how 1mm Nll Inn Man lMumn nu ma dawn mmm MON INC uanum DIX 1mm am an IIMh AlbII Ammvl Nlnml Mnl Alumlnlum Allwvln uu It All Mlul PM Allu mm um um NA nII hnxfllln nn Imp ram an mum um 1100 am Two can tide swiped in Ihls calllsinn an Shan nay road luur lenlhs mile was Shnnly Buy Three people in Harvey Suuona car were admitted to WI Mr Suuon 1m Shnnty Bny nnd M15 Ellinhnlh Williamson 1131 Avenue RIL Toronto cullidcd undcr poor Visibility cnnditlom Passengers in Suuonn Mr Earhart and Culck wzre mt milled he hnspilul Mr Mek or 100 Church SL Taronlo wax kcp the hnspllnl due lo cn Incinl Iucemllans The CIA den still undcr lnvcsuullon by Consmbll Leroy llndrichs 1145 am car driven by Arnold Holden 53 Kim way islinxlnn collided wlih nnrlhbnund car driven by Ron innld Ayers Anne 51 Bar rie on lhn 3rd conccsslon oi aria mile louih ml the Mrlcnn Church AKnln pnllm snld lhlx nccldml wax caused by hazardous vlsihlllly mmliuans No charges and no injuring 1115 pm car carrying our plnplc wm norlhbnund on Highway 00 when It wcnl out or cunlral and rolled over on mlle nnrlh or flu Thornton oven pasr Irvnr lhrl cur Ollo Wrissurnm za Sprlnr hunt Ava Turnnln wns Inkm Io lllc IIVH ruflvrlng from hrmlonr MM June Downey Vlolrl Mm Taronlo and her mu Clmrlu wm both realm Nu RV or abr nlnns Anonwr pnmnncr In lh Mr Cnrl hlrymr 73 115 Norlhrolu Am wn rolulmi mum Mum Irrmmlflll 1030 am Fidel Lands 611 Blam St wax norlh bound on Highway when his car went cut of control skidded sldcways hi the edge of snawbnnk and rolled over No Injuries nccurred and no charges wen laid 940 am ll car driven by Mrs llillnry Agnes Solway 41 Wernny Rd Toronto north bnund collided with car drlven by Frank Slencr 6S Jasper Rd Toronto an Highway ll lwo miles soulh of he llawkeslune Corners Police said the can entered bllzznrd condlllans and hlt each other Mrs Salwnys car ls wrlleolf and Mr Slcnurs car sullcrcd heavy dam age Mrs Solwny was taken he RV and lalcr released Nn charges were SIDESWHE For every out hat period with the exccpllnns of one clock nnd six oclnck here was least one accident LONG LIST The accldcnls ara llslld ln chrnnolagicnl order 810 am car drlven by Carl ll Pcran 26 75 Ken ncdy mad Scarharo went out of control on lllghway 27 near Wndlcs road he mad and tree passenger In cur Jurgen Arncmunn and he driver were admmcd RVH for head lnjurlcs No charm were laid He said the majority of hose accidents were automobile slips and resuiied In irayed nerves not only inr drivers but aim or police These people caused their own accidents he said They should know heiier ihan lo enicr drifting Snow oi bilz urd visibilin condition high rates speed All it take is bit of common sense in Avoid an accident Out 12 persons admitted lo the Royal Victoria Hospital yes icrdny only one person had in my overnight because of sev ere facial lacerations hw ArrI1 hm toxvu THE HARRIE EXAMINER MONDAY MARCH 1368 Its only after nn accldent Ihal pcopln who dont think whlle lhey drive rcallze the error of lhelr ways nld Sal Andrews ol the Ontarlo Pm vlncial Police Barrledclach mcnl He was Ialklnx abnu la accl dcnls hal occurcd in the Bar rie area In 12hour period on Sunday um 330 am to 830 pm ruuuu hmvlrll in Inlu In in Note Conditions When Motoring Stresses Officer TODAYS STOCK PRICES runnde hr OI Ilnulap IL nun NM 1M Wi am an no Act or Mn nmv mmn lamau Iv iqu um Mum Ln Imuuu um Lulu Arm 1mm mm