Pom uudl flu unupnny lrclnrnl mum Elly Vlllfllll Ma ml on 1hr lmw 5pm mmmou nhlnl gmynlnlr an mm 29 lhnrr mhhru mur Mnrrh Hm mnumny hm pmvimnl anl llml ll wuuld my divM kl Hm Mllxlividml mam nl lho rm NM 51 yrnr pr mm qumlor Th ummmn 11mm um rnlly kplil on lrnlnmnu hmi Rhlwlnllnn hlrr um lourr ï¬ompnny 11w mlnpnny IMNI Hm uuml qumrrly div lqu an an Hm mman payaMn April II In Ihawlmldm man Maul 15 nmmm Ind Complny Jlmllrd er Incnmc or Ihu iscnl year 0711 December 21982 nmmmlm la ammo or 251 shnm cnmnmed with 311550475 or $er xhnre or arm lrnhl on ml 04 Inva yncnu mud nmlx wnl rqlml 6mm nunlml 5501 In gmx mullx or mind mminm AnglnNcwlwndlvnd Imll lhflrlopmcnl for Imly nn mumth dad al iouin ncuuhninn Irlce 3110 Huang shnre exchange Canadian Grnenl Electric 310 ml Net income or ha ï¬scal year ended December 31 am nmounlcd $10142740 3123 share compared wili $8375305 or tliio shm 1n mi Sales were smmm against $215283460 in 1961 Ile mil Dominion Engineering Works le acquired by Ina Itompnny in February i962 an ivnwndatcd in he mz iixurcs Nancy Funson Net jnmme or he ï¬rst qunrtar mndmg January in mm amoun 1td 32100000 or Me sham mmpmm with mom or Me share In the corrrsmndinx qumtor ymr nun humn sum Yleld Hulk Preterm sh 44 common Industflel 25 Mlnlnl Ihlllh Columhll Telephone Company Not income for the ï¬scal ynnr ended December 31 3962 amounted to 39483186 or $329 share mnparcd with gamma or 21 sham far 1911 Per share earnings urn basal on Ihc average number of 51mm oumnndlng durlng Ihe your Isklnbergl le No In name or the 24 weeks ended Janunry 12 mm nmwnkd In 1510 or 72 Man share bu commnn nnd Clam sham mmmrcd with 3185 pou nr 62c or the corresponding period lml your Sales were 31301069 nznlnst 12171900 William Paulln prescnled ha budget figures and arrived at 32mm which he said was he gmount available for he cumin year TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE special meellng yester day in present the Simone Coun ty Healkh Unils opuralinl hud el or 1963 board chairman Newlon said that as lar as clllclcncy and service so llhc unit lakes hack seal lo none ln Onlarlo It is lhe best in Onlnrio the budget was presented to flame City Council iinance com rnillcn and the County Council ï¬nance committee to explain the reasons why 12 nurses will he dismissed ln drawing its 1063 huduel Om unit presented llgure of $112000 to Um finance commit lhe said Mr Newlun County Council in lls wisdam gave us 100000 which was $5000 more IOOKED T0 62 Mr anlnn slaled he was certain the council was ol the ï¬nininn lhal ll the all could opurale with $95000 In 1962 ll should be able la operate on me same basis In 1961 wllh $100 This was not 50 Due in our 2mm system he said we found ihnl this was not possible and ii has been necessary in curlail quiie hit oi our oper niions The bascline staff caused lho limblcrn according to ML Paul in This baseInc staff con ï¬ldercd lmpnrlanl by pmvincla Heqlth Unit Opï¬erctes According To Finances lur Hm IW ï¬ummu ntvmum ummm Kuhn to be mummyqu wllh qunlllmllonl I94 qugllflullnml druid hgndcrum tummy nrm nocmmm c917 mlllee Duklnm EL nmlo nai hi 1962 Ammummmn minim mum lIFEGUARDS SUMMER PLAYGROUND SUPERVISORS Campllrd by Ev Flynn Dunlap St and THE BARRIE RECREATION COMMITTEE Slluiuul Eummry or In wm hfllu Much AVIRAGI mun InvllM Anllullun lu BULLETIN BRIEFS Electric The Sloth Inldlnn PAhfll LIIIIHM company declared quar rvly dlvldcml Hill on llw mm mmmon Muck pny 111on on Mnrch IWL Ilmrdmldcrl record Munh The wmllly nnmmnml lml mnnlh um ll lnlrndrd lo plnto new nnmon nlark allow lnx momml llvrInrnnl will In MI Inmlll lliVMflxI Jar qul In um unnw ally 41c warmly ml he