFnding win Ier landed smrm mach punches across mad areas In the eastern half of he United Stan and heavy rains loday posed new Hood hrents In some states 10Ron CHA reczlnz ram and slog storm lhal slmck Milan soulhcaslcm and Pearson Shpddersz At Alliande Ided Freezing Rain Hits Ontario Accompanied By Thunder Hail US Is Hit Hard By Bitter Storms CIMRLOHENWN CF Barth Onlario 9mm Wudnuihy Manh 20 I963 Mn hem llw mu mam kara m1 of Ibo lull nu pul boler mo vot wu In rolubomtllh hlfll uhool Int mm and 11x0 Conmvnllvw ludar uld Im lmwhy mm Iml rrivcd udvnncs wnnl hum erl that Mu II rhnnrlnn Mllludn lhm hm belu Inl he funmvnllw gnum mrnl AI nal ynl thnlnlml IVS THE FACE mallet luv vmh no they were uylnu look my mum Um will bn rlum Inan 11m ll be on lumd In plu Iho gumg bdnfi autumn Mr Dirlrnhnkrr all lptnk In how Tllrulny and ruby lehny drlm to Tomnln and lllrll In Wlnnhn mul hlmnnlnn an rvrnlnn llmllng lonlzm Hmmlny he will lulu lo lulu nunln to carry xln rnm palm lhe Am Inland Itfllnfl Ihnuuzh Aoulhrm Sub Inhhmun Mimi and llvlllnh IluHZIlDflIlOUGH Cl lrlmo Mlnhlrr nlelrnlmker mm Imp today mm the Ixcnrllnnd lrmllllomll Cnunrrvnllvlun In Hm lwa lnr wrMun pmvlncrn whm Ml pnrly has wand llldllrfll war nznlml llrunl Social Crrdll pmvlncjnl Idmnxlrnlllom Tho Constrvnllvn Ma were Inyln lhnl we hnvn ur News And pollclu plllnmd 1n mu Unllcd sum lulu any thamu could he nml lll Ime was aplkcd Puan wnnt hmr any more about it The prime mlnlslnr hnd charged lhnl lhc Llhnrnlx wcru mmnxihlo or mun Ilnry In Ncwxwuk mngndno crillml Mr DInItnbakcr PM Says Western Attitude Now In Favor 01 Conservatives The lecral lander spend much hIssomlnule address Tuesday night In vigorous rc ply lo churns being made In Prlmc hllnlslcr Diclcnbakcrl campaign lpcchu anld It ludlcmus or Mr Dlnlcnbukcr lo my lhe Minml obstruclrd Inrllamcnl Inst session In speech aver Charlullm lawn lelcvlslon station CFCY TV carllcr he said mom nu possibllily the Conservatives cnn arm government They wnuld 1er seats In OmanIn nnd elccl not more than llvc or members In Qucbe government cmnrglnu mm the alccllnn nnd IBM avoidance of another minorny party xilun Ian mnjor issue In lhis clcclion he spoke confidently leml vicwry liighwuys In the Kilmcncr Walcrloo area were lrenchcrou following reeling rain and hail John 14 of St Catharine suflored Iraclurcd pelvis and head and internal ln juries whnn slruck by provin clal police crulscr as he dnshcd emu lh Quccn Elizabclh wqy eran 42 at St Thomas was taken hospital In London alter he suflmd se nous chm Injuries whm his car mllnd over an Nm hlch wayncar London tree weakened by high winds and sleet loppled behind aRusholme Road apartment house In Toronto damaging on urn and truck soulhwcslern Onmln Tuesday abated early today and rising lcmpcratum mellcd the coat ing of Ice on sheet and aide walks The storm was accompanied by thunder and slruck hardest in the TorontoHamilton and London areas About twn inches at now tell In Saul Ste Maria in two hours homes were dark and whcn hall shoflcircuilcd power lrnnsfarmer in East York Township Wvlrmmd warmly III nld rrrmnul lrlrmL mlm pnmkr Mlle Fm Dnlmn Mr hlrlmhnknr Imvu In prom nlon down he mIn mm May lo llmltr lllmllnl Un llul uluhmnllnl Alden mml hln Indian amp1m mm In In millmunlly drwlrd to mull lvuxlmu rnlmvrlm Mr Ulclrnhnker unnnunml MI Kmrrmnrnl wan pmmml ll momml In lnlmduce an Indrll plan xnvrmnwnL mkrd lnnm mmlurl planning Iml mnlltcl reunlrh lnr Imnll hmlnruu ln urller mhu In lho cnmualun ho Mcde Ibo Uh cm unmllullrd hunucr or power pruvcnllnl the IMrn mcnl mm Inlrmludng le hud and crnnnmy Mnmulnu lruhlnllnn by anlnl ll nm In Ulllrl lrln rrllnwlnz ho nudltnrlum lun dammm ureterln pm at lymnnalum