llmlc Wumml lmel Av mlnllnn um umnw Mm 111 umliulnln nupllon and route ymy In held 11mm my mull Trinlly Imll Hull ham 10 In mo OCIIKI Mn man nmmwr ml ll whhh Ilnlph flnrllmu umIMMA of llm cm leh will apnh Mlu Cnml Anna vm In Mull bride elm um aunt mhcollnnrmu nhqwer mm mmn Mn Mnrlmnnld Donald sum Frlduy utnlnx Pnrly nun Included Mu llnmlllun Mn Ilmu Dnnzorv Hold Mu Trlhblb Mrl nul all Mu Twlu Mn mllwy Mu Gray Mlu Mulnnln Wrnl Mu Jnhn Chuhb Mn Hundrrnon Mn Non ManhnnlsL ll wu moivrd lmm Mrl llnlpll Smllmw Mm wnl unnhln lo nllrml Tm MIXI rlrcl II uluuuhlern Xrnup nplnln and Mn Frank lllrh MI INIHH MINI TM Inldrlvmulrlrrl II Ilohrrl Hrmlrnnn Ian Mr Twlu am he lulu Jnlm Ilen drwm mic Mnllr Im Ilran 11mm ll lhn mm Mr UII nnunmn crrrnwny April SOCIAL NOTES INHIMILHIHHVHH GROUP CAPTAIN nnd Mu Frnnk Richard Wm burn an nounml the enznumml lhelr daughter Mln Cuol Anne Wm In ohm Mum dcr lnndmon Inn Mn flu ham Mr McKecn alder Mu James Katnun Earth an March 15 1903 Mrs McKee was the armor Emma McGlInn Gravcnhursl youngest daugh ter lne Mn and Mn Edward McGllnn but man The dcsccndnnl oi lhc Hrs of lhe district pioneers and his ulie had all but ans their nine children at home er the rcccplinn Thvy nre Arlhur Mc Kee Penman Thomas Kce Minrslng Alcx Sandy McKee liiincslmz Jack McKee oi Barrie nos Mama Dallas Texas Mu Eider Edy an Toronto Mrs Richardson Margaret of Hol lon Mrs Andrews Hulda oi lilnerlng Mrs Guy Joyce Snn Francisco who was unable in Miami hecnusa ul 11m in lror family Manda and rclnllvc the celebranlx gathered or the spe cinl occasion lhcy were ground by me coupla Ihu door of the home which consumed an the land spilled by lhe brida moms arealgrandparents ax proximately 117 years aga FIRST PIONEER Mr and Mrs Alexander Mc Rue of Mlncslng celebrated the diamond waddlnz unnivnrsary In fnrlnllllm sclllngx ANNIVERSARY LE mums Mr and Mrs Alex ander McKee Mlneslng an shown at he reception held In lhelr honor yesterday allur nnon The brldu L1 wearing COUPLE PLAN APRIL WEDDING Couple Celebrate 60th Anniversary 11m BARR EXAMINER MONDAY MARCH NIH and Illa Hundcrmn Burrln nw ding wlll mu place It lly Anlliun Church It ncIMk Aprll tha PAvcm Mr McKee hu been retired hbout 20 yam but almauuh he will won he 69 he still lake llvzly Inlzml In Ixrlcullure Ind arm llh In general Mrs McKee ll mr very ncllva mund Iho home The brldelraom wan raised near Mldhum and allendcd Ichnol there He his many mom oriu tho earner days In ho dmrlcl well are planner lllu old to him by hl mglhernandnlnndpnrug The couple mt while Mr McKee worked In Gravcnhum and may did not take up gen eral larmlnz until they rclumud from lhn weal Ind named in Miles your Iller their mining the couple Iravclled In western Canada and settled in Alberta Mr McKee wnl in business there In 14 yam In Lamont 40 miles an Edmonton Mrs Mcheonwlll be Bolon her birthday on April 18 The bride groom will he as on May TITLED IN WEST John William McKee of Midland brother of the bridegroam was present or the anniversary cele brgllan yvenlerdny bézdegronm ll me cldut son of the late Mr and Mn John MgKep ol Mldhurst BABY BONUS cnaou dress blue Chantilly lace over mm complemented by III nrchld cottage gift of her niece Mn Verna Graves Wondslock Examiner Photo win and Illa John on Bmln mu place It TrlnA Hun Church IlMo Aprll Photo by AND as mom ran DRAW 03 $3000 courou BOOK