WOUId Improve Shipyard Grant SAYS ANY LIBERAL CHANGE Caouette Will Loom If The Liberals Fail lle mcnlluncd nvu resignation mm the chfcnba ku cabinet in Hm past wccku and Iha dllunlly wllhln Social leil rnnkn Thu Libcrnl pur Ihc only an mm held lo whrr llnce lhu lnsl clcclian In lhu only one In maltlnn lo give Canada lho slum gav mxmnnl ll nudl Lnsl ycrnrimil quilu enough man went Inlu olcdlng Ln spent the Hrs 20 years of my life as Conservative so know lhcro In some hope or Conscrvallvu he quippcd Thnrcl myinx we have hnvn Consnrvnuve xovnrm mm ancc evcry gonnrnllon just lo 1nd aulwml Its like OI Simme Norm szressive Conservative candida Haber Smlm ML Plckeuxill said Hes Irlcnd mine and good Cunndlnn lhm Lt noth ing wrung with hlm nr even wilh hls party but there cer lalnly ls something wrong with hls lender John Dielcnbakcr The last five years have pmven lhat Many PC In Canada Ioday liku Dough Hnrkncsa an bd ler Canadluns Hum Conserva tives ML Ijlckgrsgill nddcd ML Snegmve 1mm New foundland know what ship pin About and he pmpla Ulla mnstilucncy muldnl ind butler mun Io press lheir case in the next govcmmnnl Mr Pickersgill lnslsled Ihe Liberal party want his subsidy lo canllnue But if Mr Caounlle gets another chance Io hold knile at the governments back he may dlr dd lhnl Colllngwbod snl lhe p159 or encouraging lhcsc 2km XNDWS SHIPPING The Progressive Conservative sllmulated shiphnildlng hm wilh subsidy pmmised In 1951 and granted In 1961 just before another election Mr Pickers gill sald INNISFIL 5mm COLLINGWOOD Slain Un less the Liberal party win at least 13 more seals inlhe April election Canadians may find themselves saddled with another minority government dominat ed by Social Credit slmngman Rani Caouelie warned Pickarszili former Liberal min isler ni immigration and cili zenship lie was speaking at Liberal raiiy hm In support oi Simme North candidate Ralph Sncigmvc It was held al Coi iingwood District Colicxiuie in slllule Prolonged applause mm his 850 listeners greeted this stum ment There is feeling ing around this part at the rid ing that the subsidy would be out oi ii Ralph Snellzrove is elected That Ls not tune would resign ii it ever cum in that hir Snelgrove said All slgns point to Liberal win April be continued COLLINGWOOD Siam have assurance from my party that the shipymi subsidy here will not be disturbed unless it can be improved Simone North Liberal candldaia Ralph Snelgmve told an audience the Coilingwood District Colic giale lnsiiiule last night PICKERSGILL FEARS To conform Va Ihl hand Induflry your COOP wlll provide FREE To ALL our mldumlnl lurmu all unlomcu All work II uncondlilonllly gun SPECIAL All work In den by our own qunlllod nrvlco Inchnkllm 14 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE FREE CLEANOUT of your lurnuo Innullly FREE SERVICE CALLS lhroughou Ihc your You ply only lor REPLACEMENT PARTS LOOK AFTER ALL OF YOUR co op HEATING NEEDS Simcoe District ooperalive Services IT WILL PAY YOU TO HAVE THE ZENIIH Bv6000 4N 0v Town Cvmmcrl Call PHONE PA 6653 COOD Mr Kennrdy said that Prav Incinl Police Constable Nail Chaddock wound lmck com Im an In Highway 11 mm In On mnccsslon around onu oclork on he morning Jam Whlln on manna check his mm somo 01 he umlluro In the truck Comlnhle AI lMshmm afl ccr tho OPP Invcsuunlnx lcnm mud hnl one of the Marie old In Constable mm dock was that French pcrwn had loo much lumlluro and gun It In lhcm lo lako awry Shorfly nlter Constable Chad dock Md nomi lhe Iurnllum Assistant Crown Aflorney Wil Ham Kcnmiy asmimed lho dmrgcs agnlnst Mr