Published by Canadtiio newspapersLImtted soanytiaidetrsstBarns10ntsito Walls Publisher Brian storm General Manager WEDNESDAY MARCH If ms Plul Canada Is Not Ready Yet For Free Trade With US As matter of selfpreservation Can iada should move cautiously on report inf the CanadianAmeriean committee The committee published re ort thll week as log Canada could boos exports to the nlted States by as much astaaa imiliion if President John Kennedy uses his full powers to liberalize imports un der the 1962 US Trade Expansion Act The prerequisite It is stated It action sto bring about reasonably lar reci iprocai free trade area in menu actured goods between the two countries and climtnation of broad range of US itrade barriers Free trade is the rub in so far as Can ada is concerned in theory it is ideal lt permits the uninterrupted flow of igoods across the border At first glance it would appear that greatly expand ied market would be available to Can ada In the US However Canadian manufacturers would be faced with killing competition The ability of US manufacturers to mass produce and their much greater idegrce of automationwould place the tI fllo Barrie plants would suffer from the competition and the rawth evident here in recent years mlg be brought Ito full stop Protection once was nasty word when the Conservatives were the high tariff party and the Lib ends were supporters of low tariffs iIiitiitIi Canadianplants at severe diiativlitr Today there is no longer sharply den fined political cleavage Canada cannot of manufactured goods at this stage of her ord free trade in development We do have good case however for greater share of the US im art business The balance of trade be ween the two nations has been very much in favor of the US es ecially In respcct to tourist traffic ntil such time as Canada is able to dorsomethiog about this unfavorable balance through the sale of more products of the farm and forests we should move cautiously on the question of creating free trade situation in manufactured goods At present too many semiprocessed roducts are going to the US for menu acturing and resale In Canada Canada must do something about this situation Experiment In Education Commentators on national attitucies have uite often written of the island ioutlook of the British people as having really inward look Now though the outward look Is be ginning to show at least in British edu cation The most recent exam to is in Seven bake public school in nglish Kent Parchthcticaily what the true beef cating Briton terms ublic school is the same thingas an merican or Canadian would call rivate school Such one is Sevenoa School which recently set up an international centre Where 12 British ho from the schools sixth form roug Iy the senior year of high school study live and join In school government with 11 boys from pearly as many other countries Of this experiment in international Ism one American boy has stated This is much better than anything expected when was told was going to an Eng lish public school It is really quite amusing to see how we are becoming half English yet keeping our own nal tionaiities The Sevcnoaks experiment follows ideas similar to those basing the new Atlantic College at St Donats Castle in Wales Atlantic College grew out of the experience in internationallzih coloncls and other high officers at NATO Defence College plus the appli cation of the compassionately austere principles already in operation at Gor donstoun At St Donats too may be heard en thusiastic statements from the inter national group of students One British educated American boy says his ex er Icnce there is the most fabu ous thing that ever happened to him It is hoped that the St Donats col le will be only the first in perhaps ha ha dozen Atlantic Colleges inas many countries reflecting the new com munity feeling of the Atlantic world and contributing to it DOWN MEMORY LANE Barrie Examiner March ti 1953 Rob itrt Gillies fl Collingwood junior hock ey player dch from injury sustained in playoff game against Aurora His head was banged into the end boards when crashed from behind by visiting Aur ora player Police Chief Low Elliott said he would recommend charge of manslaughter be laid Gillies Stayncr boy who attended Colllngwood Colleg lalc died in ambulance on way to To ronto hospital Barrie Filter Ccntro bad visit front Deputy Chief of IlCAi Ground Observer Corps Orton Crow ford clcctcd president 0ro Agricultural Society Community Concert As dociotlon campaign for members open ed undcr chairmanship of 1ch More than 1100 parents vlsltcd Barrio chooia during Education Week Bars rte Ilcd Cross swimming and water safety program called one of finest in Ontario Miss Louise Collcy director