Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 9 Mar 1963, p. 3

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uinmr Al lhe nun nnm lmvI Inwt llullm Jam mm mm um um Mn Wm mm In kn lulu hunle ruml Ilnnv Vlrwu man Mum xMm An mom am mu of mm Jmu vauw Nun Maud mm mumMm luv RM ruml pmm IRMAv 1m Imuml hon II va Tomli my Mum My In vtl KIANun HIII Ml mun lwlavul mumm Mm Ind Ilmmep mt mm 11 1an ml lml Wk IMII llulllwl All of Tnmnlo Wind lIn Icy will HIII Mm IIlIM Ivy lnmlrthnn NM nun IMHdean llvnlh Mu lllrh fllllhm Nylth Imllru In hll Imh yur Ruflnl lhl 1mm funI mm In YllflQlll an Numllv III In puma Unlum Imrlny anlr um sumy mm ul 011M nrlmL lulplul Ifnllm llvlm IIVl One of lhn council mrmhm ukml clllllrnlnn the health Mord Ncwlnn when lho llpzurc $60000 had come rum Mr Nuwlnn MM llml It didnt mmu mm hlm nml ll touldnl have coma mm any of llm per will with whom hu llnrl been In mnlnrl 11m mullng cnllcd by Hm Unit Wu lu explnln why Lllu Unll had run Into Hnnnclnl dil llrulllu ln anu nl ml Inrrrnm rd $5000 nllolmcnt In lhe 1m hudch Krnnlcd by Cnunly lew cl hm nnd lclnvislon were xlv en ran on the knucklu ye may nflrrnonn at lpcclnl mrcllnz lhv Ilnnnw mmmll cu Cnunly Council in Council and flu Shumo County llulllh Unll News Story On Health Unit Brings Questions From Officials nesmi hm held In the Elmvnle Communiiy Hall was sponsored by the Norlh Simcue Sell and Crop Improvement As mmhn Exhibits were set up other championship winners were Morris Darby Waverley grand championship in cereal classes Adams Brulhers Mine slng reserve championsth in cereal classes Earl anell Elmvale reserve championship in small seeds and Bernell McKay llnwke grand championship in hay classes 17 In is only Bert an Mlneslng also scored mm In champIonshIps The grand chumplunshlp In small seeds and the reserve cham pInnshIp In My masses l7 and 18 oply we km Reserve championshlp In pm halves 11 tubers went Ga rlel MaulIce RR Penetnng grand champlonshlp In potatoes nix quart baskcl Armand Gran ler RR Penclung TWO THE champlflnshlp ship winnm In Ihc pamlo chm Me mm Ion Elmer Grnuix Vnubnushonc grand championship in polnlou 12 tubers and reserve chnmplon ahlp in poms alx quart basket Gabriel Maurice RI ELMVALE Slain Elmer Gratix Waubnushene carried oil two championship awards in the potato class at the North Simcae Seed Fair here Friday He wan iho grand championship in poiatocs 12 iubers and also the reserve championship in pa Iaioes six quart basket CIIAMPIONSIIIP WINNERS In um North Simcne Seed Fair Ire from MI Bill Adam and Harry Adams Mlneslnx ne Announce Champions For Area Seed Fair DEATHS POSTNINH MEETING The Public School nonrd IINIHHI Irhnlnlnl hvr nmdny hat hm peelsand la Mani Also allemlinu Hu rmwmllun fnml Hume lIIhIlc mum Tmmululnn If Mur My amoral mnnngor Hum nmlnryumum m1 Hull Alunmlm rommlu oner 11w elrrllnn ol nunm wnq led nl lho nnnunl mun the 01qu Munlclnnl Elrdlln Anorluflan um jnlnl mum Nun nl Hu Aunrlnllnu nl MunL rllml Eltdrk UIIHUN Unlnrlol In Hm Ilaan ank Hulrl In lnr mm Ill uwlL Dr Vllmn chairman of Hnnle lnhllc Miller has been kmd virommldml nl flu Oninrlo Mllllkflml IIlrdvlc Anoclnlion TIM guru in Wtdnmlnyl uhllan In ncwmnptr warn lul9d by rcllnblu Ionrccu Mr Nuwlnn wrnl In In my hat nIlzr hnvlnu chain 10 cm thumuuhly he 10qu no plnm when he llxum wm ultrlhulcd lo hlm in any way nnld when Wm culled ha pm cunmcncu flucsdny nlxhl Iho lint lhlnu laid wan In wouldnt quolo llxum culruarlcnlly xlrny hnvlng mrnllunrd those figures Thou Hm council mcxnhrr nak rd flunk um um and lelwlalon make puhllc apology In nl umm lo limo IKunl Il 1er tnuncll look nllly ho III PUC Chairman Is VicePresident 0f Ontario Board Agricul representative Stewart Page Barrie mada announcements and supervised the draw or membership can vus awards and lucky draw prlzcs Henry Davis dlslrlct diremr Onlurlo SaILnnd Crop Impmva menl Association and Whileslde Barrie otflccr in charge seed potato cerllflca lion spoke briefly PANEL