7h Coll vvvvv 19 Dunlop VA 021 Barons fashion house Rome present these 0mm or cocklnll time ram it 196 Hiring and summer hsh lan eollccllun Let pink linen drm emhmldcred with mothewwearl Lina lhe dltsa suggests Ihe den or conifer slrcsstd by dlflercnl length In from and back Mulnly Inmll Ilm Mmlly In hm nuulr II In WEDNESDAY FASHIONED FOR COCKTAIL TIME many colon 00 SFRINGHDK FAVORED LONDON AP London bookie hnva mud Springbok lMol lavorile or the Grand Nullonal sleeplechau to be nm at MnLree Much no In call le la cape 01 black raw silk wilh hand mbroldercd cu decoration through which CAR COATS Rug I735 lo 3950 our at Londonl Victoria Club brcnchmanu Cove we mnda second Iavurile lllol and Owens Sedgc nwncd by Adar Gregnry Peck we placed third at innl he dreu Huh plnk beige cmpod silk is seen AP Wire photo Wmena group In the clly after variety or emulalnmenl for city women tomorrow alter noon Shamrock Ten will Guest Ihe home of Mull rule and MII Gordon Faster ol Drury Lane ha weekend were Mr and Mn Ros Perry Nlum Falls Ontario Mr Perry was formerly moclated with OK Rndlo Smlon Orher wlmlmlly um the Foster residence on Sutunhy even were Mr and Mn Grnydan Cole Orillla Ind Mr and Mrs Fosters IoMnJaw Ind daughter Mr and Mrs Roland Dobson Jr of Narth Eny Mr and Mn Dohson were weekend guest It the home at Mr Dob ranl parents 51 and Mrs Ro land Dahrnn Sr Common Street uypsr 3110M yognsmcx Mrs Mblnsnn 01 Woodstock formerly Barrie II holldnylnl It the home of Mr And Mrl Wllktl Orchard Drive WEDNESDAY EVENTS Durlngflle shun business ner Iod convencrjflra McCarthy reported on His Valentina Bridle whldl was well Allend ed with 59 tables In play Mrs Mnnchusltr cacanvener 01 this event blnhdny gin or the Gulld adopted Garman girl has been sent to Germany The mm was wgzxpmy muons March meallnz the Guild of Trlnlly Anglican Church was held llst ovenan In the Purlah Hall with memberl nllendlnz On In mum nl unlnn In uvml mm mm ml at Inu uuulmrnl min and Inn llny pnlr to nulth my ouml valuu up In um pllr Spriï¬g Hat Show At Trinity Guild Phone Eileen Dixon or Audrey Couhon PA Hm PEOPLE AND PLACES Only 25 per palr Sprlnl hal uhlonl or mllady will be pnraded St Andrawl Presbyterian hutch comment In It M5 oclock lamnrmw allemoon Hm will ba nhown from the Hat Box and Mm Lox Robertson will In commen Inter JAM INTO CITY Mare Hun 400000 People wnrk In lnndonl City huslneu dis trict which cover only 677 mu Mr and Mn Reg mm of Owen Street hm relumed In In city mm Sprinlfleld Ont Iris when lhoy allcnded tho luneral of Mn Onml mother Mrs Eeldun JIQMICK I9LIDAY mind Mn Simpson have returned Ia huh Sunnldllu Rnad ruldence After two weeks vacation upenl It the Manor HouseY Jlmalcl held Fellomhlp Hull Oolller 51 1mm 210 In oclmk Third Emle Seoul Group Molher La dles Auxllllry an chum arrangement ar lhn uvenL Tho enleflnlnmenz and mud eon In charge Mar Highlight of he pronAm was ha show with collection the laleslanrinl slyl pro vided by the Hit Box Convener for future events or the year lncluda Mu Slmplan Spran Baku le Mrs wollendm Nearly Now Sale M11 Clurelte Ind Mn bung Christmas Bu Friendship rlnl nndMaple L95 pln Reporls ha Presbytcrinl Bl Colllngmnd wen given by the delegam Mrs Sptnce Mm KSturlgon pnd Mrs Kell mln by Mrs McDonald wu much appreciated and ML Paterson contributed axon ll poem The buslness Included plum or the annqu Irish Supper on Much 15 and looking well ahead lhe Full Sn Work was lentu 35 l9r09 Following the openlna