Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 8 Mar 1963, p. 4

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Hulk Ma Cluldlm fill NilIII N5 lluhm noelu nu cum rm AM Mull Inm mmqu Clllfl ll rind IM In tho mluuu nu mu hmer In Ia AnniMM Im at mm 14 mu Ian IOI pule mum Ho Inn nnw shown me name charnc lerlstlcs in llflerbnl Held Axldrwhm the 0011ch of General lrncllce Can ha ha crlllclzorl mlrIullonn plmd Beiluvilie intelligenceri Shorth nilur iion Dymond sumcd porlloiio oi Ontario Minister of Health iiorre Berton vigorouniy crit icimi conditions at tho Ontario iios Ill nt Oriiiint instead of nttemptlnl lita Msh 0b Dri nymoud admitted the es scnlin accuracy Bartons charges mi ticd intormniion nbout other dopiornbio situation explained wh such conditions existed and iniilnlcd act on to rcmuiy as man an possihie of those hulls qulc iy possiiiiu mum mu null all punmt mun In olmul nmu ll mun luMuI nM llllulm llaqu urn InnI hum lllu union mum wmuon cl IMI lulu mum tom new 0mm mum MI Uul nu II by mu mumum Iuylo The relations wean the politicians and the newspapers are founded not on sympathy but on anll nthy Both to aomc cxlontlon are rivas ior influence over the public mind and Ihcy take good care that neither alwuid achieve mon oEoiy of it Therein lies the incalcul in value this relationship becausa in countrlca where ncwapapcra and 01 iticianl are in the same camp re cm threatened VALUABLE ANTIPATHY Charlottetown Guardian in debate in the British lrrllrmcnt lwo years ago Wllllnm Deedes Can servative member who is also journal lsl and who has since become mini tcr wiilwul portfolio coordlmllng iho governments information services made lhlsiranlr comment nun andperiodicai neck relief in some form of hi jlnks If the need or reiiei from bore om comes at time when they think they have cause they express both their youth and their selfimport Ince in parades decorated with pincards It is phase they pass through one which come to an end when the hnve in come out from under the shcter oi Pops cheque hook Oshawa Times University students tend to take them selves very seriously They also tend to Age bored xdth pelrlscpplastlc labors The society could first try out some of its arguments on the human me Why not knock at the doors of nudlst camp and peddle loln cloths Or better still go to any beach during the hot summer dlys and make survey of nakedness there Why anyone would want to put Eer mudn shorts on horse or pantaloons on Boxer ls almost beyond understanding But when the soclely glvea lts reasonto protect chlldren from the sight of naked horses cows dog and catscompre henslon ls not dlftlcult to Ichlevel none 199 chsmoumm There Is something fantastic about an organization which calls itself The So ciety for Indecency to Naked Animals It motto Clothe all anlmnls reduction in the county council ap propriation for the unit this year meant cut 1n government grants In the Ig Count council does not operate as sellsqu cient unit It depends on the fed eral and provincial governments for major ponlon of its revenue In the case of the health unit most of the funds come from the two senior govemmenu There had been no ihiimation that the unit is overstaffed Consequentl re duction of 40 per cent in the nuts aeh vice must be rggarded as serious mat ter it again ses the question of the efficiency of the county method of gov emment It must have come as shock to com ty residents to learn that 12 of the 30 Slmcoe County Medical Health Unit nurs es will be released because of lack of nude to pay their salaries Carry Prudery Much Too Far The Barrie Examiner Obvious Weaknesses Shown In County Council System JUSTAPASSING PHASE Walls Publisher flarrip Examfiwr OTHEREDITORS VIEWS Published by Canadian NeWIpapeig Limited 16 Blylield Street Barrie Ontario Isher Brim slughtGeneraJ Manager mum mm sm nu Um really chlul mm In tho In highway My Will Iona Ind heavier truck bl ruler nulnncc and my mum ll dounl lulu an export lo Imwor lhal one John lubllc In