Placards llelll urging ban ning ot nuclear weapons were wrenched trom young pickets uucrsa neon nary prcxaraa by the men at right moments alter this photo was taken out side the Quebec City Armory whereldheral leader Pearson was attending rally Lib eral pickets in background triedto screen the Banthe hornhers earlier UP Wire Checlt these values against your needs then hurry to EATONS in Barrie Shop Early 149 BEGONIAS Flmufinl double camellia mixed Colours Scarlet Salmon Yellow Red Cop par colour White Orange or Pink 10 bulbs each about 15 to In diameter cappor Special bag at PEATHPOTS Thirtysix pent pols in plastic bag Special bag Di PLASTIC POTS lumbo bargain assortment Pack contains two pots three pots three pots tour pots and six 28s pots Special assortment pl 18 SEED STARTERS assorted In plastic bar Special baz DRAPES Polyethylene plastic lined with pins lie ulourn Vinr Ilrnwn or Turquoise sire about at 71 Special pair DRAPERY TRACKS 11 lllltk His 71 rltllllcrtl Culllplele with rlul brackets lrrllue and trrnrlret inrhttt in tube Special rompieto DRAPES lined with pins olu titre about RODiESS nururs Culluu tlrgnluly ninurl ltcrl vl tiulrl rulour Biro about rarh lllus hpcclal PAINT anusurs Film nllun bristle brush In popular its wirllll Special rolls PAINTROLLER to luctcprcrod rullrr about Tit wide Complete with metal paint tray Butrial hit census lirvwila cale curtains and valence made at rutlun salirrloth Grimm iled Pink or laid colour Cu about 12 Valance about photo rs annals alternates MONDAY MARCH rs ms Scoredieader Says PoliCies OldFashioned By BRUCE LEVETI PENTICION EC CPiSm cial Credit Robert Thorn son said Saturday night Cans is operattna on policies which came out at the ram cen tury and is led by men who came out oi the First World War Speaklu to on persons in reoreet ahsehool auditorium Mr Thompson blemeddeck of leadership tor many at Cang adaa problems Leadership is the Issue in the icderai election campaign he said We dont want one man leadership We dont want anything to do with dictatorship whether benevolent or other wise lodey we heva two senile old parties unable to come to thisd zrtps with the issues he as Mr Thompson said the take over lensratton had not yet taken hold to give Canada the political and economic leeder ship she needed dthe speech wpunld uphill eye campairnng trust the Oironsaan Valley in the heart at Social Credit British Columbia The choica tor Canadians he said was between his party and the three debt parties in his travels by car through traitgrowing ridines Mr Thompson has advocated closer economic union with the United States policies to lead the Com monwealth oil the gold stand ard monetary reiorm within the country and action to de velop moral leadership inCe aadlan public lite it was monetary relarm he stressed Saturday night as he said Canadas choice in the April election was social debt or social credit Canada was built in defiance of all the economies experts but they did ll because there was vision Confederation need not be showing the horrible cracks that she is at the present time Social Credit la the answer to separatism Arabian Causing WASHINGTON AP The West eyes the Arab worldgto day with misgivings 0n tho surface the test would appear to have gained trom recent upheavals in lrnq and Syria Communists have been hurt The West once again could 11nd ltselt facing desperate situation Eventually the Arab world My he in for crisis even more eontused and dangerous than Sues in rose and the brawl tng emotion or rebellion and chaos which sparked US troop landings two years later in Le lumen The ditterenco this time is the Impact Soviet oil as an economic wartaro weapon The 1956 and 1956 crisis irre perlled the flow of litegiving oil to Westem Europes industry but