Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 11 Mar 1963, p. 3

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Junior Farmers Curl At Guelph mud cooperative storage In the lllonnmm Oommflleen have been meeting rexulnrly during the as few weeks and very tho complete plan will be pmenzed to the growers of lhl area Ngntymlna Junlor Farmcr rlnltu hava been accepted for ma Junlnr Farmer Provincial Curling Bonxplel to be held at Guelph on March 18 Na rlnka mm the county Ross Brett Alllstun Ind George McNahb of Namwean are on Illa nlnu and ll oclock draws rcspbodve wllh Paul Mlllsnpl rlnk ol Noglawnsau as replacement Ed Kalllu of Canadlln The store Blrrle leavu or wmk gully esllvmu In Toronm at tho biggest Cnnudlnn The convention ever held Nn hum dred and twenty Independent umclnto member will attend IIIOWBII ATUI Mldrlflh tnlury Enlllnh hlk unlnl nmlmllnl In Imll rm Hwy um unflamm Ind not mum ambmmitm oi the over all committee on potato market ing mm Sanlh Simcoe this wek visiting aimage In United Siam in get ideas beiora pm Ienliga iinaiuplan on thg pylo CURLING The Public Utilities Commis Iion has auihorized Mur PM manager to make choice the iype oi aerial basket equipment to be used in over head line construction and main tenance The Ollie Service Gil Com pany tender has been cooled fur Pelmleum Producu for transpvrtatlon Camp nardm nCAF Flym hockry Iqmd look mum on he Drrlu Jnycm ynlcrdny lhry dawned Um lornlu In mum mulch Al Dylo Null Juncl had won he llm 1mm llnyln much Imprnml lvrnml hodmy um Flym look to loud and Mvcr Inuk ed hack Oulnldl In low mood hudlvhlul tflulll lb Jaym an mm um on match In lantulnlln allmen Norm Nnnnnmlenu nu ma Ilnr the mo wtlh lhm muMm for Ihc Finn Wm Mlldlcn luwec Vannm Mur ny Mn and lid Arunmm udn Icond Ilmzleu lm nu Jnymu Dun MncImM and Mm Mano um lhc lnllil mrn IRE BARR EXAMINER MONDAY MARCH 196 CONFERE CE The Annual Spring Conlerenca for the Ontario Junior Farmers was held at Guelph this past weekend with Junlors mm 111a aerlul bnskel cramh Ilka machine with huge basket on and In this basket man rnlscd lo work on overhead mnslmcllon and line mnlnen ance Mr Murphy has also been auuluflzed tn call Dr tender for truck and chassis to carry the aerial basket la anllclpnl ed that threelon ruck wfll be suitable Tenders will be called or twitch gent Inverse flme Ele menl UTE or new sub station to be construded in the us end the city Ham lmm ma Irrwrlm thlm mmlu up on UN PUC To Purchasé Equipment For Overhead Line Construction Ilfll wind Ind drilling Inaw nlpped hln cnr uvrr at noon Sunday on lehwny ll junl north at lho lllghwny RCAF Flyers Defeat aycees Tender will be called or an FESTIVHIES WIND FLIPS AUTO Panel members are ller Lols Bellamy teacher of opportunlly class Frederick Campbell School Cecll French opportun lly clnrn leacher Alexander Dunn Publlc School also Cnmp Borden Don McEachern leach er Alexander Dunn Gr Smith prlnclpnl ol Sleel Slrecl School and Mrs Smllh supervisor of speclnl education nnd peach correcllon In Barrle public school The mmlnl Illl lflln pm In 0m 1m ha The commisslon passed rear olulhn which provides special nibpeak power rate or electric space henllng or munlclpal pur poses cross the pmvinca in attend ance worthwhile program was resented with the ioilowinu rumor mendinl from South Simeon dalagaiel Paul Mil sap Jim Steed Linda 2001151 Judy Arnold Marilyn Todd Joan Cnim Linda Browning Keith Cairns Robert Drybrouuh Jae Sawyer Peter Vanda st John Van Dyk Simon Er ensL queile Ridden Keith Ellis The Barr and District Ham and Schonl Councllwill meet night at Seel Street School at ellht oclock The program In he discussed by panel wlll revolve around some aspect lbs remedial readlng pmer In the area Moderator or Iha panel will be Glenn vlceprlnclpal of the hederlck Campbell School In Camp Borden Gordofi 713nm mmcco cgowpm Tlla annual tobacco mall or tobacco growers ul the area was held the