ME 13 Cassius Clay Throwback To OldTime BoxersGoldman NEW YORK AplCharlny Goldman who mind rclirnd helvywzlxht thumpian Rocky Martluno and nlhcr world litle holdeu lays Cansiul Clay ls throwback to lha aidlime box on lnrllrlclunl mm an on Hm nlnhl um llnnro llllrhle 1an Jlm Ildwrll 711 For Illl all In Irmn Ilnlwlln Ind lllln Caltlwrll Allvllllum in N1 mm Kw In Jlm nld Irll Jan Mm mu Caldwell 711 llnnce nlltlilc M0 lllc MM Ill um liloddm mil mun lnmnon M11 um lnrl lenm llllchlc lml The WWII llmvlq lflflIIIUIIK MI nrndlry mu Irll Jim Clklwo nulmn Mrlunli Duncn Cnmrmn Iml mun mu upl IId lb lulu crown with Ihm vmh mmlm In In lhe ICYNIHIL lienun Mum end MumI why an luv Inl Wand ï¬lvlrknhkl In rlwcrm llurd Tupi ï¬pulnlclgl Oscar McPherson whose first Love during the winter is minor hockey is still talking about his jaunt gm Quebec City Oscar aion with allow other panenis accompan ied three Barr kiddies who played for Toronto team in the annuai competition flUTllflll MIXED HOW ltndlnnx Mun Irldl Ill Lurky Do flqunm no Elrlrknlrkl 7D Lupin Vnmlru 77 ml Tap 70 In nclwunl Rpulnlch L05 ANGELES AP now lnl exportl Wm xenmlly nun1 lady um Hum II no Iurn thing In my mo mm wnrld rhumplonshlp lllhll lchrdultd Snlurdny nlnhl Dodgrr smuum Iha mm the 15rnund mnlchu IM wel lerweuhl dumplon Emllo 1r nu ol New ank Mnlml Cuba Mm lull Rodrlauu cl llnml Fll Fullurwrlghl chnmnlnn Duty Mom In Inmud ovn nnolhrr Cuhnn prndunl Suunr lumen or Mulm C111 1th are we dillcrenl mm of fighter uld Goldmnn Rocky was man and wore Mn opponnnll dawn Clay boxer wilh lnal hundl and power Rocky proved hlmcll Clny nun has The mg like ahnul Clay II that Iluntd boxan uhtn In yum like lhu oldHm dld Ha call drlnlu and sleep baxlnl It hll llte Ho cocky lhcy mo and He uyl he In tho grealul uld Goldman Monday Maybe he Thu mnln lhlnu lhn he lhlnku so No on has Ilckcd hlm yeL Unlll mmmua beat him hell have he he nab ellfou no 6°13an acclincd lo make my complrlwn of Mnrclnna lndClny No Sure Thing In Title Tilts JUST NOTES Most sportsmen and women have pets so this is as good spot as any to issue remind or about the Humane Society meeting Its tonight It the Library Hall Some oithe Barrie folk down at the last Niagara FalisAHamilton junior playoil garxzie figure tho Flyers of the Falls should win the ae es Sign of sprlng Mickey Mantlg pulled groin muscle and Red Thurlow ls woanng hls softball ca and Lloyd llmmons is talking about smlllng go balls Now whats all that smlllng ball blt Tomorrow night at 645 to be exact Barrie hosts Richmond Hill Lets remembcr Quebec and get out and give them some vocal and handclapplng sup port The locals are doing well in both competitions Waterloo ls theh current OMHA opfositlon and Rich mond Hlll their opponents for the ght to lay in the NHL tourney atSt Catharine dur ng Easter ee Gary along with Murray Perry and Billy Mc Pherson were the Barrie lads Involvéd in the game 0f the local peewee team that these three boys playthr Oscar is especially proud He hopes and one can see he almost crosses his ï¬ngers when he talks of the club it will go all the way in both OMHA and Little NHL playdowns When the Toronto team took to the ice Quebec tans cheered for them because of the Barrie boys Barrie is known to these through junior hockey