Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 18 Mar 1963, p. 10

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WM RMfl Mr CnouLHc said hand llurl telling llm public that In unto prumlled 5100 nonlth divldcnd In every cl lcfl CHICOUHML Que CPI null Cnouclln deputy lundcr he Soclnl Crcdll puny hnd hmcr ward or Ms pnrlys cm In at pollllcnl mlly In Chlmullml Qua high school Safurdny He said thch already cleavano hctwccn Quebec and cum pmvlnéu because the ummznnco ul Social Crcdit as 93mm force hm they Quebec cop Ihls wlll help make more evl don the cleuvnxo bulwccn Que bec and the MM other prov ing suld Dr Cfiépul spake during the convention hen at his Quebec Republican party KENOGAMI Que CPI Gcrnrd Plcnrd chin at the New Democratic Pnrly In Que bec said Sunday dlsugmemcnt an the nuclear arms Issue has Ipm the rank of he three mgr fcdgruljnrljgs Banks Divided MONTREAL CmSepara Hsl lender Marcel Chapul said Sundly Um slmnglh Ihe Sv tial Credit party in Quebec will help the causo of When Inde pendence mncralc Party was aha only one wholly against nuclear arms It also recal niud the two Hans French And English Canada wm unable lo understand one nolhcr on the pmblom Partl of the other two pnrll pa have new chm Denies $100 ler Pland lold federal electlon rnlly In this Industrial lawn ll5 mllc north at Qucbcc Clty that he ngrcsslve Con servatives Liberals and Saclnl CIEdR all began lhe elccloml campalLn In hope of seeing their present leader replagcd 1hrer ln 1m lltllu mmmunlly about Imlles southwest Quebec Clly nnolhcr Progresslvc Conscrvn llve government wnnld mean lloor prlcca or all arm prod uct to allow armors to know year In advance whal lhelr Incnt would be Speaklnc later In his homo town 01 St Gilles also In Lab blnlere Ille WhLlfl he again candldate ho snld lho lecrnls new no slnccre ln lhclr cam palgn and the Soclnl Cmdlt no serlaul ho sald The Liberals dldnl hm any pollcy on nu clear arms he added Mr Ollurlcyrcllcralcd lhe Conservative pollcy on nuclanr mm Definitely no In Canada or overseas as long as not nulled Already Split Since becoming mlnlsler Mr Hurley said the number Frendupeaklnz pclsnnnel In department has risen in 18 per can mm 1s per can Abs total say Frenchw Persdnnel Risen To 28 Per Cent muncnom TRAIL FORTIERVILLE Que DP Dclence Production Mlnlsler lawman OHurley lold about 50 Iannun French and Irish descend Sunday that he has maria hicullurallsm work In hll degamngnt And he presidents and gen eral managers three of Iiva Crown corporation undu hi1 control were of French demni he said adding that he person IlLv maimed them Ha mid mum vnlhnrnfl in ll CIHI 5L Thu IA HI 0mm mum Wu Plum um 04le Muralm It out never said lhul he nnld Ho nnln um lho Icnn ll BARRIEEXAMINER Honky man PK Clundlml anywhere mo Nlngm lam up to $300000 or mom for may worlbwhllo wings Why dont you Tza dependable aaurco of Cash mam munc conmv numb READY CASH for car repairs SMFIHS REPAIR SHOP wwwnlmmwn Mm ma mum an nnn nanmm 00 mm mm momn nn IAulcuhtnllnl mamumaum rlu dbyKlan1umnmdnmlullonl mumuInmmwrmxmumu mu In um lull vmxx uh In uMIllon mu ummnul punyn llhmmllla mun4 mum lulu on unmx Hun an but but In If BACK ACHES mr KIDNEY mousmmmo ma numu vann an health de pnflmcnl said Saturday mtnln lny ducks lmpurled mm Japnn had been found Io have he arsean conlcnk In lhe palnl cth Sammy Charles Yilhur Jr sluld Inbarngory lesl amnlc and lend on tha surtuco lo cause rucllon in child who placed Ihn toy In In mouth TORONTO CF Shlxcru Due emulate dlrcclar the Japanese hade Centre In Tor onto said Sunday hl agency will check with its Unflcd Slates office to dclcrmlne any lay ducks reported to have been matcd wllh prawnnun containan arsenic havo hem bmughl lnlo Cnnndn it was Mrs Taylors third such experience She ell in the kitchen of her home while liv ing alone in November 1961 and lay helpless for 24 hours few weeks inlor she slipped on newly waxed iloor and was nnl rescued by neighbor until hour luier Mr nyor was sulferlng from shock but dld not require hnspllal lrenlmenl She said she wn unable to sleep but kept herself warm by runninz 110 watq ingo Ihe hnlh She slipped while slcpplnz lnln Ihe lub Thursday morning and knocked herscl uncon sclous Japanese Ducks Tested For Poison Mrs Agatha Taylor was ms cued Friday night when her