nJL Wmn ml Juo Mhmm decided Io Imp out Mm unm Ind all he ridlnl In mutulnl Ivy hhvyd 0mmlnl ha For undldalu mm Ihu Puma hmth lllh nl Had It mu an laden Ida and Thu flan mmmlllro Adm he IcflNnnN mum dmw Inl loin nl mm The road mmlllu Nun flurlr hudm lur he bulimic Ihl lnnnlh 11136 11 flu committal nbnvml In unrnrmurn nl ï¬ll ml Hare umunu nmmmlu la FIJI or he pm mnnfll Nur Armrmn Amllerom am In rmlv ed by In lumep rlnk hr the vanilla ul lnrll merImn dart pcrlmu undying lo um um emoan on In hourly me limos Wonrh and MI Smunhwnlm hmo been ulvm the work warble ny may in with Bob Dermunl rnuaml Inmrlor Mr Dtrmonl wlll In plld $150 In hm nnd In may mrMnr wlll active 0le per hour Mch will mllcngo ltn um nllnwtd ll uslnl lnrlr own vrhltlcs 01 III wrnylnu In be charged In lhu ownm 25 nu per hm up lo head nflcr ml 15 um hurl IMIK IUIKRINYENIIENT TINANKM REIIHITEI The muncll have hm nnolhcr proposal munian nudln mo bile lelophano cqulpmrnl or Iownshlp vrhlclu Mr Welr nuuested lhnl Iha tquipmtnl be him on rennl Innis and Il ound Iallnlnrlory lhcn pur chlulnz nrranntmrnu may be cnlmd lnln nurvey low lhlp equlpmcnl II In be made CATTLE BPIMYXNG ANOTHER SUGGESTION in nu nrilcle appealing in hls column roccnily we sug gesicd lhu II Provincial Park Depnrimcni were to n54 sume our pnrk in ilwir syslcm we should use Ihe fund rc cclvnd lo provide public lawn hln whic rotreniion comm which would Includu nii he inc illile lhni no wllh lhlx some Switching lhrse lunds in build lownshlp high nhool would no answer In Ihn rnlcpnycr in te iurn ior ihoir own pork Ll the lake li howovcrl lhcy ch Iblo lo enjoy yearround mm munlly rccrenliunnl cenlro iln nnccd by he said oi the park properly and ihc province pro vided lho park lth cwry mie pnyer young and old would be bcucililed Whelher Innlslll should or xhauld nol have township secondary school ls mallet nplnlon ln vlew ol the mllllnn dollar lnveslmenl or whlch they on part In the proscnl hlgh Wool nma Thls ls more than tow councillors con declde at meellng Should the park sc provlde funds to conslrucl hlgh school whlch would only mluce lhe mm he rule pzyen lor couple yeam lelVlnl the munlclpallly wllh anoher school bulldlng used by lew of he puplls who wlll have to be educnled The ma orlly would slll deslre lo al Icnd he dlslrlcl school when hu subjects uhlch lhe new bulldlnz equipmd lo provlde are nvnllablc and would not be Iownnhlp xthool By LCts the March tlh Council meeting motion which had sevcrnl possibilities was placed on retard um the township take steps to nequtre about 25 acres at land in the centre at the township which might be used tor township high school silo Also that an appraisal ol the township park be nbtalned and ii alter plebiscite luv ornble vote was received funds mm the sale at lha park be used to build township high school the site at the park to be for parltlpurposes only INNISFIL NOTES Pedro Rose man of marw Mens has built himsel nlurdy vehicle and trained his Would Get Lands For High School TRAVELLING IN STYLE De GnuIlc Ms wllo and Inn Inlnw wcn nmhumcd Aug 21 In Mr llmoualne Ipcd lownrd 1m airporl near Pnrll lho cnr rolled lhmuxh thu Iuhlllh Poll Clumnrl mnchlncuun nm Ivrnycd ll wllll bullm Onn hulel narrowly mlsscd do Gnullon hand and mother plum Hm helm at molar cytlo policeman cu only Inlcndcd In kldnnp him In mnkn wny or new regime nnslltnTnlry ndmlucd during he trial that he urznnlzcd lhe plol for lhe subversive Council Nallonnl Resistance handed by lormer rrcmlcr George as dnuIL but dcnlrd lhe prosecu llonl ronlcnuan lhnl the plot It lelndcd la lassnulgmlc do Ensllenflhlry and two other terrorists held In custody ur lhe Aug 12 mark ngnlnst dc Gnulle were scnlcnccd la dcnlh last Monday following zddny lrInl bolero mllilnry lrlbunnl Sentence of he olhcr two have been commuted Dc Gnullc refused plcns Bastien Thlry