DISCUSSION panel dlscusslon conducted by Keith Clay and Don Harvic concerned Production of grain corn ln north Slmca Gnin champlon cnnvnsscr for momhershlps was Ray Hick Hnm Barrie who sold 44 tickets President Mervyn Parker was program chalrmnn Friday ah ternoan Show chairmen were Jnesph Dyer grain and hay Shaw and Elmer Gralrlx p0 mo show Guest speaker Parks director sells and crop branch Ontnrla Department at Agrlcnl lure talked on The Secret Wenpnn In Crap Production He was introduced by Associa tion secretarytreasurer Mun Darby Pcnctnng reserve champ lonsMp In potatoes ll tubers Armand Gmnlcr RR Pen danz grand champlon In pm macs slx quart hmkch was absent mm the alt Ndny nncrnoon Exnmlncr Photo Thursday afternoon and evening and the program followed Fri day afternoon serve chmnplonships 111 nor eals Mmrl Darby Waver lEY grnnd dumplnnshlp In cereals Darnell McKay uninun If you Duv mm at Ililhl lwulnl 1m wlxllm yw need lmnhm AM ur nnl Ikvnl min Huh Inlumnnve mw boulkh Imurly valuable for my mom will lwnrlnl ruvlikm lln unar Inltfll kn imp yml cnjwy llvn Ihmnull lull Inning In Final TWays To Hear Better Mel nnwnl nmldrm llm Social Cmfll Amclnllun um commurncy of Simon Norm announced lodny le pnrgy wlll hold nmnlnnlinz convcnllnn Thumlday In lip Embnyy lnll Herbert Ilepxrn nnlonnl or gnnlxrr the Social lell Party In Onlnrla will In rues Iqwnktr IIII wth ll CA mllnm In Time You Knew Lou nn per cent nr men In lhls part ol lhn munly have mod null lcnllnx services only llvo per ctnl use rmxlnr In lull and allow the nnnlyv hey got only five per cent um pcdlzmd need rtxulnrly nnd about hnll lho lnrmm In Noth Slmcoe use weed Hprny Mr Park lulu Thm laurel We an not happy nbouI Ihe percentage ol ms rcslslnnce In the vnricllc of cal now In use ur In lhnse dun lo com on lhu market In the non our years ho xnld New alrnlns nI rust nra developlng and you mould warned that any klnd MIL you plan vulncrnble Mr Park cnIllInd III 1qu The Scent Weapon In Crop Productlnnn Prlnclplts to apply In 10 and em Improvement prncIIcu ho cllcd were sound mll mnnnxcmcm usn pull xrccd new prolmlon oI Crop Imp dlscnsn and weed mnIrnI Production In 10 and Prgcllcu ho SC Convention Set For Thursday ELMVALE 5mm It cost about one million dniinrr and aims 10 yenrs research to bring it new grain variety up In standard where it better than varieties already hum This is what guest speaker Parks director rolls and cmp brunch Ontario Department ni Agricui lure told the 300 inrmm horn yesterday attending the North Slmcoe Send Fair First prize winners in tho grnin section were Bert Maw Minesing winter when Marti Darby Waverley barley Rus sell Maw Minesing Russell onis Adam Brothers Minesing Garry oais Tom Brandon MidA innd Rodney oats Lynil Donn Tetra Peikus rye Adam Bro than other species such as reserve champion Earl Fantell 41 tickets The 1963 membership now total 452 with the campaign continuing official anld Last years total was 523 paid North Slmcucs membership total has been the largest in the province or some years and the new live is currently aiming for new high In the lucky draws Elmer Gratrlx grand champion potato grower went in the pintiurm ior his prize amid considerable laughter His prize was bag of seed potatoes The other draw winners were Glen Murray New Lowell John Tlccrdsma Phelpslon Gordon Giffen Mlneslng Eldon Timmy Vascy Douglas 1101 Vynvale Murray Edwards 111 Midland Gerald Rattle 0m Slnllnn and Edward DAnusl Perkinsficld GRAIN WINNERS Takes Plenty Of Time Money To Raise Standard 0i Grain lanlNfl umva mun IL nmmto um Hawkmone grand champlnn ahlp In may Ben Maw Mine ulng grand championship In amen seeds and reserve MAICO NEW FREE BOOKLET Lam infrick and Jack Gar mr wlll be publlrfly nnd public nInllmu dlnlmum Colllcr 80 301 FA 663 Mambo Mr Smllhl Imam nro Dougan McMer Col lngwood cnmpnlgn mnnnxcr Pm llunlcr Harrie Mr Smllha nmclnl ngcnl 04 flow Rnnlo rnmpnlzn mann gcr Mr Smllhn cnmpnhm mnry Mn Sylvln Smnll Youru Pragmflvo