Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 8 Mar 1963, p. 6

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mm IIHM nr lmvl rhrrne nr 11mm mn nmny mnwnl or Inrlmlinl nmlrln In lnrh Imuly plan 5004 mull Uml nnv lmml nu Ilw loom Mxlch mnkn lnr Illlllnrll ll Ix lnhly rnly In Lln wllh gnarl Inw cnlnxln lnrnln Im In Ml lmhnn mm hunger pan llnn rarh In lhnu mull Mnuml nI pmlnln tom Iran um ulu ILxllm should be No1er MN uhrn yuu mr mhldnuor lmlmxu dmuld my ewrclnlly Ihrn Olnmluly some or ynur Iruxl mblln um manning nul lmw Ilu ynu In ll In dummy and lulhllu lhnl onlmu or him wrluhl um Ivo nunMm fillnuly plan 5004 mull Uml nnv lmml nu Ilw loom Mxlch mnkq lnr Illlllnrll yuu can no me ynu plum Surh plnn mm pmnnn cm mlution lo ynur wclzhl pruhlml nnd In Ind In unlikely lu nmko much 1cm In your pound lnslcnd lry he rnl nu um uric mILm Cnnnlnz caloric can be lnxcinnllnx Mm ll Irmls In sum In Allmmlnx nnd In Ihc lldksl way hm la rulurlnu IlImnu unzlly hm yuu hlnlld on Um no mum wulrul um Illcl when MD on the scales and lhu pointer 1mm 20 pounds for more pus plnnsixm uh urn bhnuld ynu lake lo tenth Mon Mirle Ml do Illflu good In an an rlnld short tum dict Such lure when your nppchlc and 19er your mlnd ml and nml uncunsclously yuur rhM ulm up In bx Io rld he hurry WIGEINS PMS mm nx Inr Om sea Rom1 balm pmvldcd by women the various units as wall as Inyuucs or the Can ndian west under the supervis Ion Mrs Evenu Emma Mrs Emms rccemly supervised the making or 15 largo canon of clolhing fur the Frcd Victor sion Toronto Mrs hlliam Llule and Miss Ldna Gordon condumd the de volianal allowing which Mm Lmlc and Mn Cryll Cook Many nerdy family In tho Harrlc arm has received help mugh Mrs Emma And her allaru mmmmno of tha Bur on Avcnuo UCV Annu ALL Im nut lullm ml Infill mm KI lIIv obit unmmm KIAIIING mn noun mmm nunma run who AI Id turn tn Final arrangements were made for tho Fashlon Show to hc held on March 27 Them wlll he Ihrcc shnwlngs Al 230 730 nnd pm Mrs Spenrn Vll liam $2 is in charge of llckels Dyanspns nmnr KEEP IN THE TRIM morn Van mu rm Comm AI HAL Mrs Lloyd Fosltr preslded the March mtellng Inc Unil cd Church Women of Burton Avenue United Church She wol mmcd three visitors Mrs llanLCody Wgsaga Beach Mrs SKnyner and Mrs Graydan huh Dame The Universfly Womens Club of Barrio entertained Ihe cast of Spring Thaw 63 and friends at lhe home of Mr and Mm Vllwn Owen Burton Ave UCW Pack Relief Bale Scoring Calories Leads To Success Innan at is FA ny IDA JEAN 1mm Mm Cryu Cook CAST PARTY HELD FOR SPRING THAW PERFORMERS THY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE PA um On lhu culmlv More you can mlucn on 1000 MO or 1200 day Depending on ynur ncllv fly and an VIM yntnun Ihln plan will hrwmcl nnlurnL lhn pound nol only com hey my Hy cnllnu tn mduco you ch happy Iboul um mulll nnd cl pcd cunllnuud mum Then ynu do no nnllcipnlo bounan down You hum mo mnfldanl Icclln ml at long lull nu nnlly are on lhu rluhl mu to lower pounds nun of lull 55 law culurlo lKe ables nnd chewy ulndl III the hillhewlnu IlscI mm llmnnrmnl mllsmdlon hun Ker Hol soup wonderfully camlorunl nnd nn ucellcnl mum at Includlnx ka mllk In lho mtnu men but he flickothe rlbs qunllly um such htlp in sluying on dlcl Tho llmo ll