In She moved lnln IhL guest mom on New Years Day and has been here ever sinco She says shell move back when apologige Weuhrave two children no money wonics no drinking prgblcm nndnn 1951 Iain716er al unolhér wuman nllhough than an urge when Iwoxderwhy ll possibla Ive been right only once In 20 yam What do yau suggest ETERNALLY WRONG nm Etrrnally sums that it would he nice mm were at least one adult your lumily Since your wile up ernllng at an llycarold lcvnl why dog you by the xrnwn pp She knows when 05 rluhl and when shes want If two lillle word can lhnw HIE deep lrcczc my cm fur heavens Ink dont just sland lhnro Ind lhlVEll HING Durlng Chriflmns hplidnya Mnynnrd wcnl lo vlsll his rm frlcnd who lhu In another city Vhlle lhem he culled mu un nmmtcd that he had nivcn Mr Inn and wnnlcd us to meet zlrls lnmlly ANN LANDERS Dent Ann Llnflru our MI 19 He is In college and mak £nglnlrly Kim md thn we go Ihnrc we More Ihnrknl lo we lhe rlnx mu nL 1uully weddlnx bum with lwn mm dlnmnmls My husband ha mm lo Iniorm Mnynnrd ml the tnxnzomcnfl ring wan nrlunfly lrlinu lmml Barrie Presbyterlal Exami llve mecllnl was held Andrewl Church Enrrie com mendng at 10 oclock ycslcr day mornlng Guest speaker at the special session was Miss ï¬uby Walker of Toronto Regional secretary One the Mnynnrd Inld his um dldnK like he cnnvrnllnnul rnungb mm rlnu lhoy drcidnl on the lmml Nuw haw do we rx He Must Be Wrong To Always Be Right CONVENIENILY lOCMED IN DOWNIOWN BARRIE Dur Ann Landau Im hizh school sludan I7 year or age ow weeks ago had an Accident in my mothers car No one was iniuml but ha re ipalr bill was 50 My parents nre making me pay or iho damage which think lair but dont like the wgy they wnrig to do it plaln his ring to our Hands ll look all the world if thy are mgrflcd Maynard did not react well to his inlher criticism and says we are making big ilapyover nothing Are we AND Dm =an II Maynard and his ï¬ancee dont care or convcnllonnl engagement rings they probably dont care what conventional people say Make m1 npoloycs lo your friend for the girls dug Yau neither have In dclcnd nor ex plain your sons laslc PUNISHMENT hlghllghts ol the meeting was Ihc completion of plum lor he May rally which will he held In Elmvnlp an my 14 Shawn an allowance of week They want to take out 32 wok which would leave me povcrlystrickcn wouldnt hnc spare nickgl at Ie alernoon sesslon are standing from the Ion Mlsl Walker Mrs Warnlca Palnswlck corresponding sec relary Mrs McAuloy wnnlllnpay the repair bl ADULT ENTERTAINMENT WU PW mum with money from my bank at count This money has been put away for my future education would mtum the $50 to the bank account when go to work this summer My parents have agreed to abide by your decl siau What do you say Anni CRASII Deu Cruh Youre Eolng to hate me but your parents are right Punlshmcnl useless 1t impose no burdcn Thu allcmallve whlch you have dreamed up or yourscll too palnlcss Take your lumps like good kld TODAY and THUR lly MADE1L WILSON When members of the Order of the Eastern Star No 169 A14 lislon held Ihe regular mccung reccnlly they were honoured lo have Dlslricl Depnly Mnlmn Sislcr Freda wllson of Benin present or their Inspection night procedures Mu Wllsnn he DDGM Simcne County No dlstrict and In addressing the meeting polnlcd out In helplnl manner cerlnin area of lhe work at the arganlznlinn where changes could be made which