Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 19 Mar 1963, p. 4

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may 44 mo LI ul tannin roman 0mm dam in nu doc vnm In Cumin mu Nu nu Innu mum MI ma um hm In Hm um AmhmInI Tull mum and In vlymlfl roll mun Iundul laly Ilnlmn uvlL IIVNIHI WALLI llllll INN Ilyllflm nu II IllllllllN Mnul III Hull lull ll AIII WILIHN Allllllll ml IIOIMII Iul II lock MIII In Dnlliln mum mi lurlunnlcly In lrcslllen Kennedy lllo Unllcll Slam has man who llllnks carefully boloro lw ncls Cnalro and Ill nnllllnwrlcan Alnlo olllclnln could be lrlllng the lrulll when llmy nlllnn that The Unllcd 5mm naturally enough does not become amused nl lho idea of any nlhcr counlryn nnllonala taking pol ahols 11 any American boat emfagcd In tho pursull of its purcth cnllnu She has both me ruwrr and the resolution lo prntcct any up of horn on he hluh mu and will vxcrdso both glvcn msnn lo do No one including the Presldent the United Slates known whether Rus sian or Cuban Ellots were aboard the planes nor whet er or that mntler an shots were red dlreclly the boat Ne ther It nor lhe lwomnn crew were hurt PLAYING IT COOL iEvcning Pairioi Tho American peopic are once more in high 51an of emotion generated by the accusation ihnl iwo Cuban pianos Russian buiil MIGS have fired upon an American shrimp boat operating in the Caribbean The Northern Advance March 12 1903 Formal entng at Royal Victoria Hospital took ace Thursday March with large concourse of people in attend ancer Addresses Elven by number of ro minent citizens ev Dr McLeod St Andrews Church gave short history of work which culminated in erection of handsome new building on Ross St New hospital will accommodate 3040 patients whereas old hospital on High St could take only 20 All private wards furnished by church societies of town also one by Guthrie Presbyterians Total cost of lot and building was $20000 Miss hic Lennan superintendent is grad of Phil adelphia hospital Barrie boys lost the hockey championship final at Paris Ont ario 61 The Colts won in Barrie 31 but lost round Score could have been higher but for excellent goaltending ot Barrics Thomas Some 200 tans travelled by train with team to Paris There isnt vacant store on the main street That speaks well tor Barrics prosperity Concern expressed over amount money being bet on hockey games in this district Some allegation heard of play There are many people who believe that Ontarios assessment laws are In need of revision lprominent Toronto buslnessman ls one believes that the method of assesslng property should be changed Speaking to the Canadian Club Burtun presldent of Slmpsons Ltd as lserted that assessment rules Iald down Zyears ago by the provincial government work agelnst sound development today because they ald the person who lets hla property run down and hurt the person who Impro hls property gAssessment Lavvs May Be fIn Due Need Of Revision GOJEAES Ago IN BARRIE Basis of the Sinosoviei ideological dis pute it should be recalled is that the Chinese branch of the Communist camp feels that Premier Khrushchecvs policy Emit Examiner In light of the recently revealed ideo logical rift between the Soviet Union and Communist China the apparent willing ness of the Canadian government in grant major trade concessions to Peking hopes of making further grain sal es is strange to say the least There are many eatures of the Tar onto plan which do not aprly in many other smaller cities Baslca Iy the prin ciple underlyin the entire situation is the same It is at those who make any effort to improve their property not only Mr Burton was speaking as the found ing chairman of the redevelopment ad visory council which is concerned with the redevelogment of the downtown core area Toronto Providing Rope To Hang The Barrie Examiner Walla Pubushe OTHER EDITORS VIEWS DOWN MEMORY LANE Published by Canadian Newspapers Limited 18 Bayfleld Street Bum Ontario busher Brian Slught General Minuet TUESDAY MARCH 10 1m 4m Norlh nay Nun tl Never In the history this country hu