comumer heavily dcpcmltnl on good lrumporlnllon Iynlcm It In lhmforo In hll lnlemt lo have hcallhy lrucklngr Indmlry luncllonlu In lhlx country halmunl nmomi olwr Mm Nu lho lndunlry mun urnnmlly mund And Innnchlly prglncypus TRUCKS T00 BIO Allnnln Jourmll Thu lnymnn Is lurdl¥ qunllflod to judye whn Mr and WM llnl In rod gun to mnxlmum length and weigh in trucks Bul he does know what Ill Mk rapped behlnd long Ind huvy truck on the hlghyay Ill all of them and elpeclll lo hurle Ihcvnllor The longer her us on alngo the boiler wall like In the more well enjoy whllperlnl Loulle So good luck And Ionfg Ion Me to Bays lls always good to see people who were his slam ln he days or our early youth lllll ncllvu ln llm cnlcrlnlnmcnl world ll makes us feel that the mlrror on our wall could be wrong about us And well robnbly conllnuc 10 fuel can lbln klc up our heels bl every tlmo we road the conllnuln lucccu Ilorlca of other bright llghla I110 lor fld lwunllcl Yea lo llkc Sophlo nlckcr Gcnrglo Jesse Ick Benny Ted Lcwll and lllnl Cronby the old Rhythm an when he ought llls slraw lml drooping lower llp nml hls Gallic charm to Hollywood It makes us leel good just lhlnklng nboul ll alter all we were blrely ln knee pants when he lnl began alnglng boulse NOSTALGIA OF STRAW HAT Hamilton Spectator We see that Maurice Chevalier is still going siron that he coniinucs to bu al most as act ve as 35 or so yum Ian whim hn II Hi can or careful consideration and reappraisal of these roiessionni restric tion was ion over ue it Is gratifying to find ihis ca coming from man who is member of ihe profession layman might hnve been tempied to brand the mtrictions in of mi creating mumbojumbo aura of secreC Sue charge would have been met agoniz ed protests that as layman ho did not 1mg what he was taikinglabout on doctors In the name of professional lethtcs Why should aghysichn not speak in ubllc on medic matters he aakgd xyimjlced All we can do Is offer our own version of horse laugh and assure the society that we are wearing new slacks and par don us underwear too Has any thought been given to an an imai sensibilities air of slacks is enough to make any sei respecting horse blush We could ask other questions which could give our socier friends good reason to redden but in deference to their sensibilities we wont The society should consider the dumb anlmals 00 before embarking on cam paign of this nature Putting shorts on horse iSalmost as bad as tying in can to cats tall or unbonnet to poodles head The members might come uh with some thing or very little The two senlor governments as was stated pay for most of the health unit costs today but they gear thelr contri butions to amounts raised by the county council In lean years in the county such services could suffer severely health unit should be malntai ind every ef fnrt chm There is wing ieeling in the coun iy that been and education should be provincial responsibility The time has come to explore the idea both from the mndpoinil of service and financing Surely there must be better way 01 maintninin such an essential service The iogica course would be to place health services of this nature entirely within the jurisdiction of the provincial government thereby assuring stability and continuity of staff gregate the unit lost about $40000 which orqed the layoff of the nurses engues wlll grasp the 5llppcd from ls more 1c distrust in the pro confidence Dnr Dr MelIn Wml uum dud llnnmm 11w um Mum Ind do not In III In mnnml lunilhwlu In way to dllllnwllh Minn clunm mum Ind uvml other him ll wlIhnul lull nrlllur ton your vulllnl nvIrpmllm Fight hop Im um pnl klmh and hunk lay nnl IIIman Ivn nl mum mm um Haw cnnlulam II lulwml IaII1 Can you hep youmll Irnm llln II by uling And ll The In fill1 pawn In lhn warhl ml plck up lulwnuhull ll Mull oflen onouuh la Iho Wth our rrlnlm 1114 Incl lm dorllnn In Dm Dr Molnm can termd abnul nmnhu in hm who wry lhln and ml cough um doctor or hue chul my Ill Inmu II II tlnlullo Mini And meal