Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 15 Mar 1963, p. 7

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In the past few days have been repeatedly asked what an INDEPEND ENT CONSERVATIVE is Well lets nail it dovm once and for all An INDEPENDENT is naturally person who will VOTE CONSERVAJ TIVE most of the time because he is Conservative but who Will at the same time reserve the right to think for himself and if he feels the partys policy is wrong to CRITICIZE such policy as an INDEPENDENT CONSERVATIVE do NOT DISAGREE with nearly all that the Frog Cons Party has done while in power DO CRITICIZE THEM however for what they HAVENT DONE in that period particulary during the 195862 period when no otherparty couldpossibly obstruct them My point is this If YOU the electorate are satisfied to continue electing individuals to public office who ALWAYS agree with the Party Policy and who NEVER DISAGREEwhy bother electing anyone to represent you WHY NOT INSTEAD just buy three rubber stamps reading YES NO and MAYBE and have clerk at Ottawa merely stamp every piece of legislation the way the party wishes BECAUSE MAN DISAGREES AT TIMES WITH THE PARTY DOESNT MEAN HE HAS BOLTED THE PARTY Its always possible the PARTY can be wrong sometimes too THINK it has been wrong and the Govern ments procastination in not having ALREADY put plan of SOCIAL SECURITY into effect is case in point DONTY0ll KNGW EITHER DEPENDENT CHILDREN of above or wldows any age Each recclve $7880 per month MARRIED COUPLE each age 05 Would recelve $15760 per month WIDOW regardless of age with one chtld Would reeclve $15750 per month WIDOW regardlesa of age with two chlldren Would recclve $23640 per month These are but low of the eategorlea ualltylng tor benetlt pay ments DISABLED Includes the Ind ole WHO PAYS FOR THESE BENEFITS Well strangely enough YOU THE CANADIAN PUBLIC are ALREADY PAYING more than your Amertcan eousln by way of various taxes but you all ARENT RECEIVING THESE BENEFITS Such Inn at SOCIAL SECURITY In Canada would cost YOU THE BLIC NO MORE THAN YOU NOW PAY perhaps even WHERE THEN DOES THE EXTRA MONEY COME FROM TO PAY THESE MUCH HIGHER CASH BENEFIT57 Thu whole Iund In created by DEDUCTION of about iii5 of salary VOU are nlrcndy Enylng lhla much ns Canadian wago cnrner nnd 393 Is AL PAID by he EMPLOYERI Now as an EMPLOYER myucll It mlght mm many would no slrnnqu ndvocnlu plan that In golng Io cost me MORE MONEY ya Is If so STRANGE JACK BROWNS nm the name Indlvldunl who our yum ago naked the TOWN OF COLLINOWODD to disconllnuo REDUCED ASSESSMENT on our business so we could pay our lull share or buslncsa lnx Io ho town For those of on who remember Ihu Toronto 7an apparently never be on less Soclal Securlly ls just another name for FINANCIAL SECUR ITY and ls means of providing funds to ensure that EVERY ONEaI age 62 or over as well as those DISABLED and unable to work regardless of age and the BLIND also WIDOWS regardless of age and DEPENDENT CHILDREN andor dependent parents will receive generous monthly cash pay ments to pravide the necessilles of llfe SOCIAL SECURITY has been unctlonlng as part of the American way of llle slnce 1035 To glve you some Idea of HOW MUCH the AVERAGE Canadlan would receive under Aslmllar plan 17 show below the actual would receive under similar plan show below the actual gm laments based No1 ONHAVERAGE AMERICAN WAGES DONT CONFUSE SOCIAL SECURITY WTH SOCIAL CREDIT regardless age but overvilwyeizVérbiftfigeiv rogeggq $10500 pert month nununu tun mun BE sum TO WATCH THE TELECAsT TONIGHT AT 113och4W6HANNEL INDEPENDENT CONSERVATIVE IN SIMCOENORTH VOTE AND ELECT Durlng Ihc 105002 cm the Government had such an over whclmIng majorlly almost ANY LEGISLATION cqud have been puI through yet SOCIAL SECURITY long and conlInunlly romlscd wasnt one of them INALLYIIV15 Introduced In Ihe Ilnusc but NEVER DEBAT ED due he NONCONCURRENCE OI Ihc Irovlnco Que bee Sec FInnnclnl Inst March 1003 WHY IS IT THAT NOW nearly slx yLnrs InIcr Canada In stlll WHY IS IT THAT NOW near slx years IaIcr Canada In all wllhnut Ihls onerous plan of ATIONAL SOCIAL SECURITY so lony promsmll SOCIAL SECURITY lncldcnlally IIIHS not cancel nr replace an oIhcr prlvalo Xenslun nan lllll Instead SUPPLEMENTS sucl glans and Is DDITIO AL In any such firlvaIu plans OCIAL SECURITY ax prn In Ihe and as nupgcslud or use In Canada l5 rum ml each lwo yearsl am when necessary CASHfiEN ally ADJUSTED