sister Mrs Edward Mnhnn 66 named lrorp her Job Falls Into Tub Helpless 36 Hours WINDSOR OnL CPlA 225 pound 61yenwld woman lay helpless or nearly as hour In lhe balhtub aller all at her homa here The separallon would result In the next Parliament havan three spllnler parlles Inclucl lng Iwo Soclal Credit parlles IIrI mber the last Parliament Ior Montreal SI AntoineWeslmount told luncheon meeting Ion puny workers In Red Deer consIIIu cncy lhal ma separation In Immlnenl In Sonia CredIt nnkl belween lender Robert Thump son and deputy leader RenI Cn unenc RED DEER All 401 Canadas next Parliament will have three spllnter parties ll any large number at Saclal Oredllm are elected In the April federal elccllnn Charles Drury Ihe mel partys dale said Satugdq All heseficoplc attacked SoA clal Credit policies without Howipg the ABC of our pal cs nanclal shark and blood suck ers to dcsulba Eric chnms president of Monlmaland Canadian stock Exchanges and other economlsgs who hm attacked Social Credlfil mana upA lhcorhas II mu Prediicrts Splinters II ii Clark 0n inslruclions from his superiors Const Scull did iail In line viih he pm posnl and carried out an under cover invesiigaiion wilh in quenl repori lo Commlsslnncr Clnrk until May 27 mm From iima io lime in that period Consl Scull advised Consl Wright oi he daics oi impending raids on the Centre Road Club Cooksvlllc and iha Ramsay Club Niagara Falls Ont and was paid ioinl oi 81013 lhn Jusiim wrote The dilhrHcy gencrls de partment was not lnlarmcd of the Investigation until March par lhe en gl John Anderson head of lhevnml gnmbllng squad who took the mallet up lo he OPP corpmlssiogmr Each pollcmilnn insVin ceive $200 month for Ike serv Ice ho sald EfiCOUNfEiI REPORTED Consl Scull member 01 lha OPP nnuvgnmbllng branch was appmnchcdjcb 1960 by an uthur OPP constable and farmer anllxnmbllng sqund member Wm who proposed that If Scott wuuld lnrurm erlhl the times when club would be rallied he would pus Ihellnformullnn on to he upcr WM ME Jusllce However he added the sec tion of the OPP ofliccrs In al lowing Consl 5an use ac curate lnIormallnn lo provu hlmsell In lhe operators were motivated by their zeal In at lempdng to put these clubs out ibuslncss The appeal court Justice said tho principle that lhe polim cannot break the law in order in eniurce it wasstill valid in English Jurisprudence po co man by providing Inhrmallon about lmpendlng raid to numb llnz club operators was aiding and mum them and became pany to link oflencc tha pmvlncna oneman myaljcam énlsslon on crime concluded hr ay Mr Justice Ronchln his report tabled in the Ontario Lezisiniuro said an filmmen by lop OPP niflcer mi Const 6mm Scan supply ac cumin iipoiis to gambling clubs wn wholly wrung North Collegiate Tues Mar119 pm JuStflicef Says Tipofféf TocluhfsWas 5Wrong You Will Also Meet The local Men You Owe It To Yourself To Meet And Hear This Man At Iponwml By Slmtoa North Am Dulhrlmllmcu lulll Cm Pmln maqulm CPAln unden ON THE THOMPSON TEAM THE CANADIAN SOCIAL CREDIT WILLARD KINIIE Canadas Dedicated Dynamic Statesman Is Coming To Barrie RAllY EVERYONE l5 CORDIALLY INVITED TOIIATTEND request by commissluner Clark that the invcsuiatlon he continued lo the end of that month was muted however with lhe decision that on May Wright would be arrested Irrespective at what might tnn ser between then and the end the man ConsL Smlla report to his superInn May is concluded At this point ha Invullw Mon have arrived at time when am actuallycaunrelunz OPP constable Gunmen Law renco and Kenneth anorla in their method of laklnfl bribes ed that am lending mm to Inrlher Incrlrnluatlun of than me men In my naming of RC Vrlght There were no lmpmpcr mlntlonshlp an In part official ha allamechn ernJa slam vlnclal Mercurys department has followed an honest and sincere policy Illegal xnmlng has been subslunllally Minced wllh the decline of Joseph McDermoll and Vlncznl Feeley Dcpuly OPP commissioner James Hnrtlcll should be re moved and the usefulness of Insp Allan Stringer Pelcrbamuzh has ended May 11 conference In tho ailorney genmll oiiice Mr Justice Bunch Mid tho almrneynenerai look tho posi iinn that Commissioner Clarka nmce would not permit him in he party to lhis invuulation any longer when commissioner Cllrk wank to sea Deputy Attorney