Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 11 Mar 1963, p. 8

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mum EXAMINEILWMONDAY mum ma The tournament also provides me with some laughs 3What honesttogoodness Canadian refers to hockey as ice hockey Yet those words are tnciuded in the name of the federation that controls the tourney poesnt sound too sporty does it Ice Hockey Baah Then there is the ridiculous side Canada claims it invented the game and it is its national sport So why even think of pla ing it under any conditions but Can xdaa Wh shoul Canadians play under someone elsea yuies Th is our game remember Canadian hockey club abioad could steal the headlines from Messrs Dielenbaker Pearson Thomp son and Douglas and it doesnt even have to win game This tournament is also an opportunity for 2530 Canadians to see other parts of the world This is the better meaning in books The tournament is strict 1y hogwash But as or the travel well wouldnt you like an allexpense paid trip to foreign country This World Amateur Hockey Tournament undoubt pdiy causes more Canadians more grief than any other on even in any given year Does it make sense ouil have to show me it does This hockefiliournament 1963 version has done is qinice ngsli knovf its mage Scoi andihe McKnights happy Bobby former St Michael Major star 15 the son of Barrie couple and sonlnlaw of pnother Theyre obviously happy to see him get the ypportunlty to go abroad Im happy or another guy on the club Ted Makl This Isnt Teds first trip but each one is remind er to me of how far Ielluw can go after career was lupposedly caput Ilundly Ilunlll Illlnbuuh Quebvc Hmhey othean Clcvrlnml Hullnlo Hprlnlllrhl lmldcnu Tuna7s 1mm Pillulmuh ll Qunlwc Eprlnxlllld ll llnllhmn 71mm lvnhuloul WhT AN KI IM I1 17 I117 IN llul DH 1117 Rudlmry 1121111595351 llmll Ins Immu Ilyn new hwl Klnulm luMAyI llmllq ll lmlu llullOlln mum Sum Its that time of year when Canada is re resented this time by Trail Smoke Eaters in the socai ed World Amateur Hockey Chem ionehips run by the Inter national Ice Hockey Fe eration This is the tournament that Canndlans expect Can ada to win Thelr reason is this Didnt we invent the game Is it not our national game As long as can remember the World tournament has impressed few knowledgeable persona Canada la not represented by lts has amateur teem because no one really knew what an amateur ls any more To me this tournament means two thing It is an opportunity for foreign countries with oral thoughts to label Canadas kind of game foreign means aifising our representatives in the worst manner pos 51 believe wrote about year ago how Ted ant hcoaple of years ln sanatorlum He was juven la me So even have to admit these IIHF things arent 11 bad just mostly JUST NOTES Add Stan Boshiu to the list Geor gian Bay Intermediate Hockey League officials who makes good conversationeilst and isnt afraid to epeak his lece After the first piayolt game be tween Mid and and Collingwood mentioned that Jim my Johnson man with the money behind the Midland ers would get back at the Shipbuiiders for that gilt thing Jimmy did too His team won the first game in Midland 20 That may prove the backhreaker Thnmhyl mum Toronln Mlmlrrnl Nuw York nl Helmll Chlcuo nl Horton Amtrlrln lulu Elllnl Illvllloll lmvldrnu 27 mu 71 llmhry mmvn Qurlwc 1471 IMINM Springfield 21 11 II no 105 Ilnlllmm 1123 71W 11H Wulru lilvlllon nulhlo 11 Clovrlnml 110 mu lluchulrr 7111 In 710 IHlllmtflh ID 1713142 himy lluulll lhxlwdrr