of MI lhmn palm In IuHerlnl npcnlrd and loollnu Around wllh Ir poury wan al nHevlnIl when penulan mmdlnn needed Al rulo llcnnhum llnl an emcrlcncy wrl cl complninl but It all bllddcr or ulcer lmuble llu bchlnd lhorc II ccmlnly no uu In clllmz flu nllgncpl loololgg unlmdul exccnlun nm henrlbum of pregnancy which 11 lemwury dmrru mch cul nutnflnn Ilnrc mum sort diuulhp unul ll work an Ulccn gall bladder distuse and csuphugills luflammuflun ma mmch Ire all calmnun undulyan cuum Heartburn much are frequent In pram mmcy lllllll hemln samu llrgcl clltd Prop nubjecl la belchlnl anon hma hennhum nllukl ellhcr became the belching unne forum mut ter of ncld Ilamnch mnicntl lnln lha ullcl or because bubble In chum wddcn 01 the uullrl Cnusc or the lymplum are null under good deal 01 nudy and recent lnvostlgnuon Indi cate that It mnsl rcqucnlly the mull ml naming of the low parl of the esophagus or unllc with ncld such as con cm the slomnch or 41 Home disturbance the muscle acllvily Ihn 10 or gullnl cmhum Lhnuld not be used or miscellaneous pnlns else where tuch various puru of tho chest lhu abdomen and so It refer In my specific plum The burn pan of the name Is accurate enougha human sonsnllon In lhe pit at tho stom ach And Ive aalhered that tho exproulon needs sum dcflnl llon because people lncormclly use II In Indicate almost any area mm Iho be Line In he lower abdomen Speclllcnlly this pItnl the nmgch Ht manly behind Sficlllcnlly mu pn llnmach Ht dimctly ho lawcr part 01 he can um sympiom but ii has nothing in do with the hurt it decidedly does haw to do with the stomach and cam iguana digestive areas By JOSEPH MDLNER MD4 Dear Dr Molnar Whal ls heartburn Has it anything to do with lhe heart With stom lch trouble Could It be caused byflmuoclo xgrnInTll YOUR GOOD HEALTH Dont Fool Around With Heartburn Rflsfim scomnsTs BEWG an em 13 LFE AETEK sews neong F02 5090 YEARS Mamwm 0K COMHHDES TRY WORKING ON THIS lhnrcn 1m rrpenlrdly wllh lrnl nHuvInIlon breast MI mmplnv wll 1va IIVNII llylnn Mm memolnn mum on llu rnmmllnl mm Alnull ulwmnl wlm hm vlmd nr rim or In On LIcwn Ir Mwlmwi MerI Nrw mk 11mm lntunnllnnnl Mrwnyn nl lMllzI Trxu IIIIHIh Unilvd Mm Kuwnll Mvwnyl mhn Amman Am mu nurqu In lomer and bet not wluu MI An 0mm Hm mum Mr pnll Cmmnll nll ml llv lly lho mm Mrcrafl Cum nrnllnn he xmlilurn nnnlm Ill Hm lozlml ulccmnr Um Vlmmnl plane MIMI Mme lunu lmn lmlll Ind mm And th1 TranCanada Mrlinu plnnrernl on lhu Narlh Amrrlnln mnllnrnl olllcln Um TlA WM In the pnny ulmlmhlrh Inlrd the army In bite In Incl llIul Iho MC OntEleven has run own and lint Il llral nwdrl In only mm In production It hnn chlcvm Hm remarkable word at hnvlnx bmunht llrm nrdm mm Mer custmmrl for 15 plnnrx ullh npunnl ml lullhrr ll likely to become lirm ordm TlA INTERESTED Mm Dy MdNTYflE 00D BOURNEMOUTH Hunts the British Mrcrnfl Curpom lluna huge plank Hurn nvar naumcmoulh have been see lng In pmducllun sensational new Jet passenger plane Vehlrh uHhIn he nexl no or lhrw yours mny be flying on Can ndlnn domestic mum lho lrnnsCnnndn Mrllncl This new nluno the DAC OneEleven II In dulgntd to alter bl lot alnndnrd coman and rlcu mu mulcs lnni II 1000 mlIu nnd In short 100 milks nl cnxlslnz speeds up lo M0 mllcs an hour with ccunomy tnmparnblc In lhr pmpclltr drlun nircrnll llwl me now In oprrntlnn Clgnrcue 1H nor um In Sweden In lmbul Il ter Up sale mse 126 per cent the ridge run crosswise more llkcly lndlcatcb Injury the base he mail when was farming or Illness at hat same time Seven days illness with ever and impaired nulrllion are ennugh lo make such mark on the nails usually the result some dalect In the nail bed Older people are lncllned to have them to some degree REPORT FROM ILK Speedy New Jet Plane May Fly In Canada 5ng Man mums Imrdlnfl 0w mm lw look In an luvum Ind MI Ml Illnoln lull II llemllmm Il Iel Ii II Hm hnm all ma Inf ll wlll by 9m Mrl mi mules III will OHICIAII Um mmpnny old mu llml ll umIIII hr mrvnrrd In produn Hu Ourlilurru undrr Ilrrurr In nnrulu nnndlnn nnrl