ll hcon morn nrctmr or each It ollllml pnnlcn lo prm ucc rlunrcul Inle lgcnl downlomrlh platforms which can he ully umlmtoml by tho publch Ihll ls doflnllel no llmu or vaguu Ind evnalvu prnmm II In Inn for rumplqu imnuly nnd lhn klnd of rank 0drllmrl 5mm whlch AIH m1 10 drum hu mind my fan Me Jaw ch the plum lhndl on flu luuual the FACE THE FACTS thgtnnn Adynnccltmcx Dcspllo all tho noclal nervlm wo can Invent tmuch lm pay tor Ilncu thln la human loclcly the man guy wlll always on top In thorn any point whnluvcr tn trylng to pretend to our klda whether they are It the lop or bottom or the llxt Ilmt competttlnn duclnt ex Int It llnl fad WA phase 11 ono of the Acts lilo In my cvcnl Mr Kennedy In playing cool an ncllon whollK conformable to ho nnluru mnn has already ahown more lpowerful pcrnom HIM na lrn whnt In prepared to do once he evidence in clear The President the Unllcd Slnlcs has good reasons or dislrusling Cnslro but ii is no unlikely that ho credits llw Cuban diclnlor with more lyrnlna limn have his pinnca firing at ilillo unarmed American liming boalr oulaido of Cubun errllorial waters the aiiack upon the shrimp bout it it was an attack was not the result of their or ders Whether or nnt sumo at the tire eating members at Congress like it or not Castro was found to ho toiling the truth when tn 1001 he denied having anything to do with the seizure of three American commercial planes landed in Cuba None of the pirate turned out to be Cuham are being offered as much as $200 to throw game at Orillla Deputation ap peared at Ontario government to ask for abolition of Boys Eerormatory at Pene tang Ma or Bo presided at Town Councl Plan studio for new gov ernment wbari at too Bayiield St Re sidents of McDonald St asked terxran olithlc pavement between Owen and Mul casteri Contract was awarded for weigh scales fool of Toronto St for cattle mar ket Mr Creswicke claimed for damagies to his cutter which came in contact th hitching post on boulevard of Miss Part ridges pro erty Grand Master at the Grand lnsonlc Lodge in Canada Judge Harding paid visit to Barrie No Barrie lodges Kerr and Corinthian held banquet in Masonic Temple The bachelors of town are planning ball for Easter Members oi the AntiCigar ette League of Central School number ing about 80 were entertained at tea by the W011 Town Council problts vo hicles being driven across Queens Park On account of poor ice horse races on bay cancelled this week Editorial decried the increasing rought violent dirty play in hockey This smacks suspiciously of providln the rope for ones own hanging and wl ugly to boot Slated very simply thus the Canadian government appears to be leaning over backwards to please with trade conces slam the very country which is urgln its allies ii that in point of act is stil an appropriate term to get tough with the west Canada Included of enceful coexlstence 15 too soft on Vest It provides another argument in favor of revamrlng tho entire tax structure of munlclpa ltles so that the cost of so many needed improvements both public and private dont fall so heavily on the pro perty owner In his recent budget speech Ontario treasurer James Allen spoke oi pllns to gravide tax incentives for industry to eip them increase employment and pro ductivity Commendable as this is it may noggofsr enoughh it any wonder that in larger cities slum areas tend to devalog It is aur ris ing that many uniavora le conditons cause deterioration of some areas in smaller centres because oi laws or prin ciplea enunciated when our standard of living was lower and the situation was entirely difierentgthan today in many augerways pay out funds to get the Improvement done but their reward or doing so Is Ingm assessment me and subsequent ly igher taxes cgmg PLATFORMS nuvrhmdor who all an my duh ml Mm II Thmlor unl much pnlnl In leu loo mnmnrd am chalenlml or oflm lull In lhe Hm an dnlnt Mm HI olhtr Im lllnl Ihlrm like ullln mm mlu wouldnt lry In lune um In nrnhxun dmnl hnn some hcmlnl on hm nunrkl ll llulllll up condfllnn In hlfll IOHII