Humm urnm II UM 701mm hull Flu Ournu llnlllMW mm on Ilml nu uln Imp Tnlxuu Imp nu ml Imml mm Nll Inm NhII In Illllml Inmpluv 11p mm cm gmu munmm NINmn 730 pm Highway 400 again This llme Herman Fredrlck RR Barrie hit an Icy palch snaw began blowing and hlu car roll ed the road He was soul bound Nu Injurlu and no chnr 330 pm Oml third con cession had iln second accident of in day in his one under similar condition he ear ller one at 1145 am This lime it happened south oi illh County Road Driver involved were Joesph Caner oi RCA 51 Mon Edgar Ind Donald Lee 74 Shanty Bay Rd Under inA vesllzniion by Constable Don Newman No injqucn 430 pm Gerhard Glcseche King 51 Midland apparcnlly lost central or his car under blizzard condition on lflghwny ll eightlenth of mile noth at Crown Hm went all he hlxhway and knocked of some guardrail No Injuries and no charges 500 pm James Roy Flan nery 15 Seal Cove Drive In Etnblmke ran his car all Ih mud on nghww II 0th lllzhwly 93 Norseman Th nucldant under Investi xallnn by Constable Plumn On his wny ll our hall of mile non of lhe 00 extension Clllfard Thompsun mo Weston mi Weston ran Mr all the road Nu Injuries And no charkes mo pm Gary Puraluy Onkvlew Bench RM Sluymr rnn hlx cur ofl lhl mud on Highway 27 nunhol Cuudlu road No Injuries and no char gel 245 pm This lime our slowed down because oi zero vislbiiiiy and was simck behind by anuiher roulhbound car POL ice were unable to determine in lhe preliminary incomplete report who tmck whom but lhn driven were Seigirid Void eninum 60 oi 504 Biylhewood Blvd Toronto and Barbara Ann Bressclle 14 oi 55 Charles St Toronto Police said the cars were lrnvciilng ion ins ar the weather condiiionsi This accident in Iiill under invest gallon 230 pm No more cars aldeawlped In this an car driven by Herbert Gnl 543 Blythewoud Road Toronto and um driven by llcalhnr Wright 61 Plunkctt Rd Humher Sum mlt scraped each other on the Mack Side Road the road lendA In In Snow Valley The accl den still under lnvesflgallan by Constable Leroy Hcdrlchs No Iryuflcs twinned 200 pm car driven by Lloyd Buckrell as Fernalrny ElmI Toronto struck an on Townshlp snowpIow on the 9th Concession On yesieniny Drlver of the plow as Gordon Moore RR Hawkeslone No llnjlizrlcs mulled and no charges tram hospital as were the others No charges were laid 1280 pm Frank Morton 69 274 St Paul SL Oolllngwood apparently xkldded out control and lot the road wllh his car on Highway 26 one mile norlh Mineslnz No churns ware laid SALLYS SHLLIES lamav Unmd nu lii If 1061134 mu coca Nalmorr mu umm rumum Imrim Im lln Alma IMI Pull4 on mvlmr Inlay anllum In Hum minr Aw lmlm Mm Luv Hrln ln rum lam rm rm Indy cu yumm 1le FemII Trmpeulum Law mum lllll St Thomas hmdon Kllchtnrr Wlnulmm llnmlllan SI CMhnrlnu anonln ldtrlmmmll Tunlan Klllnlon Mudan Norlh Hay Sudhury lZarllnn Knpmknllnu ï¬nd 35 35 35 15 15 way rn ldly lo lhlckcnlnx clnud lollowc by snow and rnln wllh lho approach of slum ccnlra mm the soulhwcslcrn United Slam The storm nx eclcd to produce mnslly rain ma exlrnma soulhenl pan of lhn province and now In areas rum Gmrglan Hay northward The slnrm wlll be allowed by brisk westerly wlnd and par llnl clearing Ncsdlly Nnrfllcrn Luku Huron Gear lnn lIny rcginns Clnudlnx over hy man today Snow mixed at Han wllh mln btxlnnlnx Ml anrnnnn mnllnnlnu lnnlghl nmduy cloudy wllh occnslannl snow ln Hm morning hctomlnx