mWWflIlmfl ID if traumam INIWNMIWII 1mm WWI II III Ninan watIih Ia MillW 0M IIIIII mil pIcollllmlnn rm you may MMM and ï¬lmy II mumIII MlMWMmlWSMI enldnl busfness course at Waterloo University College Monday night Mr Brent snld many 01 Chnadns primary products are Mlll hlzhly campetlï¬ve but is manuradurcd goods that Can ada mus urn or vigorous growth in both lrado nnd da mcmc output WATERLOO Onl Canadn cnn no longer continue to look to export raw ma larial the main spur la Ico nomlc progress says John Brent pmldcnl or International Bus mm Boost Manufacture LONDON Reuters John Dugdnle former minister of slate or he colonic whn cai iapscd in lhe House oi Com mons Monday nighl remained criilcaiiy iii loday in London hospilai Dugdale 57 an Opposlllnn Labor icgisialnr collapsed while speaking in debate on naval ulimnlcs anhnnce was convicled oi capltal murder and was scn Ionccd to be hanged last De camber but he conviction was sci aside by the Ontario Court of Appeals abnul month be lam he scheduicd hanging Fell In COCHRANE Ont CF Conrad anhance 34 an Austin vllle OnL contractor Monday was sentenced to life Imprisom men for he noncapital mur dm last March wile ngrudc 30 Harrison an lhrce men charged In connection with the assault lheUpper Lake Shlpplng Company dock are man May 1961 Is free on $2000 ball Given Life PORT ARTHUR CPJKenA nclh Joseph Harrison 16 Pen Arthur charged with com splrlng cummll assault caus lng budin harm to Alfred Sca varolll Fort William has been remanded or trial to Iby JudseJi F1 Russ He said water will have to be key flowing through the lateral pipe costly lhawlng out up mtiuns are In by avoided uni Charles Gauthier waterworks Iupcrlntondenl explained the lawn bestt wflh reeling wa lerr ans Assault Case BELLE RIVER Ont cm The Bella River waterworkl de partment any In encouraging practice II discourage during hot summers par men urging lnwn residents hook up Ihelr garden ham and Keep them lulled may day Iv mi 3mm EXAMINER mm Residents Kejjgp H°Ses Running 9mm ans $2295 The mlll whlch normally ships about 300 ton of news print to New ank daily will he closed from March 21 In April LONDON tRculers The chairman ol the Howamr Pm per Corp Sir Christopher Chancellor sold Monday that due to the settlement ol tho New York newspaper strlko forthcoming temporary down of lheBowoter ml at Corner Brook Nfld will end April Mr Thompson iaid tho other was Itulement hat Social Credit government would give mnnIth $100 dlvldend to ev ery Canadian One was statement that Social Credit advocated Increas lng lho countrys money supply by 3000000900 to closetha gap between purchlllnl power and oulpul The Sam Crcdll leader said Mr Klerans started out with two lies in speech lair week In Chicautlnd Que Mill To Open REGINA CP National Leader Robert Thompson oi in Social Credit parlyvuid Mon day that criticism of party monelpry policy by Eric Kier ans president oi the Montreal Siock Exchanze containsI lum muum Stock Exchange contained two boldflccd falsehoods Palsehoods AS OW AS SEE FOR mncn ma We fll more thanothérs usefto keep BEEPDIPThountlrocarbodylssubmorged Into slx scparalo tanks Each limo solution cleans scours and prepares the surlace of tho molal GALVANIZING For 1963 all Ramblers have 75 more galvanized metal than bolero This Is concentrated In crillcal areas such as the rocker panels whlch are constantly oxpnsed to salt 11 mm mm THE LOWPRICED AMERICAN SIX Ramblerchecks rust and corrosion before It starts Heres how ace the government would or have to keep dollar In silver on hand Inr each dollar sllver cgrllllcnle ln clrculallon ll could use WI sllverl00 000000 uunccsofnr Inn and other public purpose Dillon sald ll would have risen rapidly xlnce llle Second World War LDlllon sald Ihal ha lud ernl reserve nole ll author lzed the lreasurys purclusa of Canadian winters can very quickly turn your car into the Wallflower of the used car lot Rust and corroslon take years off cars value Weve seen figures that say It can cost you up to$lOanearin repalrbllls The avenge citizen probably would never nollca the an aura between the proposed new blll and the dollar ho now luck ln hls wallet But Treasury Sec retary Dillon told the House of Represcnmlve hanklng com mlltee the new bill would ha federal reservo note nula ullver cemlicala Ax allver CCF ullcales came In they would be rellred ln nypral the new man ney WASHINGTON AP Ihe United Slat Treasury lugs asked Conans to aulhuflza new kind $1 blll Inchlhcreby ward of silver market develop ment lhatmlzht lead to kpec vulatpu fmelunz down their quarters nngi dimes USTreaSurYWants It change