was munlthl Infihlp nul rmlnn nun war In no Iommunlly aldnl ml hm Udmrviul ml Enllmou haw nnly am Mme Milled 11w lnrwnmllnn In Hakim lhal hrlow Hm Cup Duml 2v mm palm Mum mmlum Inln Hue Inulh dnluhln Ihn ICllmnn Mm my mm lmme hy Nan mu tlflflltl he mm mm wlll pull their Incmim rm lhe Mm nl lurmlnl ma Ilnml lulrrnurm and pm In MUM mmrllnfl uHIlrl In lllll Drucam umkrd lhruuuh lwn Inlrumlrn whn ll tumnl udrm liuhlmn Inlo nlllln lixklnm nml vlu mm lurnrd Flrnrll lum mum and ml lnln he lwo Imhlllm nltrll and EHIHIIMHHA rum mullh Inm nnmllnm lylw linullnh nlunfl will we mm Exllmn 11m rnnfrrrncc Hull llml Dnnlll In lhrlr brunt with Mr lmlr vmmy ml and mum ullh he lnlul In muqu mm llm llnrdy ICI lxlmul dlMRHl lnlo II mlljrcl nl mummllnn lhln ymr uprrlx prnHtl II will he mam lhnn 31000000 Unlll Ill conlrrrnra wan nr gnnlml by In nnrlhcrn nIlnlrl drpnrlmrnl lrw mopl hnd rwr hrnrd allmx They nprmlrd In Hulr own llllln innlnlrll romnumlllu Ifllvlnfl HutIr nwn pmhlrlm willlnul hnoulnu olhnr mum were dc hm Um nun lluinz Ilu doing crcryuinu mm xklnnlnl mulkml hulldml hnum One In In Eskimo nuw ml nmnhnrship In lhm nrunnlmllmu hm yenr Ihey mld uw worlh land Tnoprrilnm unheard In the narlh Ive yrnn Igo now are In hlulnou In 10 ummunl For ll week he Eskimu and about no whlm peoplesome norlhcrn ruldcnls Iocnl unv ernmcnt employees and hal tcry of northern alluiu experts from Ollnwnunl nrmmd con lmncn lnhlrs hm la make no parts nwnp Mm and chew out problth In the In cnnlmnca cl Amlc cnopcrnllu Wm everyone Izmd rrsnundlnu uxcccu FRONSHER BAY NWT CWEskimo dclcgnlu mm fnrllunx Arcllc communlllns wlll an oul over lhv blank er ran lo lcll lho lnlk back home how llm coopcmllve movement mluhl cllnngu the Inca 01 ha norlh hnd fits Brtndu suggesmd her brown eyg nnclng wilhdclight nk you ll Ind any cam Gnll remarked at which Brendal taco Icll allzmly but here an old dcscrlcd mail somfwhcreln the wood Eskimos In The Frozen Northr Learn About Coop Movement The lwo glrl so out arms Ihe Held towards Ihe forest Brenda lumcd In her Mend and Bald cxcilcdly brought small flashlight with me so we can explore caves She palm the pack her Soon DI lunch was packed and Gail rcumcd 1mm her phoning Everything In in she grinned Fine Go ahead MIL Mun rix agreed Mrs Talbot up the road has lnvllcd me over for lunch so nobody wlll be harm Gall dear you had bellcr call your mother and tell her you wont be home for the meal Brendnl lllerea soma Illccd cold luzm In the rerrlgcralor that you can use fur sandwlclles Ill wrap law than cooklcs or you We are mom Brenda xurcd her with nod of her head lhal sent her dark pony tail bnunclng But weve deA cidcd lo nkc some load with and have plan In lhe woods that all mm with Mom Is chen Brenda laid her chum breath lessly Come on and well ask her The girls mnllnued dawn the hall Into the large and sun ny room when Mrs Morris was busily ï¬lling round In wllh Ireshlybakcd cwkles Hello girls she smiled though you twn were going on his maxin Brenda on and Gail Lun sing ran quickly up the long ireeJlnLd drive Together the two iiiicenyenMids entered the house noisily banging iha scregn dopr behind Ihem They resShed lha shelter at THE IEOUQE gN HIEi WOODS In flathonomed bowl mix Iogelher unu egg with few grains of all on teaspoon angler and three tablespoons of Cut allce or whltabrcnd lrlm all the amt neatly Dip the bread Into tho an mixture RECIPE FRENCH TOAST gums JUNIOR cooxs Edflorl Nola Thu Chlld rcns Cnmer new wukli lulu or boy and this THE MYSTERIOUS MESSAGE French Toast Easy To Make CHAPTER ONE THE CHILDRENS CORNER By CJM Elnonnoloapln lrom Fra hIsher Dny lnld about lixhlnu cnop mm dovclapcd Imokcd Arctic chnr Char uIll or pound nnd Ilnco Esklmns dont pnrucnlnrly like ma mnrkct will hrs In lha whllu mnnn lnnd Businm ll loud he told me macInn lumber for knyaks Now Ihcy hnvo kayak wllh oulhqard mo on vapors an nd anything he muttered Qulckly he an Ihe shack hls oolalcps dying awny Brenda pressed up on the lid nnxlously but her wars cm were cnnflrmtd They were locked lnsldnl Néu him In um ol Iha trunk n1 MIIll Innn pm Hm Im um rm mm branu my BELL The npprouchlng loolsleps came nearer and enlered the old shack Brenda rnlsed the 11d of he trunk crack and new hat was man He was munlbllng to himself and seem ed extremely