want ML Album Cum Ltd Ne In come for the ï¬scal year ended December 11 1961 Imounlcd lo umw or share Nmpnrcd with 085004 or $271 share tnr ml Inmmc IIIer were 11528000 awnst 32538 000 In 196 while dcprccinlion nmounlrd lo $l750000 compar ed with 050000 me sham oulslnndlnx al Ihc 1962 yearand numbered 1000000 against 000000 the previous yearcnd Cluldlln Crhneu Hmllad Preliminnry nd Income for In fiscal ytnr ended Doc 1m nmounltd lo $157 or 11 per shun rommml with mac or $201 per sham In I961 Muhrtn Pam and Paper Co NrL Inmme hr lho 13ml yur ended Dec mounted to 55311533 SIM per xhnro ax wmpnml wilh ELMO or 15 ham or IDOL 511nm cnmlnzx no hnsed on 10000 combined cm and II shun mlslnndinl 6mm Wnnlm In to Pnliminnry nrt Income lur lhu Ham yrnr ended Dec I962 amount 954156 or Me than annrld with M51555 or Me plume In we The Gm Lulu Pnper Com pany lelted Net proï¬t or an ï¬scal ytm ended December 31 1961 nrnounled ta $55549 or 11 share compared with $205960 or $084 share In I96I The main Inclm in the Improved urnlngx was sub slanllnl gnln In pram mm the vs dollar exchange The Bell Trlrphone Company cl Clad Na income for ma ï¬scal yearcnded December 31 1962 amounted to somsm or $266 share as compared with 7690000 or $250 share In 1901 Share taming an based on the average number sham outstanding Based on gum nulstandlng at the year cnd per shire naming were $249 In 1952 again nu In 1961 The provincial heallh aulhnr ltlcs assured us lhey will make very effort to oblaln at lens the 310000lorour gents He noted that edernl grant pays lWoerds of the sal aries of added nurses and that under new federal project It would enable the unit to obtain ï¬ve cleflu clerkstcnngmpher two public henllh nurses rep Mr Putin noted that the total expense or the baseline which was the minimum or governr meat assistance and not the minimum or eiiiclent opera tions would he H100 using um 1962 salary achedula Our salaries oven at calculation time were about $250 below the mid point ol comparative salaries at other units acre Ontario whetcabal paid more than we did halt paid losst Pauli that ll com petitive salary schedule was ndopled lhe lunds avallahle lo lhe unil wuuld have In be 553 144 But since we havent he funds we cant employ the base llne nor implement our salary schedule campeullya He sald tlm Ipprnxlmxlely $246000 would be needed to al low Iha Simeon Counly Health Unit lo broom ellglhle tar led ernl ald lhl would mean al most mm or stall and ex penses and $10000 lar rent or our ulllm and federal health aulhorilies lo quflrylyr ngistapce he said HAVENT FUNDS Tno hï¬sellne linnb an Ir counllng ï¬gure of he gavel F°P°l° 51 Much Yeir Mn 296 39 Lake St Clair Lake Erie ukc Huron Nlng Lake 0n atio Hnlibunon Gmrglnn My reï¬iom Windsor London Hnm lllun Toronto Claudius over late today with Ilght snuwllurrlzs tonighlo mainly sunny and cold Wlndl soulhwcslcrly In 75 lhll one noon and shillan lo noflherly lslovcrmghl Algomu Timnxnmi rcziom North Bay Sudbury Saul Ste Marie Few period of llzm snow lulu odny or lanlghl Sun dny mainly mnny Ind wld Winds northerly I5 In 25 Ionian nnq diacreuxl llght Sunday Mushka North llny Sudlmry linrllml Knpudmunl Whllo Im Mmsnnru Muunl Fnrnl mum 5c bundia of Good choicn Ippies Included LaSnile Macs Cortland King and Spys brnurhl 450 50c Ind 65 baskd Honey in vuimu site conlaiuur said ram 25c to $100 Eggs were 50c medium 55c inrze and me dozen for extra large Potaiou sold or 40¢ basin or $200 bag Cnrmis lbs 19c turnips so He wifli small white turnip ibsi 19c ceiery bunches 35c wiih heart It 25c 00d onion lbs 19c wiih paw nip 19c pkg 1m wu nisn large seioclian oi home bait ing rmlinz in