UETR SEVEN VHAHS CALGARY AP laven Ycar Icnlcncu wan handed Tunn dny In Ilnl mnn tvnvlclld In Inlxnrys unll xlrl lrinlx nrnu Trcmhlny 41 wnl mn vlrml of lvlnn the null nl nnulnullan The call girl lrlnls Hume Thundny Franco boycolllnu the anion cnce ulnce ll opened ynar nxa has not conï¬rmed report that ll lulcd nuclear device Mon dny lhe l7nnllon dxsnrmnmnnl cunlcrcncc Cnnnda India and he Unllod Iunb republic lolncd In the prqlcsls Sovch Ainbnundur Stmyon Tanrnpkin nugrlly dLnnunccd rcnch In ulna mtcllng GENEVA AWThe Sovch Union chnrzcd lodny hm he rcporlcd Frcnch unclear as In the Sahara helped to dcvclop am far lhe Western power nnd was condoned by lhn United sum 1M Alxicmlmvcncc France search and rescue centre am ciala reported Iha plane went down In rnln norm near his Ilullnn lawn and hm were nn survivor Snow was 1311an lhe 3cm The plane carrlcd seven members the kings staff In cludlng scnlar nf Ihc Snudl Army and nineman crew n1 Brllnn nnd Snudl Arabian au WINGS reported The Come 1V had carried lhn king to Nice Tuesday from news Ihcn munnod In plck up nlhcr members his parly It was an it way back to lhc Riviera resort when dlsasler struck CUENO Italy APlA jet liner carrying mumbera of Klng Saudla entouraga crashed Into maunlaln loday killing all 16 persons aboard search nlliclals rcportcdl nle Saudl Arablan monarch was not aboard Soviet Denounces French Aims Test Robert Thompsnn national So clul Credit lender uld last night the old parties are hacking into socinflsm Spca mg more lhan 500 pcople at rally In Banit North Collcglale Audllorlum Mr Thompson sald he Progresslve Conservatives are moving lo ward Emcdicnl sociallsm Kills All 16 Plane Crash Mr Thampson was speaking HERES out 500 From Barrie Region Attend Social Credit Rally Mn and Wu wuuld have rrmHnmd Inpporl the ovrrmnrnl the xnvcrnmenl had Irlrd WI wnnh rd the namnmcnt la clnrlry Ilrfmcu pulch ltl lid Ihs old lmdirl lyrlnl drum mw hndm and NIH mo order ul lhl Hume Nu nnld llm muon ho Zï¬lh parllnmcnl lnllrd Ix btcnule nl Hm lurk lclrlmhln No ov rmmrnl Inn 11er an murh III lhc lruurnnlvn lonncrvnlmL he mle We urn ml llm aux 01min mny uvvrrmnrnln WANTED ACTIIIN THOMPSON MAY RETURN TO BARBIE ON APRIL nu ma 10mm hnve 1m Cnnndn or porllxmln thewhrro The condition an In Um wn tnnnul en 5mer or pmlunluu or our own rhlldml nu Hwy raw mu cnuld get lhl tnunlry growing nnln lhcn In 25 yrnrs mm nuw uhul uur chlldrcn wlll hnve will nnlhlng mm mm In what wc him In rrl nllnn what we hm 25 tan Rnlcrrlnx economlc Chung Mr Tham son luld Cum nun dtllcd alr cconnmlc prin clplc louhe born at all He lnld lm mun nnd lmtnl cummian nl flu old pnrlla Me mnruly smoke cream lo cloud what the real luuu are Ilnclnl Cndll Lender Robert Thnmrlnn VIII make AM rnmlxn wurh In nun AMI an mmllnn nmadml In larpnmlan um lnAIAI mmclrnt Include hm The CDC wIII vmvlde mlka lrlmIIrm mmm lnr um My Ind on Apr ï¬nal day or bmnIml cnmwlmlnu TM In In momma IM Hoard nl Monkd Gamma mIIn prothlln pouuw Mainbl mn um um am More Mail plodle Mr Mm mud tho monument NW NW mm awnu at mm mm an MRI Ila undu mmmw mmnflvï¬lmkï¬mu Mylo mum Int nl MM urinal Inmu mm mm IL III awn137mm The real Issue In this lcc Ian lendmhlp The mend Issue Is gelling the economy maving uguln ALT CANADIAN Referring lo billboards lhnl my Think Cnnndlnn he mid Lon not only think Canadian Icl Incl Cnnndlln One dlsllnzulshlni Icalurc lhis clccllon In the number people who have not yet dc cldcd how lhcy wlll with The only vole that will be last on Aprll II lhe vote that didnt vote He mid that aver he Inst Ihrce your aur majur polillcnl parlics huvn mlnuxcd to male an man at Canada that Can ndlun urenql progld al Appealing lo members both old Hm parlch