lawyer In mm his life HasllenThlry asycarold alr force mlssllc lechnlclnn lull un dcr Valley 01 rlllc llre In For Dlvry near Parls The time of death was an nounccd In 606 nm PARIS APLlCOL Jenn Marie anlien Thiry was exr canted today for leading the ab lempl last August to assassinate Presldant do Gnullc mm um bush No doubt Lloyd Cummlng who hm had one experlenca the pa and know what expected will make good shawlnz the Aprll elecllon and lnnlsï¬ls amer wlll con llnue wllhoul lnlermpllnn been as successful than as he has heen in municipal elections we might hnvc had In have mldyenr election in lhe lawn shlp course we would ilko to see good mun gel federal recognilion but than there is enough political hot air being strewn around now without us having to mix municipal elec tion lnio it Executed For Plan Of Assassination Germm WEN Pam and Jucko to pull it He took weekend mp around Vam CONVENIENILY lOCMED IN DOWNTOWN BARRIE Odourdo Mcnlchelll 29 of Clmksun hll Ivy cur lhnl In the xccno Mnr For Crcdll Edmund Med 52 Cookxvlllo when cur run no Ilm luck truck on hlghwuy near CWXIVHIE Sulurdny Roswell Waller Gnrrlly 28 West lllllI when unr Ilruck no 11 mllcl wen Olhawn on hlghwny The survey due nul lncludu slayings Imuwn suicldcs or In dusltln necidtnls Onlnrlo dead Wnyno Russnll Hornlck 1D or Sault Ste Mnrlc Ont Kennel Allen Humlllon of Toromo and Allen Frank Mueller of lIeld uc In lwocur coul Ilon Ilvu mllc west or Pum broke Pufï¬n Vinaundo 52 Tomnlo druwncd 1n Indoor lemmlnz my NoflScuun had lwo Inlalllles one by Ira and Newfoundland rcmrled single death by drgwnlng Canndlnn Press survey ram pm Frldny until mid nlgh Sunday local mes showed Onlnrlu wllh he hlghest loll l6 Including ll on Ihe hlgh ways Ontario also IEDDHEd nne boy killed In xhoallng accldcnt and another dcnlh by nwnjng Quebec reporle n1qu In nIL Includlnx six in lrnlllc nml Brillsh Columhla hnd Ive deaths Albcrln three and Sus knlchewnn one all In mm ac ddcula Hy THE CANADIAN PRESS lens 33 people were kllled In accident during lhv weekend In Canada 29 in lrumc unci dents The Rev llnrper of Ivy conducted the service in tha Thoma Funeral Chapel In Al llslon Pallbearers were Her man Jennelt lvnn Spears Jack Ellls Nell Dumpster Delter mrnbull and Vernon McQuny Temporary enlomhmenl was In tha Alllslon Cemetery with burial In be In Christ Church Ccmelery In Ivy in the sprlnz He ls survlved by slsler Allca Mrs llnrdyl of England and brother Wall also of England Funeral service was Mid for Robert Kale al 01 RR Ang us who died In Slevenwn Mem orial Hospital Alllslan Weekend Accidents In Canada Reach Total 0f ThirtyEight Kennth Domhrunklc 16 In an Piups HITguest Ei Wirephoto vex5Sumley ark with Dl OBITUARY ROBERT KALE David Campbell Camp Pct nwnwn the while playing wllh friend in the basement 01 Ms home Mn Mary Ardlng Now Toronto In lwour collision In Tqronlo Iuburhnn Elablcoke wmciar collidon on highway 60 near Pembroke Georg non Elm vale when aha lobaunned on to mad and wu fuck by car near Elmvala Sunday Altman Paul Loan 24 RCAF Stallan Centralia when My car collided with bu near Cen Irnlln Joseph Dzulmlski 61 Wind 301 when his car In which he was riding ran Inlo the buck or stopped lranspor truck on highway near Lhmhnm Vnyno Slcwnr In NM Llndsny ln Llndiny Edwin Klabouche 30 Orleans and Denis Rousseau ville In Iwnnr colllslan 10 miles east oliommn NDP Chnlunluny Hunllnldon Ll pnlrle JeanGuy Tremhlay NDP an Watson Chicoullml Maurice Villev neuva NDP Drummond Aflhnhukl Pl em Lumber NDP Jollelle LAswmpllon Manl ulm axinqu Joseph Pla eon 1P0 Boudreau PC Kant NIHLionel Mills PC SIM but xlhnma Beil BeancHeanPaul Racina Ch inn Albert Bergemn Klan Brand Dunphy NDP Prince Gregory Manlnan ND Queem hm membenAlex MacLean NDP Lennard Ar enaun NDP mmhulnnd Carson Spicer NDPD MonomerXE Rohlchaud Leo Ferguson PC Ingemgxl Blchmnnd