annoyed The Joel Brenda could hear hlm grumble when she slrnlned her earer He umhled In his pocket lnr somelhlnx and brought on small abject Genlly Brenda placed lhe lld down when the new that he was about to move in lhelr dlrecllonl She and Gall pressed down lhey heard hlm come closer and closerr Then he lnscrled key In lhe loek ol the trunk and turned ll heard pounding along the path Both girls glnucnd at each olher and sllflcnnd Than Brenda painted lo huge open chest against ho wall and they mndu dash for IL flnpldly lhey cllmbcd In and lowered the lop Jug In time Gnlh look at Me It Isnt the lens bil dusty Bren dn was right It was absolutely we dust whllo the window all next to It was canted with grey film Funny Isnt Brenda rcmnrkcd In low voice glnnclng around Perhaps sumcone has been here only shgrl while also They stood pondering lhls curlgus pmlglem when syddqn Wld all yaw rmM Iuy hwy Mll Inmllon It um yuu wally MMI7 ml Irwin III1 WWIIMI KIWIll HMSWI the wood and followed wind lng path lo the Interior Gall had no explored the woods or long llme but at last they dlscovored the abandoned house uverxmwn wllh villus wenlhA uredby wind and mind They made lhclr way to he warped door which named on one hlnge and stepped inside Everylhlnz was old tmd dllnpgdhl Havn mulhur heat wellbut tered trying pan When It hut put the bread In Brawn both sides Use spatula la Iurn It over and to take it out when It done séévéu hot with ielly rcclpn maku one servlnl Then um over Ind can the olher side too ram lwelu It wlll run every Tawny STORAGE POSSIBLE TORONN CHSurgery pl iienL may one day have their blood removcd nnd siorcd re placing iha need or blood transfusions Dr Blue low oi Toronto ono oi Can ndnn lending heart specialists said Monday nighL Dr Bigo low who commanded be Cow nndinn armys iirsi blood irnnl iualon unit in he Second World War said the blood would be pumped back into in pniicnl at tho end oi the operation LITTLE Gilli DIES FORT WORTH Tex AP lamein liming had been liv ing on borrowed blood evcr since sh was lllrco munihs old Mondny til 12 silo died Pum eln would have been in July Docion mid Ihe luiiercd irom hYPOpinsiic nncmln ma dis cm inn kept her body LOSES HOUSE TORONTO CF Molly Slalner twlco Jolled and once lined for opcrollng day nursery In controvenllun lo zon Ing rulu In suburban Etob Icoke Monday 105 Ian pos session or her house Possesslon was granted at 0510on Hall lo Paul Brooks who with Mn Ellznbelh Wynne lent Mrs Slalner $3600 for third mort gang on tho home In January 195 Tho Meeting Will Get Underway At 730 pm Wednesday March 27 At The Slmcoo District Cooperallve Store Be Here Early As We Can Only Accommodate 250 People lmo vnldy lml Imlmnl Ihrnbl mu run mu uuy II lhl end III cnnlu olour photo almoll III um ol Ihruhv mm ymnnIII mum Im mm lhll will In Ilachd MI Iqu THERE IS NO CHARGE AND NO SELLING THE MEETING IS OPEN TO EVERYONE REFRESHMENTS WILL SERVED OPEN DISCUSSION AT THE END OF TALKS BRINO YOUR PROBLEMS WITH YOU PERHAPS WE CAN HELP FERTILIZER WHAT TO USE lANDSCAPlNG YOUR HOME Dulm When la Ilm Whll to am IIth Haw to Add on Cu lml Childs Crossword Puzzle Evening Includes Short Talks 0n 259 INNISFIL ST Mother nicknama and behold Afternoon short form can Christmas French TV dog Nuisance Ships part Lasso School book Opposite old Look ï¬lls WORLD NEWS IN BRIEF AWN GARDEN SHOW ACROSS SIMCOE DISTRICT COOPERAIIVE THREAT ENDS FORT MACLEOD Alla CF The Inst lwo dlphIhcrla pnlIentn In the lsalnllon ward In Fan Muclcod hosplml were released Monday Dr Walker who was unending dlphlhcrla pn Ilcnls In lha hospllnl snId hope Ihnla lhe end It flpuln TROUBLE AGAIN CORNER BROOK Nlld CF Buwalera Newloundlnnd Pul and Paper Mills lellcd mny have to back to twoweek Ihuldown the company Ind cated Monday following the re jection Md to settle Ina Naw York newspaper mike Bawnlul spokesman laid It may be necessary to close down or two weeks but the company wlll consul us New York sale olflcu More maklnz flnnl de cLIan lpulur SEES INVESTMENT LONDON CF Franco Bernstein general manager of development curpnrnilon It up In cue economic povem In southern llnly nu arrived In Britaln lo try to pcrxunda In dustrlnllsls and flnandm to In vest In tho Bren mm manufacturing an ade quate supply red blood cells She