bum bread donuts pics mu cnku eic unchrnhn wmu mm rel xlons Sunny and wry cold wlnd llahl Farrell Temperum All loulnl In Blindy WImel 10 SL nmmnl 20 Mndoll 70 Kllchmcr 20 Winghnm llnllllllnn SI Cnlhnrlncs Tmunlo 14 lclltlmmnlh 15 Trrnlon 20 KlHnlm II sun sign sprlnl wen In evidence at the Barrie Fum crs Market this morning with fresh neen lea leuuce altered lSc bunch and hat houso Fancy good included brnided rug at SJ knitted baby ma $150 also good choice at childrens hand knits reason able prim Synopah weak disturbance moving across lha Grul Lakes will bring doudlneu and um snow tn saulhem and central Onlnrio anlghl Clearing be hlnd II will ensure more sunny wgughcr or the ï¬shing Sunday Bull Newlon and Dr Sam explllned that ha rervlm will gradually taper out so as In keep many working possible Were akin ldvlll age of volunlary resignlions said Mr Paulln Last year he unll employed as nurses and thlu year employ ed 30 Thu mlnlmum amuunt we needed mm County Councll was 3675 and $30815 from the clly It would have enlbled lu budget lnr baseline and beldellglble or Federal Ild ha This Vmeans $5000 115 grants huv lost he lgd The unly immediate effect 1h lznum layofl would have an lhu two nurse aid on an an hlsl al Mr Finn He udded that he laden gran also pay the ulnrlu for the three nurses which would bring Ihu farce to We ve been upendlni or Int quarter the yen at In aniiclpgleq 1ng Scott medical Icer of health nld that You cant expect two nurses do the work our and accent hill 40 per cent 01 the work be put back Isleml numhnd pay travel and supplles M9 was lghlyhye per cent of our budget gnu lo mu sald and we would hnva operated at lull stall Ins year we would have overrun our mullet ll stood yesterday the Uoll op ergled at a$l06q losxn 1962 IBM GIIIMAII 150000 wllh nullml lmuuunl hullnm New modrrn Ilullnn cnm Irlo nlm llvln mom lllrhnn hnlhrmm um In Mlvmmu wlul um my with Ihn hulhlnd len cm Methnnlu Hum bul net WriteBP CANADA no 188 ROSSLYN ROAD omumom WEATHER BP Service Station Restaurant MARKET 8383388 ééassa o3 30 located Highway 103 Parry Sound Mn arm Parr manager at lho Co Op Communlly cam Plan which npcmd or enmlmcm Feb 15 said loduy All mldenl nl Slmcoe Cuunly regardless OK In or tondmun are ellniblo to lulu lhl co prahenslye Medical Cnm Plln The plnn sponsored by the Simon Co Opernllvu Medical Scrvlcts 159 Innlrfll 5L One main Coops 1n 0mm ll mombcmwned nnd gov ernui Ind Lt nonprolll or xnnlmllon Mn Pnn Inld Mullcll Co were hm mutd In Hm urly 1940 In pmvlde Hm ullwmplnytd nnd olhcrx annually considered Insunblc by Ina lurze currlcrl wllh plm Wham mcy cnuld purcnm low cost mu Insur lflle wllhoul lha necessity at having alum In umplnyer nr lug lnconu The provided lhrouuhoul the county hnl hp um wllh he domand ol flu community llaan xurcwlvely lhmunh Hm pmvhlan ol nlmplo hospiufl Irtomlmdullnn lo Hm polnl when today the Conn nhlo lo pply lhu hlnhut level 01 dadnrl nun lnxurum mov un hm will lunrlnlml mnor pXIu lo towr he mnny hullh mm luu Alwnyn hem point nl xlde wlm Hm ï¬lmmo 700p Millcnl Strvlm um phynlclnnl mlvo 100 per cm lcnml udlon ol llw In in sack by midnight ill iwo woke up at am pm pmd hemy Mullins oi ions 1nd one an boiled al most laud colic and 1am Down in Bani Examiner they came Ind lei an lhe do our oclock They are walking down Iiizh way 11 and by pres time should have covered considerable ground Ilmnli luli the we We expeci in do it In 71 hours nld Dave uncertainiy ha and John began walking towards their dcsilnnlhm 5an but iheyn niil Aveuxing 55 miles An hour 21yearold Dave iawinr Ind his buddy 21 yeawid John Bawmnn lei mm In with destinaiian radio miion CKEY in Tannin