portion In rnmnnry hum lulu un mm ennlly hnnmn cloned Ann mun hull lllnrk Ilul now It look ll Ihn nrohlom nnnlhrr wny Tho nuanllly 01 MI we onl can In flmnu nu amount nvpoullul In My mmInn 11 lmnunl lnun 1m In Unorly Arnh uphml hlw lIud lnr lunl VHIMII an mntllv Mn nunl Iml hlubbtr whlrn no hluh In lnll llul lhn man lmrnvd Im mmh nl II In umlu ml In hwle lhclr lwllu vmm 111m mnl murh Ml In mm In ml llnwrvrr Hm uldrnra mm In by ulld lhnl Ally Inlr Ihznuu cholulcml In on Am lmmd In In plume or 10th depolfll whlch form on or In lhv Ilnlnu our nlzrlu Mr Ihe yam lhm la miu lndullly Inmlu Inlor mm flower In 0H TIIII ll ullud Alhmdmv or Ihlrkcnlng Ind hrnco pur tlnl olnlruulnl ullrln Pmonnlly Ihlnk lhll Iho cholrnlml lumr hn cum out hind nm IYr Mnlnm My hus hlml and grunt lnvon In crum In mmmer we en Ippraxlmulcly two unllom week Frltnds hlVl laid me um real dtfll 17 Ice cmm can am In muth tholulrrnl In In blood Illerchy ruulllnl In hum Illacks mm In your oplnlony MR8 IL Mnlurr MJL Dr IIuemxmv scnlor ofllclal cl he deparlmcnl Igrlcultun here he maln rlnx of this lemmahungry win and valuable con Mbullon to this world wldo project Ike Iain 25 000 by he Cunndlnn Junior Red Cross to let up school Kardens In lhe Sudan when Sudlneso chlldrun can umw vegetablu run Ind luludl MIsz LIVES Canada hnwevcr Is one Illa donor nallan Inlereslcd In Freedom rum Hunger Week Thll Iveyear project Aimed ll rnlslng 810900000 to up loll help project In llko number at Nunlrlcl Asla Mrlu and Latin Amarlcnnol Io Iupply hem wlgh cur food but to leach hem lo mducc more Ind mare uulkaho and from lhplr 0an resourcex OTTAWA Freednm mm Hunger Week belnz nhservcd acrosa Canada lhlI week la appmprlah Ihal attention In Ottawa has Just been caught by from page story In In Kirkland Lake Nurtham DaHy News about hunger tn logging carnps In Northern Ontario IO YOUR GOOD HEALTH OTTAWA REPORT By PATRICK NICHOLSON Bathroom Scales Give You Answers Observing Freedom From Hunger Week CHECKPOINT CHARLIE élurnl hum MM ur hmy MM almrmm upth Mum To my my nl thlnllnL Ihl bllhrmm lulu mm Im runn1 um lurnod thlllrr on dmlumol Dru Hr Malm What flu vrvper IM lur woman ll yrm nld llvn Inrhu tryMu II rl Iny lha humonm Inch win 1qu ynu ml Inswor le an uvrrwrlhl eul lluwn ml ha lu nranInml nlhlr Wm ynu ullm lrlm and and III ml of ymxr In II unuhlo Ind ynu uu up unlllrirnl rnlmlu llmm In and All of your law rant Inyflyn lo mmnllin llmul ynu lnnw nlvrlho loo jlxh Inf on law In Idd you ml lnln pnrk thop lrlod polnlou Hiltkly wrud bull baron Inr brullul In you In car lalnly mlan loo much chnlw crnhpmlutlnj mmrinll and ynull uohnhly pay for II no with hurl muck Hun In Io plhorbw aur lwo nIlnnI week or we pennlr trnnllulu Inln pln mllk dny hr each nl ynu man or less hul Ihnll cl ough flu lrllaw who xtln mm exercise follow cw olhu nlmplo mlu of haullh and Im welth wllhln inlr muwrit doubt lull much Med worry nbwl what purllcuhr klnd mm mm So now ltln cl back to lnz Ito crrnm chomltml Ind um nn ex erdne Ind dnunl lenK much lnflucncl wllh m2 Nel mini too much III mnrdlm how ha fluk with kind food hi can or he Hvinl tondlllom Dr Truman tell me that ha ha lumellmcs had occallon lo pun lhmugh railway Italian ur In Ilmorl night Around mm the In eller mu lo plck hlx wny clrclully past worker dosst down on platform or lnywhcre under cover Thus are men who have came in from the country In lurch lhe Iverage Asian wnrkcr hm diet amounting to 1500 calories day This compares with our awn average at 3200 cnioriu and the British yard stick that an active worker will lose weight on dlct at less than 2500 caiariu day Fur thor the Asian diet like the Airican iI deiiclent in the load which will build bane end Itrength Tire Asiatic ante largely March end this diet inhibits grnwth and tail tn luppiy the needed xtrengthening node in the iormative yearn btlwtqn and drive Canada HI ofllclnl lllle ls secretary We Cana dian Frctdom ram Hunger Week Commltlee 0n Ml Invels In Asia he has seen at llrst hand what mum to be chDn have nol country pldun not typical of thin lush Innd