play offs of dozen years ago The fans so says Oscar were pleased to see Gary Mcger son of ormer MontrealCanadten Paul 1an mu bent Doug This might surprise some Barrie people because hockey doesnt appear too popular here but these crowds were maintained even with 500 charge for each entry to the arena The thlnï¬ that most impressed him was the fan support are was always about 10000 people in the collseum ha said Even when Quebec clubs were not seeing actloh the crowds held up The people came to watch hockey applauded almost every move Ignmï¬gximmn mun Mum xju SPORTS TYPE Minor Hockey Big In Quebec City BOWLING By STEVE JONESCU Mlllrndlr Donlp Ddonly null1n mm the lawn lualr amt mp 11 ml In so lullwl It also ha IM mod Ihuumll Ill thrmlc and Mm hullrm ol Hemml Man lull Irmlnl luv wilh uplrn ï¬lnllnn II In ludcr In Into IIHI Jnhmly HrKrnm flulflln Num Ann Wllllo Mmhlll llmhq nun nu llod of Mid MAN IN 00 palm luh Hul nlnl Ml ï¬lrnlltm II um wllh LMIHI numm Ihomd Ir day Hu rrlmm mm ralmlnl or Mill and lllll In 0er up IIIpom lend nvrr lHIl annoy valnlmld Imllnlll InI vmkl planner who Im II mlnll NEW YORK AP Hunk Clulu nl lcvchnd Huron ml mm Mnln Ian melt and Incl our lho Amerlcun ankry llllml uarlnl 1er point Mnllny lnlknlhnn Jonu wlII um rlnu lo 070310 on hll mr nnL my wlll mum About 300000 on hln per cam my II norm ll odd rom MM in NM much udy ha been told out In up my lmo Th non lnlo wlll hll 3100000 Ind clouddr rult lelovhian lo out In no clllu wlll MM ghoul 21000 la lho pmmollonll pqL Ciesla Collects Points For Lead Dnnlell le ny with Ian rlghll lo he held hr lore he we flopped on cull In he Ievenlh round lul William whl pad Dlnldl meIXnt bane allurdny mm amour iilllyr 11 Brooklyn barber who ought bolh Clly and Clcvalund Wlllinml my Wllll ll RlAny boxan lllfldtll dan vlcw Clay In tho lama my llx Ipoldmnn CIy winnu III l7 MI ro lllhliN by knockouts cull hel cInch Io flop Jone In Madlnon Squlra Gn dcn Wednesday nlght IIuIl go In Inur InId Cay nlus who angInnlly prcdlclcd Jane would all In nlx rounds Despite Clays manm mm ï¬ellnx hls own flatness he aml hrnken the MM Inling aI confldencu In th Jone qu Doug ls xolnx In then ran dcnl ha can wln Id mann Rer Mu Kosknwllz We know Clay has wank spot and Doug hAuoan 0ka on them John If he want la no aller Sonny Unun Illu Ihulwhy not bl and want ll Lilian nqnsrs my men 1M llnnl arm lho lml nLlle ml wll Iv vlnyvd Wnlnudy nllhl nl Mlhlun In nIlm min helnm alumni rd Cocknth 3mm won MI MN um lo mm am In Mm nulllnl lho wlnnrr the Mr mu mm not TM llnlll Ihmllrl cl Imler uy Sunday nllhl ll Alliloo ml Wllm In uunmr wllh 11HK whlle alum In rmle to Don Jr mama and Ken flrl In Film lnlllu Mn to hell Ill thcr Md Louln Ilulall Simcoe Series Deadlocked AmHo rnnnrdnl far win um mum at Mlillnfl Amu Sunday In ll Hm 54mm ï¬lm lhwlry Imnï¬un Inml Ilnnll ll Inn In In mm Pcewm dumped nlch mond Ml 7I on II MHHI home In on Sunday to lulu to lead In Inmu In flu but ollhm Onlano Mlnar llnckry Anocllllnn plnydowm 11 nnd um um nl Hum Anna on Wndnudny 645 mu Mdhmnn Mud lha way wllh lhrreunnl uumul whllo Ilurrny Parry rlltkrd or pnlr slnxlrlnnu ma monkd by null 10le nml Mu Qulnn Inn lllll Arrmmled or ï¬lm mund llllll all The lrrMmznl ho II undern ln II dealzncd ln Ilrnlnhlm out he dlslocnunn