would In creasn Um flicicncy the work Elmvale recording secretary and Mn mm Adams Mrs Campbell Slroud ls seated Mrs Campbell was ncllng prcsldenl In the ab sence of presldenl Mm McClung of Elmvnle who was unable lo attend the nftcmoon session Examiner PhMo Mcmhm were moat nnldul fur lhcsn nuggcsllons and kind dirccuon and will do lhclr has to Imnlcmcnl Ihnm lime goes on Also present at this main MUMMY AT 100 CURSE UNDEAD 0E5 Ofï¬cial Suggests Changes MiaM HumJ Nu SOCIAL NOTES MUIOR TRIP Mr and Mrs Tiber Tasnndl Napier Street have returned to tha ally following motor trip to tho sunny south The Barrie couple stopped 54 various palm of huemt en route to Dayton Florida where they holldoyed or 10 day before churning north JOINS STAFF Desmond nIgDermolt has Join ed the sin of Zellers Limiud Barrie as lhe new assistant managen Mr McDmnou was formerly assoclmed wIIh Zell at Ottawa and 55mm RETURN FROM SOUTH Mr and Mn George Danger ï¬eld have returned to their mm on Dundonnld street Bar rie auer several weeks vaca lIon in Fort Lauderdale Florida Mr and Mrs Ed Ney Vic toria StWes lull or motor trlp through the Stale to Flor lda where they wlll enjoy southern holiday Accompanying hem were ML and Mrs 11 Robinson 01 Alllslon Members of the Alliston Swing lng Eights square tlme dance club that attended visillng night ol the two OoIllngwood square dance clubs during the past week at Notlawn Cornrnunlty Hull were Mr Ind Mu Ken Crowe Mr und Mrs John Mflchell Mr and Mrs John Darling Mr andMrr Herb olivcr Rely Pincoe and Mr and Mrs New ton Wilson many friends of Mrs noy Palerman Alllslon wen sorry to hem of her recent operation Toronto General Hospital 31131 wish hnrunhgood recovery St Johns Umtcd Church llston have started Junior Chnlr during the past month and are having an excellent gum gut der the guidance Mrs ruco Knawks urgnnlst and Mr Ralph Elllson and Mr anrence Lindsay lhero ls nn doubt that this vcmure wlll be success It Is expect ed lhe chalr ï¬rst appearance will be at he Mothers my service In May wns Grnnd Mnrshnll Mrs Per Kohl ol Harrle as well as many visllora mm Crcomnre Stroud Smy Coilingwood Cooknlown and Harrie social hour was enlnycd at the close the mccllng and spirit ol good cllowshlp and cooperation re vallcd lhmughout the ng Note In blended to cover an general mlnl Ill the clty and mum Weddlnl In nlvemrlen bmhdlyl brldu plrtlel mum ulIze pl llel Inner Ind luvqu llanu n1 Intelcu waxgen render all plu Yanr help In ulpplylnl Ill new will be neatly appre cmtd Plane phone The Birth Enmlnu It PA 66537 Ind uk nr Efleen Dlxon on Audrey Conlson at the Wom enu Department Mo on WOMEN TEMPIATIQfl ALLISTQN SOCIAL NOTES um um SAMSON moon warm wow II in vumauz vo mum mum mmcms mwonw comï¬scom ID Ill NOW SHOWING Murrlnl HOIIIYON HCOTI Tamil hm PIUS CASH CARRY PRICE 45x27 They old Int as pancake Rectangular In sin for convenience In push Ing lmrough doorways Vllh casymll cask SleeperStroller Heres real stroller value Made of strong steel strapping with famous Lloydlubu wheels Ask lo the other zrnnd nssmlmenl mu Ilrollcn I88 CASH AND CARRY PRCE Compare Annkm Durable Hardwood FAMOUS LLOYD PIED PIPERSHOPS Compare Anyu hm CASH AND CARRY PRICE Compln Anyhm CASH AND CARRY PRICE $11100 Vniuo Sonly padded deluxe hlclmln Chrondumplnlcd heavy luhulnr slcvl Irnmc Sorvlng overtray wllh adjuslnblo out HSL SAVE UP TO $1000 Comfortable Sturdy TWONONE Comper Alpth Amyhm