Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 13 Mar 1963, p. 2

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Cm Cemrn manual roll 10 ru com Cu mum steel Mumlnlum Mmu Cu Arum fiuux Allu sml of Mom Jun N5 112 1¢L mumn ranxmvnk Com unwu Agburax Toronto Gordon Arnold in corporation lawyer and ex port on libel acflom and icnior gum Arum The Medical Ofilcer oi Health laid Plans are already made and the operation will begin In March to finish nur immunizaA Hun prngrnm in our elementary schools There are 58 such lchnols This program consists of immunization fnr diptherin tetanus and polio or Grade IV and Vlll smallpox or Grade NIH and tuberculin lasting or Grade it is hoped the was therman is kind in us during this operalion Theré have been rumours that Influenza is rampant 1n the coqnly No dmght thqm hns beep Dr Scott said We are grate iul to the Gaza Institute Tor onto ior lending their valuable assistonce The reading oi the results of ihnsc tests will con tlnue in March after which all students who showed positlvu reaction and their lumlly con um will be given chest eroy is operation takes great cal oi ndminisirutive planning which usually begins in Septem her of the year previous lt ails upon us to continue with the followup cl all positive senators It is one method we have In ind possible sources of tuber culosis Dr Scott salrl 1he tuberculin testing all secondary schnol sludants dum inaled the work nr Ihemnnlh The program Hnlshedbn Feb Dr San Medical ul at Hull or Slmcue County Issued report on tha ac Mlics n1 Ihe Health Unit or Qua month February larger number of people Val TODAYS STOCK PRICES Cnmlllird by Flynn I3 Dunlap SI 13 Bum nus an mi flM in my mum rm nu llum annd Ham Ham Ilum Ln Pipe raw in mm mm swam Ham on mm my Mln lmv Tobacco lm ml 1an mm mm mm mm In Ullllllol luluwov mp mm cum mu mumr 1mm terr mnusmuh IIININU XIpcl London EnllndJahn Dug dale 57 lormer minister of slate or Ihe colonies andn lllclnnx opponnnl the color bar in colonial lenilnriu Sewage ayaleml may also become flooded resulting in aeepage lnlo adjacent water my plicsl However ml is usually only temporary unlll the frost ls oul of lhe ground whlch time the water will be filtered lhmugh the sell ramovlng most of the harmful baclerla ml ls particularly true dug wells whlch are usually shallow and not walerllght al lawlng surlace water to galn easy entrance Drlllud wells are less Ilker to become contamlnv Med by flooding due Io Illa lac ha supply waler no nblalncd from the surface and the caran In water llghl Dr Scan mid fOnceagain Ihe spring ihaw is with us with vlhe accompanying runoil which resulu in flooding This exces sive mm which in all prob ability cnnialn some iarm pollmion may iind its way into wells resulting in contaminating the drinklnzwaler SANITARY SERVICES acted wilh he wmmon cold la grlppe flu and mnn huHhe fact remains no one case of Asian Influenza has been re or zd to this dcpnztmmt Tn nbel Ihe comman coldwith ml nomer wllhoul Idenlfllc avi dence creates very mislendr in situation Thu usual run communl cable disease repomd follow lnlecllau hepalllln chlcken pox 92 mumpsu measles 306 GETHIBII measles 93 whunplng cough and scan let lever for tolnl ol 548 For Lhesrereason we no mi Mk ma im Md rm rum mm run Hum QuI Nu Ham In 5m un Tm am Hi Unlun nu wmer MW mun in guts 321i To dnlu the mrvcy ls not completed as In the number nl chlldrcn rcqulrlng lhla lypo cducnllan hut It the hope of llw commlllce lhnt parrnls children who wish Iu Inku ud vnnlnge ol lhl school wlll Kc In touch