of county recreation announced start of swimming classes at Bardia Pool Comp Borden Russians announce cuts of Premier Joseph Stalin after wccks world speculation on to his rIcss Kiwanis Club Itiltl inctnhcrs qf Barrio Collegiate Key Club at dinncr to hear address by Dr Alan Secord Toronto veterinary Program arranged by Stuart McDuffce Presiding was lifethvcn Adamson Kiwonis rcsi dent Barrie District Counci for home and school associations formed with Iilrs Ernest Hankin first most dcnt Joycees will sponsor beard growing contest for Barrie Centennial Celebrations Grant Mayor chal Icngcd Mayor James Hart and of President Sandy Coutts to pri vate beard contest Iiirs Muriel Whytc Instructrcss busy preparing members of Barrie Skating Club for second annual carnival Club counsellors assisting Iiirs Whyto were Iiiarllyn Smith Nancy Craig Margot Seymour Judy Craig Lois lfcast Terry Patterson Douglas llcive Sheila Moore Joan Miller Joan Mc Vcigh Barbara Ann Garrick Wendy Dcssant and Marilyn Dymcnt Barrio Flycrs took opening game of Junior hockey finals from Toronto Marlboro Goals scored by Tony Poet and Don McKcnncy Fine goaltendlnp by Bill Iinrrington for lchrs Bill arris scored for the Dukes on assist Pork cr Mornonnld Stephen Murphy St Josephs High School won the Dick Iiiungliain Trophy for public speaking OTHER EDITORS VIEWS PROFITAIILE MOTIVE St ClilllfliifIBJ Standard At lcnst in comparison with the Shit winlgnn Company which has now been nntionniizod by tie Quebec Government films hccn the virtual elimination of tox Ioii roiiicr llinn tho climlnation of pit fit that has accounted for Ontario yd course wh The Barrie Examiner aniimiua ammo sim in runs 0m ouimmi OffIr not for payment of rollll dun lundayl um llalulniy mun IINKIIW II III Ilillnll II INHIIIIHN CIIILKI IDOL n1 IHII UNION llvmm IIIklipfffl tlf yl I0 months 00 In mnnlh MIMI MING Ind Im Wasalone you all Ill If nine in Univnu Au rmntn nthff IllIL slumi ms doom mt vim VI lumen of Cmsin nuy NunIr nann humus 1n fanadlln mu Ind the Audit lure of cimnanona Camnian run ta autoInt Ihilrllilrt If me to to calm and sin the lust mum to the II mm In this mmc rim or blishbd theis over fox pnymcnto the IIinro iii cxcuscd undoubtedly oro motto up by the public In other lcvics The truth In lIi1Ilu the utilities field and elsewhere the Incentive of liio pro fit inntlvo benefits the public by foster Ini the maximum of efficiency In upcr olion LAWS CHANGE SLOWLY Windsor Star The legal profcssloo rarely In f0 iiponnihlc for motor changes or Improvc incnis In the lows though occasionally on individual Inwycr nrny promote such clinngo Most fundamental changes or lin provcnirnts originate In oiiicr rourc nbor Unions form orgouliattous wnin cnii groups or other sorinll conscious associations inc would tliinic the main impetus for Improved laws would come from the legal profession but it Just isnt so The legal irnfcssioti Isnt alone in this flow many major than or In the lawn have emanated from oiiier profes sional organizations such as medical engineering stcf by ncrnsnsou Everyone is familiar with the story of the man who feels he has arrived when he gets key to the axecutivea room rhapa Meyer Cooke may somewhat similar thoughts as result of action taken at this weeks meeting of Barrio City Council The council had no keys to the washroom but it managed to provide the may or with hIa own parking spot at the southwest corner of the seat City Hall parking lot For some unexplained reason the council had nsvsraot around smme IT COULD HIIVI REPERCUSSIONS TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH By JOSEPH AIODNER lilD There are some absurdly smi pie things about going to sleep that Just dont occur to us until they are pointed out One is being sure you are ready for bed Whether its cleaning your teeth opcning the window putting the cat out changing the thcrmostat or set ting the alarm gct it done first Crawling into bed and then having to get up to do some of these small chores is pretty sure way of becoming wide awake Another trick Is to relax de 1ibcrulely This is something youve doubtless heard about but have you tried it floain irch it for fcw nights in rowf Practice paying orderly attention to each part of the body Close your eyes Ilciax your toes feet logs abdomen arms shoulders cynn musclcs of the fees It can be done wise swimminiz coach had members of his team relox at poolside before inch to rid of their tensions lie was also shrewd enough to pick sec tion of floor under which ran some heating pipes The warmth helped Heat Is relaxing whether warm bath or shower or hot water bottle dont recommend electric heating pads for this particular use because they eye to be turned offnod you want to drop off