giggquederal Besérve Notes IVIAU MOTORS IJMITED ARGOS SIGN KICK TORONTO 40F George Fieminm halfback and convm and placemenlkiciting special ist with the University oi Wash Inglon and Oakland Raiders oi the American Football League has sizned coniract with Toronto Arxonauls qi the East ern Foalhnil Conierence My an dunce price or $13a per ouncn Ior lllver whlch In this alluatlon might not be long In coming tho public wnuld ï¬nd it pwlilahle to melt dawn hall dallarx quartm and dim for lhelr allvcr content silver for coinage needswouid wonqu the price oi Iiiver to pain when it would be come proï¬table or the Public turn in $1 sliver ceriiiicaies in obtain the silver behind them nus wnidrl load In ï¬ne grad uni bul certain withdrawn oi nilliibiiixirom circulation in slid 11h PAW Rustprooï¬ng THE POPULAR CLASSIC SIX saltresistant super onamol ls sprayed and baked on second and third coat lollow Im mediately than are baked to duvablo gloss TRIPLE ENAMELLING chipresistant PRIMER DIP Thecarls dipped again right up to the root in rustprooting primer paint It gets more rustprooting than any other Cana dian car And we spilt literally more than others use The body then receives second primer Which Is sprayed on Well over 15 lbs otrustproofingprimornowcoallhestqctAfter this the primer paint ls baked on Then thoroughwclsandingremoves overyblemish mu Nnvn Scour leglslalure has 25 Conscrvallva members 13 Liherals one ND and one vacant sent Opposluon Leader Earl Urqu hart laid be favored lha move for both lederal and provincial voting becnnsu wilh he usua amyear pcrlad betwgen elec uons persnn who has not at nun wwu WHthhlrlflhelflll and lb eona Jew Demncrauc Patty mem The notion for the lowered voting age was introduced in Haiiiax by tho Liberal Opposi lion and Wanted 22 in 15 on almost sluighi party lines One member the ruiinl ngres sive Conservativn party iiicixuac PC Guysborougili bofuLpanv rank and voted By THE CANADIAN PRESS move lo lower the voting age to Iii item 21 was defeated in Iha Nova Seoiia icgiaialura Monday and charge Pro gressiva Conservative intimida tion of voiera in provincial election was Hind in the Mani toba House NovaScbtia House Decides Against Lower Voting Age IOOUu MIKAN MIDI WNW WILD He you person drive cm hunt ay income taxes and It lrcd In In mum Threa province Saskatche wan Albert and British Coi umbianow permit person un der 21 to voie Quebec in con sidering lowering the voting age Members of the armed ser vices under are Allowed to vote In iedmi election P4 IN ME nx lalned voting age by election day may not vote balm he in LhGcn Dwight Edam army rcmrdILhlal old congres sional onmmllleoJeb If lha davelopmenl all lhen we on successful development of the Canadiandeslsncd Caribou II transport plane and will start placing orders or the turboprop alrcrafl during 196165 if the prototype In approvegl WASHINGTON cm 43m 115 Army Us Win Order Caribou Planes your Rambleryoung foryears THE POWERFUL AMBASSADOR V8 Sounds elaborate It l5This process makes yourRamblerlhemoslcornplelelyruslproeled car In the world It culs depreciation rustout repalrs and repainting costs And It keeps your Rambler pleasure to behold years longer Cometlrnelore newRambleryoull beamazed alyour lradlng power Fore rundown one he Rambler lealures lhalglve maximum uselul nesslolhe userlseeyournearesldeelcrsoom SEALING corrosionInhibiting wax com pound is sprayed Inside girders rockarpanels andfenderthsoalercompoundisaIsosprayed on critical undorbody areas to provide addi tional protection But an our has Judgmen this Is no mistake he added he and modules lesufled an the Caribou II being devel nye anllland Allcraft have and Bedroom New Rana 800000 to 950000 on 143ch schools from $50000 down menls Served by Natural Gas made misluke had IN WIN In mnlol Mala 110M muulno Vat cumMI ochhnmflt ongmnflnl CARSON REAL ESTATE PA 56451 Alter pm uni llolldm PA Ml YOUR CHANCE OF LIFETIME STAYNER HOLLAND ammo uni llolldm PA MIC Ranch Bungalow from xacra ggeed lots near The Caribou Is hLIng velflscd to take or on mud 100Nool runway galnlng auf fldenl heighk to lly safely over 50foot obstacle at tho and 01 he nmwny would have payload of ï¬ve ton and be an carry Pershing missile or lhrmquaflulon mack The v5 Army has been buy lng lhe existing Caribou mode for Ihe has our years Nun her purchased were deleted from tho transcript by censorarlf expecled to loll aboulvsnmi 000 The armed services Colll mules was told that alwauxh thu Canadian government Is pulllng up onethird of the de velonmull cosls here no question olthe Canadians pro cuflny any alall No salary reqï¬ï¬g 15