Why Last week Dave said ha heard over the radln um Iha Italian Good Guys would walk imm Barrie Toronto within three weeks and that Lee Fozul was one oi the Good Guys whn would ullbiish wniking club And no lo outdo Robert Ken nedy at Ameriun inmin tame ihe two ind not Cid2Y1 okly In an the pace nleyre upected to read Tomnlo by midnight tonight thin ls said Dave we have never walked like this below It was mare lun uan About It lust night John nld um mlth have been fun lllklnl about II but lhe pro pecu of Ilarllng out on cold morning just sort BAERIE EXAMINER IAIURDAY MARCH FOR EASE Everyone Eligible For Health Plan JOHN BOWMAN 121 Ind Dave Llwlor prepare or their flhour huntlo hm Couple Of Nuts Off To Toronto In reunion wurk he uned In Lludcnl pnslnmlu from to me In leulcy Mun mm Ha ha hctn In an onlo Ilnre mm In ubllc Icnll ernhl Mr Mom Iponmr nl Camhintd Unmnlllu Chmpnlzn lnr Nuclear Dlurm armm chllrmln at lhe Domnlo Commmu ï¬urvlul and board number lht Cnnndlnn Clmpnlln lur Nuclur murm unwnl 1mm mlnlntcr nm Unlllmn CommHon hmnln 11 Int weddan ceremony ol lhc Harrie Unlurlan Felan shIp will tnkn place lamormw allcrnmn at he YRLYWCA luv John ll Mnrgnn wlll nlflclale Earlier ln lhe dlyl Mr Mm aun will be lucsl speaker Al the Unllarlun scrvlm llo wlll mnk an Thu llllnd Npluru Mr Morgan wnl born In In dinnn and rnlsod In Indlnnn Krnlucky and Tcnnusm He re ulvcd his MA In phllaxophy mm lho Unlvcnfly Mlchllnn In 1915 Both work DaVixhlu and Iboul live minutes before quil Ung time they were flooded with wellwlshes advice cheer and bet theyd return within less than two hours They can easily be Identllled If you should be travellan south on the highway Each one has sign one readlnz 13ml lo Toronto and the 2er Tor onlo or BusL ll dont care what they do so clully said Truxlce Mel Flynn But II we IUOW them lo wxlcll funds why no other orien Ilnllans Ilsa Onlnrio In Alsocilllnn Schedula he or dllm ln uircdï¬y Wopflmthbcly Enmlrncnl In my plaiflclasu March 15 steady pace Theyll slop for aw rest periods and mlrk the Um Epent mung Said Dave Wholher we make It ur nol well at least have MM And the only mnsun we tried because we had nothing doing uni WlEkmd anyway think were couple or null hul happy mm the ward nuis John nodded Ippmvak Robert Kznnedy cm do It so can we muttered Dav Ind John GRAVENHURST CPITh Gravenhurxt board education has banned fund raising by me Canadian Junior Red Cross secondary and public Ichools In this town Ibnul so miles north of Orillla Barrie Unitarians To Mark Firsl In Public Schools Ban Fund Raising IEHSVIVIM My Insist merely to Identity their des tination Bummer Pholo 21 00 ml 11 mamm Ncnrly everybody especially the mlldrcn wants to know whcre ha model wlnwams are says Mr Chnnncn It he hardest lhlng ranvince Ihcm Hunt the llumnlnn Indian llwd communal 1mm homes not wicwnmsf Mr Channel ublnlns qunnllllu ul ludlnn hnndlcmfls lourlsk numllnns lhcsu Hch4 unsun nbly prim am All hundmud by ml ludlan us mvnnx Inpporling lhcmsclvu lhmulh lhc long winter mnnuu an lhclr rescrvnllnns Colncidcnlullx nl thc llme ul ha wriltrl vlsll Clllfnrd Whol unu lender the 500 Indlun lhu Cum Lake llucnl jusl mum at lelermmubh wns maklnl business cnlL and Inn an Inlzmllnz Ircnunl ol how Inn Indlum under hlm One mos Interesting Inds was lllllo pl 01 11 pounds Indlln cam so nld that has naturally carbonlnd until resembleuhnrcoal since no French trade goods have been aund the 00 land site In On where lhls corn was found we know that must he least 150 years old Wu call this method dating pallary analysis say Mr Chunnen Corn was too pr bus to burn We can inkn you in within live eat where any number ed