Department Agrlwlluro Alllslcn nn Frlduy or last week Tobacco extension clallsls mm Delhl were In lendsnce to present lhb latest Information on producllnn as well duscuss the problems Alhe growers chance class sponsored by Bennie Estate which wm he carried over to the seed 11 at Um Community Centre on ma lwentlclh of the month was on display and the top award won by Sum Bailey EveretL air compressor and an nugnr type drIlHni machine In Ihe Water Work Department wtrlund nw nym luv 15 mini Ccnlulln and Clin ton to qunllly or um Com mnnd ClmmplansMn mulch nl Dylo Hall wlfll lho Vlnnlprfi llCAF rrprtwnlnllvu an Sump dny and Rummy The winnrr will he drfldcd In luognmo lolal nnh mmmnrnl It Jnymn gunl lo Chal mm on the wNIuml or II MIA Ontario Mt Hothy Chump lomhlp lournnmrnl Mun rM md In In lwodny Aynlll In Jayne loam mm nwmnvkfl anthrax filrnflnnl Tnmnla ml Uluhnml on Wallrr Dinulnh mnl lcr Nmthml Mm II meal umwnow nllernmn In ookafiown In mwon Elwood MMUIL Ironmnlvr nnmvm Ive rnmlldm lnr Duflulnslmv School Council Meets Tonight Minislor Speaks For Elwood Madill too Mellon One occupant Iullcrod lldnl cm and tho othrr were unhufl laliro In um nlrrlc nnn wen called LOCAL GENERAL FUSE UflNS burnboul brought members be Hume Fire De parlmcnt lo 197 Colllar SL yer torday nflernoon No serious damage was reported DONOR CLINIC Red Cross Blood Donor Cllnlc Ls today at Trlnlty Parish Hall Hours for donating are from 130 to pm and to 380 pm WINS DRAW Dtllficld RCASC Sang campfiorden was win ner Ihe 5050 draw for he organ fund sponsored by the Angus Catholic Womens League The prlzo was $50 bill CHANGE HABITS Buying in ublu oi British housewives in recent years have chnngcd ho extent they now spend half their food budget on processed nod TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE PA lNll out 1mm nlnrm Look closely and youll see yellow crows blaomlng in rent at Brlnn Calhllne hand It one several crocuses In bloom along the east wall of Brlanl hams an 40 Stra llvllcluul Klndwldl Lunrh Only Me In Ftllouhlp llnll Flam I1 Nam DEVOTIONAL SERVICE For flolh Body And flplrll Will 11 What In Th IN nm l7llUNlll ll Ill IMIIIII All Endlnl Iunclnlly MAKE Tlllfl IZHIEI YOU LENTZN COLLIER UNITED CHURCH Lenten Imnm ol TUESDAYS SPECIAL lnvullgnle rush of arcldtnll durlng um Ixnminrr lholnl EXTRA FOOD AT LEAST ITS SIGN Brigadier Langrigg was born at Sevenoaka England 70 years use He was educated at High Kale School and then read Grant Lllerae llumnniores ut Oriel College Oxlord Had it not been or World War he might have stayed at Oxiord an University don World nvent changed the couran at his ilie and his scholarly inclination Iumed instead to research into the history nl the countries the Middle East where he made his career OFFICER DurIng World War he served an officer In the Royal War wlchshlrn neglmenl In GnIleoII nnd Mesopotamln IIu became Intercslcd In Mcsopolnmll and flayed an alter the WM wna over Int member III the Clel AdmInlslrnIIon of Iraq nn nIIIcInI In It government ml the and the munane Brigadier Euphen bungrigg historian lecturer author and specialist on Middle East lnlr wlll address the Canadian Club at Enrrle in Library all 830 pm Thursday HI topic Various Aspnch Mlddlo Eastern Affairs He received lho ODE durlng thla servlcc In 1927 llll last uppolnlmcnl was InspcclorGen ernl ol llevnnue 1mm lly lhll llmu he had already developed lnla an arlunlnllst and hlslarlnn and publlshcd hls Hm hlslurlcul work Four Cenlnrv leg 01 Mode lrnqfl In 1925 CANADIAN CLUB lune Ave HI lather Rabh Cathllne mulled tho llst am out an arm ha earliest date ha has ever had cro clues in lawn Right nnw his lulu are up three inches Engages Author As Its Speaker Wood Gundy Company 14ch IDCAL HEIIHENTTVM HAN N73 Wellinyfn Hum £an Half Tho Canadian Banking nyxlcm in mog nltcd All one of the mm in in wotld Ind luu coniribulcd grcnliy lim economic glowllloiCmmdaJlm Cnnmiinnclmrlcnd Imnlu and hair IM