Uulhvl Slnlu llldlrl lull In Huh ll lvrcmnr um lllnut nr donlrnlylc lull muld In armme 1an Hrrmrd rlnm In Lnnmln wold lhrn be Iv Ilne hvr muk nu nll lhc MC Almnll IYLWI le nl OneElrrrn In aid WII hulmlly nlmm 17600 rm with nrlnnnm mlunllnl In ml1lml In rqlllwurnl dunMA Ivy nuaner Ilul Hun nub puny wlll ml chr In dowelnp mun rout Iml mm In nhuw anl lmlll ll IIM mid load no plan Hitlfll Mr wll mhfir 11m rum mm or lumdmlu of mu BIBLE THOUGHT 11m prrwnl no call or lhr mnlplrllvm our plan mum hnl ll mo nnlern mn lluur In hour In lhlq mm Ilrppcd up mum 0r mum In he largo nxmnhly lhnp lhn Hurn lmlnry IN All llmc Ilnur nl Hflrrrnt lion canllrurllon with he um one ennnnrkrd lar xlrllvr In no mum Unilrd Alrwnys ll cry mlvnnml IUIKI nue Inc 1mm mm up In 79 pawn in mg 101 mm un It has bun woclnlIy do Illnld fur Ihon hnul opernlluxu and In pnrllrulnr or lrmucnl lukmlh and landing nnd quirk lurnn3nupd on tho llpuml Irnll An Whllnry JniDcnlinc dcrulcd Trslnn lha powcr plum uud by ncw Doeinl 727 nlrllncr 515 mrrnonucnnN The On winjet Ian hnnl rplnno powered by lwn rcnrmounlcd RollsRoyce Spoy cmzinu which are also hoan mm In In Db Huvlland Tridcnl nlrllncr an Illernn tlve andlhla might Ipccial lnlerul In lhe ICA he nlr gran may be led with the ldcnuly disclosed has ordered 10 planes Two other Unltcd Slnles nlrlincs nro ready In place or durs sublccl nppmvnl the Civil Aoronaullcs Emmi By THE CANADIAN PRESS The British Parliament passed the Slump Act 193 year ago todayin 1765 under which Britain levied duty on all uiiiciul docu ments such as legacies cheques and recclpl in its American minutes The levy was designed to help pay far ii upkecp of British soldiers In America It wnl greatly resented by lha cal onisls and was one in this chuin ol measures which led to the uutbrcnk oi ihe Americun War of Independ cnce In 1775 me GerEmmy 422mm war an Portugal in lhe First Vnrld War Murch 195 TODAY IN HISTORY timid flamlvmml fancy him night ha hullhl nl Elunum duh llrllclouu Inc Hear hq luxllllonll llnulmu mun meoun och Hm In vny much mnnu hur lUrh Fullmlllul Worldly llmwd with Inukllnu walrr rnm our dup Irhllnn walls at counu For du cllmlnnllng ml hm The Slmtoe Counly Heullh Unll wnl no exccpucn In Iuslerily prakrnm counly share HM Hullh Unit budget MI cut by per cm Sim Ilnrly Hm Cily blrrle Ihnro Mil cut necurdinlly Not only Uml lhc provlnclnl Ihlra wm cu likuwlic Thus the whole budget will he cut by his 11 per rent This um and he Ilnry lhu Health Unit or name lwclvu yonrl mu tn jnyrd Ilnanclul unilance ham mnmmninm Mal Imme lm MIN 2W Cull mm AkIOIIC mm Dear Sir Th Slmcae County Cauncll In their declslon to reduce the mill rule or county nxnllon purposes xnw III In reduu lhc budget of he various urvlm of the cgunly FORMOSA II the In drlvmg range em elm are open on Sundnyl and In sum cases it Is their buslesl day In nddillon lhe council runs Oro Park on lhe lake chlrglnx dollar cnr entrance and apcrnling concesslon In aha park Sunday It busiest ny more some Opcn Suame of which Am lxnamnl that Kermit lho Council and Ill hm uslnme ln 0m break the Lords Day Observancu Ac wllh lmpunily whilst am pm acultd or doing lhe name my Yam lalmfully Balls am Ihe owner and operator of Shanty nny Drivzln Theatre whlch ls Iocnlud ln Oro Town shlpl hnve short season In whlch to get return on lnrgo tapllal outlay themIan vltnl Ihnl am open on Sun days may do no malorlly nl he electors 0m vole ch or Sunday movies but 0m Councll reluse la hold this vote In Ihe summrr which In the only lime truly representnllvu vole can he obtnlned even II Am wllllng to pay the ms of he vale Why this dlscrlm lnallon ognlnsl my lhanlra when to llst only Iew huslnlues the Horseshoe anley Skl hdge Shnnly Bny pnyasyanplay golf course he Grocery More at Shnnly Bay 0m Hawkestone It 10 an lllghwny Dgar 751 ll wouldnt mutter ll ChmHe was scanndrel or tool whom lllx colleague avolded Uh he plague They would all over lhemselve tn lilt him all the crucifix II cabinet slnlwarl were In valved Ihey would