lakes or pmlcln In be con uxlcd Into no enables you lo 1ch Inllsllcd or hours 1th other factor also enter lnn lnllcly The nclunl bulk food cultn must be mnsidcred uh bulk mg acnsu neershmcnls were nrvtd by Mrs Goodlellaws lmup DUNLOP ST Member found tha pictures the Pagoda shaped bulldlnzs and of Japanese wedding he molhtr of tho bride wear lng black um brlde wenrlnz red much Interest Also he pldum he wmalery where Canadian soldiers an hurled was keen Interest to Irma who had lost sons An on phnnnge supported by Unlled Church Women wan given close legallay Doll lulu dull rhm In Ill Ill Hal yullllnu 10 Ml hyl In Illrk opportuully Hue ng In which was table whlch Iha line ran lhmunh and the Communlsla or Nonhtm unre xunlallves sat on one IME and the Democratic repmenulivu the Soth an on the other ch on IheIr own aide oi the Mr Inllm lndlnl Inn lnr urn hum ul Ilil ll mu II mm all any MI Ind III In hldu IIII llu nl Mrs IL Spearn Introduced Mrs Villlnm Cody of Vasaga Bench who spoke on her trip to Japan last summer and showed many beaullml slides On panlcular Interest was the one shawan ho dlvldlng line between Noflh and South Kore ndhaw lnlemcled blended their volce In duet ncrcd Head OHTES PAINTS Hartley ctrconverter Here assisted by Miss Ellen Slml allowing last nights performnnce Mn Haw nrd facial cgnvcner and Mrs 0HTES 011 PAINTINGS ORIGINAL OIL PAINTINGS BY lEADINO ARTISTS Will 80 For Sula AI IMOHM WALKING 11mm Jcflmon onu du clmd In unrclm IMHM In Um hm lnirr m1 parcnu mm hook Ira Invited to nlltnd dlscusslnn an Somo Aspccll Thu Remndlll lend lnl Prolrnm In Thu Aron wlll be prmnlcd by All lznchm mm llnrrlu nnd Camp Borden Moderator wlll Glenn vlccprlnclpll 01 Ill lndcrlrk Campbell Puhllc School anel lnrmhm wlll Include lllrl loll llelllmy Cccll leth Don Mc Enthcm Smllh Prln clpnl 5m luhllc School and Mn Smllll Suptrvlmr ol npcrlnl mlucullnn nml npccch cnrrerllon Clly ul llnrrlo lubllc BCJIWII The steel Puhllc Home Ind School Assoclnllnn wll be hull la lho Bruno and Dlllrkl Ham and School Countll on March 11 II am pm In the Ichool nuffllnrlum chlld burn on day will be mduwed wllh nrlhllc gm bu will hnva Huh Imdcnty to any dluourlnmenc concerning hln eflorls Trnvd will he governed by excellent aspccu In July nnd August and Deccmhtr mould bl nd good laugh Desplle Indlmlmu prox ms in financial mum we muld muesl however lhnt Van lollaw camelvulva path and avnld extravnxance lhll yenrpmlcuhfly In In April and Novembersince unnecel my expenditure or Ipcculntlon could cum HIM The an arc definitely Ivene Ill mk Ilklnx no wary In purwnal Malian ahip In late August and No vember when then will be ltndency Inward cmoUonalIAm whlch could mun conflict Oherwm your nodal and do mestic concerns ahnuld run Imoomly Panel Discussion At Steele And tomorrow Is your birthday your hnmscopn lndlcnm that the year ahead wlll comprlu an uceuem period in which to put ynur skill and talent to beller use nnd if possible to llnd wider scope for your en deavors Be Alert In dlsplaylng nur nrlginnllly and ingenuity both Job and finanrlal mnl era upeclllly belween now and midApril and In the Sex emberDecember periodmu such effort Ihquld produce fine reruns r93 THE Bugrum nne ary lnlluencel suggml need for checking and rechecklng