pnrlly tluudy In lho antmoon Mlldcr lnnighl Wlmll ullerly In no lndny Ihlfllnl lo nonh wul 21 mudny Dam anlor and John Bow man the two hearty Walker who left Barrie am Sat urday Io wnlk lo CKEY In Tur onlo managed to gel as lnr as four miles north or Amra by 305 pm That dld It said Dave We were 00 pooped to even blink our eyelash Synopsis Clear crlsp wcnlhcrflycr Orglprjo yell glvg Lake St Clair Lake Erie Ioulhcrn Lnko llumn mlons WIndsor London Cloudlnz over lllls mornlnu wllh mlx lure wt snow and rnln he ginnan nhnul noon chnnnlnx In mln lhls nnrrnoon and conunw Inn lnnluhL Partly cloudy Tum dny Mildrr Wind easterly 20 In no lodly northwm 20 lm dn Bath admitted they Ien Bar rle loo as clip averag Ing over our mlu an hour tour myh is regular Army march rate They macth spot two miles north Brad ford by 915 stayed or minulm and got Into Bradford one hour lam ï¬lms whrn it really began lo hurt uld John They altribuied their iack of success to the mid too heavy clothing and great lack of general conditioning Howaver it doesnt siap thuei They have formed walkers duh Mcrnbershlp now stands at nine and the club plan to walk 50 miles Irom location nuuide Taranto into Bards wirhln Ihm week men they 11 or Aurora but dIgnc quitpumnlg awn maimu but wax un rylngJ said the And well try again Walkers Pail But Spirit Up services Surdny moï¬un at Burtml Avenue United Chumh Rev Emerson KkaA MA chancel and idedlcariion Toi memorial Km hi mug DEDICATION or the WEATHER BP Service Station Restaurant SUNDAY located Highway 103 Parry Sound Write CANADA I88 ROSSLYN ROAD 0RllllA ONT Early In 1960 hlnh wlnda and fleeting rain turned large tion of wulhern Ontario Into an Ice fantasy and dean power and telephone uulltles mum mnllon doll blow disruMlng service to hounds mumm ersIn sumo insmmu 01 mo than week Following xlemlve study the research dlvlalon has come up with receiver which monitors Ilznal an the volceduplcx channel npenled between umlormer mum on Onln rln Hydrol mnsmlsslon lIna WWW dmp In Ilznnl slrenxlh ln dicales that 1m L1 forming on he llne Onlarlo Hydro News mm test lnskallallon last year conï¬rmed he eflecflvcnm the device In began to farm Iho Ilgnal dropped and began to recovcr xlrtnuh than Shortly Alter he icy an alaugm and following punt nnzed schedule 1300 Ampere 01 electric carnal twlce the averago normal 103d were red into Ihe no KV circuit tween Bmlc and Kllchrner LIKE MAGIC heat Imposed by he hlgh current worked Ilka mule and an esllmnted 800 tom Ice were melth of the llnes in minutes Bm look Iwo any prepare Ind stage ha ten Ontario Hydro has Announced method unenlly perfected in combat Ice storms disas trous elleu nu main power transmission lines FOR EASE ptesldenh mm Conlmnce United Chutch of Canada seen Ilera ï¬n the pulpit preadwd 3w gufnon Egon i=1 Ire Frank Green Raw David Reeve ml er Combat Effect Of Ice Storms On Power Lines Gum Spnkor Why Thu Lllmlll Published By New Democrnllc Iarly North Slmcoo Assocmlon Tho Publlc Cordlully Invlhd NEW DEMOCRATIC PARTY VINCENT KELLY March 13 830 pm I963 BARRIE lIBRARY HALL Mulculor Slmr Nominating Meeting ly lflur extra current was air 91199 to the clmma Recovery was qufle distinct Ind wen the tlma whnn the Ice had been completely melted muld bu dflermlned Slmple Ind emnomlul the uchnlqua has major draw backIt cannm pinpoint the Dr callon ol the ice Klnmon OntJohn Pullen 72 