Io 0n MARCH 1957 presented this suggested program to Mr Dleienbaker as well as placing cuples in the hands of lllr Fleming Mr llees and several other then Federal members This suggesled program which called PLAN OF NATIONAL SOCIAL SECURITY was well regarded by all these gentle men fihe lime and on MAY Ib571uijmcruntiaker runner pledged stiidy or such 11 plan and in later speeches romlscd Canada would have tho best plan of SOCIAL SECURIT 1n the world WELL WHAT HAPPENED keep 1566 VivIll the COSiVOE LNIN having come across anyone honest enough to WANT to do the right thing classified the as both CRACKPOT and an ODDBALL SOCIAL SECURITY iS NOT CHARITY IT IS NOT SOME FREE GtMMICKI Nor has it anything to do with WELFARE as we commonly know it and against which am violently opposed unlike our present Unemployment Insurance Fund mess never Instead it is contributory system that is solbsustainiug and pays out more than it receives The benefits paid out to you are sealed to your wages during your working years the more you pay into the fund the more you get back out its that simple For example it your wages had averaged $480000 per year this is the highest amount from which deductions are made yohx would as married cou 1e at age 05 receive $19050 monthly instead of the $15 50 shown on preceding chart Not only the factory and office but the FARMER FISHERMAN the SELFEMPLOYED PROFESSIONAL people doctors lawyers etc DONT YOU WONDER WHY mus PLAN HAS BEEN go Lioncwcommc TO CANADA APRIL m7 Mr chmpeaking at Pctcrboro devolcd most of his hour and onehall lung speech oulllning the benc ills of Phn11 3nd flglvycqugg itg aqlopllor Lalcr 9n 59cm SECURITY covens EVERYONE iTlxuirmlstnkércnn be rectified In new ¥ovcrnmunL It Is not now question of party but leadersll and in la ho ho ed that some of our outstandlng clllzcna who have made llu mnrk In bualncss or the professionawlll offer lhenuclvu or eicctlon It is easy to condemn the Dleienbaker Government but we the people elected it to power nnd the reason we did so was sound one We wnnled individual enterprise back We knew that tree enlerprise economy could not eonlinue to sustain socialist welfare slnle as the Liberals envisaged we knew it mustdlend to socialism or bankruptcy so the Liberals were ouste The shot of this ottllude is that able men stay out of politics on the field is left largely to secondraters many of whom take up politics not with on deep desire to serve the country but simply no means se fagigrantllzement result this situation is that in Canndo dsproporllonate number of lawyers enter polillcs and there is on entlreiy unwarranted assumption that lawyer is specially uipped by training to take part in government Nothing coud be more tallacious The nature at his work with action circumscribed by precedent mlillaies against decisiveness and bold action counlrS were members of the legal Frolesslon The government acknowledged he need for buslucss ln overnmenl by calling ln anlneo lllcCulcheon and nppelnlcd high John Flemmlng lo the Cahlncl llul ll was then loo lnlu lor cllecllvo ncllon NOW READ THIS AND THINKI The following are extracts from the March 1003 Issue 01CAN ADIAN SATURDAY NIGHT These extracts state in far bet ter words than could create my own thoughts it is not necessarily one with an overwhelming majority This the Diefenbaker Government had during its first full term of office but it was just as ineffectual and indecisive then as it has been during these last months We rlde ourselves that we dont gel worked up about political ssucs what lllls really means ls that we are apa lllellc and dlslnlcrcslcd ln the business 01 the country 3L 9951llflXVWu lsVaTinlilrcnrnlrlfinlflifiéré llrlnnr Hal Iii chlcnbakcr only Incl probn ly the 1105 lchcclual nvcrlo told office In this We nor ONLY NEED sud aplan inCapada the tactjis YOU the workeré are right now Paying 10 fiEhfaWfiIQH WITHOUT GETTING ITS BENEFITS Canadas humlltatlng posltlon today among world poworl and tho tlnnnclal crisis facing us cannot be blamed entlrely on the Dlefenbakcr Government Our situation has degener ated rapidly In the past live years but the causes of the trouble Hero there long bctoro Dlofenbnker put shaky hand to the There Is lot talk today about the need or strong government and the talk Is understandable There ts good deal of misconception as to what makes strong government

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