DinsdaleSIRequest Edilnrlal page when com menting on palllIcIl partial ul len have nvulone of present has certain viewpoint in am of mm party while aver lug another said the Hun Wnlter Dlmdale Northern Al lah Mlnlsm and MIanler of ResaurcesL Mr Dlnsdale wls guest apenkcr In the vfllage Cook awn yzsterday at meeting in support Elwood Mndlll ngres slve Conservative candidate fur the Duffean Hdqu mad the press in Carr Ida said Mr Dlnsdalu notice they nre not necessarily inclined in PC adnflnlsirniian He mentioned when 1h Prime Minister madehlslnsispeechln the lime oi Cannons one oi the mm brilliant speeches ha has ever mnrie the punle said He will no in the Can adian people on an antiAmati can pm Ule emotional Iac tun that possiva could arise horn such silunllnn Mr Dim dale said originally Mr Didenbnker noted he saw the bendiu of an elecllon helm cahlne resignation am No cuoxca Mr Dmsdale Indicated lhak Mr DleIenbakcr had no choice but In go In the people and ask or vole of ponï¬denceu Because at nluslon reflected In editorial menu at the press and he named the three Toronto daily news papers The Canadian peoplu 1m Royal York Hotel Tun onlo was host lo over 1200 members or credit unions from across Ontario when the On urio Credit Unionpenzue held its Emma invention There are over 1400 credit unlons in Ontario nrganked into 23 chapters whlch comprise the league The members were In Tomntn lo work on league bus lness and IQ hnye serge fun The Georgian Bay Chnpkcr will member credit unlan was well represenlcd and lb Chapm room an the first floor the Mdhadamnuantgow ol vtszlurs ap er Jim Wilson Strand landed the bullet and look an ucuvo iscusslons The oiiiclni openink was Fri day muminz nnd lhe directon guesis and 25 Chnpier Bcnuly Queen meta Cook oi Simud rr presumed Georgian Bay wen piped iniu Ihu Convcnlion iinii Hon John Robnris Premiur oi Onlario declared tin convention ofï¬cially open and won briefly un til valuo oi credit union lo the economic growth oi Ontario Dun Summerviile Mayor oi Tor onlo exlcnded the cilyn wel mm to lhr dclcznic and their gunsu ELECT MEAIORD MAN tho ladle there was lushlon shnw Ind lea held In lhe Concm llnll Among ha hundreds prescnl lmm lhh lrlcl were Mrs Kracmcr uric Mn Wlson of Slroud Mrs Roubos at Bank Mn Culllns mic and Mrs Glbbon and Mn Murphy Slmud nighl lhv Credit Unlnn Beauty Queen wns chosen and um Canndlnn Room wnl lum mcd wllh npcclaton First hm wns lunHllcd tnlcmlmncnl MCd by Billy OCamlor In Economic Flaming 13 DP Idea Charges Rinloul An oxecullvo of 11 Soclnl lell mrmbm mct In the Hon day flaw ln nnnia llnu hm nluhl Io draw up an nztndl Ind plum or Mmlnnflnl mrdlnl In be hrld In Embuxy mu Hinduy Socred Leader Would Debate unheh Iieppncr oi ouwn Onllrla nrunlur Sodl Cm party will be gum maker mu Hm Ncw Dcmocmllc lnvly lhnl llul Imh slrvnlly or emmmlc pllnnlnl an both nltl pnrllu lalk plannlnu hul hay mo 11an MM llp Avr vlru lo IL lrrrlv lHnloul Nu Demo tullc lnrly rumlldalu in Hull Slum uld Monday nlnM ll lnrflln IN Llon Chill Coklwnlrr Tho haul would have pukhwmk Immmdlnnl NI Uflll nl lInnnlnz and lhn Cnnmvnuvu an only prtlml In II he plmnm winn ler plunnm homh ï¬lled Illh purl llme wumml who plum nln wmll han In lholr 1pm III In humd He MM mlhor Ill ll wnl Um New DunnerHe lmy ml plmwrrd Medicla In Jaw ndn ml mw Ihe old pulkl him 10le an IM hundwum wllh plan Mr mm II II lhu new Inmmrnllc IMly wllh In Ilynlmllm and you lhnl nllru Ihpfljul fylmlou lo 2m Credit Unions Hold Convention laced with cm varlety Issues some real and omen Baton discussing same of His Isms he attacked the Mir m1 party smear campaign that has been trying to undermlnn the able