Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 12 Mar 1963, p. 3

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and um Inulmqnn llam 10va md mlldn today Tnmnhl Ilnmlllnm lmnlnll Wlmlmr Loin Oulmln Nlnz um lynh Ilunm Ml ITvlv Ah TInIr alum Zlnuzly and merr lmhly and Mn dny llnln Wrrlnrduy wume mlml wllh mm Hm Wlml mulllrnl 15 to WM nwlay Nympm 514wa rlllng Irm wrnhnu um orocul lor pnullvrrn Unlnrin lmlny le Involmuwnl mm Ilmm lllr mulhwrmm Unllul Hum appran In and ruin III lmlirnlml In llw Mrrnll ur mmhrnl nlmln Vrdnmlny Mm I1Il mum wwvrlnl In Nayllwm Onlnvln ma rDMvr Mr lmm lmlllwm nnmln mlvnmrl lulu Hm nzlun They nr Scn Cndcls and Navy League FrIdny May and Snlurday May Society or flu Prcvcnllnn or Crucl ly to Anlmnls Friday June and thudny June 15 Kcmncn It Tmmpnl Hand Friday Mny 31 nnd Salutdny Juno Council also nulhorixnd tho holding lhrm mg day ro commvndcd by Fin and Trunk Commiltce The imollon was amended la Include ncing mayor The report called or Iwo park Ing spots he madenvnllablo the southwest corner at tho east City Hall parking lot or me use at the mayor and city manager and that sign be erected Clly Ccuncil at ils regular mveflng last night ndopcd re port of tho Fire and Traffic Committee Cily council lusl night adoplcd report or he Public Works Committee recommending 1m movements In Hayfield street from Ross strch nuth lo 400 Highway and from 400 High way north In city limits also Essamad ram Highway 400 to Innisril slrcct and portions of fin slrecL section of Bayllold slrccl Essa road polinns THIin sum and pans of Highway 400 to city llmlls are slated or provement Council Approves Three Tag Days Plan To Improve Few City Streets 15mm FORECAST FIRE DAMAGE IS SURVEYED IN COLD 0F MORNING CAT ON COLD OLD POLE luv mu Wlmlmr 11mm lnmlan thhrnrr eruzhnm Mmml lell Ilnmlllnn Fl Alhnllnu Tnnnlu IMnllnlnuih Tnulm Nullh Mullmry Alumna Thunlnml thrnnn Klanz Zluuuly lmlny and Wrdnruhy Occullrmnl lmw Vilmlnl culllrv Mu Wmlnwlny Wlmll nonm ml Is lo 13 Walnnuiny Fontfl Trmwv nnl luv nllM nm Wrxlnmluy Shaw Wnlnrw day IIIuly tlmmzlnu la nr In rmnlnn mixed mm min Wlmla rnflnly Wnlnmlny vlccpms dun of the Social Credit Asso clnllon in North Simeon snd There has been Increasing 1n crest In Social Crcdil slncu people are swing in know more about It Hut lhm lot In 39 Hllcd In and that one Alva those who Msh Mum In El thrmsclve nlo 5mm use part In the cnmpalg Social Credit mealan will be held tonight in 12 Rob my nnlng oclock The rt recnmmcndcd That we do not support In its present form Ihn resulullon mm chwonh County regard Ing he use mlnml bnso detergents and that 12 Icller mm Ynlnhle chnmlcnl cn glncer Gore and Stanla be filed Socreds Meet This Evening Just before Ihe me me te cclvnd each person requesting one to be contactnd by cir cular leller to dig hole two out square and two feet deep In lhelr front lawn Io receive the tree The repan also recommended Ihnl the report mm Jollmc regarding Tho Intermi tlonnl Shade Tree Conference Canadian ghamerflbe Cmmcllrw venis or lhnso who wanted trees be planlcd Klllnlon Munich The ancslorcy structure was qucd to be ground wllhln ln hour Barrio and chpm Tawn shlp firemen worn unable to um nthlng in Ihu home Un omcinl sources csllmnle the loss at 33000 The in dcslroycd he maln linn cable serving Georgian Bay area or the Bell Tclcphona Company Service In pam 01 Ema and Vesprn Township was disrupted or mm The men Tom lluggmd and Norm Johnson rental the house from Toronto landlord Mr lluggards wile and chlldren wcro n01 at home when the llm occurred The Barrie Fire Department was called in the scene by an unidentified person According to Fire Chiei Roiiy irwin the men had been sleeping and woke up to find the house burn ing nround them Appnreniiy he only way they could get out was by breaking window Na men escaped death early Ihix morning as fireengullcd lhelr rented homo on Femdala rand qmllflulkm Ilmuld In uklmw Arpllrullmn mun lnr Dmlu Mth than In Mr Wmlu Wmlu Recrelnr mm nvcmlkm mllm Duvlrlwn flank AyplIrtlnn ll ml lo ample mu III ur Mmmrr Ilmullm wolvnmme salary la be mmmmmlule Illh mlnlfllrnllom