plum ulncu care lemma or ham could result In costly error Dont worry ll you dont accomplish everything on Your schedule Belle to do less Ind do lt well my Tonloganow Mllllll all nmn Imu nm 1qu my DeSlcfnno Mm mam Mn AMcLeanand Mrs Mccaw 1n massing in com cdjcol buffet Shown at the reception an from let THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA Palm Sum PA 83270 mum mum ed Mr McMnaler lor hll Ilmo and hi love Im in work were moxt pmnl durlnl 1M Ivenlnl Slreulnz many new movement mum dnnclnz nnd lmlrucl In than prmm II In haw la Accompllsh them wu not long unlll lhe member of both club llxed UM lmporlnco dose Autumn and concentrat Ion wary mlnuu flu am By Hm rm mo evening mlnzl lhnl um mmd warn Llano Immley and avoryanc unjay ad tun Ktn Crnwe Imldcnt lhn Julian mm lhmk Mr McMulcr who come In Allion lrom Tarontu has hld much experience In ITlllu dnncn technique And H111 and mend every Friday ll th YMCA Ohm ll ypy Arriving also Al the lnvllallon ho Alllslon club mm the Clmp Borden Square Tlmm Ind allamhcr hey made happy llvely group for An even In or excellent lnslmcflon And dnntlnx ALLISTON Specllll When Allhlon 11mm dlncen get nether Ilwnyl mr weath er and luck was the can when they whro he luosls Bill Mc Maslcr caller cl Um dumb and Inncher ll Banting Memorial lllgh School 44 DUNLOP WISI ll DUNLOP IAST Euchre wlll conflan In the Thantan Dung Hall until the end March when lusiifi dnw from all the HM be nude The menl prim were up tured by Nell Morrll Cl Webb Ind PMUp McLellan Slxleen lablu of players were present or this weekly Wednes day xeblalelher Alliston Sqiiare Dance Club Plan Invitation Dance In April Tha travelling prlzps were won by Mn Thomas and Home lea mu Issac Jenneu mother and Jamel man had lhelr lab 11 drawn Mr and Mn Bill sJerpI do nated lower bulb for tha upo dal yum Tho regular prize or ladle mm to Mu Fem Olaskey Mn 11 Jenna Ind Mn Russell Duper The winners or Iho Fcbmary series Euchru sponsored by Thornton Womans Institute werq mother and sen combin nuon namely Mrs Elwood Bone and Donald Bane hell unre zatn scores were me and 331 Announce Winners 0i WI Euchres right Drew Thompson Bill Cole Diana Nyland under lludy Mr and Mn Chmlei Wilson Grunt Oowan Ind Pat er Mum Enmlnu Photo WRIGHT ClEANERS IJD IHIS SPACE EXPERILY SANITONI DRY CLEANED HY wu announced that the Col llnzwood Club Ire holdlnl an ap un nlml March when well known mien will be lhere Ind um on Much Collbllwood owed to hold Iu yearly Jum boch when Don Annumnl wul be one Lha neat alum lortho IygnL The Alllslon club ex II In hue ll first Open Nam on Aprll the Memorll Arenn Noum will be xolnl out to Ihu olhtr Clllbl In um Im II nur Mun Ind kindness Ind welcomed the Cam Borden Squaw Time on be all we Mly Im my baniby Incll memnler Plum hely You can on the rent blew dinner It wlfll Wllma in let didnt own nmember we hld date until mm Then Ielephoned her Sha lrnmed ma roeIvor an my ear Ind tool In phonl all hook mmt refuse to havc just uniloft cl tom to the mu pqqceu HI wan outol hll mind with Merryng battle wmc ol mkch Ind Im7lted everyone tho 011101 to colebmo with Dur Iinn LAM us boozeJizhter when met Wilma and the boon wax winning had last three flood JON be cum my drinking Wilm heiped me oil In juice and