And allow lhl lrncluro to heal Fontinnlnl Injury was de Icrlhcd roclure ll cm iml nplne Mlh lama disloca tinn He was alammcd headlong Inlo flu hamd Mm chnked by New Yorkl VI llndllrld 14 ml lhc lecond period No pegRy ullgd Bame Takes Game Lead MONTREAL CPlIauan UnMo In mporlcd rusponding well lo treatment with mo Mon apparalux or flu neck In jury he suffered In Mnnlrcnr Nullonal Hockey League Kama here Snlurdny night against New York Range Hcl and mum Inld Florence Emmi nigh supervl nor the Montreal Gnneral Nmilal Heu nulnl on line Two Bolton player who havent mlmd Johnny Bucyk and Murray Oliver are rcspcc lively uvznth and ma for elxhth Ofllclnl NHL Ilallsllca re leased today show 2th play on whn havent missed sum among tho lensanl lop 20 norm he up the nu are two nzuImDelrolll Gordie How with 75 pain And New Yorkl Andy Bglhzm with 73 Toronio is lied wiih Chicago or first piano in tile ulandingl with 76 poinil Montreal is third wiih 75 iuiinwed hy De imii wiih 67 New York with wioinrwiih 43 Toronto Detmll and New York have six player each who havent missed name Chl caxa Montreal Ind Boston have three each Lou Responds To Treatment MONTREAL UP Hockey is rough game which lo make Hugespecially In tho Nat Hockey Lcaxug 13 pro whn saw NHL ac tion hll leasan only 211035 than onsflflhhau played full Ichedulejar lher gluhs Greenwood track In Toronto buxulnu will 5lein these rdayl as lumen and pacer Mere Handful Work Full Hockey Schedule TRAINING TIME Is HERE Nwmulul honlhrd llrndlnnl lhlI Mrrkrnd inncllu HI victory In lhl Noam Ymk lrrwathoy luluu nl Hm erymmkrt Amm Miha Archmhlnmlll Dan Moll Flay Kryu Jim VIUlfh mum and mu Klllrr ml mu rk nhmnlmtm Genru mu mm mm or Indian In Ahm Dnve Slave nalrhcd mo mnrkrrl In Aid In Gutlnhl 71 Immph over Mulbnml mo In lho Jr Irrlu Dnn 8mm Ind Jlmll Van fly ham awnd lwlm or hlrlvh Mllrllmm onh wrnl la rm Bowmworlh and John Poole Queï¬cc Munch Radium and lluflnln blanket rullcy 10 In lop gullnn In In Iml lre Hm lonllcndlnx by Andy nun mnla cnrrlrd Pclcrbam lo be shutout aver Hnmlllon In tho Jr Squln ul Gnry Bnym had lhl hat lrlck Ind Dare Mrlum Ilnzlo Wuller nhnxon nd Doug Mnnhmnn bolh ncmd slnzlu In in Syracuso nlppu aver Klannn In Hm sccnnd hall ho EIHI bIIL Jlm Muln Itor rdugar Klnplon Bradford Hit By Newmarket Sudbury opened lcsllvillcs or line day wllh Irlumph over HuIIDUle In lha EPHL Tyko mics Tam anermun and Lu Kovau Ihnwld way with lhrcc xanl cuch nlcky Wny Ind pllr and Ricky Lee nlnxlo nay Devlin and Larry Mnunno each hlt lwlu lnr 0m losers Mn of eight game was played 1n he nrudrnrd and Di lrlcl Minor ankcy League at lhc Drudlard Arrnn Hillycok end providing or cxcilinl hulls Hall has 159 on ngalnst Mm whlle Plants 11 raspomible or 163 The trophy goes to he nel mlnder whq hu played most inmcs or lhe leemwilh the ewet goal agalmt It In the gonllendcn race or he Vezlnn trophy Glenn Hall Chicano emerged mm last weeks play with ourgoal edge over Momreall chquc Plume Balk have le names to play Jean Hellvcnu Montreal ha NHLI best playmuker with assists nnkl lelh wilh 55 points Frank Mnhovlich of Toronln who leads the Ieazua In goal with 16 ll Ihlrd onlha indivi dual palms Us with 71 Fourlh In Chicago cenm Sun Mlklta with 70 pointy and Huh In Montreal Henrl Richard