Comervnllvc clmlrmnn Don Allen Tho commmu room will be upon dnlly 1mm lo am pm Monday through Smur dny chdquancn phonu num PA 61155 ngrwlvo Consnrvnuvu headquarter wlll open Mnnd In tho Odd Fellowa all 15 Collier Sheet Douglas McM thur cnmpnlgn manager fur Progressive Comcrvnllve cam didnlc Hch Smllh announced today HIPPO Vményoull find out where ynur pram come from he added You wont hnvo to wereBer Maw red clover Russel Maw timothy Ferris Barrie any variety of Birdsloo Tretoll Iced and Ernest Parnell commeran grfido cloxer ar grass seed er nell McKay llawkeslane Iva pounds hay first cut 1005 or allced Bert Maw Ive pounds my second cut and Russell Drysdale Eimvale protein my alysLs hay Potato section Individual wIn ner wem Armand GrenIer Pnnetnng seed potatoes found allan or certified class size any variety Show class seed potato awards went to El mer Gratflx for Chlppewas and Gnhxtel Maurice tor Sebagas Joe Gratrix Wnubaushene won lop honors among 16 entries in the cooking potato contest when dry matter accounted for 75 per cent of marks and up peerauce for 75 per cent are about par other counfle 111m purelch between lop llveslock man and lap crap men In mnkIng profits he poInl ed out Careful attention In re cord In Just as Important In gmwlng crops as It In Ilvc not product pm beans etc In class seven Ber Maw Russell oats com mercial Morris Darby Garry oats commercial Tom Brando on Midland Rodney onlscam merclal Morris Darby com mercial barley and also out or burleyl reglgtered cr ceqlflcd PCs Open Headquarters championship in hay nnd m1 Parnell Elmvnie re serve championship in small leeds Examlncr Photo BENTLEY I1 anI unjulilmm Ill NM lmhh m1 hum BIO1mm ram vllh llu mm mm l2 My AND COMPANY fur the mum 1n Asked why ecame So cial Creditor Mr Rowat said buy In riding of Sim caa North could see no need or ihe untold sullerlng during the depression day of the 1930 Wa had plmny of materials food and nlherwlsa but for some reason we could not run uct enough bushes movn the goods from the producer file consumer an early use It became my greatest desire In Ind out why this condition existed and to be part conecunx Ihe same Not until returned mm ovarian alter World War II dld commence lo evaluato th problcm from the pollucnl palqinof view Like most other Soclal Cre dileu evalunted the other par ties lint Neither the old line parfles wns able to explain why we had tho deprsion of the 1910 or the tonllnulnz un employmcm that plague our country Jq peacetime Ha xald The Bank Can Ada should be the I013 cream our money supply The am ounl of money in circulation should he aqua to and delet mixed 12mm He claims When this be comes reality It will bu 1m poasible to have Maxims de preglon or lnflaflons chartered bank can make gran yearly pro on $100 of Canadian um rency deposited with them Im laie keepingtheb they never owned In the first place REASON wm In evaluating ha policies what now he New Democra lc Party was plain to see they would lnleflere with our liepresented brief lo the Rays Commlman on Banking Ind Finance last year In tho brief entitled Canadian Bank lnz Pment Importation Ex poud and workable Correcting Presenhd Mr Rows outlin Ia his vlewaon Canadian hank I1 1me Mel Rowm an mmvala bull nesa man and economist and pfesident of lhe North Slmcoo Social Ctedlt Association will seek the nondnafion tar the Social 0mm Party In Simeon North Manama previously contest ed the Slomont Riding as 503m Credit candidate ELMVRLE BUSINESS MAN Tl yurl but budding buy II Iha Ilmn manuu lhnt Lu Vogu Mom Sahara Ipoclllcd la MI Invllh now addlllon um IIM comllucllon um humllul covnr tum luxulloul comlMl Add up Ilalulnl And youd pod Io ply Iu mom lo Ill grout comblnullon Folk wlll pay nlahl Io nlaop on In Lu Von Enloy lhn thm Supwmu In you own Mm ml MelaRowcltSeelcing Sfocred Nomination I7 MULCASTER ST Treat Yourself To Natures Greatest TONIC Good Nights Restful and Relaxed Sleep FIRST PUBLIC SALE AND SOMETHING EXTRA