invmmcuu Mo dincumd in on March Review The Sccuriliu LII containl nicciinn oi Govtrnmrnt Municipal Aml Carpova lion bomlm logcliltr with divmlfictl lilt oi Comovalion oimm culinqu inr cumnt invmmcnl World War II or 20 mo lhu wnr he Ipan hl time In lluI Mld bnscd luccexslvcly on Syria and Iraq und In Lho Pmlnn Gull oulhrmk of lho wnr Ind out visit In Suudl covered copy nu Maul Kiri and Stmriliu Mil will IIIalumnich an nqlml rlncd the Iraq Pnn nnd ro nnjmm he Icr Arnb ml wldo clrclo Arab 01 Ill III myl nolo In car up man 19m land Gull wnn Suudl wlda Cnnndinn Chmfared Bnnlm Held and he was In charge at one time or another labour relations land acqulslllon pul nlcal relations and the omin lnz of concessions In September 1939 he rejoin ed tho Army served or some time at General iiendqunrterx Cairo on the General stall in triligencc and was promoted Brigadier in Dmmber 1940 During the Inner years at the war ire was Governor oi the various former llalinn colonies one sitar the another Chic Administrator in Cyrennlcn So mniiu and from 1942 to 1944 in Eritrea mnumm Slnce his retirement Brig Longtigg has spent his time writing and lecturing and mu revlslted the Middle EISL He had published In ms Shut Hlslary Emma and In 1951 he published Iraq 190010 1925 The following year tnmo Oil in tho Middlu Ensl Ila Dlscov cry and Development pra son he wnrklng an book Syrln and Le no under Frqnch Mandate has also wrlllen arllclcs handbooks mvlcwa conlrlbu llnn la encycloputdllu and has published some 01 his chures Oxlord Unlvmfly mnda him Dunn of Literature In 1955 Drlgulpnzrlfl vice pm Drlg Lonzrlmz ll vice pm ldenl lhe Royal Central Anlnn Society member of the council and Execullvu lho AngloArnh Aasoclnllon and mcmbur cummlllm an the Royal InA alllulu of lnlcmnllonul Mlnln Educnllan In nnouur his lnlmsls and he has btm Gavcnmr hll awn old nhool lllxhxnlc ram mo and chair man Um Donrd of Governor Ilncu 1953 Us In chnlrmnn also at Jerusalem Glrln Cullen According lo Garden of Eden mnnurnco n1 Hm Ind Euphmu In Ha Ambit Hanan above the ground Next en try an the flower chmu Mr Calhline keeps will be Iha date the first tullp bud open up Exnmlner Photo my EDENB BITE hlrkish an the Ru lnlcmnllonul In nnouur and he has mm Cullens guytrnl InmpuumE lrndlllon lay rear rlvcrl lrnq Frencit illfli and um service to it mospecz lve members the proposed as uvmes nuna Bnnle Districl Marksmenfs Associnilon are outlined below Seven indepen dent clubs are planned in mien in oiier as much variety possiblei iiiémbera all nges have been taken into considern ion In the planning oi these ac UVliles any and glrlr up lo age 14 will bn enrollea In the Hunter Saler Program Mrlch provides training In gun handling and mm knowledge ol fish and game laws methods med In ores and wlldllle conservation All hmrucllon wlll be handled by qualllled leader and all range uctlvllle wlll be super vised by proven marksmen rez Islered with Canadlan Clvlflan Association ol Maxlumen Two rifle club will be set up or junior membera including all students aged 15 and over Then will be Junior Glrls Rifle Club and Junior Boys Rifle Club each oi which will operate independently and at different times All member will be given instruction in the proper basic fundamental of Iiiie shooting and nieiy beiore Being permitted on the firing ne The Senior Blrlo Club is for all persons men and women an ID and over Fundamental trnlnlng wlll also be given each member In HIE group Couches will be pmvlded or all heglnA nan shonlm ollcr asslslnnce and advice ll desired Vincent Kelly lormcr lecml candldnto from federal rldlng ol Lannrk South will be guest speaker at the New Demonall Paliy nomlnallng meellng ln Ll brary llnll Wednesday 830 pm Russel Fugue Wang Beach Wu Ins yunrl NDP candidate or Slmm Nonhmnd II be Huved that he is among our who will be nominated at Wed nesdny nighll meeting Outline Activity Plan Of Marksmens Assoc Partner Liberal