Gen eral Common and he then 3an general Kelso Robert who said the lnveau zuflnn slgguld granted TORONTO CF High iighls of the Ontario roan commission on crime report There is no avidome of syn dicnto or monopoly crimu in Orrlnrlo but organized aamb ling has at time reached staggering ilgnrcs ONTARIO CRIME REPORT THESE ARE HIGHLIGHTS WILLARD KINZIE ll0YD CUMMING nu elcclou Dullorlnslmrm will mm In lake Itlwmlui honing halr undldnll Anyd Cummml Mm Ipuhlnl lumnrmw nluhl will In Willn Klmln your flotlnl Cudll Clndldllb lur Elmcm Norm MEET BOB THOMPSON twu The two crlmu Involved In Cont Wrights pmposll warn on th bribery 01 Scott IN the other the unllwlul activities of the opernlm of the club Mr Julius Roach laid Scull did pmvo hlm ml by living accume Into mallon during lha whola mum hl lnvuuxnllon not only to when raids wm mm lo lake plan but to the 11m when men would be no raids memly gretcndly Appolnlmcnls to the OFF should be madu by the com misslomr rather lhln he cnblnet now to lake the force out of politics If the commissioner by In structlnl Scoll In In In llno wlth dehta proposal thereby mean um he should mg to Wright accurala InlnrmHUon lmpendlnz raids then must say um lnmyo Inlon he ought nol to havg go trucled him Mr unite Ranch posed him 511 the question Was Sm legally Justified in needing to Wrighta proposal which in volved giving Upolfl to Wrilhi which could be pissed on to the operators at the club And in tonalderalion which Wright and Sean would share lhu hrij Slltter sentence shuuld he liven or gambling convlc Ions The commiulnn rec ommends closer liaison bu iween the provincial secre lnry and police In nveninz misuse of chinlets De nrlmental ulnllnns shun be lightened lo ban juggling club membershipv vlca on whey chum we lofibe Md There was lrnlllcklng In number or club charms by gamblers lncludinz Max Blueslcin uLTornnto In handling social club chartv en but mm were ml hnndlzd 1n the past Eurler Sydney NS on his way here he made annlhbr comment when man at re ccplion shouted out Wheres My ST JOHNS Nfld CF Prime Mlnlsler Dlelenhnkcr smiled bmndlyv smurday when old of report um the lecrnl pany wlll dishnnd the truth squad that been allowan hls cleclllun cnmpnlgn er squad which began last Wednesday to keep Inhs an what ll called In accuracies In hl speeches was nowhm In evldcrnconsalnrdny Ab 11s great Ihlnu when peo 1119 find lhu mm In two days and lhcn mlum lo lho place wlfncf lhey cgm My an aflporl weep on his arrival hero he mid the squad ca Ismklnglhglmlh May Abandon Truth Squad Anne ONclll 15 of Bull more Md kssu Ihe ring at Francis Cardinal Spellmm LLOYD CUMMINO KISSING THE CARDINHLS RING Sen ynur Tnvrl Auenl or mnlm TCA All 30 Hour sum Wm Tnmnlo Onlulo ND 10 GOES 10 PUB LONG MELFORD England CF Timbcn mm mon slmcled No In Downan Sheet Londan home or tho prlmo mlnlserhnve bnen used to on large an Elizabethan Inn here Uslnl trndluannl method Sul 101k craftsmen Incorpomed he llmhcr with oak beam to can slruc new dining room Marsh Llheral MP In In last Parliament who hands he squad It has been uld lhnl lhn 1rth shall mnku you free Mt Dlelcnbnker shot back certainly freed that group New York Inc and of boat lcnuon ceremony of Ellnbclh Am Hayley Salon in St Peters Wovld WM Tuvtl Imleo 107 Dunlap Iv In Imlu hmm In lb lmlll UP T0 OWEN FIIUMIS DAllV T0 VANCOUVER For Your Rmmflunl Call Now l0 DUNLOP ST PA Finish lull days work or youroiiicolhon board your TCA Sliver Don lei illohlat 620 prn arrive in VoncouvoroiB10 pm Slay overnight to relax and prepare for your buslnoss day oneodr When you conclude your business you can look lorword lo smooih comiorioble flight back home oboord your TCA DOB lot with up to convenient let iliohis dolly to choose lromplus lhe choice oi First Class or Economy Class occammodoilonsl JOHNSON C0 lIMITED For TCA and CNR Rmmllom and TidalI FASTEST AND ONLY NONSTOP SERVICE TO VANCOUVER hours 50 minutes SIIIIeMJII BARRIE TRAVEL SERVICE AIR CANADA TRANSMNIIDA AIR MES lerday Anne recovery mm leukemia has been ultrlbuled the miraculous Aid of Mother Seton AP Win photo Ynllcan City you 525 mm hnl Cllulcnl Gmh The Lllell qu AllTlml mu Sheet Mule Dunlap arm See Us For All Your Musical New MUSIC TO KEENANS PLEASE YOU PA 66474 fiifiiifi Nflm

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