live years ago Soviet oil was not yet In position to in4 trade forcefully Since then So viet pmductlan has become cold war factor world Concernfe taking 600000 barrels daily at Soviet oil in 1961 This and cuts Arab and world rices is an attractive politics iure tor governments wanting to provide cheap tuei wnursr SHIRTS Really White WRIGHT CLEANERS Ltd Dunlap West as Dunlap East PA 65531 Western Europe alone was NE NLY UESDAY MARCH 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 TAILORED PANELS While Dacron ciat each WINDOW SHADES Roomdarkencr type made 01 plastic cootcd cellulose iibre White only Size about 86x7u Special each Sire about 36xBl OUTDOOR LIGHT FIXTURE Grape design trusted glass shade Black bracket less bulb special each LIGHT BATHROOM OR UTILITY BRACKETS lï¬l curved rinse shades with ivory colored hark plates Less bulbs Special each BED LAMPS Plastic shade In rich walnut tinirh less bulbt Special each LIGHT BATHROOM BRACKET lhile trosled Klnsl shade and while bracket lIrtenrls to it Takes one bulb not includ ed Special each 149 149 149 149 SPORTING GOODS UTILITY BAGS Marie ot nylon with Iutly llpprml top Colours Nnvy little or ilrnwu with Willie hhnlhllee Mill hindlnu About lune Special fit oulasiatigts with alpprrrll opening Colours avy line or llrown Kprclnl each HUNTERS CAPS Ainrle nt tied nylon CrintlmulIntrr Hard as eartin 8ch Me to Hpeclnl each BICYCLE aasurrs llrnvyzauao wire lhlrkly rualwl with plan llr Site about 15 Clinic at Itlvl or lllur Special each 149 149 149 149 CHINAWARE SALTd PEPPER SHAKERS Cotwrieu Ila Ilth metal laps Special put 149 SETS OF BOWLS blade oi earthenware Special aplece sot Colours Blue or Pink CUP AND SAUCERS Driprziared earthenware Brown Special or only cprrugrtg Earthenware Special each SALAD BOWLS With York and stone china Spec al set CAKE PLATES in vegetable design Bowl made at Iron stlor earthenware with glass handle Special each 3SECTION DISHES Earthenware with cash souther ptastle handle Special Assorted colours ler sire Special Ior PITCHER TUMBLERS SETS piece set right Mr tu ters eight 50 Special set maria 01 plastic pitcher tumblers HOUSEWARES KETTLES Nonsratd aluminum SpeetaL each COVERED SAUCEPANS Aluminum oplnl also Spcrlal each SAUCEPAN SETS Alurnlnum pint aim Special apiece set DOUBLE BOILERS Aluminum pint slur Special rash PERCOLATORS Aluminum otup sire dental uth FRENCH ERY SETS Aluminum llltlt bnlut itpcdai lel HOSTESS TRAYS Aluminum Else about lllt diameter Boo rial each CORN BROOMS Four Strtnl mmmrr tipped style mini and lit 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 Shop in person CANISTER SETS Made of sheet steel lilhoxraphcd baked tlnlsh Colour White with Copper Special piece set ROASTERS Blue cnameltcd metal Special each CLOTHES LINE PULLEYS Aluminum with nylon bearing Special each CLOTHES LINES Plastic Colour liiue About me ciat 100 length SHOWER CURTAINS Plastic in assorted patterns and col ours Special each PUSH BROOMS Fibre bristle head wooden handle Spe rial each AUTOHOMEf ousrrns For use In home or on car Special each STEAK KNIFE SETS Mirror polished slcel binder plastic hen dle Special set at it KITCHEN TOOLS Stainless steel with lnlrnwoori hun Ilcl Masher lorlle lwotlne inrk turner slotted turner solid tumor bnsllnu spoon or sloticd spoon Sptclll any PADCOVER SETS Pull on Feltray raltun hark with Sillconotreated cotton rolbr Special set LINK MATS lllarlr strip rubber Else aianrt it tlprrtnl each CARNIVAL MATS htulllmlour onlllark ruhhcrt ï¬lm about lots 25s hprclai mh PATCH MATS Wool carpeting Asrnrlnt rulmus no two elite Him about 127 Special urh UTILITY MATS Multlmlvr nylon Sire about lltalot Spotlat earls SCATTER MATS illrnd at VlaroaraerIaratlla nn aint mud es to sip prevent ray as eolour Sire slam Wm Sprrlel esrh