VANCOUVER CPiA hardy Vancouver perennial that has oil appeared to strangio lueii like chokedup hrier should bloom again in Mly This years Vancouver inlan national Fesiivni will go Brit lsh The alternative going brokealmost came niler lasi yeah eslivai but lilo civic in dilution was hailed ou by gnv ammonia and the Canada Coun éil fund cnmpalgn has started to raise $190000 to cover sumo old bill and the 1961 program thu sixth consecutive year prgduc The 196$ anagram lacking in spectacular such as the Red Army chorus the New York Philharmonic and the like lhal helpad iii previous cards but in well sprinkled with homo grgwh PM and saga imporLs poulo ol Molmpnlltnn and Sun ï¬anclscu 0pm am has bull lhls years program around Brlllxh them He wlll person ally direct Vurdls opera Mac lielh the lesllval opener May COLORFUL FRILLS as va use has feelers out or frills designed for fun well tourist baillike rovan Londontype bus Lun hohhles open doors BnliEMype pub jelllcdimd lflEhdepllupï¬afl The style Macbeth will he Scottish wilh armor and sheep aklng or the principal who ln elude mm Dalls Frank Guar rm and Rlchuld passfly Go Britishu Or Go Broke 1th an In Leslie Slewarls Florndnra opening my 30 The play with music is described I5 period place which 111 be done longqq in Robin will turn rudi llonally male or lhc lead in Battles Peler Pan Bcnuly and The Beast drew well 1m season and was re pcaled during the Chrlslmas holidays under festival sponsor ship OFFER VARIETY On June Maror Mame will dlrecl The Best of Spring Thaw Ieleclcd from lhe shows 01 the last 95ml chois whnx done very well on records wilh side kick Elaine May wiil star as The Dauphin in Shaws SL Joan Susan Kahncr is Joan with Mr ngnupouies girchlng llermln Ge garTore he Cunadlnn 0pm Players Tor unto will dine Nicolnis Merry Wives of Windsor with Jun Rubs as Falslafl and Lee Vcn on Mistress Ford Noun IAICII ma 5m Inn no Pom no rt mm mm Eaunlry Shaw mulul Fury vau wmher Spoxu molwa Don Mum cm rv Nm Spam Nuu sasasss=° 1000 VII 00 CDC TV lel Wuth Spam mo 5414 111an Mum moo Tu hum la Good Mnmlnl JO studio Pm In Nuw oa Fumlv llnnm no ram mm in INN 5mm Nuleml flchoull INIHI You IN Tam km IHII row Im llmlv mul Mm IanMY Amnl Andy Nun wmhu 5m wunn Tm Cir 2353339358 um lm Ur rmvum Ildnwy Klfldo rmmm mm rm mumn mun Ivon nu Lh an law To TI Tm um um rv Nun loll Mllm MI um nun llulnn unu HAMII no Klvlda nu lmmxnn Inn now rm And In Adohldl 24HOUR SERVICE sALas ma senvuca EAN 91 nut unlu hn nul mind hy wm plrn phon HEATING Eoul BOWENS To TI Tm Tlulh ITV Nun Mum Hull nun nulnn llnur THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE TELEVISION PROGRAMS llullnl Ian All qndlllanlpl DRIVEYOURSELF CARS AND IRUCKS And Cup WHI flu Minna Val llama CFTO CHANNEL CKVR CHANNEL CARRIER MISS YOU VALLEY TAXI IVA um 5mm Show PA 82433 Eva Le Galilenne already seen here as Elizabeth In Mary Stuart will double up wllh Roddy MacDowell and Mlka Nlchals in Oscar Wildel Th 111130145319 of Bolus Emest egtlval dates have been brought forward this yearIt ends June nto provide con llnuflyln lhu summcr tourist season Theatre Under The 5an follows In Stanley Park and the mm Nullonnl Exhi hltéon lake over when that on denopaulos who wants people to enjoy themselves plans party on the lesllvnll ï¬nal nlghl in 119 Queen Eliza hclh Then and on It spac lnus plaza Red China Albania Friendly Because Of Split With Moscow PEMNG Renlera china and Albania continue to set closcrtogethcr In spltu oi nrlk Warrant Omccr 2nd class Rhodes retired from the Canadian army this week He had been In the army 25 years During that time he ser vcd overseas during World and later in 1951 in Korea Best wishes of lhc RCASC Schnol with hlm when he