onto the mm Wu bonedry or 11 month men Friday niiht happuud Penile who pu Imney away for rain dny sometimes luv In lo mum Agmn gummy thin air whun Immn has money of her own She keeps saying shel gain to leave III her money to horse she on TV It would not surprise me 139 did Please Adviser Dear Mn You naed law yer Ind hope you get one list It is not kh lor on and your humd to no bro caring or our mother whun the 1m an ngomq at her own hucnpuam pkhdvuv dallnnd elm My mutant and are going Ika kepan mum tn our home Imund the clock Mama cant be left alum lur amlnnke and havent Ihe strength be with her more than Ilht hour day Evan with mum on duty She hu 5e In the mgttrga Mice we mu you prowl nnm your doclar lbw our mm mm um mcflvuun lo In manhl intumlon Fl er lea her nubmnml Inhefltancu from which she ha been drawing inlemt or yearn an ha not spent one dime of her own money since father died She mm It or hog0131 Slslerl pmnlse wu one becluse no main home aka our napgheg Shah Bur Ann Lundm My In ner nllter math dud pmmlu lo mnmn nu ma would nover be put in nunlnl home Wllhoul uklnu mwmy liner uld wunld take her to live with me flu wu 51x year no when mm wan May gha 15 91mm so Imgnugrl wile CUSDENS ANN LANDERS HorSe In The Running For Mothers Money PA 85531 II panama they dont know we have to pay for our mer chandise Hus can believe but since than both pretty ll mgylbeflqe answer My hnlband And own mus M17 norm Every Frlday without Ian Clara and her hay band come to the um and fill up two or three large shapplng bun with whatever they need Cllra nyl thanks 19 and thy drive on Lul law the married Loan nun who is plum but nln um He has steady job at mm and make 100d Dur Ann Linden We raised our nlece rim elm wllh our own chlldrem Claras parent dled when she was nine and we reeled he If she were our daughter When will guy learnLhn on drink 15 too many Ind one hundred Ian mouth can lama only that you to Wilma and be her to forgive you Wllh record 01 21 month of sobriety she may alve you cumther chancu ms To wumn Please give the guy break rug8M1 sonny we nuach huband led up wllh non noun so DUNLOP ST EASY mm Shomrplool Poplin wilh Iklnk linish Ihal 00 Ibl lailomd look Spvcial Imhion nou in HM Polkadnl lm no and naval In bulge bent navy or ad In In mu lo 14 lb For vuln or WM uml AIinl SM nylon canon Poplin lhal Vlalum mulled pouh pecku and man allay Buns navy brawn er llglul blua lo nim lo Shop anIktrJ Whru Good Tam In IMvim Iv Nut ijnupl AALKERsi thll weeHy mun Would be petty we came rim out and told them how we feel eald ehe In like deulhler lo uhDWINDLING INVENTORY Deer lendllnl Tell the mothers they can heve whet ever they need at the price you aid or TM In much bet er deal than they can let elu where spent an avemier of ma 5hlll THE BARRIE EXAMINER FRIDAY MARCH ma 19 LIKE CANDY LQN 0N CP Brllona um II II mum In II In loirnphed coplel Inn 130 cenul week on and In yur fly mrvey by wnlecllonerl association neon mount Brllhhmada undy Iho wu expomd to North America JERUSALEM mall Seclor MP Robert Frost exhibl don dadlcaled to the 1m Amen mm 3qu II on Ihow II the Ho brew nlvenlly library con sist about 541 Item Includ gnl Fgosg Hug Mom and an ng91 Pom

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