with 66 Chicago 10th Alex Delveccho Dem lllh Dave Kean Tar onlu 15m and Norm Ullman Detmlt lath Mgmmcu 11mm Eight Games Go In Bradford Loop work out or flu opening the 1963 Sinndardbrefl racing season In Onlirlo March 25 he olhen Ab Na deduction for sales comnuulan Enquim about CANADA TRUST INVESTMENT FUND 94 Dunlap Bmla Mon Thu McDonald Delveccth Keqll Tar 0n Mlmh ll flurrln 11 mm ul roll all In lullI lur hlnh MNIll Inmlm In rlhultl Amnnl Ilw rth will hr Allldrm Nowmnllrl Orfllln Irmllolll nlllnzwntxh Mldlnnrl nmp llmlrn Ind lIoHnn llllcd III urn Um MI ho Kompvlm Mn In Ip nlrrlnlrll mollunnnllka mum on Mllunnn pm Tnlnl plnfnll Inr hr vlclnrl WM 1560 lo or lll Iumx Illxh tullm an In uhmrrn crrw um Sliver ljjrhln 7116 may on inner 735 mm Tnm uwm rm rm 6mm Mmln 1250 Ind Jlm Paola WI 11 For llu Mlluwn hnyl ll wu Wnynn Mumll 76 WW Ilulh Mclxnn 79 12711 1qu mum um Md Inn on Muchnun MI AM Will llllllbmllm TM mm Klmnvlew All Slur He he MlLflon All Slur muqh day In lnlerflly Mn lmwllnz Mllon at UM Mllllun Linn on flxlndny nlIInl up mnrnln plm or lhrro lumen Alliston Whipped By Kempview Crew In the 10mm game wns Lean Mn noslan Ted lurdntr and lnra Ilnrrll lull for Toronto whllo Bill Goo and Hugh McEvny accounlcd or mulna calm Canadian and Detrolt balllcd dandle In the liril we llu In the NIH lcriu John Cnx clicked for Ike ths and Richard Mason Inr lha wlpgs Bill Kauyo 21 and htdlhnr John hclpcd Ricky Vdnvjak chalk up Buffalo shutout mu chhnyl Quebec gonlxcllcrs were 10th nine Jan Vcrkmk 12 and Gary Colnnneln I2I Pat Hrrnyk hlt or nochmlcr Howe Deno Enlhgalr NY Mahnvlich Tor Mikln CM Richard Mll Bellvenu MU Bucyk Boston Hull Chlcnxn Oliver Boslnn McDonald Ch Dnlvccchio Del Henry NI MacDonald Dcl Kelly Torunlo Kean Toronto 19 25 Delmii dchncemnn iinwie Young has boosted the NHLa individual penalty record to whopping 249 minutes or more than our in games in Ihe 58 he has played this season In thu pcnally Detroit slill load 337 minutes Ynuni surpassed tha armor record of 202 minutes in Feb nuny Jnhnny aner Town ml behind Planle with Hm our ntandardhrcds wth their drivers well bundled up work out over the men ack CF Vlrephoto 11m ludenx 29 Pll PlM 41 73 BI department with total OUIDOOR llFE lmu um anw InnI any Cum mum GREAT FISHING 1m IMcmenl wu huml lol Iowlnx moollnl the 1mm nllrndrd hy annlrhuk and npruenllllvu mo hvlcl Hm The Mnry win he wll of mnundtnlnndinu he lwncn Kuwnlrhuk And our dnor mrn Thu haul nzms very much Mm hu hunptnrd and we would MD npolnnin In Kowllchuk And ha Canadian lm lcnm lnlcrulrd um Swnllnh new npem wrlla lhll Mnlnmml In ml ho mm Mg Irlhrl the Ilorlu pnnw We would Ilka lo loll lha urnshe Suullxh prculhal lhm hn mm mlxundcr Mnmllnl We should Him In loll the men um this girl lhey Swedish newnpnpem wrnlo almul did not um annlchuk nallve Ed manlon now llvlng In Trull de nch Iwm he nlnrl lhnI nny wamcn were Involved In his dls nule wiIh he halt lumen The hoIcI anglnnIIy nlltgcd lhe In idem Involved girls day by lFinn Mn mnnnucr of hu hnlc whom lhe Cnnmllun le llleholclrlald STATEMENT MONDAY mm mm Omanrm man Now you analchuk sullened possi ble broken nose and required hospital treatment He came here with he Smnke Enkrs Cunndns rcproscnlullvcs In he world hockcy chumpinnshlpr but Xx nnL