Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 8 Mar 1963, p. 9

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Spotlight Squared On TwoMile Race nnm Kidd the mymmld Unhcrsfly II Tnmnto Auden ha Ins Iucn unbculcn through nul Ihu rurrrnl mlmr mason hux hrcn xwxming nwny nl the InIhLrg rk lml hasnt wmc rlusvr than 1139 is chic mp has hrm lnrk of mm In way It Invnhcs Hum cnrncrcd mule allhough cm the wnlcnslunls will be half world muly The mhcr two will be taking dead aim nl 0m wrld lndnnr wmrd at eight minulcs 3N accnmls lwld for he Inst imr by New chlanda Murray lulbora CHICAGO CF The spelt llghl rcsls squnrcly an lhu lwn mile event in Ihn 27m Chicago Dally New My at Chlcngn Sludlum IonlghL mi he said after sccinzl Russia dcleal Fln land 61 in penaltystudded mulclL Kroom fell the Finn go the worst of the alliciullng and in was particularly critical of lhu fact that the we reler cos Czech and an East Ger man were from behind the Iron Curtain Three he cut Russian goals in Hm third period were scored uhilo lhc Finns wcru shurthandcd and one at them came whcn hey were shy two men In all the Finn drew eight of Ihe IS minors including live In Iho final session Kmmm and other Canadian cials are critical or the of flcialing in the tournament that got under way Thursday and Kromm flatly snid hat it was worse than terrible after he watchnd the three upenlng games in the Group cham pi ship rgundrabinn European officials want to turn hockey imo link girls game says coach Bobby Krnmm as his Trail Smoke Eaters began their bid today to regain the world title for an adn against West Ge man club wall softened up by the ngchs Thursday cuudu mpnnl hn unnl sulfumu from ardth mnsu LERNER skipping Maniwhnl entry In the 1963 Brier at Brandon Manitoba watches intently an his rock Bob Kromm Camplains Of POor Officiating 5Pin and 10Pin Bowling ammo nfllccru are asked ln mn lncl Hm mnnnuvr 117024 nr Summnr nml Fall Imuucn STOCKJIOLM CP Soma flke Out To The In Your paLe Time PA 87924 HOLIDAY BOWI Where We Now Feature Both n1me 24 AUTOMATIC lANES Tnnlghl most eyes will he on the first major clash at the 10 day campelilion hat end March 17 game belwcen nus sin and Sweden The last lime they met in world competition lwo years ago in Swiuerland ny engaged In bruising Anolhcr mcel mum is Ihe reappearance of Paul Nikuln world rccnrdholdcr In In pnlo vault Thu lying Fhm who cleared 15 cc inches at home has bcen Ihlclined with Asinn flu since diwpminling Uniml Slnlcs dchul In uhirh he nilcd In clout lo cal lHll Crmhurs Tomnln pcrcnnlnl wlunnr 1000 yards ls nnnlhtr moo nurnrliun lo nrlhcr with high jumper Jnhn Thomas hurdlcr Hayes Jam Inuns mllu rclny Inum Equally intercshd In Hal bcrga record 15 Jim Benny the little mller from Los AHA ells wflh lho pawerlnl finish lng kick who holds lhe nuldnor mrld record man for lhc we mllcs and 5c rm Indoor mile record at 3596 thrce Woks ago While the Smoke Eaters fig ure to breeze pus Wes Ger many rash penalties could prove costly or the Canadians who slil believe hockey Is mum game The calibre of wrld hockey improves every year Kramm sald but the calibre or refer ecmg gel wars The Canadlnn coach lnsisls llml Ihe Smoke Euler will play lhelr usual hardworklng gnrna nnd hope or square deal ram um rclerccs Only one minor was handed out in the two other Gmup matches The powerful Czech toyed with he West German 11 in penaltytree game while defending champion Swe den had dimcuit time getting untrackcd before smashing East Germany 51 with three goats