HAS BEEN ADD ED Game fivniture If Bantu fimitme Itd CHOICE or um FULL 54 man QUARTER on mm 39 VISIT OUR COLONIAL OFT SEALY SAHARA SUPREME MATTRESS Prime Minisier John Dieien baker is trying to weep his way back into cities by using cry haby approach to politics Pickersgiii Liberal member or Banavisln iwiliingnia in he most recent pariiammi said in Midland yesterday In pointhypnlnt Ivbuttal to recent palmcal broadcast by Mr DIMenbaker Mr Pick ersglll said he Prime Mlnlsler old the voters had great plum but the wicked leerab obstmdcd me and filled Please give me another finance to fail Upon unha evaluation oi Social Credit learned that they proposed that the Bank oi Cen ada should be the role creator of our total money supply and that the simply olmoney In Ca nada should be equnl to and determined by the production This Sodnl Oredlt clnlmed would make it impossible to have depression This all made common sense to me was no mfllclent to convince me heir reasoning was conact far had bun be oplnlan that the Bank of Canada was ha sob mator of our total monay supply Thu began make detailed nu fly our money lystem and lhleuoclul Cm prapouk In evmualing Social Credit loan learned the party was opposed to Socialism and Com munism and upheld the compe Illtlva res enterpflso way of my 51mm Alter numlierbv yearx ol detailed research Mrs Rowe compouuve emuprise way of liloum way life donned the warm In defend lha Conservative member of parliament spent much time in debau the Liberal men her and the Liberal members could not be blamed for the governments allure to bring In the esllmMc or budget ML Pickmxfll anld Says PM Is Trying To Weep His Way Back Into Office Ha quoted Mr Dielenbaker toying hm are no delence TO BE AWARDED IN OUR STORE COME IN TODAY AND REGISTER Easy la win No need to buy TERMS IF YOU WISH NOW 0va and decided to return to Elm vnia and establish business This made it possible for me to aindy economics die Univer Iily oi Toronto These studies reveaied the following truths concerning mu pment money and banking mum and have proved without doubt that So cioi Credit economic proposal are sound and practical or the ioiiowinz reasons me Bank oi Canada Is not the sole creator oi our money supply The banks do not lend our doposlll Every bank loan in tho creation oi new money All money comes into exlslence an debt agalnn the people There in no direct relationship between money and production Section 9i oi the Britlsh North America Act gives the Federal Parliament the authority to im plement the Soclnl credit pro penis Mr Bowat said If these reasons were not enough to die um the course am compelled to Mlow the word Elton Tnnblood who wrote Any me you have vision of anything that good far man both In dividually and collectively then istemng the tram he asked commitments that will not be carried mu thin true why dld Mr Harkness Mr cc and Mr Sevizny resign he asked Mr Pickmgul said Mr Didenbaker nay the weapon nuclear armed Bomam an obsolete but Mr Harknms Mr Sevlgny and our 3111 any they are needed ITS QUILTED WITH FOAM CLIP THIS COUPON BARRIE UNITARIAN FELLOWSHIP 8l5 pm SundlyMnch 10 Spuknr REV JOHN MORGAN THE MIND As NATURE BARRIE YMCA 26 Owcn Slmt it is your bonded duty to do everything in your power to see that the sama prevails Sonia Credit being good for man both Individually and collectively haw nu nilernniive but to let my name and for nomination UNHAPPY Last but not least Social Credit want In point out that II any other party will Implement Social Cred econ omic proposals wIII be duty bound to iupport It am not olledng myself as candldnh because what lo be polmc Ian but becausa am not hap py with the present system Over and above all tha will give my whalchenfled sup port to any candidate chosen at our mmlnatlon convenflm to contest lha Simeon North rld lng be It Klnzle former mayor of Barrie or anyone else MEL ROWAI PA 6056 mmw Pawn1 ramHM

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