be his permanent posting to Civvy Street The ï¬rst detour is up on High way 90 about lhrcLLqunrters of mile west oi the Soldier Sclllnmcnl small bridge has hccn ripped out when the 11m twist or the Bear Creek crosses the roadway and preparation are underwnylo build larger bridgc Alter lwayrnr lapsu Camp Harden will man he hnldlng cumpclillon Io set up ll or cleaning scrvlcu men What job are avullahlc pcrsnns on ml 51 will be called or Job lnler views land placements Barrles winter works commit tee on which Camp Hordeus anlonal Defence Employees Association is represented has completed its scasonl work The rcsolullnn presented by commluce that the Barrie diz lrlct required an Inslllutc Technolaxy as wall as an UnI crslly has met with tacit np proval and he project for two centres or hlghcr Xurnlng may be merged this one objective no nu moo mu no um 11 luv WEDNESDAY 10W 1an in ma mm no no no mu Hull 1m rum llnlnn nur mmmmn mum Khldu Dan rm mm Imr mm In lllrl II mm Al You um In no lm In 100 no 4m Us xmau rumnun manIr lelll Wlllm Null mu mum AM WIIIIIMI no um um wm Tnnl Inn Huvll uml My Lml Mm uv Nu nu mm mnl m7 rIm mnnn our l1qu no Nu 700 Tm 110 Tn iii no CAMP BURDEN By COLLXNS BARRIE TORONTO Pmy Muon From PIE Chilln Mule140 Palmul Cnunlry uncllou wmher spom New Imuwl Ten Pllllm Good Marnlnl sumo Pnly vau Ramp knell run Mon Rum Mam mun In In anw um um Around rmnaly Glun unu You show Tnm HIM1n rnl Doll nml Dun lumebmy Iluund nm Ion Tho Slur ol llnb ll Tmpmm out rm Ipnuv Nu unvmhlu Mun lulunu Klddn mu mm mm In nnllld cnmm Thuln Armnn Mum mount Up KM 70 uorl man 7n anmm anl wmnu Ipqu Illymrfl 71 Funlll mu Imm unlh um In llnlnn nur mg Spam MARCH Amman VANCOUVER CP Thl British Calumhil Narcotic Ad dlcflon Foundlion says many Canadian msznkanly bellave addicts in the United Kingdom can legally oblaln nnrcoucn 1n deflnltely Every doctor in the UK advised that it Is not proper mmflcal practice to maintain an nddlc Indcllnilely although he wthdnwal may olun be over long enough period to make It 1005 llk9 r5 mining lllyl Ding Addict Can Be Withdrawn By Daily Dose l0fMéthadohe Dr Robert Hallway medlcd director the foundation The myth at tho UK allu ntlon has been npealed no many limes that most pcoplu helluva It Dr Hamdny say another mlslaken impression that Cl lug diflerenm In race culhm and size Diplomatic observers here be Uevc the huge Peoples Repub 11¢ China and tiny Albania will become cven more Erlendly in the future unless Peking and Moscow resolve their anm ideological debate on the right road to world communism These observers agree in friendship between the two countries is based almost en lirer upnn muluui suppan im cnch oihcra position in the dif imnccs dividing the Commu nisi hint item which Aibénin has been virtually excommuni caled Neither In sin populallon race rellglon culture histori cal background nar gcoiruphl cal location are there any ob vious natural ntlinlllc between Albanla and China Yet apart mm tho slgnaturo of SlnoMoniollun boundary lrealy lust Lhrlstmu lha two signlng ccremonlos most pub licized here recently have been he 1961M executive plan or the implementation 01 the Sim Albanlan cultural mpuallon agreement and pmlocal on Iï¬cntllic and lcchnlcal cooper on 0pman landle nl Ipadel This hand wnl played many years mm which may perhaps nccnunl or name of IM bldl that led In linll conlrncl of II tluhl doubled plnycd by South Declnrcr wu Wnidcmlr van Zedlwhz who has been clearly associnlcd wlth mnlrncl hrldza mm the llma the Inn wnl flnl Introduced In ma clear on dnwn ln lndny Known one the 1mm nnnlyau In In hlllory or um um well no at In mm nblc prncllllonen Waldy look ndvanllln lllflhl dclcnslvo Ill lohln home 39 