withamcmlwrollho rxcculhc lhnlr Publlc llcnllh Nurse or lhe School lnspcclnr ll punnu mnka knuwn lhclr lnlcrcsl and dcslrc lar lhls wheel wlll Incllllnlo nmllm greatly Inr wllhoul the poll or pulr llc oplnlan ll wlllI lake much longer to lhlllnlu lhe project lnqulrlu hive alnndy made from qnnlllled IlnH whu are Innmud In leuchlng hm children II II expeclcd lllnl thu unulnr Mnrd mellnl will lulu arm of will In tha In And School flnlr In TM olfcr has xpurktd the ex ecutiva commillcu at the Al llslan Anoclallon or Retarded Childrcn lo begin plan in open In school In Scpumbcr ALLISNN Special Knox Presbyterian Church has 011w cd the use 01 on ll newly dccornled Sunday School towns as nccommodnllon or school for retarded children Interruption of lhe school limetable must be kept In minimum 111 lest is read In six ur seven days positive tuberculin reaction signifies be the person has been exposed to Tuberculosis some time In his liie it does no mean that be hasr Tuberculosis persons have had some TB germ In the body withnut developing me disease Hawever an Xray necessary to rule out the presence of eclinm An Xray the poslllva February ll known In Health Unit personnel as the TB lest lng month For the past our years he Heal Test umber culasls has been alfered In all secondary school students This Is palnlm pmcedure whlch can ha performed on large at ol peppla veryjapldly Church Provides Accommodation For Retarded Childrens Ilssucl In at the month total 919 Impecflon weremade con sisting routine call Ind lnvulizaflon mmplaink NURSING SERVICES Sterflo water sample ballles may be thalnedjmm ynur 1m cal Health Unll nfflce free of charge These bottles an lup plled by the vainclal Depart men Health Laboratory at mum which respoiulhin for the hauledl examlmllon of the water problem exlsuwilh the condltlon of your water or well your local Htallh Inspcclor would by pleased Io advise or 35$ you ommend Ihat users well water hava their drinking wauraesl ed frequently at lhl Urns at the The Inn day of camplnl end with he campcrl rccclvlnz hm award for ac Icvcmcnu Then chlldren are mud and have sense of Mcnmpllsh n1 on Lhasa occnslom Ilnled the you speaker Miss Ballard wa Introduced by Mu Km Blanchard uho luld lha nudlcnco lhnl his young woman had complclcd her lounh year mun Memorial Hlxh School with but clan mum and Wu ncllrc in many Inna llonl In the mmmunlly tryone prmm vice chnlmin John Darling lhnnktd Mln Bolton egalnz lhq xmlludn pmmoied by Ihe Guelph Kiwanis ClubI Is genrnd especially ior lhcse children with mental handicap but who mpond maxineg well undLr cumlmc iive xuidnncu and pmxramminx Atllvilicl include singing action nnngs which develop coordlnm lion lrnmpolina cxmlm swimming and excursions lnin rmlurc um 61 tamuieivisued was immuniulhn mulls or Feb rumy are not available Visits were made in hehnii oi infants 56 preschool 454 school 380 prenatal 39 Adult 72 luherculosi $1 communicable diseases 28 menial helllh 52 orthopedic 51 social welim 86 undimigccilaneaus No graduata numo wen loanod by N15 NationalSamar ium Association in assist with Ihis lasting program 111 Unit slaif will be Nspansibiu iar lhI clinicx The reduction in lhc nursing stall which hu heeli bmuiht abant by thelm budget will mike its first Impact fin Much reshmfle ol nurslnx personnel mnwbe made lmrnedlmly In order to carry 6n Lhmflxed commllmenls lmmunlullon Cllnlca whlnh ma scheduled must be com pleted Personnel must he pm vlded to stall Illa Xrny mnhlll van the hlzh Ichooll Pre nalnl classes nnw ln prams mu be