retired vlceprcsldenl of Ca nadian Nallnnal Railwayx Ira llc dlvlslon In Montreal Guelph antJame Slrphen Glover 7d armor head the poultry palhnloxy dMsIun lha Onlnrlo Veterinary Collele heart attack Monlreux Sultmlml Ed ouard Belln 31 who lnvunled Ihe nelin telephoto lrnnsmlulun mlcm In 1901 Max Lambert In Ontario Hy dro New says But the mhnl cal approach Just out lldl ï¬ght against lca SPlanninx and prepaqednw the other and he nexi llma heavy or prolonged lreexlnx ruin ï¬riku ma transmission lines Ontario lide will win quickly lnio prodetermined patina Milan DublinBrian Dnggllu an Irish poet mhor patriot Ind legglmqr TombFrederick Law Mason 68 former Kencrll mles manager Kimberley Clnrk Canada lellei of Burton Avenue United Church and Spurn elder actlnz or the memorlal committee all whomplr Iclpaled in the dedication céeroxilesl By THE CANADIAN PRESS DEATHS DUNLOP EAST PA 60106 Two thlovu bmk Circla flleutre mer end In Alllslon and cash and clgnreuns Police Marmnllon stated Lhat two men entered the them re and Inqulmd about prices or renting the stage Police Constabla Davis Alllslon stated Qhe mnn mid they were The incident was discovemd by owner projecllonlsl Whit MacDonald early Sunday mom nu Alliston Theatre Reported Robbed SPECIAL GUESTS he evznlni shrvlco yesterday It Bunon Avenuo Urmod Church Included time vislunx mln 151m leen hem chauan wllh Buflun Avenue United Church minister Rev David Ruevc BBYLCREEM 920 LARGE SIZE SALE MISS CLAIM BBECK SHAMPGO SUCABYL PARDEC CAPSULES LISTEBINE ANTISEPTIC DRISTAN TABLETS BESDAN BUBBLINE BATH LIQUID WOODBUBY HAND LOTION VIMlNC CAPSULES PABAHEITES POLIDENT OBNM COLD CAPSULES CREST TOOTH PASTE VICKS VAN BUB TAMBLYN SAVES YOU MONEY Special Values For This Week bmke lnlo lhe nver lha week and slola petty slola petty TAMBLYN DRUG STORE AIR CONDITIONER IOYAL LIPSTICK COMM Cum Rea IOVAL LIPSTICK Plastic Cow Rog SKIN FRESHENER Rm CLOUDSILK PEARLED FACE VOWDE DU IARRY FACI POWDER DRY SKIN CLEANSING CRIAM Rea Rog ENHRATING CLEAN ch IOUNDATION LOTION Rog MOISTURE PEIALS Ru 100 225 Ron SPECIAL ASTRINGEN Rog fllMING LOTION Reg CRIME SUPEIII llcg DOIV MASQU Rm mm Toromo and would be go In an Barrie description or the two xux pent released by Barrie Police allows Hrs suspect 15 between 2025 years old 10 um hqu black halt and lust seen wearing black shower proof cont The second suspect around 2015 yearn of ugh mndlum build air mmylexlon plmply Med and wear glasses Conslnhle Davis investigat lug TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE PA um 11in Unllcd camch Women aerved Mfrcshmenu the mngreznllan aner lha servlu whlch tenured guest up pcaranca the King Edward Ladlcs their From Jolt are Rev Waller Dyer mlnlster St Georzca Churdn All DRESSING HAIR 301 WITH FREE DISPENSER 25 FREE 750 WITH 100s VALUE BY RICHARD HUDNUT olm mm mum no DENTURE CLEANER WITH BATH SAVE 25 CREME FORMULA 185 VALUE 50 601 98¢ 1001 30 FREE 1000 WITH 100 VALUE WITH FREE HAIR SET MIST 30 ECONOMY SllE 98° 20 156 149 51 HALLMARK REG 98 2201 SALLYS SALLIES dale Rev David Reeve Rev Mme chmrmnnv Slmcao Presbytery and min leer of Trinity United Church Cullinzwood Ind Rev W111 lam HellY mlanttI Em Rand Presbyterian Church Exam iner Photos lnwnxtvumymmuud minim 110 VALUE 100 29 80c Rog ch Rog Ron Rog Reg Hcg Rm IOOI 90s MWWWM HMWMH 1211111122 5505505550 JJOJJDJJYD rm cm muvnv 522 299 367 217 267 136 146 113 156 82 71 IRE