Clanland fluklnmu lhlllnln Illlnlmvih Sprlnlllvlvl Imvldcncl Hmhy Nlllannl Lulu Iornnla II 10 16 75 Chlcaxo 101516131 15 76 Mnnlrcal 21 ll 19 206163 78 0er 27 241311417961 Em York 20 IN 51 won 113615100 finlurdnyl fluulll Ntw York Munlrcll Damn Toronto lmvldrnu llmhry Qurlwc Springfield Ilnlllmm nulhlo Clovrlnml lluchulrr INIIINIKH Barrie District Hunters and An lers Conservation Club meets this eventn at eight oc ock All per sons Interested in jotn ng the Barrie Dtstrlct Marks menl Assucialton are asked to be It Emle Sports Ltd Wednesday at pm sandr nuuu Monlrell New Ymk Tnmnuz Chltnlo Dclmll anon SPORTS TYPE By THE CANADIAN PRESS II CD Ice Hockey Name Sounds Gooiy In fact by not winning is how it can ha done By STEVE JONESCU HOCKEY RECORD Vlnrouvcr 2921 4211mm 511on 3029 IMIH 62 Cnlznry II 1147mm Edmanlnn 20 1137 2T1 Mumem Dlvlllon Pmllnnd 20 219 M7 San Fran ll 21 11919571 1m Imqu II 15 mu Spoklne 21 30 1mm 56 flundn Ruu firnlllo Annex Sun lnanlug Sypknne nuull Nlurn llnmmon Tuudul Inna mm Al Ml Fl mm hm Nlnnrn Full ll Illmlllon lulu Port man Klnislnn Sudbury ll Hull01llwn Hannay nuulll 9c Ill l4 Anlclel sun lnnclm lorllnnd Spoth humy hum Hdmnnlon ll Vnncourcr Sale Nlluu FIHI lllmlllon and nuun rduhormll Mlmlrnl nunhy Hum Monlml nl Icmlmnuxh Windmr Olllhlm lull lel Dullhlm wlndmr Maud1 limo Wlndm Julth TRY EXAMINER WANT All MIMI IA llll Vlnrouvcr Smith Cnlznry Edmanlnn Monlrul lmvboro fluidmm mlHull IRAfl Fl IrmHlnIll Onluk lull mu Wulrn bum Northern Dlvlllon Onlult lunlor 01 IN AN AN The enallc Hershey Beau plcktd an opportune lime to snap lvunme wlnless streak Ind Sunday nlzhl renlned Ihl or In pllce In the American Hockey League eastern dlvlshm Bear ednd Rpcheslm Americans whlle Prnvl dance Rod were bowing In Sprlngfleld Indians Thu lull he eastern dlvlslnn ma In dendlack with coleuderl Her they and Providence having 11 polnls In other games Sunday nlght Quabec Ace balslued lhelr hold on him place in ha east with vluory over mu burgh Hornet and Clevelnnd Baron dmbbed Bumla Elms western divjsion leaders In Saturday glmes val denco clipped Hershey Springfield dumped Pittsburgh 34 Cleveland dled Rochester Ind Buflalo blanked mm mom Clippers 50 nalie Glll playlnz only MI umnd Elmo the lesson or Hershey Elva ru ulnr nelminder Ed Chldwlck rest Sundly He had 11 um and was hulen only lwlcc bolh Umu by Bochuurl Dick Glmhle By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS St Louis Braves Sunday mlmd Icorlnl lhelr lhlrd upset in row ulnnlklllm of lho Easlern Professional Huckcy League but they pulled out all the flop before endlnx the min Down llullOllawa Cn mdlem nl Hull St Lou ulled nnllmdcr our leu the final mlnule nl lho game In an eflorl lo II he uore They did let one goal mu 1951 mark but muldnl mannne hn lo SCORE F0 BEARS Keke Morison Mnrc Reaumn but ha ucund plncl lnlldlln Frldny nllht lhen Saturday cdled lho Kingston Fronlcnnu at Klnplan Klngllnn wallnx close bnb In with null 01mm or nut place mnngcd la l1ch lwo polnll Id mmhlnn llulh oum wln Sunday wllh vlclary ovcr Sudhury Wolm ll Sudhury The mull Inn St Loull ll Intl hchlnd lhlrdplncc Sud ury Ind with only In harm or mnklnl the Nnyo pasillnn Klnullon with pnlnll has played lwn lnmu man than HullOllnwl Mlcr lhrlr lwndnrthu wcelrml rrfnrmnncc In mm In wnl in 63 nmn Ind MIMI Incl nld In odorHon would parllmluly win In vln Ifldl ally rulu II nmdmk n1 hllh mum and lrlnl IM latch The lulrrnllml In number munluu wlll draw up IheIr pmpmnln Iml Iuhlllll lhml In In nul HIP cunn pInmd lnr