DAILY CROSSWORD Soulh dcalcr Neither aide vulnerable Mun v15 18 non Wu led lplde Inktnrwilh mn 31441112 Welt Pm Pu AUROBE Dlhonut Dcugh or pm 11 Fonlm 11 Guy Buff 15 In in Dunn mp nilVin an IV Iolu =2 anuuu mims mm on mch IT Nol lm IO mm In AIIA Von am an Ammo Immbd In It To mm mm 304 In naming IMUM uni mm In mu 11mm bllllr lmplul nut 46 Andally MmhMlm Mum puma not ma SF Wm Dbl CONTRACT BRIDGE um vxnou no soum on VAC Moon nan Nonm OV North Lem mMnl Home III 10 Huinu It Ilnrnn ll Canhr knlmhaod 19 lint Eur Rimmu gymtgul or Gml 1mm Hull llhfla BJDI cia nMomd mm By JAY BECKER hm Dbll midlan dnqlurapra abwlulel prevented mm admlnlxterlnl narcoucs or Inyana prwlded thin done with viaw treatment This Include the wmldrawnl of NM from drugs I13 exception howaver heroin possession oiwhich in 1551 in up Canadian doclora usually pre lcrlbe up to our WmIleam tablets of methadone duly Methadone suppresses nymp logg suntan mm grugu addict can norm11y be withdrawn on this In couple or week by cutting the dose by unta every third day Some es Lha man needs additional medication Alter this tor anx iety 0g yiepreglon And basically course In Med other treatment or the emotional or mini lmtnblllly which led him to drunk the flrlt pllc HarrodicripUDn nnrcotlcl by an cLorh closely checkpd by thn cdaral government the RCMP and the doctors govmv In body he College or Physi cluu And Surgeons KEEP TAB DN DOCNRS Dr William MnClure of MI sion i311l pruidcnl oi the Ca nudlnn Medlui Association raid close watch in km by Authorities on the prescription of narcotics Federal narcotics oiiiclaLt will ndvise doctor if they think patient in being given too much The docion govern ing body can in extreme cases lake may doctors ï¬ght to prescribe narcotics and even his physicians licence ii he pm mines drug to maintain an addictinn rather than treat it Dr Hailidny my in only real difference between the realmth oi addiction in Can min Ind Britain in the type at Iddici the Ittitude ol doc tors toward addicts and the in ciiities available or treatment lha United Kingdom has 400 in 500 addicts In lolal popqu Ian 5000am Here we have pogulnllon 500000 In addition ho mater pruporllon UK addict an mealcan or prolesmuu uudiu whereu many at our are crim inal addhll the king Ind East returned the luck hearts Waldy flncmd lhe queen and relurned the hm dubs When Was lol lowed with Rh lwo Waldy plyedfhe our 1mm dqnymyj The noun succeeded all right In named quite likely from Iha blddlng and from lhcn unlhe mung was smooth Dr clam cashed the In hearts led diamond ruflcd heart wilh ha ueen lad the seven ol clubs an named the nlne ruffed annlher hurt wllh the ace Ind next entered dummy hyrumnx gt IN CM thn drew Wesll trumps and the Hi dlamonds won the last lwo rich The only Irick Ihe db lender oak was ha king was Thu lowly club llnesse ll Irlrk lhru was nnl fancy play but abnolulcly sscnllnl la mnklnz lhe contracll It would no hnvo hccn posslbla lo bran homu Illa nlnm wilhuul the drop flneue The dummy rcvmll could not have Iuccccdcd wlllv out ll run that West could have JImmcd the work by playan he le cl club lnslcud at the dcucn It lrlck hm but lhh don not dlmlnlnh he mum van Zodlwlul play once he wn ulvcn chance to llnmu Ihu nun Taking ndvnnlnno ol drlcnllvo lapse in cmnlnly Im lmporllnl tool In dcclnrcrl menu wumm Tnmormu ha unnrmuu llnmn ll 11 fllh IL 5wa 25 MM 20 Unit Num In emu moi MannIn MAth 1aqu guru Ixhlx nxrk I1 ruk In at mmn oqulvmnt 01 By duh 11 00 Ia dotnot Ill Hill thud mliiitr MM mm mum mm AN um um GOUEARKNDONEG DLOCKAVW 11m 31mm EXAMINER MONDAY Numcn loaf1 1m and malth NW 901 1x mm WALK somv MYWIH Mch in maxim1 vmmmumo mqmapr mm 50an IN NO 915A to IMMG um LL Al WA AMM 223322