exercixi es thu special prnycr for ml lonariel Mr Ind Mrs Hoyd Slrnchan was ollcrcd by Mn Paterson halthnur Blhlc study well outlined ahead by Mu Page and Mn Kell Wll special came of the mm Mn Seymour Kell was the hostess at lhé Churchill United Church Womens meeun Mn Allan Toldd presided1 Mn Curl Calms slsiér ha bride wu ha matron honor Curl Calm attended the bride ï¬ernewl ed will mnku lhelrhoms Toronto fecepllnn wn held follow tnz the cergmon In 35 ihoppml Pmth Ham III brlda was given In mm rim by hnr lather Sh those lawn of blue ulna comma menled by coma ol whlle cqmntlona The bridegmh Is he Ian at Mr and Mn Jnck Culhm of Brndlord Rev Fred Jackson Stmud omclaled ï¬ne ceremony Mrl Jackson played the weddln muIc Mrs Kell Hosts Churchill UCW candlelight service we Jole mnlud ai the home al Mr Ind ï¬lmEd Jackmn of balmy when their daughier Min San dn lmhel Jackson Became the bride William Cnlhm landlord Vows Exchanged At Bridés Home THE SLASHER R09 54 WEDNESDAY AM SPECIAL or mu lhe nccent often lam enouzh lo Accom module whale group of mm lure One my might ho placed to onenmpau much any chlin and coffee table Another rug may accent the fluplnce Iran Still third mnchlnz or harmonizing can b9 used In the dlnlnz Im 01 mm Fa modern room ha Ic cent r111 In Ibstml pattern at mnny kind mlghl ha chosen Sam ma abslracl Ire hlt wild lo be sure but there Ira some extremely handsome de Ilzm toy Tha well chosen Iran rug lend ilxoll in many period irtalmeuis in anEnrly Amtr lun room for example he braided rugis In ideal choice over polished oak floor French Provincial room mlth un Ire run in traditional pai tern or mild lone lo rallecl the predominant hue in the lur ziliure wallpaper and draper AESTRALI PATTERNS Then on area rugs are Inc or hon who like unusual col ors Ind pallern In hull floor coverings Beautllul wanlowall enmean must perforce ha morn lubdued because line wldn expanse Am rugs are alsn easler lo clean and can be tamed to take raffle wear of one spot and distribulu ll evenly The open look ask loan mauled by Irearun ex tremely popular Ind lhm Ira sevml reason fur his For one lhlnl Iran runs In portable and can be changed It wm This In good for folk who like In mange heir room decor from Urns to llma THE BARRIB EXAMINE TUESDAY MARCH or oak noon modern mm AccentOak Floors With Bright Rugs 111mm somn oak loan can be Insal with ships of bran or alalnles am or unusual decorative elfccls Tradlllnnll rnnmago In for dark stains while slain In at umm decornlor color an frequently used or bolder and very Interesting enact In mod an or gonlcmpnrary moms Many homemaker llnd llll lrcalmcnl needs rnpcalcd only we or lhree times ym The only olher care urdlnah Ily xequlred to keep onk floor In Ilplnp Ihnde lrouline flush in wllh In untreated map plus occasional llghl pnllxhlna be lween wnqdnzs Allnouzh mosl homemaker prelcr oak floor In nalurnl tones there l5 towing ln crease 111 the use clslaln la achleve vnrlnus color effects lerlals and methods have mndl ll unicr lhnn ever lo keep them clean and beaniiiuh 1110 modern oak near an in cleaned and waxed in single operation This is done through the use nl liquid wax prepari nlion which romnvc dirt and ordinary spots and leaves pro lecllve iinish Polishan com plete tho lasin LIFLE CARE For elderly and convales enl allcnls Excellent mm or prlvnle or umlprlvnlc Hot and cold mm In room Reulslcr ed Nurse In allendmcu STAYNER NURSING HOME sigma ONT MARSHALL Rag PHONE 124