any MW OUTSTANDING SAVINGS on your Spring Wardrobe MENSZPANT MENS PURE wom srom MENS All WOOL selection of Melbourne Flannels and Wool Blends in an attractive group of muted checks subdued stripes and solid shades MOSWM WE During their GREAT When You Shop at COMPARABLE VALUE BUDGET ACCOUNTS INVITED You MuySpen cl SUIS Size Range 34 Io 50 $109 Shun and Tall Modoll WHERE YOUR SAlES SLIPS ARE WORTH ON YOUR NEXT PURCHASE 4042 Dunlop St West Barrio 4995 WK 5A SALE DONT PAY DIME PAY IT All ON TIME Loomed In Great Britain muted checks solid shades subdued lslripes Silo Ringo 34 lo 46 R69 Ind Tull Modnh my 3550 HS Featuring the r1ew slim continentals and semlvcominentals for the youthful ap peardnce of today in wide assortment of shades and patterns PANIS COMPARABLE VALUE Size Ringo 28 lo 46 MENS WEAR 1895 Tho fourthund final tickut drawn will determine the wlnnar of tho grand pviza weekend In Now York tor two Pack your bug you could be that lucky wtnnorl Pick up free entry blank with each of your sales slips from Moslynt from now til Eoslor Complete the entry blank and drop it lntha container at the norm Enter an often as you like Tho draw dolormlnlng the winners will bu hold at tho lost of business Saturday April The Holder ol Illa llut lickot drawn will rccolvo Iporls lackot with malchlng slacks The holders of the second andtllird tickuti drawn will each rocoiva new suit Well provide travel accommodation and entorlnlnmcnl for two Youll leavu the Royal York llolel and travel by leouslno Coach to Mallon Alrport board TCA lllghl lo ldlcwlld Alr porl and then by Alrllno Conch lo the famous WALDORF ASTORIA when youll be stopping Youll be our guest TWO BROADWAY SHOWS and ONE OF NEW YORKS FIN EST NIGHT CLUBS Imaglno yourself wllh two days and lhm nlghls ln wonderful New York Clly nolurn are In of course provlded lloror lho lrortlng on the cake If you cant rm ll lZaalcr Weekend plck tho weekend of your choice In 1903 Why no we dolng lhln Ilcennso we wanl you lo shop our won dcrlul now really rxpnndcd premlsos NEW YORK AS OUR GUEST HERES HOW YOU MAY WIN TWO LUCKY PEOPLE WILL SPEND EASTER MunEr Jlm Woodr ll loom lorurd lo mlu nu