Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 15 Mar 1963, p. 5

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Centrals Record Is Outstanding North Studenth FGive Parents Dance Lesson no clilnu auld Hm Unlvzr Illy Ilrlllsh Calumlrlu undrrpuld by £00000 In Ila mman grant this year nnrl mnsscd on he lnvms the murlhuuse noppinz cm and pcdcsmnnl nnd nskinu mm lo slun unil lon lo the pruvlnrlnl comm munl VANCOUVER CPIAn cs muted 6000 p1acnrdcurrylnu unlversily swxlcnlu wnlkcd live nhrcusl down Burmrd sum lulu Thursday In mass dcmonslmlion pmlcsllng insul Idem hands lnr hlghcr educa ton Thu sludenll Jnmmcd lrnlfln along the wch mnln roulu lnilhu downlan man cam good luck In worklng inwards nu Golden Bull Tournament next year and thank Mn Mossop ns coach or his wnndcrful job lhlsycn Moms Red sklns have last only three games In our year pIny Altogether the loam plnycd lwnvc high nchonl games and hnd an craze of fillyseven polnls far and lhlrly pom against In much Hume lhl spasm On Saturday nlghl ln Sud bury nur Redskins played against learn from St Chnrlcs or the Northern Ontario Illle The strong and determined op posing learn gavn our scnlor Ihe first defeat 01 the season and consequently wan he Nurthcrn lllc This same ol liclully ended he basketball sensun and we congrnlulnle all an players pr noodycnr By ROSEMARY ASQUITII Cenlral Collegiate On Friday our second Pep Rally was hold to bulsler school splri or the Redsklns game agalnsl Sudbury on Saturday Frnm three ncluck unlll three Ihlrly the Seniars played ngnlnsl candles Mr Mossop Mr Sloane Mr Nash and Mr Chambers plus number my lor student and won by cam Iorlnblc margin dance was held aner Ihe game in the enfo lerla iar nll those who attended lhg rally Students Protest Lack Of Funds group grade 11 and 12 students gave an unrcheprserl demonstrallnn ol the dance steps learned In Ihelr Il classes lor short llmc lhls year The dance Ihcy performed were the cha cho lox trot waltz and square dance Th1 perhaps proved to the Barents that launvnzers know nw Io do the old dance too lmrnedlulely lollowlng lhl dame display our gym teams both boys and alrls showed various skllls on the lrampm llno box horse parallel bars pummel horse mats and hal once beam Surety mulhods es peelally concernlng the lrampo llne were described by Mr Palmaleer Thls dlspluy shown in what helm taught ln P1 classes concluded lhc actlvllles ln the auditorlum In ihé Science labs sludcnls busily worked at dlssecung spoo flmens doing experiments and By SUSAN MACLAIIEN Narth Collegiate As promised in our last col umn hers an upiwthemin uie repori on our annual Open House held inst Wednesday March Activities began sharp Bi 730in lhe auditorium In Ihc rprnscnl the ycarboélé COLLEGIATE CAPERS CONVENIENYLY lOCATED IN DOWNTOWN BARRIE Dr Jnhn ll Mucdonnld prev Idem UDC thanked lho Illl lent or their wan hut luld lhnm lho provlnclnl govern men nlrcndy mnklnz morn unds nvnllnblc Mcanwhllo In Vlclorin nlurm day 500 Vittoria College ll dnnlu held group lcclum on Um mm lhn lezhlnllva bulldinxl In on at lhu qulclul dcmnmunllam Mr Men on lazlllnlure The dcmunslrnllon hunn wllh max rnlly nl Ihu UHC nrmorlu men mile mm downtown am In resldcnunl Palm mun money was nccdcd ur gcnlly or hlghcr cducmlon In lhoprovlncc Further along he first floor another mom will conlnln two swrey reslnumnl about he same 511 as tho house This wlll be used by lhc Home Ec onomlc deparlmcnl lo leach the girl lhe cooking and serv lnzof Amuls All 11 room have slldlng blackboard and modern lghl mg The colours are mnlnly pns lcls lo augment lhu llghllnx and glvc pleasant nlmosphere bqlh student and anchor chl years sludcnla wlll bu nble Io enter lechnlcal sccllnn whlch will cnmpnre favourably wilh nny ulhcr ln Onlnrlo For the mnchlne par of the coursr mom is equipped with car hoist and two lnrxe gar age doors One of lhe most Inleresling roam contains lnlrslzcd wo slarey house This house will be used In lench student he an of electrical wlrlng The room Ilse Is prncllcally as lnrge an IE buys gym Cenlrnls new lechnlcnl and commercial wing ls now luklng deflnlle shape Both the tin tlpnl nnd vlceprinclpal five new offices whlle the secretar lcs wnmnl new schonl vnul with builtin hentlng system hale that cold cash ml working an