II WILLIAM CONWAY CHICAGO AWll has been aria out on me Great Lake lhis long hard winter when ynura on ship you expect to see walcr explained Rlchard Lanin skipper the coast guard culler Amndel But you migh work two week and never see blue ru her Just while ice And lhe worst ll ya lo come in the opinlon of captain whose cnflcny bucks he heavy crush Vcnlhcr bunnu record shuw that mi lhe third coldest winter sinte he mm of he can lury on the worlds lnrxcs clus ter of rashwater lnkes recent survey found Icejwo In 48 inchc mick Hnrly his mnnUI lhe hurcuu reported abom 95 per mm of Lakes Su perior mm and Mtchlgan were tamed wilh 1m some narrnw sunlduus ere open on Snclnl Credit Ieadtr Robert Thompson 10m lakes lime mm hL palillcal campaign for hockey cam 31 TornnA Winnr dld sum llnluslle lhlnn lo the Ilmm noun fresh wutrr lakes in In wanrL llmu men could ulk an the Ice nsler lhnn powzflul shlps tould movt And Islanders blllholy wtnl here by nulnmohile ngh lizhls An AP survey are luld in he followlnl slory Frozen Great Lakes Making Tough Winter 107 Dunlap SI Em Dmi Tnnmlnl In IL 102 DUNLOP ST BARRIETRAVEL SERVICE HOCKEY INSTEAD OF HUSTINGS Fur TCA Ind CNR Ruormlonl And Ilckoln JOHNSON C0 llMITED For Your Runrullonl Call Now Lake Erie and ï¬nes conlad much Lake Ontario Lalm cu or equipped wilh an Icebreak1ng pruw manoeu vres hr aid of nllscnsun tanker that get stuck In Lake Mlchlgnn Jusi how laugh he going may be depends In large purl an direelluns of the winds Lullin snld they blew mostly mm the Maple Lea Garden Sat urday nlghr Vnh him 15 Ta romu Conlmller Allan Lamf port From the expression USES HIS CAR AS ALARM CLOCK MOUM Clomens Mich tAPIJacob Rubrich 39 crashed his speeding car inlo suburban trailer park at am Sunday shaklng up the occupants or our trailers Depuly shcrms quulcd him as saying God told to no down there wake than penple up and at ham to church Sheri Lester Almslndl cslimaled nubrlch was travellingybclwccn no and 90 miles an hnur when he plowed his car Into the trailer courl The trailer were lam loose from thuir oundminnm World Wldl Tnul Suvlu west lhls season Ind plled up in on the eastern shore The lormnllnns more ranged up In 20 cc lhlck he said with three or Inurfcct vislble and the bulk beneath the surface It doesnt look so tough un lll you hit It he snld Nenr Grand ancn MlchJ mupla at weeks ago It look us 11 hour to so mile and quarter Thtre ls llttlo Irnfllc on the lakes In the coldest month nut sums lnnkers crosnlaka carlcrrlcs and coalhauling scls kept going desplle ths arctic marathon that me our Lake Michigan mm Mllwuu kceWis to Muskegnn Mlch or the llrsl time since ma c5 of the Hon carlnrry Cily Mid land tanned lce condillonl he worst in 21 years We slow down to much snmcllmes Gales reporked that you probably could wnlk aster then were travelling But he won yet In come he said The wlnd will break up Um In nnd mere will be slush Mr Thompson and Mr Lam port look as mouzh thzyro rmllnx or dinerth teams CP Winphoto WORST TO COME Slush bumn ha Intake lhul cool lhe condensers It the intake gel In of lush and lho candcnscra gel hotthen you The big trouble or commerA lnnlnl III rm El PA 66474 PA 66515 GIRLS RETURN TORONTO CPD Two yearold Toronto llrls whose disappearanc In prompted widespread search were returned home Sunday from oulwa Police lald Sha ron Vlnkuughnellu and Paulutla Morey hllchhlkad la Kingston Paulellel lormcr home arm two dnyl there and Ihcn hlch hiked In the capitaL Shamn ltlephoncd her parent rum lhcm Ind the lwo were broughk hero by bus PLAN DRIVE KITCHENEE CF Delo lalu to labor union confer enca here announced plans or drive to crank Canadian highway pavinl sewer waler main and residential conslruc lion workers The 33 delegate at Ontario and Manlloba Ia caia oi the lnlemailonai Hod Canim Building and Com moli Laborera Union oi Amer lcl CLC ended their quar terly gmnieienca Saturday SULLIVAN TRAVEIS TORONTO CPL Unilcd smu Illevlllon Imjd 511 Van will do his wukly thaw 1le 1mm Torontol OKeefe clll HsMrmen 1x manning nets in the Ice Leland La Fond held at he Ll Fond ï¬sheries In Mllwnukee uld lshlnl boll bued here hm been nbla to go out only about 10 er cent ma time this win er Em the harsh weather has been boon to he Islanders in lha Port CllnlnlL Ohlo seclor of Lake Erie because pickupln ice Ilshan The 600 residents Drum4 mond lslnnd In Lake Huron an All their uupplles from he mulnland They usually are brought over lzy the Chlppewa Cnunly ferry The lerry became lctbaund Eul by the providence nature Ihd milewide gap be Iween he island and upper Michigan role anlidr So every morning caravan of automo bllu moved across the ihlck ice carrying commuters and high admi aludcnui They re uraed each evening FIRST PRIZE WORLD NEWS