But the contrast Ihown how xrnldul we would he or what we Ink or Irnnltd Dr True mun believes lhn Onlnrla lax xen normnlly ell mnro food In on day Ihan an cnflru Alln nmlly mm In huh ck cqusr mm Tho Ilory 1mm Klrklnnd lel laid Ihat logger had quit some camp ln prnlcsl unlan ml len llvlng tondlllom They were asked to sleep on plllaw less cots wllh only wom un washed my bllnluu or coverwhlch la prclerable lo ma hnrd platform Some were led on hum Ind egg Ihm Imus day lnr olhm meal canalslcd of heel Ind pouum will bread nnd nyrun bolh dlm prtfcmbll lo lho Aln bow al rlce The avenge yurly cash In come agricullural worker In India and Pnklnlnn anyl Dr Truman II In him the monthly cheque to Cnnndiln old Ill pensioner work and have no home no wnrkm camp no bunkhouse THE CANADIAN PRESS Canada and the Hailed Slalel aimed an sarcoma in go ahead with construc iian oi he Lawrenca Seaway 21 yeara ago today in mi 111a massive un dertaking was completed in 1959 and permitted deepsea shipping to mom inio the Great Lakes This elim inated the need to unload cargoes from ocean going vessels onto smaller ships able lo navigala the various canal along in Law rence River and the Lakes 1m The Massachusetts colony was founded by Enz lhh xetllern Mira go mg TODAY IN HISTORY Natural GAS Ybu EStill Can Beat But bulk gran would have cemln very definite advan anus is unlikely we will ever be able to do away complekely with tho handom system and reach the Ideal when every government raise ll nwn rev enues The greatest one of course being lhnl would force mu nicipalities libbudge slrlclly Many lime say may d0 lhix now But they alwuya have So law years ago the cen tral government threw up its hands It bulked all IL exlslinz lub sldy payments lntn one genus grunt Then told the lacnl governments here ynu make out as best you can with II It In all you are gelllnx Tho system an firmly bedded annaw that is unllkely It could ever be completely upmled Thm were the nme pres Iurcs Indllnntlnn and moral dissnthfncllnn as then am here Abnvn all then was wane MADE BULK GRANT Evcnhially wc mlth WE end up doing lhl same thing here By DON OHEARN TORONTOfile Unlled KlngA dam may have ulven lead on one of nur real problem gnvemmenl lodny lle Ul got deeply me the gun lyllem belore we did And ll ls Ihead In working it my out 01 IL For year pruvlded local Kraut fnr health education Illervlce and other purposes fun we do run into the ume trouble we lllve Local munlclpnll ties were Ipendlng money freely and hen nsklnu the central government for more an mat ter of right gynaus pm VICTORIA GREY TRUST COMPANY ORILllA TERM yr AMOUNTS $10010 $50000 Municipalities Eye Olld Uncle PayOut PAID ON GUARANTEED INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES INTEREST M170 Hut Illlll he ll In an llxhl Ind hlmh hi bmlher LI In darkneu oven until now lJohn 29 Dive 01 our fellowman th hallmark to genuine reunion an eye on old Uncle PayOut up here and dont watch lhalr spending as closely as they would ll they were dlgzlnx mme Into lhelr own pockatl nnnnnunu unnnla There are oi course futon on the other side oi the picture One oi these il equality One the prime purpose oi provincial uranium one oi the few reason on which me can really iuetliy lhemil to level nil rd of education health lervice etc They are intended to he weightedrw that poorer area can have It lens minimum standards compara ble to more wealthy cammnnb ilu And the first equality ls not being very well met naw Alslst ance hu grown so large and has been subject to so many polltlcnl pressures that the original concept has been largely lost and the present grant structure ls based largely on expedlency BMCED GRANTS are mippondla fake imme ch weigh Iaxallan 011 ml make general Inn would meet his second purpose BIBLE THOUGHT 741557 of gmmehlhe mnlg HEB100M HMSWI II WW mm lMllFSIMIIIMIIIVM Immummm Mm MMMIIMH In this hadronn well like in mantian 0m Iiilg Insit pfltia MIMIan Irma ym wally fill111mg and lrurlyz II tan vanth at as

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