lelmlnml In Au lull Tom lmhhul of NM le nldrnl lhq Amcrlun lady Allodlllnn II Inlth help lhl Amulum nml CImulInnI In Idupl Humelm lwller In um mm Hwy bvjn lnlerpm WON IN SIOCKHOIM AWII 1cman lu llochy Frau Hun ulled Sunday 19 world wldo mmy min Iumy nlmul nl Illmplni out haul and llxhlinl on In Ind mulling HM nle Ilmnlor Tha Anmllnn am Unllld Mnlu luml nllrn run mm rnuhln In lIurapo Mann IM dlllmnl Inluvrtullon of In mm Federation Calls For Rule Survey CHICAGO BLACK HAWKS gonna Glen Hall sprawl on Ice Ind hm hk love to de um push hltby helmyg By THE CANADIAN PRESS Hershey Regains Share Of Top Spot InAHL Braves One Short In Tough Affair Ind Yves ann was the mnrlumen for lho Bonn who hava played lwn me lewer than Providence Dennls Olson scored kwlca or Sprlnxfleld Including the win ner and her Indian mnklv men were Bill Sweeney Ind Juhn vaidence which ed the more three limes lot soils from sun Ba ullr Malt Ravllch and Pierre Brillint Fred Glover and Joe Slur neared two ml apiece ln Clgvelandl rout Elll Mule lnn Jlm Mlknl John Ferguson llunk Clesln and WAan Buddy completed tho Blmnu leorlnz Larry Wllson nolched two or Bullalo and Johnny McKenle noted lha olher Blll Sulherlnnd Ed llotkslrl Mlchel hbndle and Jeanerie Comm shared Quebecl ml Sunday nllht Claude Lalqu xcnred lha lam ml or Pills huruh spoiling arlle Hadfll Ihulou hld Jimmy Bartlettmud val dencu Saturdly with we lolls anllch Brillant Ed Mum nnd Harry Pldhlmy mud nplcce Hmhey norm warn Myron Sllnkllwkx and Pm Conncher SETS RECORD Centre Elll Sweeney vtlmn Springfield acnrlnz plead SL Louis look leld aver Hulleluwn an cal by But Flue Cllude Lame led In lhl lemnd period Ind Bob Senior Ind Dob Caurcy noted In Iho In period bgloro Dennll Knsxhul put In lho lubmlnul Sl Mull on Saturday nlsht ll Klnzllon Al Clron he hlahIcorlnl younl nun whn hu bun hu Inz It llllle beuer thin xanlHAmc llp Ilncu loinan null urly Ml lawn and lwn Amara In on xanlHAmc clip null urly and lwn man In on hruhwly In lha cloxlnu mm lbs last period lhnl In Drum lhl win Kmlln and Murray Hull Icnrcd nu olhu 5L Loull goall Fell Pnnluhka Ken Slop Ion Ind Don Black burn redlor Khunlon The Fronknnu on hrlr nmn a15udbury on lha Ilrenulh mllap pularm mm by Mlle Bruu Gumble mm In Iholl on lrlcky Ilde WIan Connelly Icored ma Klnnlnn all Ind Blurb burn my Slnden non Wllly nml Waym Schultz and lhn olhm For Sudhury Gard boulm Dunc ccHum Rcd Armllmnl Ind llm Johnna hundled lhI ICDIIIIK we wllh with we to my Scull moi Mum Ilnlamy My flal Imml Kil hnul Inn lHy nu llm un wind in us nmlc oponod up Ind In flu Luke Simm Mdlu IIocluy hum Mp In Now mukcl lho awmlrhl luglug on IFIIdl All Icmlnz wnl dun In lhc mam trlml wllh un Wllmn Mlllnl or In homo lum Ind Jnln Illhop nml lluluu Jen klm lor llnrrlt rlnyrd lhtlr chlmplnnxhln um llmlo lnlon Mlmr Ilnc lay 1qu ll 1an Am nu Rummy wllh Nonh wyllnl vlglol It Ann II pm on Thuw My mum Barrie Leads Simcoe Finals Red Rally ha elm MIMI to Ilka the lead in lhn NHL nu 1mm DIVI Kean Ind Geom Arm North Bay Tops Kitchener Crow the Indian wlh hm goals Salurdly and league ord It Iva hlm II or the sea son making hlm he first player In history to score 50 Roll at better In slx consecuA uva aeasuns Murdo McKay did five year in row Gerry Foley with lwo ganls Brlnn Kilna Wally Boyer and Bob Macon were the other In dian mlrklmon Ed Joya Howll Glover Larry Jeflrcy and Dan Chlz stored for Film burlh Cenm Hank Cicsln scored goal and mu our assists to lla ura In All the Cleveland goal Saturdly Fred Hill scored twice or