Indinn mnicrinl in this Mu seum was found mm Mr Channen Unideniliicd malerial practically worlhiess or the simple reason that cannai iaam anyihlng imm it in rei nlian in other finds Near by stand iikinngnn or indium cradle which the molher cuuid strap on hcr back at stand up hosido irte while she pinniud corn or ickcd her rlcs ii the cradle eil inr wnrd pmltcllnfl hoop saved he baby from Injury in his iype oi crndit packing oi Iphng num mass which could be changed often necessary duiennincd the indinn as ihe in vfnlar oi lhe iiul disposabla BRIAN 1mm Over 10000 people visited the new Slmooe Gounw Museum on Highway No as near Mldhnrsl last year between In opening duo on June as and Doc Already In the ï¬rst two winter months of this year 325 hnvo vhltgd Ibo museum specially of curator Ross Channen Is Indian amhwingy Ia has recovered thousands Indian animals manv oi them rare and unusual Imm various old indian sites dlscovend In liuroniarich North SImcoe lie auihur oi eclnl IHdIIII Ib port to be puhlshed this year by the Nniiuml Muicum in 0mm One cablne series that at lracls great deal ol Intention In the um devoted In the My phy of arrow head made of sharpened hunts Hints charm chalcedony and quartz Dark green basal ruck were pain stakingly chipped and ground In to crude axes hammers skin nlgg knves unflscrppm Heavy sell of iandsocket shaped stone served ls meal in stones for emshed corn lilen there are bone nwis Ind lishbone sharpened nnd straightened inlo pins and inrlle dull rallies outlandisth shap ed Ind miorcd ammonia or snclal masks and wnmpum beads same of which are the shells oi peculiar shell iisil amid in ihe Guii oi Maxim This last Incl say Mr Chan nen indicate um the indians engaged in widespread inleriri in leading MARK THE SPOT edIA sniwplowcd taxHE ani maintained lhmnlhoul the wlnler INDIAN ARCIIEOLOGY Thl education and Interest lug museum dlsplnylnx In clnallnz array or both elrly In dlan and loncer arllcles open daily ls mnglgmï¬y heal county Museum Keeps YearRound Interest SARJEANT INSURANCE AGENCY mm Du link All Gum ll lnuunu rnm An mumml And lnnmln Drunkflu Ionmr lEMONAlJZED INSURANCE ï¬EflVlLl Conlull IAMIANI gathered must an mumlulu or helr handlmlu mm Huh lumqndlng woods our pebple wha we want in the line of hundlmna nevu tell lhem exanly how wnnl them made sald Mr Whemng who Lx son of ran Indian mm Chle Tom thlunx my INSTRUMENT Mr TnIe begun wurkln wlIh Ibo rnIlrond In Oclnbcr 19M lrnmporlnllon clerk at lInsI Inxs Onlurlo whnro he was born In 1902 In recent year ha In new scnlor sIlIom In the trans pomnlun cpanmenl nnd has served prImnrlly lhroughoul southern Onlurlo Mr Piggou nmlva unr rie was born lhum In 1912 Ila begun rnllwny work at Slmuard In Junn 1m He worked In he mollve pour department In Monlrcnl from 1913 In nm with subsequent msllnx In Toronto Inllcrly mlsunl gcncrnl IUD nrlnlrndcnl cqulpment lhcn xenonn1 wpcrlnlenqvtnL Mr VcenI was born In Sud bury In 1921 and began work III EN In 1935 mm Ilme ouI lehlcr pllol In he war and nxrninx to the pioneer depart ment the rum dismay show early survey Instrument cam slmmd of solid bass The sur veyurn transit was used to Kur vey Flo Ind hy townships Ind axaln survey Vespra In whch he flrsl survey hm begn 11ml ly Another extremely rara item dating back to beiom ms is bus Isiraiaho similar in the famous aslrniahe inst by Champlain on his historic trek It resemble douhlo mmpasa marked with 360 dam and filled with movabieindiutor hand Lining It up with stun or sun and using timn watch and trigonometry early explor ers could pinpoint their when nboutx munupiored territory In high agree oi uccqncyf An Imbllloux map