completed This III In nurslnz personnel wlll he fell pnnlculurly ln the work in inhool and ln tha homo vlnll mam wIUIpo carried out by auxray van mm Ihc NationJ Sanqgorlum Association mrenu hose student who In found to have walllva reaction forlha first lime thin year will be Invited to have an Xuy studean who have posltlva mcuon since the eating pro zrpm Was flirted In mowa Ea otferegiuanx Al9 the SPECIAL 003 Mom In ll lrond lho lndmlry your 0P will provld FREE TO ALL our mldunllll all cullomlrl vovk la uncondlvlomlly gunrlnmd IOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE cm Town Cullamn Cull ZENITH 86000 mm york don by our awn quillllod urvlu nldnm Icoo District Cooperativo Services ISFIL REIT PHONE PA 6653 WILL PAY YOU TO HAVE THE CLEANDUT your urnm Inmnlly SERVICE CALLS throughout lhl your fly only or REPLACEMENT PARTS LOOK AFTER ALL OF YOUR HEATING NEEDS Norlhem Lnkn Huron Gm Iun nay llnllburlon Alumna regions Sault 510 erll North Bay Sudbury Cloudy Ind cnldcr wflh occnllannl mow lo lay lapmng 01 lo an occur IIOMI Hurry lunlzhl Thundny Lnka 5L Clnlr Lake Erie NI agm southern Lake Humn Lake Onlnrlo rezlom Windsor London Hamilton Toront Gradullly luminx colder lhll allnrnoon nlunday mllnly cloudy Ind coer wllh one or two Inowflurrlu Winds noth la noflhensl 10 lo 10 aria cold weather holds sway wilh cmpcmlum ruling down In so boluw zero Tum duya mlld author In ioulhcrn Dnladu II on In way an as northerly winds bring mldcr wcnlhcr Iouthwud Cold partly cloudy wrath II are cut or most sodium Thurl Um Scripture wax read by Ed Brown and Ray Carlton led In prayer Testimony was In dime ol Elvin Pearson Blll Sleingurd rendered lwa numberl on the musical raw Ircompanlcd by Mn Jenncll It the plum He also came up with one on the accordlnn The speaker was hlroduced by Wilton Creed ln hi open lna remark he snld nm one son who can proudly say My father hu man most ol his llma In Jail Col Bunlon lather Oh Ipeaker wu also present Continuing the tanker Iald dont need In I211 you lhal crime doesnt ply In tax pnym yo uam Christin busi DESI men and you should know whu L1 Rain on But find an appalling Igmrance In tho mnuu ol crime Ron McFaddan Wu In the chair Gordan Withers mum ed Hunks John Smith led the singing wilh Blll swingsd It hepann Sixtyeight men amend in Burton Avenue United Church inst night in hau Bun inn supenisinl probation ol iicer for the criminal court adult probation urvice in the Caunly of York bring may nu and challenxo in society Synopxlx In Nonhern 0m Dinelorl ol flu BIB He and Dim11 Humm Soc My View mung which SPEAKER EXPLAINS Love Understanding Can Cine Many Ills NEWS BULLETIN WEATHER FORECAST BARIII Fnrncnl Tunnellung Low lonllhl 11h Thundly Windsor 20 so St Thoma 20 32 Landau la 30 Kitchener In 30 Wlnxham 15 75 Mount Fare 15 25 Hnmllmn 82 SI Calhnrlnu 31 Taronm Pclcrbomuzh 15 25 Trunlon In 30 Klllnlne 10 25 Muskbh Io 25 ll wa cant be Christians we cant win them or Jesus Christ They must sea it working in you at the practical level aside from preaching Our world haa tum ed tn atomic power instead oi Almighty God Probation ll adminkiered by the rovemrnenl and it should be dona by tho chmch Basically we want employee who am Christians to supervise those on probation instead oi punklling them We have about 200 provincial probation admin Isirallve oillcers working in our criminal courts with 7000 adult under probation lrom the courts It la difficult to ind job iora person alter serving in crime Penitem tlary Commissioner McLeod in said that inmates am at lite educalion