the wlnnen and chk Van mm and Bill Needham once apiece Bronco Hnrvnlh Jlm Pippin and Ed Lawson re plied at Rochester Bulfnlo cllnchcd It western dlvlllon Illa with ha wln over Claveland McKcmlc EdVnn Impe Bllly Den Doug Rabln nan and Jerry Mclnyk pmvldcd the mil was lhn slxlh shul an the seasonlop 1n the IeuueIor goaltender Deni DeJord SAUL STE MARIE Onk CmSaul Ste Marie Grey hound praleclcd their lead mp the Nnnhcm Ontnrln Hockey Association Junlor Lcnxuu Itandlnz lhh weekend with pllr wlm The Greyhound whlrped Gun nonFllconbrldza Nllva Son Saldey nigh hen wal loped Sndbury Cubs NH Sunday aflcrnoon Tna Huhplace Cubs oak declslon over the lush late Slull Ste Marla Mlan lcnllnrl II Sudhury Snlurdny mum on In nvorllml onl by Mall Onskovlch Illu lamnkl lhmny HML Jnmulrn mllmlnlul Manley Wlllon llnnml lfl our goal In ho hlrd pcrlod Sunday Brlnn DI bar Icnred lhm Ron for lho wlnnm nlll LIIan and Wayne Mnkl two Iplm And other muhmcn Wm Illlly Boychuk Jun lhivlem and Ralph Mldlll Allml llurh FII Inn WIIXIImI 11 Tu nulpnlnlwl III 0mm llri NA Mllml nurh rln 4qu Inud WIIXIImn Iouuun Tu nuimlnlwl III 11mm 0mm llrk lo OllyInn hon Inland llllp Ilnmlull ISIA Hm Tu imam out Vonhlnuvl Tn in IN MW Japan Haber scored lwlca wllh rend In lho Greyhnunds our onl outburll and mhcr Icorm In that lluny were Mn dlll Ind Mnkl double wln nu the Gnyhound polnu wilh lwo mu remulnhm In Ihclr hud ulu Thu caudallch Nnrlh Buy Trlpperl who downzd lhu llrnl Ian II Noun my Sundny point and mm Imus remInlnz Norm Ind Wnym llfitkllnl comhlmd motl la lend Wow dor Vllloy lo win nvrr shnnly Buy In lhc 0m Mlnar Hockey lulu laynfll AI Guth Anni on week1nd The lllrkllnn ch polled lvm mule whllo Ilah llnnnoy and Jlm lutrldiu Imochd In Inl In or In mm ll Till AMMIMYFD HIM Pair Of Victories strong 10 back up will plny In 11m period 011an Chlclzn 1M umr finished In Ile AP Wimpholo Greyhounfls Grab Hicklings Pace Wonder Valley The ircxhoygd eruplcd ar FIGHT RESULTS No wk no in the NI tlonal Hockey bum achaduh Ind everybody mumblan or IMMIE In lie or the leadership era Chlcnzal Black Hawk and Tor ontoa Maple Lentswith Mon finl Cnnndlens hovering lust boa Jn the Victim Trophy mm nine goals xcparalo the lending lhm aspirants wllh Chlcalol Glenn Hnll on lap followed by Jacques Plnnlu the 0mm dim and Johnny Bower ma Loam Gordie Hawo lace chullenle tom all sides In his bid or llxlh league scoring flue Ila emerged mm lhe weekend wllh lhrerpolntedxo at Um lop Illa choppcq nmjnur All lhu prlnclpnl have le xlx games In play Black Hawk and lhe Leah rlnyed 11 aawo In Chicago as nluhl hum mum chancp ln squeczo 0n hand were lsmrmnl the 1mm auto the NHL VIn Toronlo Snlurdnynlghl he Leaf polinhad the Red Winn 53 SPLIT GAMES Tho Canndlcns while hooked up In homeand home set wnh the Rangers tnklnl 51 wln In New York Sundny nlxhl after hlnwlnl home 8331mm 1th had Wlng came back Sunday night In shade the Bruins 43 In Heston Lou Fonlinelo SI year old deleneemnn laulh guy who den out some at lhe sllfles checks in Iho lenlue Inflered severe neck Injury in Ihe Sn urdny 1th name at Monlreal when knocked Into the boards behind his own net by New Yorks Vlc Ilndneld me In the By MARVEN MOSS Cnidlln Pml sun Wrflu New Yorks Andy Enthgalz Torontos Frank Mahovlluh and Jean Bollvenu Mannea had Um most productive weekends nmunn the lap palmcollation In 1110 Nullonnlyocyey Lama But Dclrolls ordla Haws collcclcd two himself and re mjcd hilpuslllpn on Julln an Tornnlo DI Emu nmchlllr 02 Rumlm anllr landom Ont no yum hrnInlmlc boyl