in thv inst In minutes oi play Swedish forward Uli Sterner drcw miner head for he housn the obher end at the Ice In an eighth ruund match against 30 berm5 rink lost 127 OPEN BOWLING mm In pm MON TO FRI 25 Inf 10 plm Barrie Shopping Plaza Some at these guys want to change mm mans game In He girls game chcnléch of the qurinx pm heal pnr on the Cnymannn Golf mug Country Cubcouso One slmkc hark rdn in his the last slop on the live evcu Carihhmn luur were John Barnum Hubby limp and Ill lrlh II of lho United Slum Tlml with dc Vimnm Ar Down the U5 Krumm sald Ahearnealhreat amaunlcd to flnullng llnlernn Non11 rules Fur lnslance the Canadian coach nalcd spearhlg calls or major penalty only llmre ls nothing In the book nboul lwnycur suspension No player wants to his loam by gelling sent or live minutes Kromm said but hockey Is rough game and roughness Is all part 01 ha gam KINGSTON Jamaica AP Duppcr liulc Tony Ccrda an Argcnlinc now playing out of Mexlco City strukcd ve underpar 67 Thursday mud look unoslml load In the firsk mum of mo Jnmalca open golf lnurnumunl In the rules department Ahenrne European president of he Inlernalinnnl Ice Hockey Federallon the gov erning body world amnleur hockey enuld suspend player or up in two years for seri aus infraction called meetan referee and said he wnuId require written report on every major and misconduct pepally loss lor ellhcr counlry lo nlght would Just about eliminate it lrom world championship mn lonlion Todays Gmup schedule times EST Unile Slates vs Finland am Canada vs West Germany 10 Sweden vs Russia pm L055 FATAL game belnre the Russians won Gerda Takes OneShot Lead but won the dubious honor oi sailing on aillime record or straight losses by Manitoba rink in Brier compeliiion CF Wirepiwio horse Knudsan of Tommo 691 were Roberta Arucnllnn and um Dnn Slrccl BRANDON CF Balzarys Jimmy Shields rink has chance lodayda wrap up the Canadian Curling Champion Ihlpa early All the Aiherla ioursama has to do is heat the favorites who load II Inc race or hu overall Cnrriblmm Iour cham plomhlp nnd Charlie Slflord winner lho Puenn nlco upon ouch mm In 73 Nova Sculls Sask Alberta Nor Ontario Manitoba PEI qubcc Novn Scan Alberta Ntld PEL 0000 Nor Ontario 1013 ByoSasknlchewnn BRANDON Man Thursdays resulu In the Canae dinn curling champlonshlps NM 110 ll Ontario 003 010 001 By6Ncw Dmnswlck NINTH ROUND Qurhcc Mnnllobn Ontnrln Shield delealed Dill Kenll Quebec entry mm Montreal 86 trimmed Northern Ontario 1M and allowed up with 95 win over Nova 5mm Rflchnnisons victims 11mm day were Doug Gnlhercoles Northern Ontaria rink mm Copper Clill which bowed 86 and Inn Bairds Nova Scoua foursome from Kentvilie beaten 1+7 The EC loursome whlch pulled both 115 big upsets Wed nesday Mteran Indiflerent stun also picked up three vlc Karla Thursday 114 over that produced the only bio on the records of both Saskatche wnn and Alberta has mark and anvouwde chance of making it threeway lien Glen Harper Duncan 30 has New Brunswick and Ontario to contend with today Ii Shieids can take the meas ure at Ernie Richardsons de ending champion irqm Regina in the 10th round at the week long roundrobin competition starting at 1030 am EST he can sit out the nth comfortably with the knowledge that nobody will catch him 0n the other hand If they lose tn the Saskatchewan rlnk the Albertans will have tn sweat out their llthround by awalt In the outcome at Richardsons match with Dan Camerons Prince Edward lsand rink nt pm to see they get another chm at hlm In playafl Bath