parllcipnllnx In the champlonshlps having been re placed on he mm by player added to srronzlhcn lho Trnil learn or he Maya STOCKHOLM CPlA Swe dlsh hotel has apnlagizcd to Russ Kownkhuk and H12 hail Smoke Enter or an Incident early Sunday lnvnlving hotnl porter and the Canadian hockey plnjur The Malmnn Hotel 1115 lold newspapers In Sweden some carried the IncIdenl under and hundIIncsthal It would like them to sze Just as great Slay In the apology as Ihcy dI lo the taped ol the Incident TM Jam Inumllnmlly nmnun lpnruman lolll nl lmnllnl new fllhrnnenl paraMu In 5wa Vullay In Ha uald he will use the same lineup agnmst Um Czechs In Monday nights game Kromm replaced forward Norm gnar don with Gerry Pcnncr who got goal and benched Ed Pul Iescl In iavor 205pouuder Ted my on defence Cana skin and Sweden are lied for first place each with nlx points from three wlns and no dulean Russia Is Inurth with two wins and on 105 or four wlyu Finlan scared our sécund period goals to lie West Ger Canada has beaten the of lhe weak countries In the chmm plonshlp gmup but hasnt pp peared Impresslva The Smok lc blanked West Germany and were behind 31 helm rul lying for an 115 victory over East Germany ound mm In Ihelr performance against lha US lo hulsler their morale or lhe Czech hauls but coach Bobby Kromm said he was well enough ntlsfled alter the poor first period By ROD cunmz STOCKHOLM CP Tull Smoke Eaurnend goalie Seth Mmln tuned for nine goals In two umu are lhclr Hm real test lhe warld hockey championshlp ton ah when Hwy tackle Czechoslovakia ilronl derenelva teem landed with lnlenLand picked by many observer to win he world crown from Sweden Experts agree the Smokies will have to try lot harder than they did In defeating Illa tinned States 104 Monday night lo me much ofa chance or the um Am the Czschs Ihe Canadians must play swim and Russia The Trail club wu behlnd 21 at he first mlnulen ailing the Inexperlencerl Americans chcu smsmn Kowcflchulk Trail Receive Apologies Canadians Meet first T0119 11 Test In VTburney NEW MKE ST LAWRENCE MARCH ISSUE IN Judge wu prechlnn lmldor led he American Mnxun In Holding nl hu milieu or nine Innucnllvo yum Unpllc IILI Illa hrNb Ilnm and If mundmele mu nne nl Km taluuul mm lmz hlllm Judge who traded hln ner In um plnytd hls 10 yum In Iho major wllh Wunhlngwn Na ycm Ill he became mach the GenrnvInwn hme hall lcnm poslmm he held Mr ol llu um 22 mm III mired In 1m WASHINGTON MP J00 Judge VHMnllon Scnnlorl ulHlmc Areal Hm bnmmnn dim Mnndny mm hcurl nl Ian aim Ihovelllng snow at MI home He was EH Im POHEI Edmnnmn pru ldnnl mu Canadian Amateur Hockey Assacinuun and wllh lhe mm In Slockhnlm de mandcd publlc npnlaxy ram Ihe halal Aller lhe hrch stale mrnl mm uld we nu Ml Mind In rcpmflng he Incidan an Swedish newspaper hcndllncd slary Canndinn chnmplan ship rlytr knocked down quarrc our Senator Great Dies Attack Kowalchuk zayenrnld em playce Trail deparlmenl store who It marrlcd and his lwo chlldren said that he had mined the howl elevator wllh teammate Wall Peacosh when the purlcr openud the door and Marled pulllnl ml out Ha pushed back and the hll me and knocked me Canadlnn team the Inlem lional Ice Huckcy Federaliun the Swedish Ice Hockey Feder nllan and the Canadian em baxsy rppurms 5an