Mr Thompson snld wmlhcr you have been or are Llme whclhcr yuu have hccn or are Consurv llvc you are welcome to Jaln Soda Credit ca Credit lender sald We look back to 511 Wlllrod Lauder What he talked about what need today It Is lhe samu small liberalism lhgt itslnlo Soclal Credit Today an age when we can produce more Ihnn we can use It Is anungq abundance It no accxdonl that lhc lwn western provinces are debt tree The people so tagclhcr and seized theirprnbpxq He said Yaur government goes bad nnl bncause bad people made it lhal wny but hecausu good people lot It happen We pr concerned abaul what we are going In leave In our country lnr our chlldrcn and our grandchildren in support of Willard Kinzin Social Credit candidate for Sim coo North Dave Miiien inr York West Alex Mncdonald Parry Sound Muskakn Robert Pink ney Simcoe East and Liuyd Cumming Dulicrinsimcoc and Mrs Margaret Eisam Oxford Alter bringing greetings irom his home lawn ni Red Deer Alum Mr Thompson agreed with Mayor Les Cooke um Barrie is Canadas most beauiiiui most progressive cily SQQREbs CONCERNED Nul Man Than Par CopyIE Pig Cunmllnns btllrr np Clearing Thursday tomorrow summary llnnlu Ml clllu rumnm wrll We nay tlnldmu nllnwnncu would hmuuhl luv ll endl Mum 1hr nnl mrtl brains duran Hu rhihll rtlurnllnn Hwy um In mull mu mm muan and HM whrn my nu pomI lhu Couwrvmlvn ho rnuw my lhouxhl ll wan lnr ID Hood he munlry lhry MM Ull mmnmlm 11m whru wn wlerrw Imr lumxul he lmurrvnltrrs unltl nuw yml nrv Lib ernl Mr Thompwa MN win lulu murny and he luv ml in lo ln Rel ll Mo lhry do In lhu commuan mumrlr Nu wound up hl mlulmu Ii buuqurl or Ilnlrlr llnnlu In lmn of H19 nriuml Ill clllu In IF mmlvy In Ill wylmnwy an rillr Me to Local Weather flu rcmrmhtr lh pn llc Inn lhnt promise ynu Mun Mr Kim gnlmv hm In Aka out of your mckcl book ho lo My Liu ll 10 you SflCMlJZE CREDIT Lcll mclnilzé mxr crcdlt WI have nlrcudy minlncd our cur my Mr nmnlpmn mid Old nu pcnslnm nmily IIHOWJHLEL mm unompluymrnl insurance Me lypr nl vycllnrc He mid Money scrvlco and conveyor to man our noods Why do my lry in do lmy this thing Um In he an swcr Is qmsnnn wm rm cd wilh loud npplmm 1n oxplmnmg bocial Crcdl money pulley he said he mnncy In In brldgn over which lhey more he good nul tho bridg Is on nnrrow nnd the nod cnnnol be moved quickly enough They call us lhe Funny Money party In 5015 Credit only ask that he mnomy perform its uncllo What xnnnclnl nlnro or Cannda he askrd We cant gn on we have been going We are In dimculuu We haw more people out at work per ccnlaxo wlse lhan any other country In he world in wrong for people lo con il this or their nwn personal gains We and in came hack to lhe understanding that Canada is not just mndc up peep ni Engiish backgrnund or pcopia of French batkgraund made up at many diilcrcnt kinds ai people DEFEAJING SEPARATION Mr Thompson snl If we had the lcclinx hung proud of being Canadlans we wouldnt have um cellng or separatism In ï¬ucbcc II we had the lead era Social Cred is dcfoalln iopflrllsm in Quebec The people Quebec lumcd their backs on both the Libmls and thcngomcrvalivcs Have Iho nld parucs allnd My answer Is ch Im not talking abnu Individuals but about policies The real problem today that the old pnrlies have failed in hair responsibilities and It Is lime the people awakened to the fact Today Canfcdcrallon show Inx horrlblc cracks in lhe laund allnn The Lhemls said over and over again they wancd to over lhrnw he governmtnl Mr Thnmpson said fls no good throwing mud That is why he lmlh squad backfired When you lhmw mud yuu lose ground They couldnt even keep lhclr awn parly lugclhnr he snld tonight Sunny on Low might High 37 For complain turn In page two