leaders came thmugh Thursdays schedule without defeat Shield pasting Wee victories to run his record to nine wins agalnsl slnxle loss while Richardson won twice for an record Hg pytsgnp glANqE EIGHTH ROUND CURLING 000100 210 0117 OOLOOIMW 000 201 001 102 103 000 210 010 000 600 01010 000 001 000 101 IN 101 Ml 01012 020 200 110 In 110 300 003 010 002 02110 020 202 002 332 000 010 100 000 0200001me 200221 01142015 000 010 220 011 101 001 10010 021000010010 000211101003 000 010 020 Oll Zlo 101001 Canadian Arena Company Blakes employers lire also named 1n the writ Powers Is also sceklng dam use from JennPaul Sarnull and Jennllcrn Sancho torn1 legcd libel in byllncd story in Montreal Malln dally French lnngunge news apcr und lrorn Jncquc Beauc nmp Mam sports cditon Cnmpbulljuld Blakes ro mnrkl ns qunled by the news paper wern completely un warranted and unloundcd serious mllecllon an lhc Intel rlly ol the nlflclnls and clearly vlalnllon 01 lb lcgguq Meg During the Feb 13 game Powers sevenyear veteran the NHL gnvc Blnko bench pcnnlly for arguing dccl aucr Inter said discipllnary Inc was luade qunlo one compared this firm with other that have been levied against players execu Powe hen he clalmed league prcsldent Clar once Campbell gave hlrn ln sulllclcnt support In llnlng Blake only $100 or comments attributed to Blake during game lhe nlght belnre Mont real lost to Torontu Maple Lcnls ln Mammal ers who resigned as National Hockey Mayne remee Feb has flied writ against Hector mm Blake coach Mon realCanndiens hockey club Th writ alleges Islanger The Mnnltobans who hadnt won game In seven starts rebounded 1n the ninth round to break the lastplace tie with Quebec by noting re sounding 155 vlctary TQKES EXTRA END produced two sixenden ha first of the tournament by he lwn leading cantenders Shields go hls the fourth and of his haltle with Northern Ontarla after the AL berm ship had blanked he first three Minutes later Saskatch ewan bmka lks match wlth Nova Scnlia wldc open as Rich ardsnn counted his six in the lmh end Dou Cnmcrnns Prince Ecl war islanders imm Charioiic town 127 over Hersh Lemon5 luckiess Winnipeg entry and over John Pikes quartet from Grand Falls Nfld In seven mund matches in valving Ihc alsvHnns Onmrlo shaded Mnnltohn in an extra and as Bob Mann of Hanover 0nL begun pcrlect day and Don Mix of Marion NB came from behind in nip New togndlqnd 97 In the elghthmundgkfil shaded Quebec 743 and Omanin edged Newfoundland In In the ninth Ontario whipped New Brunswick 95 and Northern V0n tario dawned PEJ 107 qus Blake Hit By Slander Writ l1 pm 0pm TORONTO CWEddie Paw HOTEL NOW OPEN QUEENS SNACK BAR PA 87924 THE Immu lives and officials or far less ollcncu Behind the three lenders arm nine rounds were Ontario at 93 Nonhnm Ontario 53 Nova Scolla nnd Prince Edward Is land Hod at New Bruns wick at 35 Newfoundland and Manlloha bolh at 11 and Que bee winless in eight trlcs COMES FROM BEHIND Mann ighung all day Thurs Einy lo stgy infigulenqm had tn come tram bchm to mwagninst Munltoha and Newtoundlnnd Counting one to stay nllvc in the lzth end against meer he was at the westerners mercy on last rock but the hardluck Winnipeg skip was light with draw attempt and Mt Ontario countlng the vital stane Ncwinundlund led Ontario with Win ends to go Mann got two of them back in he lllh than lei Pike to shoot at Iwn Ontario rocks no he fouroat circle with his final delivery Pike 10 the with whcn his emut was wide and strong in the same round Nurthern Ontarins Guthurcoln finished