level of grade live partly cloudy and cold Winds nary lunarmgast lo lo nmmlm Cochran While River realms Mostly clear and cold Inday Ind Thursday Wind th mums Inu yw IIIVOI upon sihiiity ride tin cmwd ed subway in Toronto observe wimt people read in the new papers it theres trim ttory they Had it espean it sex is connected with it Thu aubkct crime In lucinlt in one it studied it all my life would wind up only with alegater mitigating of evil God mad men In public pllcc who name the Name of Christ and you hmn mpon siplllty Iiflde ma cmwd wu tamed all their met In last night The landmine wn painted on of 0x0 Mn Conlrlbuilon To KIWANIS CLUB OF BARRII DIRECTORS BDMIBE RAFFLE PRIZE Boyk riécd proper enmma EASTER SEAL CAMPAIGN You Can Help CRIPPLED CHILDREN Supportlng lho by Ha pm In Canada wllll nu hula standard What shall wa do will lllml We mind Chrlsllnn lamlly la like hlm The lad found they loved hlm and gradually he wax brought lo new so values In llle He lcupled grealcr lespon sibimy and on night he look ed In window saw money He look Immediately knew he ahvuldnt have He went lmma In his aster mnthA Herein boy trough In or purse matching We Hud he was brought up in In orphan age in Europe when my werelumcd out daily to look me lhemselvu to let food by hook or by trook They are mum to suxviva the best way they know haw flan qu can wo my to boy There Snviour who loves yw etc when the back mund of lha boys II bunk We need presen once report made mandatory that when enlence is made flu court can deal ln ulllgenlLv with the use DUNLOP IT won by Mrs Archer Mefirn e4 laws Mk my MnTs mm memperh Fukwljenee Ind llcre ls In nuulndlnx bargain Fine lmporlcd Woollen Span Call in many pallcrnl ill M469 Colmp Valuo 2695 $112 $1699 1ND GROUP Ynull be well drcsnd youll be living money youll be numrlmd UII quullly than Enxllsh Woollen Jackcu Mlny pnllcrn lec 46 Comp Valuc 3995 993 $2699 llKE FATHER llKE SON 5pm mull ulylnl lull MI dad nml lmlnl mlll ll lull lm pvlrl Wun ulmlnx uh mlnly nf gullrm In nlm In In Comp Vlluc 1597 91 $1199 $AVE MENS SPORT COATS Fortunately or those who appreciala amnri tailoring we hava been able In negoiinlc Ipcdnl purchase mom and boy My mum sport coals This mum you lava picnlyl 0f Handiomuly IIllcrod Top QUIHW $AVE $AVE SPECIAI PURCHASE SHOWERS PARADISE Mom THE SLASHER 5pm mull ulyln lull dad nml Mn mlll hall pvlr Wun MIMIan ulvlt mlnly at gullrm In nlm In In Comp Vllm 1597 Socreds Draft Meeting Plans or and laid her what he had done then went la the police and confessed This the work um chhllenzes Is The men in the Bible brought mman lo the Master They said We use content to sin with this women but what are you gain In dn with her what muss than Jesus said He that is with out sin among you let him cast the in stone It heri Then to the woman He mid do not condemn you but go and flu no more He put her on mention The Judge an the bench is he ionelicsl man on earth nhen it comes time in pass sentence our society is spend In much money and lime In being cosy and missing the op partunity to go in he highwnyx and byway and bring Man In bulletinShem Social Gedil officers will meet OM evunlnl at Ihe hum of candidate Lloyd mngdng Officers an George Fads Cooksmwn president Joe Coch rane RR Barrie and Call Huntu Simud vicepresident Kell Chumhm secmary Skewm Fisher Strand unwr er Ind George Mulhoflund Stroud campaign manager Mr Lawrence Mn Ardxu Mn Fell Mn OBrien SalnL Back row Tut Ind Brown Examiner Photo PA M900 $AVE Vs

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