Lea CANADIAN Pnass Total dale871 PC 233 Lib 259 SC NDP 17B Comm In other 11 BL Johns WCIHImEI Walsh NDP 0110 Special Approval km the Ontario Munide Board or the pmposed can Motion new school in the Dalston am wax prelented ai 0m Township councill meek in last week The approval given the board oi On School Area chance to grunge or pins Ipecilicniionx Ind call or tandem on the new lchool AA of March townshipem rioyeu Joined ihe Ontario Mun cipai Employ Retirement System latter mm the Mun lcipnl mnioyeel Retirement 43 Nominations On The Weekend WEDNESDAY Jackpot $250 IN 26 NUMBER REGULAR ROUND SHARE THE WEALTH DOOR PRIZE OMB Abproves DalstOn SChool lEGION HALL COLLIER ST lEGlON BINGO EVERY namemmwammn Arum Rosencuu SC Kunloapl nClarenro Wright SC Colgateguano xJunk Dav lln PC MarquelleMike Sela NDP smirk Raymund Cromnrly NDPL dalne NDP Vnndreuflï¬oulnnus axMar tcl Bogubonnals 1P6 vuleneuve Roger Bcdnrd NDP 11¢an North xJnmc Puma Renlmv ScumErnest Brigha shnw NDP Waterloo SoulhxGordon Chap st unclnthenazutJean Lo due St JennIbervflleanplcrvllla aï¬oben Sauve PC sherbmka Roger Perrault PC 191ng Alfred Robin LieSI Jun aGflIes Beau lnnm PC LumenMarie Morin POL Melanin Fernand Galna ECL MnnlmnmLhlet Jean Ber ger Montrul CnrfleraChmIes Harden PC Montreal AnnnPcler Vanr loo PC Monlml 8L DenbaFernand Pelledcr POL Monlml Etc MarlHMbexl Caplelle 1L Georges Vn lade PC RichmondW0 Lawls Cralz an Hal nu year Bylaws 0m and Medunla Thwnshlps setting up the lawn Una between the two as ï¬nal mud havu been ap proved by the Department of Transmit Stop signs are to he Guthrie drlveln mantra op eralm Ram who appear ad More caundl had his re quest turned down Mn Betta uked or summer vole on Sunday movies was told that the present setup would con an at of lh year gem raadllp council conï¬rmed the hwnshlp partlclï¬tlon the lyslem xMember last House aNomlnnlcd previously Niki Iln Woln Lawls Craig Patrick Tobin Asse Tu mm In alumlo rmma mgrm ol llh human lh ll Am mun lmpuhnl llln on pmfldlu Imlly mull Du rm hm and lumino in mud mr hmlly Tho llmdwl An madnlnm munnu II II quAlmI In mm Im qunflon or The best reason in the world for owning adequate Life Insurance Inaumnce Company Well our IV million Canadian an mud will Armin W0 Ind Landm Gmallvl Mlsx Kent and Miss White gnlned ooundll permis nlvn to erect small are on their commercial lot Councila next media is 15 ed or Hard 15 erected on tho 0m signs later In he season SlleD Speclal Over dairy farmers from all palla 81mm County met March at the arm at Donald McNahb Slmud or holslehl barn meedng George Jackson Brad loN premarital Slmm Comi THE BARR EXAIBIINEF MONDAY MARCH 11 1861 HolsteinBam Meeting Draviis 70 Dairymen Tq Stroud Farm STRAIGHT FROM TODAYS mHEADLINES 2ND SMASH HIT MID MYERS WW panel dlscusslon allowed on ceding Production culling re placements and breakdown on BOA breed calf average Panel members were George Caldwell Gulhrle De Haan Lorello Gordon Atkin son men mu and Brlan Mc Jerry Nelson director of Holstein FrtesIan Association East Central Ontartn gave talk and demonstration on good type now an classlttcatton and selective rczlstratlon Holstein Branders welcomed the dalrymen II Berfln Shawn Ind 10 pm TODAY TUES London Life DOMINATE SKYLINE forest skysmpera dom lnam Sao Paulo Brnfll which has mare than 1000 minding hlgher than 10 storeys In the gh gue con Icst Jlm McCague Alllslan guessed the welsh of than year old Carlee and damn wen served to lhs menymnny of whom had drlvun over so miles to the meegnz vnlu thanks was glyen the host We should have lheu barn mmllng more olten was commencement Tara Elam Cnguc Allislbn with Ray Mn sun Tallcnhum cnurdlnalor Four saws were used In contest where lhe audience lest eq their abllgtylo grade Fellun 700 Ind 106 pm NOW SHOWING Their passions raged in the hot Tahitian Sun mu roxmus nmnm ADULT