This is lhe first lime weve tried it and the response has been excellent said Love yes Icrduy Were having lot of fun and although Ive had to push the bowlers to past their scores at times theyve really been cqjopcraling cup or rund lms wile 11 200 nveragc the second fur those will averages hcluuun 180 and 190 and Group or huwluls with averages KEMPVIEWTEENAGE IEAGUE SF DINGS Unculchablcl Sharks £18 Unlucky Fives Hi Corvettes 67 Alley Cats 56 Bang 44 standings Fllntrsrloncs 55 uugh un Ready 43 Dopey SMIIKvauss 29 Yogi Bears 23 Debbie Ghrrcll paced the gals wilh 272 Has wth lop boys were Harold Rm 110 and Marlin Rublnofl 295 with two weeks remainlng 1n Ihc Kempvinw Howl Mens Champinnship 110110 Mulch Play he origlnnl no entry list has been whllllcd down In 32 howlcrs In each lho three groups cmpvinws first allcmpl nl Match Play has lnrned up phas Ing results according to man ngcr Armejm lligh Bearer was Man Lennox with 547 220 For me hey it was Ron Robertson 593 um KHMIVHIW JUNIOR LEAGUE THESE THREE trophies ners of the Kcmpvinw Haw will be awarded to the win Mans Championship Match Iwo Weeks Left In Kempview Play BOWLING Seagrams Star Rated Best Toululun4llIIoIlIcIIIIIIlIvldunulnlunllul lhnllullOlllnllllofl Plonnnnt Huh nmonthor in honormuting Hdrk mom nntlufylnn an gnnulnoly Hno whinky popular prlco an In lent nnnr utmr tonl ngnlnnr tho thmo londlng bmndn In Hn prim chum Cnnudlnnn led tho mate Snugmmn Blur lmnt ano you lrlml lhln gram whinky you not do no noon Boo you dont numn with Um vnrdlot of thoumndn of Minor Cmmdlmm nnL mm boat SEAGRAMS FIVE STAR cANADIAN RYE quaKv kiirk The inlvrulin him uhoul liusc mulch pl is he incl that lie hauling done an rog ulur loaguc nights um no extra money ur bowling is involved The rules require every bowler to he presunl his rollall or be disqualified KEMIVIEW HOSTS FESTIVAL ROLLDFFS Aller four weeks mulch play in he xrsl urmm lhcre are our buwlcrs Ion They are Bob Guru high triple of 758 Jim Poole 1362 Sliver Polvin 1133 and Huh Mallion with 795 There are no ï¬nalists in Groups and due to the fact they have nuHIcr cw uighls in which ï¬nish Ihe climinalinns wcuk lhls Sulurday llw Iwn finalists lull in each Group will roll on against each olhcr in scmllinals Th lullnwing week will he Ihe ï¬nals willl trnphy awarded to he winner in each Kcmpvicw Ilawl mlppurl of Illc Ilaycrs nowhnn Iflsï¬val has earned them selection as one or Um final rollo centres Winners of lhls Ivslival Will he mwrmd uh un expenses paid mcnllnn 0r lim ln lhu Carib bunn There he 70 Imw ram Northvrn Ollmrlu huling Kcmprlcw How an Snlurduy March in he Icslimls sno cnd xull If Groups or purl of Onluriu um uandIl able as yet ram 70 up 179 Groups and are handicap huwlers and their handicaps are arrived by sublmding their average mm lhc highcsk average or the di inn foursome In the wins but had no easy time it two of the vielarlcs were laugh bulllesr He needed an extra and to turn back OriIlia Ros Coward In 1119 ï¬rst round In the third round Gard edged Ken Sanders 01 mil 11a 76 needing close mousure on lhe lust rock Barrie rink look Ihree nuc ccssive viclnries in the main event oi Drillin lath annual curling izqnsqiel yosiqrday HlY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE PA 821 Needhém Rink Tops Bonspiel Play Roll om trophy goes lo lhe winner group and The ï¬nal r011 0H5 will take place In two weeks Examiner Photo ROLLS SIMPSON Hun Sen PA M659 Bmln The lucrnllvo hlds Include rclum llghl wllh loncs for Madlsan Square Garden in late May mulch with lngomar Johnnssnn Sweden rm er world henvywclgh klng or New York and link our ol Eurnpe olfcrcd by Brltlsh pra moler Jack Solomons NEW YORK AhNext step for Clsslu Clay ls pmgrum ol cam while he learns And hes golng tn earn plcmy In the next I0 days lhc un beaten and stlll luquucluus Lunisvllln Llp his hraln trust headed by Bill Favershnm and trainer Angelo Dundee will wade through shock of offers that poured in follnwlng Clays controversial decision over Doug Jones Wednesday night Fuvershnm Clays manager and Louisvlllc distillery ex ecullve said Thursday want 10 days to lhInk over the pmpusltlons The chances are the Jone return will be ccpked Flock Off oflers Pour IIIAfter Clay Victory Garden mntehmnker Teddy Brenner said he is sure the Gordon will sell out for the us turn with double the 32 to $12 lnrlll lhot brought 5104043 from 111732 ions Wednesday night Closedcircuit television probA nhly nddcd another $100000 to line promotional not srhms 10 maxim Brenner said he 15 confident Um JnncsCluy light would he made but said he also has slarlcd flickering or Johans son First Clay ls going to undergo rlgomus program to Improve both his ollock and Menu Even In victory the greatest showed vast room for lmprovu men He holds his hands loo law doesnt Ighl lick inslde doesnt punch lo the body enough and sucker or Id be happy to ï¬ght Jnhnnsy son snld Clay But nll 105 decision are up to my manager Gene Tunney Junk Dempsey and Sugar Ray Robinson for mnr alllimo great champions all agreed Ihnt Cassius hus vast pnlcntiul but Ihn he will have Ia work hard to realm it right hand when he goes mk wards Norm UHmun whu scored Ihrcu nnals for Dnlmil when he 119d Wing swamped New York Glenn Hall whv ya in min shutout of the season when Chl cago banlnoslon 2D Dnvc Kenn whose Ihlrdpc riad goal gave Torunta 35 Me with Montreal TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE PA 82414 lly THE CANADIAN PRESS NHL STARS IO 1le BARRIE EXMHNER FINDW PM PENETANGUISHENE Ont CPIAnlcro Rauhnnen lmm Sudburys Sampu AlhIclic Cluh turned strong second half Into narrow victory In the mkllo metro cvch lhr Cnmdlan Nordic SkI Championships hare Thgrsgiay Hauhnncn n30yenrvold Finn scared nne the clasusL wins over rccnrdcd In this walk In lshing 15 seconds ahead 42 en Canadian champion Clarengc etvalgi Calgary He linlshcd In 151 amr pared wih Servolds 15136 It was Rauhnnons ulghlh national vlcmry slncc he nrrivcd Inflam ndn slowcu gar ngu Anteyo Rauhanen Collects Vicï¬ozy Worcester Mass Lou Gu licncz 165 Nicaragua stopped Gone Washington 169 Eliza beth NJ Miamihunk Holloway 140 Miami slapped Perfcclo Gar cia 11535 Puerto Rico FIGHT RESULTS Knuka Rllhlnï¬a Elcammale IIxulmmlE us NHL 1525 wrs loluwcd by Franz Pnrlmun ere Louise MILL and Dan Mc red 0L lnwa HONKY TONK ENTERTAINMENT EVERY FRIDAY 530 pm 1100 pm SATURDAY pm 30 pm GRUB STAKE 75c LM 22a THE JZLLINGJON HOTEL