organlw llon pictures and plan In have the last thlrd of Overlones In to he publishers by the week following the exams ln the Mulh room 102 par ents and other visitors were in vited to play modliled version of checker against match box machine lhn Shops lmd dis play In lhreu room involving woodworking metal work and electrical work The v15 or were asked to par ticipate In beginners typing Two French classes were con ducled In Mr Baddlca mom grade and grade 13 class The sludenln displayed lhelr knowledge nl vocabulary and lhelr French books In mm 106 history debate was In full swlng the topic hem The Causes the Decllne of Rome This was presented by the students of grade 11 who have been studying the Roman Erh phe thh year The halls were decorated here and there with picture done by Iho students of the various art than One depleted the hor mrs war and one the beauty of mu tropical country In the art mom Ilsell mobiles wera hung from Iha calling all Ilia and abstract picture war II plnyed an the side bullctln board calinn or newlyhnlchea duck and chickens 1112 Quebec Wnrk xlcnnrl men has nnnouncrd nn narco menl wllh lhe nmvlnrlnl touriq huran lo preserve at least some of the brldgcs has nursed la consult with lhe bu reau before dcmollxhlnx any more them Sevcral ridges have btcn am down In the Ins low your to mnkc wny nr hlgluwny projects Bu lhe society has hm some success KDUW Iry Quebec Enslrrn Tow shlps lhem seem lo be cm ercd brldzc nl ovary hcnd nl Ihe rand that passes over In river To preserve me Is Ihc Real the Eastern Townshlps llljlericnl Sad covered bridge It Isnt much The roof nnd walls mi nus planks hen nnd there cl In the snow and ruin Traffic has stopped rldlng avcr its ral ulngll90r Buntlhe hrldge retains ms 110 charm and bcauly lhn few hlslorlc rcligs can mulch SHERBROOKE Que CW The War River nnnrby Ay ers CH like must rlvm except for me thing Its spanned by lime covered bridge qunlnl leftover Irom yesterday whgn builders put roof on lhelr bridges lo nro let the Ilmbor floors from the wealhcr Howevtr they had not pro vlnusly Informed the clinic chair man of their lnlcnk In other lhe competition hey wnuld nut be awarded the trophy even lhough they had 100 per cent attend dnnce sum Muller next year hays cub two McNubb and Page was formed onvlhcspot the Blood Donnr Cllnlc the nlhcr night In an endeavour Ia win the Blood Donor Trophy up or compellklon among the service clubs sPonrs Our Junior Girls Enskclball Tcnm participated In the GBSSA at Markham last Saturday Even if they last they played good game Covered Bridges From Yesteryear cache by the Junior and Sen nr Oratorlcai winnm wuro heard in he nudllorium The speakers and their topics were as follows Juniul inrendn Smllhr Prejudice Chris lint chinlr Conservnlion Senior Inn Warren Unilnlurai Dis nrmnmcnl Ron Gable The Significance of lire Lost lloii oi the 20m Cenlury Ail lour speeches were excellent and are the winners oi trophies present ed by the Lions Club Exams are closer ihnn you lhink 5000 riudent he pru dent and siudy This Thurs day March 14 NorthrriliY club hnd Mrs John illcks as special speaker The For estry Club had an exccilenl film on Forest Conservation on Wed nesday lusgn 1n mm 10 Algo In tho Commerclai Department husl nen machines andvthelr use were displayed Visitors to the Home Economics department law the girl ln action sewing and baking undwem able to see Illa results nf heir eflons over thy pap lqw menu SMITH STUDIO For It 0th El Commercial 0r Industrial Photos Passport Porlralls Film Developing CALL IA MII Him mm munn mmml Hum wnum mow cm In mumuzp mumov IO urvnmtl fill uw fiIunlay Inn COLORSCOPE mulnv nle MOTT lnrmu Ilium PlUS E550 FURNACE OILOISYRIBUTOR 330 INNISFll 57 MRI PA 66250 Now Esso pays for all tfla serviceyou pay forjustthe olll CARL BRUNSON 12 Essa pay or annual burner and fumum condillonlng It Essa pays for season check your mum cquipmcnl It E550 pay 10 emergency no heal servlcu nnyflmo You pay orlumho olll run on vlm with In nmu wllh mm luv you mm vnkun mm Nowmun SESQHDMEMFNI SERVICE ynu med Ill my muncL lmludm qunhv hunm railI wnlhmonlmum dummy Imam MunIll 01 1M pvlcuol okll PHONE PA 84763 Now Now IMPERIAL E550 AGENT I3 PENITANO ST BARRIE PA McVEIGIl TODAY

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