DRAW To TAKI PLAEIVAPRIL llh Cash Your ma The reccpllan was held at the home at lhe couplal dnughler Mn Andrew Min alum Outofrlown guest Wm yreunl from lnronlov Wood llock Brucehrldxe Grnvcnhum Midland Pennant ml and urrnundinl communities Congratulalory mount were received by the coup mnny lrlcnds Ind relauvu Among the Hon bouquet melved was bouqunl red mm am lhcir dnnzhler In San Francluo Tm celebnnls have one areal Irandchfld HI Dianna Thompson of Dallas Texas whom he bridelroom II du tended on hla molhcrl alde were 1h Hm Mlllm it Mine alng In new Coming In this counl 1mm England they wnlkc up mm Toronto 15 yam balm they cut the 11m mud on horn Enrrle Dump lhu plnnl out ll old pol by lurnlng the pol upxlda down and lapping lhe rlm tho on the edge at the bench cepan your linger over lha roll to prevent lha plant lrom Ialllnz Place some place broken flower pen or pebbles lo ensur good dralnn lhu new pot and Add lllle loll put ln your plant and Add snll an All Ildes lirmlnz Hus roll wllh tha Inger or narrow llal of wood and by lapplnz the pot on the bench Do no 11 lha pol completely hul leavo lnch It the hp or wnlerlnx en purl loam wa pans peat plus am pm muen manure Ind lwn purl land Soil Inr pullan planls can often be pur chased from mm cenuu or Iloru IelIlnz harllcullural mppllel at our store Allhouah repoulnl Ihould he done whenever necessary the but llme In the spring any hodicullurlsls with Ontario De pmmenl ol Airlcullure Hausa planls require repolllng when lhe plan has grown loo Inge or II pruent conlalner and he pot he hecome full tools or when the loll has Income cxhausled Ind Ihe plum In no thrlfly When repnfllnl nlder plants My cqnslslinz of sev Next heal here reassurance throulh the column Since you have cut down from 2600 cul nrles day to 1000 calarlea you have 10 durlnz hens two wuks probably flvn pounds The reglstmllon of his Ins hu been poxlponed due to wnter mention lmpoulble to scale dawn whcn you an relulna water In the lluuu Howmr this tullun to In In temporary Whanhe water whlch II being am In the time leaned lll so dIucouraIlng to Map hopnrully on the mica day alter day only to Ind ha gamer II the name hlgh mark Id our cormpondan liven her nddreu would have tele phnned long dlalnm min her Ionhold an Spring Is Time To Repot Plants By VIDA JEAN KAIN Im Ioblua could jusi cry lhil and long camq imm dieier who deipile curbinl calorie and exercising ann iully has lost scant two pounds infliwo whgia weeks McKlNNON FURS 150 Mluimgl Shoo Em KEEP IN THE TRIM ORILLIA 3262736 Faithiul Dieter Is Discouraged Water Retention Is The CauSe ll Dunlap PA mu Sikh REBUILD FIRST FORD LONDON CPD Appren can at Ford molar company are bulldlnl replica of tho Hrs car Henry Ford buma mlla an hour quldm cycle1hay hope to hnve It ready or July 30 1h centen mflol 1h molaan planecrl and lid Doublwul comm llan for cool quiet openlion Olemm whlu wllh chum ncunu Wou lenlurln Ihh KltchInMd pomqu dl wuher ulnamind Thur KlchnAld or mry Huh mry budm ROBINSON HARDWARE lelnl too much wnler Am other common came Wller unly when the roll shows signs becomlnz dry Too much er lllzer wlll alxo were not In jury whlch wlll reflect In the leaves rlhe but corrective ll rape the plant ln lmh sall One of the most camman can or unthrmy lnnh LI pom drainaga In Ihc Mom of tha pot Th drntnm hole onen he comes plugged with nail