publicly weep lél anyone cntlcize ona of tha party and he was met by wave of moral denial Km SILENT You list dkint say Anything about old Charlie it Charlie happened be government member Again you dont hear the out bursts ol rlghleous Indlgnallon which were Frost regime hall mark Indignallon was avnrllu weapon or the Fms house were deflnflcly shock Tnere Ismuch less political hurrah from Mr Roham chk benchers or tnsjanu my me Fran un they fire continually hawllnl dawn the opposition TORONTOAn observer the olher day noted um Premier Rabaru was trying to give the Image of huslnesl lovem ment Thls ls Inn at 135 Inasmuch as reflect change from the F135 regime Spring 11mm Md gums pm It Happens Every Spring LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Fighting With Gloves ForThe First Time 1131mm THEATRE By DON OHEARN HEALTH UNIT Your cry truly Garden Culdull Publlcky OmIrmnn Simccc County Donn of callh Your klndncsa Ir Ihl lcllur M11 be muc lalcd cluhllshlnl npprcc The lull Impact ml drasllc cut will not be lully loll unlll lhu all when he pmcnl level urvlccs wlll hnva bun rc duccd by name 40 pnr ccnl lha end mull In Ill lhls llml mvlce will be curxnllnd drastically because the prcsnnl sllll equlremenla cannot be malnlalned Over me years tho Simone County llenllh Unll has built up repulnllnn n1 hclng the most yrogrculve In In up rruach the problem pm lc henllh Thla rcpulnllon is known lhrnuzhoul the Province And even over he whnlc Dom lnion llhm pinncmd In many Held at andeuvonr not by dumnllc approach but by wund judgment bflfld on ex pcrlcncc The sad part of this aliunlion ls lhal slightly over so per cent cl lhu lnlnl budget of Ihe Health unit In needed In paying inr personnel and less than 10 per cent used for admlnlslmlon such as supplies rants post nge lclcphone clc Thus any cut back dlsnllaws in keeping of present personnel The admin lslrnllve cos remain conslnm and has been over the years ORDER YOUR IICKEIS NOW Eecnuse of Iha cut back his year the Board Henllh find lhal the base line no rnquira menls cannot he maintained and Ihus loses he inunclnl ax sistnnce has enjoyed for so many yam from Ihe Federal Government It estimated that over 3000000 Federal Grants In Ild have been re celvcd over those years rum VI in Inerde ll In him ImW1 um MM Munomsrmlmmbmummun In lulll IoIlI II mrlul MINIW Mann Im 134 In flulm mm sIumn qu mm 154 mm Mmuim lo Mum Irinwu Ivy MMWI can nm 154 Wm Mum ma My Ian Am in II In lull DID You fill NOW WhyTWIMIMVI Ihe Federal Government thmugh Nalinnnl lleallh Grants bnscd on the muney being nvallahle at the local level to be able to employ bust llnc stall to carry an mlnlmum program He hasnt even hnckuround in politics Such Robert Muc nulny whu desplle his urban polish sUll knows the iudu puncheLsv of poltlcfal hrawling In fin approach or the new premier Guess he Isnt so new now Ln Ixmllmn nun10mm mum Im mm Inky loll Hull NI mmnmumnuuxnmm IND HUNG IOAIIHO IIIIIL MIND comm All All llHllHl lvmmmu Vll II mu $UH6I1 In lulul Indium flow Mil IDIONYO Hr hasnt the grass roots buckzround of the Lalrd Lind say and of practically all of 0n Lnrlos olhpr premlers he Mr Robints bit Ivy League and has no root in lradllla HeVVVIxismnllml lonlv in the some but London his home c195 mgalle than Toronto 16lh ANNUAL CANADIAN NATIONAL SPURISMENS SHOW And when Mr Hobart gel lndlgnan ll usually In mlId tone and most often at same lhlng not concerned wllh person amisssuch as the way busi ness la galng In the House Brycme Appnoncn This execullvasuile approach could be planned or then again could be purely rcflectlnn ollhe premier himself and than pmhnbly go in and have drink with the man pointing the finger It was all polillcs Under the Robarls regime to dale at least the polltlcs hava M511 newstyle fliaqweeplfig towels havent appeared The PC benches nra rclnklyelx qulgl nilpummxl ml um annamnlmmpnAm mun mmmum mm mm DIHUIKOM MIAMI KN mlmcd ll lhu scnulionzl llmlnl In mm

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