opponent for the 1m Dim yam we Are to have healthy democrat mum on lalr and lqum bushï¬lha lawn Issue mus be den wlllf Mr Dhmiale strongly urged that personalities ho forgotten lnulheppflgicgl ï¬gure He stated the PC were un popuinr In the wcst In the 51 election when he was ducted and the only reason the PC xurvlved was because we were pmlmed by bounty lawn Otherwise we wouid have been extinct He said lho Liberal have sane loo at ths lime in lhdr continuous attacks on the PC party and the prime minister Noting that since 1357 the PC party has aalned much ground to the extent that last melt mu amnunl support was evidenced Inward Mr Dlefcu baker KNOW QUALITY We rccuxnï¬e the quallLv at leadership Mr Dielenbaker ha hmlghl II Lsaldflr DEnsdnl never Indulge In or with per sonalities of nther lentl and that can In people will notice this ermisslon 10 glrLs were select ed from he 25 and from this mun Mlss Sylvia Sysuik ol the Branllnrd Chapm won the Queens crown However the convention was not all funI nnd deiegaks snnnl lwn days on Ihe mnvcnllnn floor wading through business One of thus cm was ha election nflictrs lo the Board Direct ors 0n ha ï¬rst ballot mm arallve newcomer In credit un ans willlnm Acm mm was elected Gmrglan Boy and Blue Waller Chapurs lhe iat ter of whlch Mr Am meA dent organized pcrslslonl cam paign on behalf Jun Mr Acres whn has been credit union member only law yam has shown remarkable apliluda for work and Idministnllon in Use tredll union movtman Among nIher visllnra and um 05 seen at he mnvenflnn were Mr and Mn Drury of Crown Hill Kmemcr of St Marys Barrie Mr and Mrs Roy Len nox Leo GLbbon and Frank Murphy Suoud Mr and Mrs Ben Ward Collinzupod Mrs wnllnm mm mm Mr and Mn Mcrcer and Doug Crooks Orilllu John Raubol Barrle nnd Hartley Bosley Pn ry Sound mmllnz will be held ll Bun rla Sports Ionlzhl at ciuht oclock to lay plan or lhe Dun ria Distrirl Mnrksmenl Ar miullnn Permanent execullvo will be circlcd All Interested pulch nm ukcd lo ulund The maï¬a John DIelen theA PC will MY PLANS baker unpmedenled In the extent the depth the oppon am havu lane to desuozpmy an Ravzrllnx to Issues at am Mr Dlnsdala said thu basic lsA sue was put nuclear arms nor the stem at the economy but that nlhwnnal unity We be gfva Igulï¬glymnadlanlmgulc mu peop arm ing united country and we are also conscious ha mm usuenillfle that mnkellp Can He said it was siizhfly diili wit to buiidwnalionli unity with 11 zovemmenu Were unnshamediy Canadians and weve Iuiiowed nIIr policy 01 believing in national pennies and since ma have done every ihinz to Implement dill thale relemd Io Illa PC aldsrln small busing 3w allqcnled $15 and we amended the Industrial Duvelupment Bank In the pain It now an agency where In duskrlnl development can com um b91111 ï¬nancial help LICKING DEFEfl DInsdnlo than spoka briefly an the Canadinn econ nmlc scent and saw Accom ing to nonbiased viewpoint from an ecnnumlm expert me Canadian penple as Febru ary were licking the economlc deï¬cit and Ike dmeha come to slap wrrylnm At this point Mr Dinydale introduced ihe new Diaien dividend Doiinr depicting sums of the atmmplishmcnu achieved by the PC party since the 1951 eigctlom Va refuse lake advan tage or poliuul reasons thnxs the divide us rather thy things that unILe ul he iie crilicized the Liberal par ly or emphasizing things lhai divide tha muun im partisan edvyimgg The Liberals always stress than poinu which lend db lde us Mr Dinsdale slmssed that Iha Hberal regime of 21 year in power has been detrimemal lo wnni national unlly and the CCF now NDP and ho So ends were merely expressimu Joe Blgnell Goulnzwood Joanne Gsmy nnd