l0 hit excess water clnnat dnln Iwny This alum ml to dzcny To current his candluan place the drain mllfllll In lhI bottom of tha pol New Amibl will klnlnln why for ll Ind Guided Action wuh Ind FloThin drylnx lhu muh lnnu lghmlfomlglnlntedor KitchenAid PORTABLE plsnwnsuam Al the helinninz reduc ing diet lhe unexpected oiien happens Usually the more overweizhi you are the flier you will lose in the Mining One homemaker who wu diei inz with her husband felled in lane for period oi almost three weelu in the meantime her husband wax xolnx mat on and had loat total of 10 pounds On Monday morning the homemaker decided to Ive up Dieting dlanmed with heri She had slept poorly the night before became her aleep wu iniErmpled by many trip in the blihroom The Anen mornlnl almoal from om oi habit lhl liepped on the Ionian To her ulier mucmeni thin dieler had lost ï¬CéW Tho dietary way to counter act water Mention in to my up the protein ll Hell of the ï¬lm muls to us nit Iplr ugly and to avoid Iweeu from lha cells then Illa pointer on the acne will plunge abmplly Water drinking hal noan to do with water relation la Important giggly ol um mun Impanlfll to drink plenty wlter whlln you In dining II noted in thabody In Imlll Individunl 11 Al the In dnwn on or energy Iha dropm In the call dlmln at but lhu IMO when the an be lien up with wmr Not unlll no wmr Ilachlmd the 10 uted on th IC When um water law Inca In million In cells Imunans only the chnnze In might dramm 11 pounds nemlnnly ovemlm Ilnpoulbll No Hm the uphnnllon ITOIIE IIOUMI ll MI lln Welnullyl mu to no rum Miss Allken 54 who wu nm eluted as szrmlve Conserv allvo MP for York Humbor In less and was relurnad in 1957 and 195a and defeated lull year decided not to run for om um Inn TORONTO GP MAIlust Allkan Tonunto who hu re tired mm pollllcal Illa nrm 10 yam member Pull manl hu been named mch director the Canndlnn nul lute ol Publlc orlnlon Cun Ogljup P31 Envycm dunlnrcl omboaï¬tsti collon pvlnt wllh an adgod 103ml oluco Pink hint or Inc anM or Ex Femlnlno luxury flny prlce Retires From Political VLife T9 Direct Canadas Gallup Poll Skipplos alylod alrdlon of llohlwolaht Fownr Not Satin alaalla tron panel given extra support and In duucaloly embroidered or luxurious touch In aim or WaislM slyadlong Iogpnnla ginla rwymm Bnopnnlu girdn will wnlslbuml WaaIlna llylnd brnlmea glda $1 long logpmlia plrdn MM waistband $3 Luca paml pIdo wlz zppor waatband hupnnopanlognlo will xlppar2 mhrbml Mm Allken who ln 1959 looks In the Common Ilalml bill topmhlbll ubllclllon oplnlon poll be ore elecllonl will work wllh another woman Brrnc Ho Sudan on lha mutum ok of plumbing pub lic oplnlon on urlaly armor Tomnlo Telegram columnm the member the United Nation Human mam Commlnlon and will take up her new lob me In April when the return from wglemnelï¬ln Genevn IO DUNLOP ST EMT 398 FASHION FASHION COME FOR PLOWING MANCHESTER II OP Sydney Bridge at New lnnleWlllows Lancashlre will manage Britains twoman team for he World Plowing Cham pionship beinu held at Caledon OnL next fall Mu Sanders ln announcing the appointment Inld aha had been running tho Institute director hem or five years and happy to have an mnelathhu commented mu aimllar Institute In mm 31 countries Canadul willbe the only uno run by twu women lublecln pullllcal Ind nun political 7567 $$$$ 50 12 J0rmï¬t THAT GOES