to sleep rind not hers anything to do nothing nagging at your mind Some people have even found lhot small comfortcr or even wooin scarf wrnppcd around the neck acorns to help lot Your emotions nro rnnr mously important Inn dcliir eratcly havent strcsrcd this for fear of having somebody think that Dr Moiner claims its all In our head you let yourself Irct its hnrd habit to break but never theless it can be sccompliihrd Dont stew and fret at bedtime about what went wrong during lhc day Dont worry about to morrow if you havent already mlde your plons for the next day this II no limo to begin Mnyiu you should hnvo plunncd onillcr flut if you hnvcnt good nlghtn IlaIll will let your hrnln do twice its much plnii nine to half the lime lo the morning Ill but to act into the hotdt of finishing everything thnt nrcdn to be done of niiIhf then drinking gloss of worm milk or whatever that siror clrnr of coffee or lul Itan milking tlini Illnli that one days chorrs Ire finished Its time to relax Docks and roadingt sioc If you iinn something plnrld nnd unucilingsicn pctllnpl will uiiat heavy or MsII Imiing iIut If you pin the licyrdnp typo anyway dont make too mLatnlie of painting exciting ftrtlon to put you to sinp If you filllll willynlliy finish shooter your nnIvIr to tom yutinvii to slny nwnk first long enough to strut another And anollirr Finally if this Isnt too cir moniaiy give this flmtilitl Iroplc who are physically ncs BIBLE THOUGHT IIII lelld south only and tilt linl unveil but he lhnf doe the will If finll Ifiideill foruml John lill All niatcilnl things Me lion sitory nniy spiritual things too be ours forever Relax Deliberater Belore Going To Sleep IIvc normally sIccp longer and more easily than others Do you really get brisk lot of ex ercise every day And dont dont think you can have acmltsiceplcsl night and then make up for It by taking things easy the next morning having an afternoon nap and dosing awhile in the evening Do that and you can be sure that you wont be to prime con dition to drop promptly off to Ilecp at bedtime Learn to get tired Dear Dr Molneri What Is meant by coin Iesiont av lesion injury or lump or sror or the like seen on chest xray plate and so named bc cause it looks something like coin It may or may not be be4 high but should be watched carefully for change in size QUEENS PIIIIK TODIIY III HISTORY By THE CANADIAN PRESS March II Adolf Hitler continued his expansionist foreign policy with the annexation of Ans iris 75 years ago todayIn 1936 Only two days earlier troops had crossed the iron iicr to take the country without fight He acquired Austria by manipulating an abrupt crisis In AustroGer men relations and than sending his army In to for cthy Incorporate It in the ficich Czechoslovakia and Poland were soon to follow in the train of aggression Which started the Second 81 195 Russia vetoed United Nations secur in council recommendation that Canadas then external affairs minister Lester Pearson be named secre furygeneral less Arkansas ratified new state constitution Operating Province Tremendous Business By DON OIIEAHN TOIIOMOlts big opera tion this pmvlocc of yours Minister of Public Works Itny Council gave few sityew hackonyour heels figures in presenting his estimates The government now has M50 buildings and Illlidlllck varying from unit shed to the mmpiex of buildings here at Ouccna Park At present there are new buildings and works either under construction or planned totalling 3m million Mr Councils nrlxo protch ia the new 0000000 act of build lngs to be added here his first unit In this to he oncncd In 1067 will mat 82500 000 This In the same as the first ratlmnted cost for Torontos bold new city hallwhich from the local reception one would think was going to he the eighth wonder of the world AMIGO NEED Mr Cnnncll Inferred hie do nrtmrnt didnt need Glance nqulry Ito wal able to gtvs at number oi Inatnnrrs whori Public Works hnrl been following ad vanced practices or mom momicd by this riflcicncy aluin for the federal govemmrnl Which dorsnt mean that Ginmi type Inquiry is not fftrtIM here Ir Council docs run Vcry ciIIritM drimrlrncnt which is modern In its methods tint it Is the eruption One of the law departments about which one ray say this The fort that the Public Works minister showth the run run he did bolIIrrI sgnln contention of this filllfliVflt IIint only change of govern imni can bring about rrhlly rIirttite rmiganlintlon of the gnrrrninrnl niscfilneay heir The illnssro frnltll II II feds crel irooit but still Mr onoeii normwhat roaranI It And In do all other officials hm To them It II rrtIIrtsin of government llarli And these would be the same underlying snenlmrnt to any similar Inquiry that might be onlrrod hm by