IN BRIEF Second PRIZE $15 Four PRIZES 0F $5 Most Recipes ladies Its Cook Book Recipe Time Agefl Spoclll Pleo Get Started Now Send All Recipes To COOK BOOK EDITOR Centre or the Perlorrï¬lnl Art April 23 um CBC Announced war the weekend The prolrlm will be seen simultaneously by Viewer the CBC In Canad nnd the CBC network the United States SERVICE SUCCESS WRONTO CPDThu Caru dlnn Medlcal AssactntlnnJnuh nal lays Hveyelr study just completed at comprehensive psychialrlc servlca withln the Unlnn General Hasplm It Moose Jaw SAikahOW luch integration of psychiatry suc cesstuL The mid makes the extent to whlch patient in tcgrated wllh the community at Moose an HEADS STAR EXPERTS TORONTO CP Ills Ruth Northcoll has been elected to her second arm president the Royal Aslronomlcnl 5w clely al Cannda GRANTS ANNOUNCED OTTAWA CHThe Canad Cauncll hal Innounced mm totlllinl 330000 to xix Canadian univrrsllies to he them utter specinl Idvanced mtructlon in the next year Lecturer from lix foreign countries will Iprnd up lo we year vlsltlnl lea lurcr at the universities in cluding the univeraldu tawa and Western Ontlrio HAVE COMPETITION ST JOHNS Nfld CF Canadian mllnl Ihlpl openl Inx on the can Labrador where we sell huntinl leuon opened ofllcillly Sundly appu enlly hnvo nimble hum In light but lhey ahn luvs tor clan compellllon Spoller pllnu reported Rustnn Iuclory xhlp In the centre or one lssqulre mile palch seal while l0 Norwcnlan ships wm headed towards larger more nonh erly patch EUGGESTS PACT VANCOUVER CHA Cal lnrnla educallnnlfl Saturday suggesled Canadlmus bi lalenl agreement prnvldl continuous Innlyxl of th cul tural and educationnl relation between Ihe lwn munlrle llld an attack on lhe minor but Ir rilnllng problem lhal some tlme dumb us Hnwnrd Wllwn Den Educlllon the Unlvmlty ol CIllfornla Los Annelesuld nongovern mental CnnadgAUj commltlea on education upernlcd for mm yem from 1945 opposa ARMS VANCOUVER CPDArguing that bnianu terror in nu gunrlnlee uglinst war I91 University oi Brlllsh Columhla mt members have urged ihe ederai government in reiuse nuclear arms They signed pediion addressed in the led eni cabinet lender and de ience spokesmen or position pariles Ind 30 and dale in the April itdeni elecllon R101 INJURES AUSTIN Tex ANA do that empled Negro dance on ma us this of Amun early Sunday left two policemen and dozen mherJenans Inlnred Pollce animal the 1000 per sons plrllclpated in the 45 minute mans brlwl which Illrled when olllcm bmku up llxht on the dlnce floor be tween lwnNexro youth and handcufled hem TRAP KILLS WIFE NEW YORK APlA ynung HERES AN OPPORTUNITY FOR YOUR OLUB TO MAKE FROM $5 TO $25 HOT WATER TANK ONLY PPPPPPPP 15 BAYFIELD ST BARRIE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Install Hydro Rental erll plllnly on em Ildo of H10 Subml lull mm with Inlllull mombor whmlulng uclpc and mm club on EACH rclpo leo omplolo cooklng or lukan Innrucllom Inglud lug lypu ol soaking ulomlll own lumpralwil limo olc mlnlmum Manly mlpol mm In suhmlllul Plun In Iun rulpu no vallulod wllhln your ommlullonl lubmlulon Roclpu may In my lypl bod or luvrum Ind 710 more Hun In to In cooklu 0r Enlrln mun uldmnd Go Th Cookbook EdiIor Tho Bmll Eumlnlr Bum RImombIr M114 IIHIO dndllm Prlm wlll Iwmlod nglln you In orgnix nlom who no Hm to wbmli InMu All nnlrlu will In ï¬lmed This II your OFFICIAL NOTICE husband niaddcncd by Icnluusy told police he set up booby 1er 1n the amlly car In kll his Iconaged We The Iraq worked with deadly prenlslnn hlnsllnu Ihe woman to dealh The wire Glnrln was slmng In the drlvers sun of the sedan her husband Pasquale Della rnse 27 beside her when mnsl lrom Hgeuge sawed ofl doublehandled sholgun lppcd lhrnnzh her spine THE BARRIEEXMHNER MONDAYIIARCII ll I96 ll CRITICIZES FEES PYITSBURGH API Dr Loyal Dlvis president at th American College at Surgeons rnld Su nd many surgeon overcharge tar operations he cnuse they know their patient have large amounts at Insur ance The Chlcngo surgeun in an Interview sald Instead at using their on pullcnlx nbttlly to pay doctors ï¬rst Ind nut how much Insurance the pa ttent la carryan and charge as cordlnglyt NORQAY CLIMBS LONDON AmTans No any the Nepalese canqumr mum Everest wlkh Slr Ed Deadline or Entries is Sat May I963 Must Be OhSerVed Cook Book Rules io help your favorite proiadl THE HOME NEWSPAPER OF SOUTHERN SIMCOI mund lllllary 10 years ago was on team that reached he summit Saturday mum El brus hlghcsl mnunluin in tha Caucasus Masmw radlo 1e parted Ihnl lhh crnup ol climb ers whlch Included Russian German and II llkrulnlxn lull an Ice axe the ï¬ymhol menu lnlnecrlnu friendship the In alJecl summit MORE VlSlT DENMARK From 1945 In 1962 Denmarks Income mm tourism Increased lime to some summooo PA 66568