The man came to The Ex aminer at 1034 this morning and stated he had seen the cut there at 730 £th morning and In lad this morning man called to report cat stranded on lets see the fourth pale east or motel on Donald Street REEEPONSIBILITY Winiw respamibnny is to remgve me animal Eesld eve on cats skelelan on pole asked Mr ELscn He stated Illa In my opinlnn the cat smart enough not to stay up there and starve He know theres 09d up tlhere But he dld nllon that the PUC has on nccnslons sent man up to retrieve astronaut mlnded fullnes the plea of desperam clllmns who almust ranch the palm of presslng the pan hqtlonfl nuthing ls dune Willam Elson secretarytray km of the PUC says can risk mans file to send him up pole to save an animal We dont like to do for this reason he geld Two Escape Death As Home Burns In around Barrie to the Public militia Depart ment the Barrie are cum the Ontario Hydro and the Barrie fire department there are two viewpalnu and unden lytng connotations of others ahnut the subject at poled cats SK Chances are that you didnt But perhaps you have seen cat seemingly stranded on up such vertical projection tom the gyounq Ever 522 cats skelétan an up hydro telephone pole mnmm mmn wizsmy mm 12 lIFEGUARDS SUMMER PLAYGROUND SUPERVISORS Cat TClimbs Pole Dedides To Stdy Who Does What nuflv THE BARRIE RECREATION COMMITTEE llvllr Aypllullou For Counrlllon nnXd lwo lmmrl nl Dawn 40 mllen mullwml of hero and lcntlnngulxhnnn 15 mile novlhennl herv both llllml lo rlyngllyunml mam mmmmlnuon bnmy nerdrd COLLINOWOOD Onl CF Town mum1 Mammy nlnhl de rlded In ml filmmo Iounly Calmcll lo hulli ll hamn for lho Inn in Uu Collfnuwoml um Collingwood Wants Home For Aged So Mr Mr Klnzla hnl not named In It his name Ilnnd hul It known he hole hcnrlcd lupporlcr Soclnl Crnill and an ndmlrcr ul Um Soccd lendrr Robert Thomp Mr Jnckmnn mid Vlulum Jnckmnn VIMWest dch the North Slmcoo Saclnl Credit Almindnn and Mn Mnrgnrclllook past pmldunl of the anenl Auxlllnry lho Cnnudlnn kxlun hnvu nnnnunc ed ha campaign In Drnn Wlllnrd Klnzle or Social Crcdll candidate under way Vlllmd Klnzlu 1mm hoan prcasurcd lo nm as Soclnl Cred candl no In Slmwo wn lcnmcd yesterday More man than women lake adult part Ume unlmslly course In Canada the ratio be Inl 801 per cent Pruvlnclal Police Corporal Kcllngg nnd Constable Pappln stated they had just passed by the house on routine patrol Ilncvn minute before Ire broke out Came the fire hn not yet been determlncd and he mdd on Is being lnwsllgmcd by the OFF uu er they slancd working they nullcod car on fire Thu cm was beside the wins and ap parently had been smouldering alnca he lire Flremch were called out again shnrfly Aflor am and managed stop the fire from spreading Repair crew Worn working since she Shortly Start Campaign To Get Willard But PUC omclak said they dldnt knnw whose responsibility It was The Humane Soclety Barrie could not be contncted far statement In this matter ly In in The Inlormu lion received narrowed it down by ioglcnl usurnpllon la the PUC The fire department wont touch because hamdto human Me and Ihe Ontario Hy dro unless called wont touch it because It Isnt in It service areas ular cat which In sUEBlEd this article was taken can or by crew at the PUC shortly alter 11 am It was lo cated atop the fourth pole on Donald street west of Boys street and had been there or Ill nd half hours ms nasclm The Ontario Hydra Barrio area niiica msisian manager Bah Srixley said in depends on circunsiancesi He noted Kim 11 the an mended in mi erably mid weather then some thing would be tried But it it went up In wnrm weaiher then the Onlario Hydro wouldnt risk sending man up as cat knows betier Inn no all up there and starve Fire Chic Rely Irwlnsteted that the lire departmth defin ltely dId no rescue stranded can It would he definite danger to my men Our lad ders are melnlfl he said and 11 they lnuch Ihose wires and he mailedofl there in essence If the memi ladder touches he wires poo one on fireman and still alive ane ca hnd tried to get someone to net It down MEN 511 MORE LEARNED CHOIUIB Younl Mhlcnnu mmlnl la Montreal 300 ymrl