Mury Ann Stone of Bunlo wm ths wlnners ol the Barrie Coundl Use Knights Columbus Public spesklnz Conlcsl lot high school students Nlne students encred the ï¬lth and ntn boys The winner Joe Blznfll nl St Josephs High School Bunlo delivered hls much with clarity and power his cnunclman modulation and llmlng were model that speak nl all age could gainfully Inmate Also Inklng pm In ha Ipcnklng wm Judy Moran Paul OUmchl Pnul Schnurr X1th wllwn Kathy Murdock and Tom Collins Hinds Lehlo and Vcnlrntcn were judges Lemma was mtkccpcr and Komar chairman Contest Winners Will Compete At Penetang 1M ï¬rst nnd mend prim winnm Jlm mm and Joanna Gnrvcy will mmpete against wlnncn lrom our olhcr dlslrlcl munclls Penclnng April 28 n1 Inuunllolu In the West whan theylluse In the 1m CANADA The PC formula has alwayl his one ianadawflnmiunnlion equa an un or avarybodyf evcrybody He Mid had china ths election will be lmnde inï¬n Inrin because the splinter par flu or the West have migrated in the East which is signiii can in Canadian deVeiopmenl The Credllhle Social Credll WU one oi the strayed west rn parties in retu the Quebec nationalist movemunl in dis guise Iceordinl in Mr Din IE He said that lhe alznmcance In an shift was not Imlbuud lo commie theories the matem wing hm that the So cred In Quebec hava becomn spokesmen or ha movement Quebeu nauonnllsm move menl which Irlm mm lime in um goggnflqn plsln II the lec hope 15 tom even mlnonLy government it must be In Quebec pmvlnca Hle Liberal Trulh Squad ornnlzed Monday nigh lo fol mw Prlmn Mlnlsler Dlelenbnker around and point out Inaccura cles in his speeches was up cused employing sublle hil lerlle lncllcs by Northern Al lahs and Resource Mlnlsler gun Waller Dlnsdale yesleh ay PCs Dinsdale And Smith Attack Liberal Truth Squad Mr Dlnsdalu wn speaking In Cnokxlnwn at mercssiva Cun servative mecunx Ila snld may are using pmjchon psychological tech niques Mr Dlnsdnle suit that ha Int way for on Io aver com 3qu was on offensive and hlnme the olher guy and say he old 112 The lrulh squad composed of Judy LnMush Liberal MP or Niagara Falls in ha 135 Parliament Jack Mncbethrce lance Cnnndlnn jourmï¬lsl and Fred Belnhu research can sultant for the Liberal party second lecml puny um paIzn gimmick came under lack both by Mr Dinsdnla Ind Hebe Smith Slmcoe North MP Thls seem like precisely the same techniques lllller used only the uulh sqund does It by dclicnle and gonna imlnunuon lmplylng lhnl Mr chlcnbaker liar in hi lust iarllamcm Both lenlltmen knotkcd ha leull coloring book Issued re cently um lakes dig the ConscrvuIIvo Govnmmcnl Mr Dlmdale said our party more inlmslcd 1n running government um country ln IQ Colller 5L PA MIG YOUR HEADQUARTERS FOR IMPORTED FOODS Kind Cold Mull AVlrjely or In Hm Klndl Chme 2° Klndl HARRIS DELICATESSEN lml Funcy Chocohlu Imported lmpofltd slend issuing cokulnz books Mr Smith asked the Iudlmca delermlne book 01 lhls nature was lndlcnuva of ponslbla opposition one that you would want In lead you Mr Smith niso said lhal the Liberal lnllh squad wax childish Klmmlckshowlnz they are on the ddenslve flu in dicnled that 0le wouldnt last more lhnn low days and Well see he end it mom PROGEESSWE Conseh vntlve meeting In uppon Elwood MIdlll Ian wI held in Cookslown yesterday an noon ML Mldlll ls PC can The daisyattributable lo ho hum or winter campaigning wns caused when ha had to drive by car mm Ottawa lo lhls Eastern Township city in slcnd flying pun way GRANBY Que CmLib era under Pearson paid clvic call Grmby TuesdAy than hour and 50 mlnules llle Pearson Is Late Due To Weather 17 MULCASTER 5T SEATS THREE PC SEATS Foun PC 72 INCH 82 INCH FEATURII