II and 11 ymn MM Mlmodt Ilnmlllnn 1M lluml Pu ln Tnmnln 37 Shun buldwn manna cu With TWdWeeks Left Alli three filckcd up Threa point We 3011 And In sum lllled Bnlhgnlo aver Stun Mlkila Chlcngo lnlo sale possession or thq rurgncfup spot Ilmllar parfarmanci by Mnhovllch carried Mm Inlo Ihlrd posmon also vaulllnn over Mlklln hald palnllcs in Chl cagn ono nppcnrnncm Hellvcnu meanwhile ICDlDd onto and added palr as lsls Inks over the No um lluwn so soul and an 1151 to run his unsonl pmdutliun lo you and mlsu or 78 lnl In his bid fur llxfl up scorjnl chm ogshlg other mullluln wlnnm wm Elnan Tanner Vlncouvtr who unluml lhu boyml back Imle And um boyn1 bullully In lho ll uul lilyrnmld rim nml lillln IIlll Nolhwall of Toronto who won 1m um lwo evrnln In Hm lllll Muirold Iml llmlir rllul Iluulln Included no ynld mum MI 10 yrnruqu under Balhflnlu ll next wlm 73 pclnLI followed by Mnhovllch wllh 71 lha Illa lend In ml wilh aonnd Mlklln with 70 llrnrl Rlchnni ol Mnmml good or two nsslsls In an weekend play Is 1ch with 60 mm In Iron Dellveau Ind lwo nhcnd nl llaslonl Johnny nucyk who plckcd up zoo ymrnlu clnu war Mr mod llnmlllon Ont who llnhhod mund In Knallnl In In bunn lly Iml cnuluml nullplum how on In lhu looynrd month Iml Hm wymglnlmgplllrn hm lunllnfiynrfil lhl mind mum In llvo boyI Ind It Id rpllp flown Delrnll nnlhunlc New Yle Mnhovllch Tnmnla Miklln Chicano llirhnrd Mnnlrunl Hellvnnu Mnnlrcnl llucyk nmlun MONTREAL CPIBob In of Mlhbrldfe Alln Id Canadian nzccnu man or IM Wynn butterfly Snluldny whllo tomptllnl In Hm Cunn dlnn Amnlmr Swlmmlnn Axw klnllunl telegraph wimmln med Bull 1mm rlall acrun Cnnmln wtre complltd In Manl ml hnslnz tom cllnl In In 11 nml 114nm Inn tllppcd ourml ol umml I110 Inymcr mm or lhu uvcnl with hll Inns of 2M ucondl filimv tauHy Vul lllfiillon mo picky up lwo myInn 100 Extervbodv Scrambles Scoring Race Remains Close Kastings Sets Swim Record Thu Leldtul uhivuukud ii disk with Ann 73 29 ll 70 21 06 17 $5 lecond perlod There wn no penalty HI in ury wu dlaz nosed crush cervical verb bran durum to th buckbone the ban the neck Hospital niiicinln rcporied lui night he wax mun weii and no aurzury would likely be 11 emry For lime ho was al iiicted with mild iorm oi ara iylil oi the buck and lhDU den and hm ho wan in conniderm his pain it appear ilkaiy he would be out inr the remainder of the semen Bud Kellyl cal at 1515 01 Iho llnnl period his 19th or the 35011 pmvldeq the tin or Ton onlo unlnsl ChImu last night And let um wo team tied with 76 palms Chicauol mm was mvlnglj pennlzy HAWK 11 FIRST Three mlnule carller Kenny thrrnm had sent Chlcaxo In rent an Murray Ballourl cm ner passoul to but Dnn Slm mans Min turn In no Tor onln goal In place 01 Bower Hull lurned aside 59 mot and Simmons 18 Snlurdny nlfiht hetero 14450 fun when Frank Mnhuvllch cored we call lo boost his Ieaguelaadinl Iolll to as Bob Nnvln Gear Imnstrong Ind Dave Kenn wen Ihe other Toromo goal mun whlla Brucn MncGreznr Norm Ull man Ind Vlc Sluluk counted or lhn Red Vlnxl Ullman ruchcd the zonal plateau Sunday nluhl when he muted the lamewlnner Won 12512 lens when inbound End Floyd Smith also scored 01 Dcholt whlle Johnny Bucyk Dean Prentlcc and Guy Gendmn clicked for Boston Howe not can lha led Wlnga anal his Mlh ha mum MACDONALD SCORES Jack Nixon of Harris was lop leame wlnncr 1n 1h urly draw wuh plus of He had hLa wlie Betty and my and Mary Livlnmon am Lawrlnca wu the Dlxle rink aklp whch had three wins and plus or Man In lhe early dnw Not only was his plus low