ago In mar lcamml to cook new And arm that nl the dlya Nun Fnrm Mn Hook Bald Willnrd Klu lie was Hm mou oumnndlnz mayor lumlo ever had Barrio mom forward In rtMar uro Hum aver befam during hll llvmymr term ofllc Mu Hook mld hay hoped Mr Klnzlo could be persuaded lo let mm land or nom lnallon nlnnz wflh um 01 Mel flown Elmvnlo the nom Inullna mating Thundny night In Embassy Hall lhls inrcrn It wm also decldcd ndvho he Bmdcvco Construcllan Com pany that tho Plnnnlnz Board L1 pmparcd to consider new dmn plan subdivlslon or In land In Um quUMasl section Until the declslans or an nverpass or unclerpm St Vincent street and cloverlen Duckwarlh street have been made connedlon will be re served at Rose sleeve across Vincent lhe Industrial xervleo road London of the industrial ser vice road must be compnmflo with Mun clovmenl at Duck worlh slrceb and with an un dorms or overpass at St Vinv cent manhul will an mm mm um than my The Industrial area serviced with road from Duckwarlh to street The commlflee recommended that Grove street east be ex tended easlcrly lo conned with Willowdale avenue Film Mum pm II IWII bull lml who nunll lhu umylln Inunmm by no Chink bur ol Cammru City Council last night adopt ed rapert the Fire and Trnlflc Committee after that cammlueo hnd dlscusscd the subdivlslon plan for tho pm posed street layout or the St Vinccnt Grove and Duckwarth streets arm Hwy wéHl more well rent them at lhe infiltrates Council was told that Hydro had 20 space but they had 38 blue curds Ald Garald Roberts Bald dont condone the Hydro using 38 spell when they are only 11qu or 20 Would Extend Grove Street To Willowdale Hydro parking on um City Hall parking 100 came up for discussion last nights Council meeting Suggests Hydro Pay ForParking PANEL COMPOSED oi members oi the Simon No Disirict oi the iniernaiinnal Reading Association discusséd various aspects oi the reme Shopping Service Illurlc Arld ll Mllth Dru AgIa Mm He II llrlptl lllhblu Pith lllldhnhlol III MM would lu Cum Imm ul an murder ml WANTED mm mm Ionin mm flu blond Mu In mu mi All Imullu all will MI FOUND will be mnnlng Vincent Nelvu urnct clubs mmch or Iho Immcmndu mphy 1hr lary Cluh wnn Hm uophy in nnrrIa KIwanIl Club look the service club donor trophy For lyrllx of lhn so um given lho club nlurncd wllh dunorl Thll II v1 per ton lurnout Nut umlly not an mo to wow club members but persons mn mum by he Itrvlco omni xnllon null lee the cllnlc was luccm Inld Mn Madmen leycluhl pmom mm In bu rcjcclnd mld MrL Mac anI Must then just had mild EOIdI Mn MncLarcn cllnlc cnnvcncr said 297 prospccllvo damn lhrcu nhnrt of the 300 largcl arrived at NnHy Parish all ready leInxbu not All ab donnlo Aslnn flu and KM common cold were glvcn as mason or lha Red Cross Blood Donor Cllnlc lulllnz jlul xhort of tho mark here yesterday One at the most Important lhinn or the slow reader for hlm to get plenty hpporlunfly slrcssc Mn SmIlh hus nd Smkh principal at Shela wen Into dissgxtallon on some words In cummon use such as xelnrdcd and slow learner and survey was made at thelr Barrie schools request At that tlme we had only our schools and was the nnly teacher said Mrs Smlth She ntntcd that tho problem diagnosed at that time have re sulfid In an Increased trained Its OPEDETUNIIY She was rcpyng lo ques tion direclcd by panel modera Iar Glenn Camp Borden also president oi Simcoe Nm District allhs International adjllg Association The Ive panel members were lrggn lhenciatlun Mn Smith was part of livemember panel oi teachers ram Camp Borden and Barrie which discussed various applicn tinns oi Ihe remedial reading program in the area at meeting inc Barrie and Disiric iiume and School Council at Steele Sign School ins night The original and real need or help in the reading ilcld was illst iell strongly In Barrie in 1952 according iq Mrs Smith spcclnl education and re medial readan teacher or Illa Barrie Public Schuol Hoard Asian Flu Colds Prevent Clinic From Hitting Top dlal reading program in BM and area schools last night meeting at the DanIa and 91mm Home and School human at Steele Sine Pub lie School From the left Don McEachern