Clomlllkn LunFulm Culhlonlng lahrlcs lhnl are warm mum and cheerful Deep cnlln collconnlnlcuon Two to choolo mm See the chnlr with memory KROEHLER QUALITY 3mm Tatum 31m 17 Mulumr by KROEHLER Good Taste Need Not Be Expensive $199M 3229 5w 19995 pc Drivers licence will ba 101 lhreeyelr period expidnu on he drivers hlrlhduy under new system elfecllve It um ad lhh year Tnnsporl Mlnlstlr Jamel Auid old me Iellslllun yesterday Inked or comment on ma new yslem loduy Barrie Pollen Chic Ed Tschlrhm said It appears lhnl than may ha lame advantage in um applicant VIEW K0 dlduh for the DuflalnSlnr cos fldflnz MrsMIdlll look on hopeth It the Wen dlvldend Dull lmrodmd 1n thl are by he Hon Wilm Dlnsdale Northern Allah 01M Tachlrhm Idded This him Just been announced and un lll we hIVI had an nppurlnnlly lo lelrn man about Is dll Haul to any in wlm um Id vnmue Ind dlsndvmluu 9n wlll he NEW PLAN WOULD In presenllnz hl dcparlmentu nnnual Isllmalu hnnsport Min lsur Auld Asked the leuhlnlure lo nppmve net budget or IN 511000 In In Issue Licence For Years mm crease of $550000 or 95 per cen nvu the preceding year Much or the extra money need ed will be used Io streamline the system issuing ncences lhu mlnisler snldi The 19 tenets under the mum will hnvu slam on them the cxplry data wh all will he mu blnh dale 01 um canto holder or ha yam I965 or 1966 Thu lIcenca will be renewed on the drlver hinhdny or three your perlod and National 11¢me mm Islet Al the rlm Hebe Smith PC candlan Ind MP for Slmcoe North In me last Parliament Examiner Pho Mr Auld uld lhls wu In and mmpllcaled underlaklu since 1500000 dxlven 114 valved he new lyslem my avenlu Illy be extended to licence pl em The Transport Mlnlsler 534d 1h depnxlmenl conflnulnl to may m1quu311gly npplylnl somewhat almuar pmcedure KRAYLINE by Kroohler hu nuw Ityllng now Inb rlcl how lmlmuu nndnovi uluo Sun lo be unionwho llvourllo beuuu of In llmpllély Ind comlort KflAYuNE hli tho comfort um comu wflh lodlyl boig Liulgn Thllll qunlily furniture nvlng mndluro much with th nml high quumy lenlum lmmdln Chuurlylolgh 11ml of many dollmï¬bu lmt now tholml lime to buy hut KMYLINB nuum Coï¬illflodny VWIJlovc 16 alarm In In nyclllna lulum KRAYIJNE TEE JAB EXAMMH WEDNESDAY MARCH 1m Peter Flrsthrook mm Ind pumr of Durban Ann Scot my ngymgd By urnlvnl Cmadlnn ml Unk sum old medulla Mi Fixsika hmulna Cu 0d run 1h chamylon and wu mice mm Canaans Wofld Ind Olympic Ihlinl 1mm For our yam Mr Hat bank was mlULxï¬ with the Hon dly On Ice mm Europe and WI 5010 NBCI Mu On Ice color elavhlos sexlea PeterFirslbrook Will Headline Skating Gamival 1m Aprll carnival will mu realm every number tbs 5mm club with number 11¢ho ha lacy ol the ym es and was patrons mnorm mlCanada mdb llcy ls ouldnled and la hinder nu nntlonnl develop ment Mllchell Sharp herl candidate for TumultrElllnlun ln Iho April laden eltctlon my wm Lower Tarifls More Beneï¬ts Speak at luncheon or Queens Unlvmlky Alumni Mr Shun umstcd Cmda should lower mm In nlurn for re duction In lbs mm other countries the Issuance vehldu p91 mgs 19d llpenco pl The chmzaover will take hm yem and lnvnlvo the use at nullgmned lyllenu Mr Auld Ia He assured member hewould cum no nducllon In um persons replaced by Inlamnllan would be absorbed into albu bnndm to handle the many Increasan work load of the new mum In the In dividual drlver an obvious Ha mew hh licence one every three yum lulu In nunlly and he will ncelva 1m application prior expiry day Km During 1002 the province lssrr ed 1325000 vchlcle pequ and 2461000 driver llcencu nrm II now more than on motor vehicle or every mm perm In In province crusln work load Mr gu all PA 6056 Wig£3