dnlgd we showed Ihu plans or esuhllshlng new own In have been called Part Powell in north lny Ap pllwllon or lols could be made lo Mr RldeouLTomnlo agent lellnr map shuwtd equally ambltlous plans or Angul when It was mgran lumbgr lawnz lzhyqlxlool wall panel displays nearly all ol Iha look known to the early farmers of Slmcoe Included are broad ax es and adze or squarlng lim bm me far splllllng shlng lcs crudo but serviceable ml iron Ind even wooden shovels lmme saw cradle scythe and lcklc split wooden fork grain llall lnr llmshlnx when grown hr the lnmlly flour sup4 ply qunlnl oll lnnlerm blasllng use pllers and maple syrup molds Although small the gun dls play ls lnlrresllng with ll per cnulnn can and wad mum and powder uchcs lls mesh shot grape at and bull shot and and larger rifle hull els hnnry veterans ol the Boer Wnrl The prlze la handmade Marslon rlflo wilh lu hexagonal harm dnllng back to 1350 William Tale appalnlud special assistant to the antral manager Douglas Hunt is appoin lui zcmrnl superintendent runsporlndon Um position lefl mean by Mr Tale Richard Vecnis succeed Mr Plum general sumrln lendcnl qulpment TORONTO 111m Canndlnn anlannl Railways scnlar ap polnlmans wen announced lo day by anrn general manngcr Great Lakes Milan Barrie Native Is Appointed It Superintendent By CNR and Mnhlno 39 Anne St NOW LINES PA 61444 PA 61445 PA 61446 Barrie Welding TO SERVE YOU M4 IIQUSEHOLIJ DISPLAY Murphy manner at Barrie Public uumlu hu been nominakd lnnlu lho Canadian Milan the Am cricnn VMer Worlu Muchflon Conventions be held In Quo bLc City March 31$le Th elcclion will take place It the tanvcnllon on April nnllcwnled lhn either he rhalrmun Dr Wllson or commlssloncr Mex nndnr will allcnd he tonvcn lion with Mr Murphy placard guide hihwheel Men 01 ï¬n moan Anothurlnkmllnz old lime photograph show an the first slenmlocnmotlves to reach Barrie lamean In the 1660 Many and curious Ihe household displays Then An dolhe ulmpen and plum heavy lmns tiny wwhu mach nu dlung la mo meat griml ers and apple peelm that re semble roan spmmen The oldest exhibits In the mu scum duke back In our and live hundred million years no when the mck beds the Collin wood urea were benth salt water These an to slls of coral colonies mall and threelobed lrilablles one 01 an shew we We sell nalhln in thanm xeum nth than Indian handl crafls remark Mr Chunnen TRY EXAMINER WANT AD PHONE PA Illll An lngcnlous qullllng time In deslnncd that one woman alum can advance the lrnwlnu qnlll has so appealed to many church mup ladle um they have brdngh lhclr husband In the museum lo lake pallarn and make almllar lrnmes The cmallon of wax mil and seed wreath was popular hob by with the uldlimm few these shuvm the museum show unhelluvablc paflcnce and 1m genuin on tho pan of the mlk In seed wrenlh they used every common and some rare garden seeds and nut to create flowers every C010 Iha natural color of lhe seed uully provIdlnl the necessary color Qulte lanlastic Lt an oldHm kaleidoscope shipuwheel dlal bring hundred of lnlrlzulng patterns nllve with malhemlll cal plclum ol blazlnl colon Tubular plum Ihrouah which wnbhle littering bubble Ive sppclq eflecl Another exceptional dlsplly II that of native and min bird donated Hrs by the late Dr Benton of Barrie lo Cenlral Col Icaiale and later to lhe museum later tnr unlversllx He has xcrved dnco then In Tnmnlo Momma and North Bay as superlnlendcm mollve power notlceablc lenlure of curly needlework and dressmaking Is the lavish adnmmcnl wlth colorful and Inlrlula alllchln and wllh colored Inn beads Is Nominated For Trustee IQQIHACHE 1am Mluvmdlum 17 mm unruly nememe whenr smut Bunie