rcqulred at least one blood transfusion mouth RUE Spaces Number Sewn Sword Colour New Brunswick xhnrl 1mm Tree mnieelnl Unit of measurement To act Untldhles Sleep Lighted Khan next weak DENSMOR MR COUGHLIN Downhun Nururlu WI Wm Rlurvo Soul for Thou Who With To Do 50 IIudntllu Fleldmn An Acre of Free Parklng III Mnh um nusm Inn inanim MADE RECORD MONTREAL 1C The larg est amount over raised In churILv campaign by Cann dlnn Jewish mmmunlly was gathered by lho Combined Jew lsh Appeal In Montreal In 1962 The total $890 wu 95 per cent more Hum was raised In ha 1961 campaign BREAKS LEG ANTIGONISH NS CF liiagr 50mm president of St Francis Xavier Univer sity was admitted lo hospital Monduy following all on compusl He sulfaed double Iraclum ol lilo right leg The accident occurred during snowstorm when lilsxr Some wan wnlkinz lmm hi usldcncu in his ollices IT IT LUCKY MONTREAL CPD Seven children shaken up when their school bus ioit the road Monday cmnaunder immediate medical attention The vehicle came to rest against the doorstep at Dr Rene Masson in suburban Riv ieMesPrnides He provided law bandages lor bruised limbs and some consoling words and everything was ilue JOE BOUCllER DEAD OHAWA CP Funeral services will be held here today or Joe Buncher 65 weilhnown Ottnwn pianist and entertainer who died Saturday He was brother at Frank Boucher ion mer National Hockey League star now commissioner oi jun ior hockey in Saskatchewan OUT OF HOSPITAL CHICAGO AWClyde Ken nerd Negro who once tried unsuccessfully to enter an all whita mum in Mississippi was relensed irom the Univer sity oi Chicano Hospital ch ncsduy niter undergoing air dominnl surgery Kennard en tered the hospital last month alter being released from Mlsslssl pi prison Because oi Kennar illness his sentence was suspended indeiinitely by Mississippi Governor Ross Enr nclt BACKACHE QUIT UNION VANCOUVER 1GP John Marcus Western anudn Pres ident at the Structural Iron Workers Union CLC has re ulgned ratesan United States dumlna on nl the union pol Icicu In Canada Marcus 47 Inld Monday In Ill becnusn ha and other Cann in ofï¬cials were not consulted on pollcy de clslon made the Interna Nanal unlnns St hull Mo headqumen etc an annual budxcl of Galm keep the zoo npcn seven day week with Iho assistance 01 24 keepers He estimate that mars than 2000 000 persons visit In 00 army1y1 mm mm my Eva with my huge our budget Galm said my Job In an easy one We hava neither weather nor tame problems and with uur the assortment nf animals lhl makes the zoo ytnmnund gnuaction The 100 locntcdvfl seven lrlnngln In Cenhal Park Its very rewarding Job Gnlm Mid Ita just like taking care of lame familyand has allntlla apmo prqblq Galln has he wn or 27 yearn the 1m as su 50f Just lhl month pnld m0 ur Ish done Galm laid with sigh and the mother of our newly born requires vltamln 8150 dally Galmz hmlly consists ol 250 bird and no mnmmnln all with tremendous appetites He Is supervisor of he Cenlral Park Zoo NEW YORK AHJol the last ls year John Galm has attempted to reduce Ma 2me budget But Iry as he may lhu 10M blll average more than 500 nmonlh Park Zodflmeans Huge Food Budget lIBERAL OPEN lINE TONIGHT 1030 CKVRTV CHANNEL WALTER GORDON and Panel of LIBERAL CANDIDATES By Popular Demand Another Wm Answer Your Quesflons About The LIBERAL PARTY FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL lntroduclna Mine up Iha and council Mr Stewart said the terms rdemnca for nuauafl one oi he citys two zoological arkx Theolher ha much amer Bronx Zoo NEON CmA pmvln clal toad Idvlsory council will be alven aulhorlly under the public lnqulrlu act lo Investl ante some or the rumored trade pracllcel Agriculture Mlnliler Slewurt said Monday Food Council Invgstigates Publllhod by Onilrlo Liberal Aneclulon Wheat Manhattan Mn PA 66531 Dwell ur wflhdmull mum CANADA NTRUST Into Illl mu ï¬g lfl aqua 4HN DEPOSIIS Coltuluhd on mlnlmvm nullify balmn to he produciinn processing distribution and handling any niricuiluml ur horticul iuul food product bu snicL Hausa mu muuu mumng The council to comprise lens nve members represent nrnduccrs nrncemrs distribu tor and cansumm Amhaniy will be given to nvcgllgalo qnynmnllur relaglng the councils work would be broad comm on mlnlmvm mum huhmm Dwell ur wflhdmull ul any DImI