Is NDP Guest too expenswe BRIG LONGMGG Thcw Unlvcnlly Tuillon Lonny hep the door lo higher cducnllon cpcn Io lludcnll who would olhcrwilc have to dtop out Thlyplovlale up to 000 year Waugh four yum And Illcy milMe on unununlly llbml lcrmundonuclulvcly ncxlblobub In IpxIIl um npnymcnl my be mended beyond IO ouryen unl vcnlly period You will find you Rom Dink ml can mak all the Iiiflurrch ROYAL BANK TUITION LOAN or will you now be able to see your son 6r daughter through university with the aid ofn As mendened pfevlwsly planshave been emulated or Senior Revolvcr Club and Junlor and Senlor Archery Clubs There has him consid crab lnlerzs shown in urch ory and the plan or 111 In tlvllyaw law bylnz finallxeq will be set aside Femiiy Nights when all members are invited attend Special lee evminze including interduh manila iatherendson team turn will be presented an these mamhee molheranddeughter team matches husbandtnnd wife matches etc It the desire oi the executive to see many members ni the fam ily participeking es noesibie not only at these speciei evenle bui every evening For this Following L1 list oi rasulu oi examinations held in Barrie by the Western Ontario Conserva tory Mmicin Icademic operation with the University of Western Ontdo London PIANOFORTE Grads IX Honors Jenn Pace Grade VIII Hunorx Barbara Duckworlh Pass Jul Higghu Grade VII Honnu Shirley Hunter Grade Honors Jane Qumle Grade Ziegler Grade VI Honors Pauline Cunningham Shrley Dohson The rcslriciion on visitor ll Royal Victoria Hospltai will be caniinued Donald Cameron asA aisinni hospital administrator said BRET executive oi tho med icailslnii and senior hospital staii member reviewed lilo ml in flle hospital clnsnd RI door Inst Thursday In all visitor ex cept Immedlale rehllm Also postponed was elecflva surgery that In surgery that may be pcrlonned at lam data Just as well alurment Thll post puncmenl also conllnue Thermflnn wn taken last Continue week or line protection ol both pallenls and hnsplkal mu alter Ierlolu nubrenk flu And were coldl An announctmenl wIll be mada noon the rellrlcflom are lllled Mr Cameron laid Restrictions At RVH Announce Results Of Music Exams ROYAL BAN IV Honors Antonie mgcr fully Iwnre of the problem data by In hlgh cm of higher cducnlon nnd muly to give you cmy poulbln hrlp in canyIng out Ilww lilimporlnm plum fur yuur childl pmfmlonnl or 011m lulnlng Loam Ire ulunlly mule Io pmnll guudlnm Iponwu of Iludcnln nluln Clnldlan collcgu or unl vmldu folder ducilbln RoyI nant Tuhlon Lem nvnillble It my reason spacial emphub be Iug placad oi rezlsuallon nl EIHMPS The allowing list of year ly mambershlp fee agreed on at the organization meet held last humday yum Tyros chlldren under 15 yam on Jan $5 Junlm xludent 15 yam and over $10 Seniors 19 years and over not attending school 515 Family husbnndwlla and children un derngeja 325 The rate quoted abova apply to all clubs in operation and any member may participate In mm than one activity Ad dldonal Inlommlon am the association is nvallable from Barrie Spam Lth Collier SL PA 84891 or Dawn 44 Rose 51 PA H981 Grade III First Clrus Hon ors Barbara Keith John Prince equal Honors Den an Curtis Fnlrfle Ritchie Chrlslg nggler Honon France Young Carol Applelale SINGING Grade II Honora Joanna Cooper Marianne Den Oaden ELIVALE Thu Illa 01 Ill elghbynnmld glrl was mnfled out near here Saturday Aha lobagnancd down Ilopo Into the path of an oncnmlnz car on Chgmplnln Read lemma Buunnen wax killed lnskanllywhen she and her to holgan were smnck by car driven by Herbert Dusome Highland Point Cons Ecciesiuli of tho Onl nrio Provincial Police Eimvnio detachment said the iron whecin cl lha car did not run over her but taunt her and drggzeq her shori dislqncg Girl Killed While Playing With Toboggan No ciargeshnve been lnld McKINNON FURS LN 11 Dnnlop 6L lADIES Ynn Mun FINE FURS Belle For Wife

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