but his wn the only three gnme winner an oddity In bon spleh Rink 1mm Oshlm Ind Dixll capped top prizes In ha lwo draw mixed bonaplel ll Barrie Curllng Club Salurdly Tom Arnold pushed through our goal In pace Ivy 7l lrIumph over Slroud In tho South Slmm Hutkey League nldlhornlnn Arena on lhe week an Allen E1111 Ron 110mm Ind Monty E11101 Imunud or Ihu ulher Ivy lunlu Scoring or Strand mo Wayne And DnIo Necley B111 Mu11w1lnd flour Rlx Ind 1101 Bcnmlsh WINNER NEWBUHY England AF Slr Wlnslon Churchill hid hls llral jumplng rnca winner ever Snlurday when Komnl polgnded lhrounh heavy rnln or muddy victory In ma Miracle hurdle lhc Myelmld former prlm mlnlncr wnlchcd mu on leluvhlon Kemlll vldory wnl worlh H926 Bmold Pots Four Markers Oshawa Dixie Top Mixed Spiel Second Iwoznmu winner was 259 INNISFIL STRIIT To conform to Oh mud lndunlry your COOP wlll pruvldo FREE To ALL our rllldlnHll Iumlu oII tullnmm SPECIAL All work In uncondlllomlly wmnmd 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE FREE CLEANOUT your luvnm annually FR sénwca cms mmugham yur You PIY only or REPLACEMENT PARTS All work II donl by our own qunllllcd mvlu mhnlcllnl COOD Simcoo District ooperuiive Services IT WILL PAY YOU TO HAVE THE Out Town Cullomm Cl ZENIIH 86000 Tnll 1mm pushed through pace Ivy 7l Slroud In tho Hutkey Leann PHONE PA M53 COOD LOOK AFTER ALL OF YOUR HEATING NEEDS rented ruuular mlla Terry Sawchuk Substitute Hank Eu un came up with stop game Busknnn Eddie Johnston turned back 26 The Brulna wen ihorlvhnnded when Sth and How bout Juhnatnn and may had mm power advantage when Bucyk neared his 25th ol the campaign The Candlen scored pair goal In each flu first we crlods Sunday nlzh and de cncemnn Tromhlay rounded things out In the third period wlth Ml first goal the year Ralph Backstmm Jun Bell vcnu Gilles lrcmhlay and Bllly chko also shared In lho Mont real scoring Thu New York Foulmm belorn crowd ol H710 wn Cnmlllo Henry wllh hl 55rd of the mason RANGERS WIN Two ml by Emma and one by Earl nunHeld in the third pnrlud broka up 12 and curled lho mum to wln More 104w salurdny night In Montreal Up to that pnlnt superb goal lcndlnz by Gump Worsloy held the Canadians Ralph Kdler and bury New Yorkl um lwn nulls Keller detcnccmnn culled up 1mm Nuw Yorks Balllmm farm club In the American Hockey League was mnklnl hll um NHL appearance chkle Moors and Gllles Tremhlay wm lhe Canadlens who beat Wursley Baumalax lwn Koala nva hlm umnnl total 33 The Ichedula xlvcs all alx cluln nro three day break now but they return to who Thursday night on the lull three fronts Toronto II at Montreal Now York Detroit and CM ago at Boston tho Mlsslxuzun our Angus and Mrs Morrison and Mr and Mn Geom Jackson mule It had plus 12 th aggregate prize went to Dr IL Jane Sluney tuck in our included hi wife and the Ken Raids ha rlnk flared points Oxhlwnn biz wlnncr was tho rlnk of George and Mnlun Campbell and Mar Tribbla Ind 1111 Luke had 01m win and phu no Runnerup rlnk was that 01 Larry Han of Barrie with lhm wln Ind plus sum Lar ry had Muriel Fendlcy Ind Norm and Slelln Clnrk Gard Smokum Alllslan Iklppcd hlx rink lo lhb wo game prim wllh plus no no rlnk Included MIL 8mm Rum and Mr Ind Mn Benny Sensan non Nam 01 Gravenhum nkiprpcd his crew to one wln and ha biz unarczuu 12 ll rink Included NJ win and Dick Ind chl Henderson Burl Cpaph Sld Abal of lilo lenn Aulomuhllo nlm In born and mlmdlun tnranked WHERE NEWS BULLETIN DANGERFIELD MOTORS BARRII

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