the prcnrnl od ffllnilifllitln It would an on coma of the recommendations but probably not too many For It would be clcanaing Its own sins and In sense admitting error The position would be Just the reverse of course with new administration to providing the mayorwlth parking facilities It had set aside space for Hydro employ ees who work with second floor of the City Hall and for some of the upper echelon olf iciala of the civic service As to the mayor It had been left up to him to find place to bark his car EASY SOLUTION The mayor found an on set utinn to his problem He mply stopped his car In front of the City Hall and walked Inside to transact business in parking there he was contraveniog be city bylaw but perhaps he rc called the saying the king can do no wrong and applied it to his own position The police station stands kittycorner from City Hall and the officer on duty has clear view of on car parked In front of the ball The fact that no officer on duty has been sent out to tag the mayors car could be tarrn cd matter of prudence It may have been recognition too that the mayor has privileges Italians even to breaking the parking law Council however has set things to right The Mayor now can park in his own spot away from the mad rush of traffic and out of reuse of the station officers eye As council meetings go this weeks session was not prod uctlve of much co for the Nporters The meat rig was one of the shortest on record start ing at not and ending two hours later HELD TO BOOK Aid Fred Smith acting may or proved to be capable pre siding officer He held his fellow councillors to the book of rules and checked up more than one man for straying from the sun feet under debate We heard more about plans of Simcoe County honed tocut down the nursing staff of the County Health Unit Aid Newton Barrie representative on the council gave eomprehcn live outline of the financial problems which led to the de cision to dispense with the ser vice of 12 nurses He brought out one important point The nurses will not go at the one time The layoff wlii gradual and every effort will be made to maintain neceunry basic service toxoid pro gram will be carried out as usual but the pronatal service may be curtailed it is possible there may be second thoughts on the health unit services Certainly If any thing can be done to solve the nursing shortage and maintain services which had only been brought up to strength in re cent months then such action should be taken Moving Into Europe Now HOME iReuterslEurope ll replacing North and South America as the magnet for Italys wouldbe emigrants The two main causes of this are probably Overseas countries are less Interested In receiving waves of unskilled laborers and Italy has tower to send The Italian economy has been booming in the last to years and there Is no Imiger the same pressure to escape the hunger level by emigrating overseas Industrial production portie uisrly in the north has been expanding rapidly and many people from the backward south have emigrated to seek Jobs in the north where they can speak their own language The growth of the Cook mon Market has opened new possibilities in Europe By going for example to West Germany the liaiian worker can keep in touch with his family coming back to see them for Christmas or holidays and returning home for good if he wants to after year or two And he enjoys the social sea curlly benefits shared by agree meni among the six Common Market countries In ml the last full year for which official statistics are out of 379399 unis Every Thursday Night Is Kinsmen Bingo Night KINSMEN ODD FELLOWS HALL Thurs Mar 148 pm 20 GAMES SHARE THE WEALTH GAMES JACKPOT $13000 $1500 Consolation Prise HELP KIN HELP KIDDIES granu only 501 wont ever tcaa The rest went to Europe incomplete figures for 1961 con firm this trend Pride of place among over seas destinations Is shared by Australia Canada and the Unitcd States which each take about 15000 to 20000 year Acousticon Hearing Aid day If Meyer As Community Scrvico In the Inicrcst of better hearing no will conduct FIIEE Hearing Aid Service Clinic to hclp serve the hearing problems of every one In this area on the following days and places Please make note ol the days now BMIILIH Wellington IInlel Mom March II l9 pm MIDLAND Georgian flotel Tucl March If fin lI pm OHILLIA Lhnmpllin Iiolcl Wed March It Ilsa prn Hearing aid users Are you still buyin ballerch for your hrnr Ing adf No need to with our new torLevel hearing nlds We invite you to are thrni on the above days and plum Acoustlcon COMIANV OI TOIIONTO l1 Illchmuld EL Toronto not Install Hydro Rental HUT WIITEII TIIIIII ONLY PER MONTH BARRIE PUBLIC UTILITIES OMMISSION 15 BAYFIELD 51 Ms n5 inns PA 6568