his lopsided match agulnst Ill berta with finurlsh Trailing 102 in the inul end and with 15 rocks cluttering the house the Copper Cllil skip drew through the narrowest oi parts to the button lor hls final count HECTOR TOE BLAKE MIST WHIS KEEPS ITS FZAYU gda Even mulling Ion qulgva onnt dfluto mm mm thmoof Adlunn Golgi Hzrlpn It wm knob lnvcmr to chquuf bbttolm nlthtn glnnuZum rumlg grant whiqkyy Bo mm arm you buy try Ynélldw omwfixFlbndw Gold Flrlpv youmlonjoymxnotlngflnvmxr TllE BARR EXAMINER FRIDAY MARCH lm MONTREAL CF Momma Cnnadhzns Bernie Boom Boom GcoIIrIon has been sus pended for ma next five games by Clarean Campbell pres donl ol the anlonnl Hockey League or throwing his sllck and gloves at referee Vern Buffey In Detroit Tuesday mm The 32yenmld winger loscshls snlnry during lho sul penslon period an estlmnlcd $1500 Geollrion also draws $100 bonus or each goal above 10 he scores and since he now has 23 goals he could enslly lose several hundred dullan In goals hu might have scored in In five games He nlso must pay the league tho automatic 550 line hut got plans with gnmennllsqunducl penglty TUCSON Ariz MlCleve lands Tony Murllncz holds an unusual dlsllncllnn among major league baseball r0 nkle thl wring hes already bean prom scd the starting shanslop pos lon Usually runkie work through spring training and the exhibition game series sirivlng ior job with his major league ciuhi Bu Martinez nyenroid Cuban showed enough at Jack sonville in ihe iniemaiionul Lani gm last year to convince mun ngcr Birdie icbbciis ihni he should be in the Indians lineup chflrhma outburst on the Monlrcnl bench came late In the first period of lhe game won 43 by thcfianndieng sa ny he had reached the dedslon after reading the reports 0L Bumy and the game llnesmen and after talking with Geoflrlon enrygr dny Thine Isrnrorposslble excuse or Ihls typenl conduct said CEtnlbe Hcwld ample warning had been given In threemama sns Campbell Suspends Geoffrion PM Next Five Montreal Games Martinez Unusual Amongst Rookies the lnlcrest of every one In your neighbor hood by parking new Chev in your drive way DANGERFIELD MOTORS AROUSE UR Geoffrlon frankly acknowl edgcs his null nnd has ten dered hls apologies Campbell said But the rule must be np pllcd unlfarmly In respect to mismnducl as wall as other nulsf nenshn hundcd nu lwn weeks ago Duhon defencemnn Howlo Young or lhrnwlnx his Elly3 ap yclerce Frank Udvart Campbell sald Geollrlon harl personally verlflcd the car reclness lho rcporls ol tho game olflcluls llu snld lhcro was complete agreement as In the relevant ads whlch he set out as follows bale 1n the first pcrlod or the game the referee lmpnsnd mlnor penalty on lhe Cann dlen goalkeeper Flame and unnn relurnlng tn conduct the resulnng face0t adjacent to he Cnnadlens bench he observed Gunilriun standing up on the bench and swearing at Mm us he np pmnched CAI BENCH PENALTY Gcoiirion responded in his decision by throwing his slick iikn spent all Ihc reform This was quickly followed by his two hockey ginvts on the Ice Referee flumcy then im posed and slgnalled bench mlnur pennlly ugalnst lhe Cn nadlcns The relerco successlully dc nected the stick wllh his hands bu he was struck on lhc chest with angel the gloves For these ncllnns the referee Imposed game misconduct penalty and Gcoflrian had In ho reslmlned by his leammnlcs mtg pgrslgpug the Marco out WWMATIC DELIVERIES PA 82563 SIMCOE PETBIILEIIM 5en LTD 15 ANNE ST skv Firm name Inmmn

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