teacher at Camp Often Slow Learners Are Brightest Pupils mmnv mm Cuminm Depictinu lplrll of donors lwo Ind 1mm North CoIlcglulo wen III dlsmrbcd when my ur rlvod Io ulvmnnd hoard thu scrvlco club talk Dun Page um Andy Manbb formed lhclr own club nnd scaer lwomun 100 per cent ally 1M and Kiwanis Club of nar Ins year Scrvlcn club lnlnl or the cllnlc ycslcrday WM 133 plgls in Illa sense of in panel iha undcr pupil iq iha one wholl be retarded capable of reach ing slundards but never doing 10 Our brightest children are often ihis class He said that the nver pupil is the nu with capability to he on cerinln level but niway achieve higher mic or rui lng II in imparinni in also re mgnlzu Um the averachiever might be um slow ienrncr but due in ihg amnuni of work he doc on his own his environment and many other union he no Mr Smith also touched light ly onlwo other problems faced by teachersthose of the undcr acmeveu and ha overachiev He mentioned that it was un fortunate there had to he di ierence of interpretation with the words When we speak oi retarded chiid we mean in the sense that he is not measur ing up to his capabilities There is dliierence between whar he is and where he should be First of all when we any ilaw learner he said We mean that pursun ls capable of helng admitted to the publlc Schools but hasnt the capacity In progress at the rate of an average or better child and will accomplish at alawu rate explained the panels vIewpoInl and interpretation cl thesn ward as compared to other In erprelaflons $fi5reWlair Borden Smllh Steele Street School prlnclpnl Cccll French opportunlty class ten cher at Camp Bowen MEL Feldmnn llama and School Council presldentr Mrsl Mav mun Ill All mu mum mm MIN mldnm do no wall for mumm Ia be mnvlnced lumlnlllml Iv hmlnuly lateyou not nbllnl to buy Inylhlnl unnmmmmrmmwmnmm unmmmmmmmmm Bul flll Illll haw luu Iml gm nul 11 Ilin ml lnl mlr you In nu ml Man ll you have Some wmllllnm will Ian luhlnm umnlly hue ramm mom rlulll In llme Cuwlmnm Imh dnndnm II nvrrolllnm or dnnm an colmled an Inn Iml SCALT MECIMJWS nun will be In Hum Ho will mumally uminr hnlrwunlnl mm Ind mm In mm Ind In mlvnln 111nmth mmulul RIMS Immomalnunl muth mll null nulu nor mt Illll IVIHIHG ml RIMS IKKIHVI m1 Ill unlul Hun nalinn Iva luumlhly mum gm mulll In ml In men medal at Iqqu Inlcmll In upm hl lnown RQIIIERTR MR ATTEND THE ROBERTS HAIR AND SCALP CLINIC DUN WAIT UNTIL 700 UV ND HELP FOR THE SLICK BALD WHIL MIC ll 00 00 MIL AT THE QUEENS HOTEL MOORE Dun McEanhcrn also oi Camp Borden briefly generalized on the Real presenily in nu In clnssiiy types oi problems One very important lhlng he warn ed Lhasa present is that thug iesl are no in an an individual wiih certain number but men ely io recognize um lha varlab in in the icsks Inch as emu liunnl condiiian or health pro blems serve io add to aur know ledge and should be used 11 Inuio analysis mm Heaxso Eula um lha variab les mentloncd above could nlxu had to unuxpecicd outcome in lest resulls Mrs Lois Bellamy leachu of junior npportunity class In Camp Borden ranging tn ages from 10 In 10 also reported that slaw progress was being maria In the reading Held Almost every rubject taughl In normal xchoal has everythan to do with readlng she said and try Incorporate reading Into every subject on my curriculum He dld mantlon that carlaln measure ol success hnd beau accomplished In his grade and pupils and llm every me thod passlble ls belng employ ed to help Ihcsc chlldren galn relenklun powers Mr French nolcd that iluden might learn qulckly but cauld enslly large the entire sequence wllhln short llmel Cecil French Camp Borden spnke on his opgcrtunity class In public schoo and the nut that ha can after no real success story with Ms pupllz In spite of the fact he has been teaching them or cauple years compllshe much more than expecled hIm Vlnccnt PA um caret Smith and Glenn Camp Borden Mrs Smith special educadan and remed lal teaching teacher for Batf rie PubIIc Schools Examin er PhoIoL HOWEY ELECTRIC eru of your mumz thleml uuklly may uanomlulu

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