Charles Dr coll lumed in 49 saves against the Canadian Monday night but he still let 10 on pan him or total 29 ll almost Duel Aheaan warned he West German Urey would have to salute the East German flag Ihould Iha Earl German win when the two caunlrlea meet Saturday II he West German create another flag dispute As they did lwn years ago the HP will ms to lake stern nctlnnAhearno said In the 1961 laumament In swllurlnd West Germany 105 la Ens Ger many by 50 forfeit aner re fuslng to play rather than chance defeat that would have meant ulang the East Ger man standard v9 09mg nusv There were these othor deg vqiapmenls on the world hockey Iccnai The Inicmatiunal ice Hockey Federationdcblded lo nick by it oflglnal déclliun and compelp in the Winter Olympic Games at innshruck Austria nut year Bunny Ahurne European resident of the HP had said ockey might be dropped from the Olympic becausa oi the mall distribution of money from television rights many In Mondays other Group game and in mm place with lhxen points The Finn have wlnlwoloma anda Mu West Germany East Germany and the Unked State nu out Iha illndlnzWest Ggrd many has Ma and liner lasse whlla lhmEm Germansand Americanl have droppud their three mm In addition in tonights Can IdaCzechoslovakia game start ing pm AST Russia meet East Germany am and Sudan plays ihé United State 11 am swingme us Im nuktlhnll 5Com Nllionll Amtlnllnn Lo Annie Louls no By THE AMOCMTED PRESS Canada played 012 Czech world entry twlce thls year exhibltlon game and was ben len 31 and 5A2 In Stockholm he Czechs hava inoked brilliant whii defeating West Germany 1M iho Uniitd Slain 1M and Easi Germany Rcmlnded ol this J5me DEM You know But the chips will be down omanow nlghl we fns do better well be In Iran The Smokies had thclr hnnda tull when they tied the Czech 11 in the 1961 world tourna ment Canada and Czechoslova kla tinlshnd that your In potntstlc tor ï¬rst place each with six wlns and tie but the Smokies took the crown on the hlgher goal spreadthe differ ence between zeal scored and goals allowed The same 5Ys 1cm will be used In plck the winner here 11 the tournament should again and in deadlock lhe Smoke Enter had Hills to say after the gama an they zlumly moped of Ihe Ice my mm Jones thebig ranxy team was cornered brleny and taller ulcd wlmt tha Smokies have been saying nflcr much win They didnt play we al uhey are capable of playing RUSS KOWALCHUK Trall Smoke Ealcra Canadn entry In the warld hackty Inumnmm bclng played Slockholm la la rclum la Cm mla men He was dropped lmm Ihe learn about week an hm Smnka Euler rot célrcd nddlllnnnl player help Vlrcpholo Velenn Jack McLeod had hll best day ai lhu Inurmzmcnl wilh two goals and two assists lo pacelhc Canadian vicinryi Addy Tambeiiini and Hugh McIntyre aixa acmd Iwice Ihelr ml coming in tin third period Harry Smith George Fergusvh Harald Jones Ind Pmncr more one each 115 goals were byJnck Klrrnne Don NnrqualMmhall Tachlda and TomMuslonen camel Hu was replaced for one period In his Initial start Ton penalties were callcd The American drew six lncludlnx mlsconduct to Tachlda WHEEL ALIGNMENT IIHEI IMLANNNG snofxrmsonnnn SERVICE COMPLETE HUNT END llNllINSInN OVERHAUL 77 TORONTO ST MURDOCK Lu U5 flmh Your Cu Now BASKETBALL HARRY 311