Ullvlull who pleaded not gullly and nskcd mm the evidence mud or Inc first chum lpply In In mend chnrga Lamber Uiivlugi 23 oi nn Muirkirk and his bmlhcr Tho max 26 were dmrzed niong with their father Herman oi brcnking nnd mining twn col tune in On Tuwnship on Jun 27 and stealing iumilure Na men were remanded one week In custody by Magistrnln IL Faster yesterday alter he hcnrd evidence on two char ges breaking and enminz and lhefl en admlls hes been hopeless fuilura Ihal hes done nothing only because lhe Liberals wouldnt me Are we going to give Mm our more yuan Io do nothing Mr Pngrsgill askpfi He has no lng left but the senators All the ministers have let hlm except good old Alvin Hamlllon lhe man with the VI sion hlcly it sound 10 hel still having visions llOPELESS FAILURE eral government he contended 1h avoid repetition April he urged al party supporters In the riding to promote the le eral cause among their friends and neighbours Vows no good lnlenlions win elections he reminded them With Mr Snelzrove on tha platform was guest speaker Plekersglll who spoke nn Mr Snelgmves behalf other Included lwo Ller pandldalu from nurby tidings Arthur Harrison North Grey and The subsldyls no hand out We must keep shlpbulld lng skills allve Ils belle lo have these craftsmen worklng payan lam paying lnlo Ihe Uncmplaymenl Insurance Md than to have them holes Mr Snellrovc palnled out NOT IIANDOUT nnly makes sense dial the man you elect should be member of he paw In power Remand Brothers On Two Charges Tall hm NEWS BULLETIN BARRIE Mr chk noted lhal Ihn two hmlhm worked as truck driving team near Chalhnm and lhnl their lraclor unit caught llre on Dec 21 This put them lnla consldcrahlu lin nnclfl dimculllu said Mr Dick and as lusl men they lurpod lo than Ha lndlcnted lhnl he manner In whldu the cottage were rob bed dcmonsunlcd Um no mnli tloul hum ncmmpnnlcd lho lbcfll 1th men wcru found nullly And Mailslrnln Foster remand cd them or wcck or pro Icnlcnce rmfl Mr chk cnmmcndui Auspendcd mm mm Delcnce Inr Ihe two men Dick presmud no evid ence or his case but gave what consider pmbnbln mn sons for Ill he said and the truck Mr Kennedy slated Ihnl the two apparently not cold Ice and dumped Iheir load lumiturc In creek bed ncnr Chnthnm According lo evidence read the collage were entered by body weight appllcd on the door Thu colugcs has Walter Dcvmo and Mr John son In about 150 mm apart Lesier Pearson as prime Minister could restore confi dence In Canada with other na iions Mr Pickrrsgill said inera was no Ialk oi Canada being puppet or another Guatemnia when Mr Pearson was our minister oi exiemai ai iairs flla Prime Minister doesnt have behave like Casim lnpmve Canada is not The minister with me weak hurts are leaving Mr Dieten baker Only Ula one with the weak head are staying Are hese lh kind men we want to lead our government he asked Here In Ontario wt for chlenhnker vote for Ca oueue Switching to nauona cnm palgn Issues Mr Snelgmvo and Canada basically two party country In need of strong opposlllan and vafly in power with workable mai ly The Ias minority unvemment Whldl fell lnfebruary led to uomplee paralysls Mr Snel zmva contended nun on lnaw Reeve Me McKean welcomed the special guests and those In um audience nar dmlarly those mm out lawn vlcipresldent 31 the Simcae Norih learal Assodallmn Goll Huvey 5mm Dullerinslm 39 Anne St NOW LINES Chnlrrqgn wq Jim wright PA 61444 PA 61445 PA 61446 Barrie Welding TO SERVE YOU MXMA Ind Muchlnu nomburii bcmacri Mlcr spending 12 yuan In South Amcrlcn ha and hl nmlly returned In Barrio whom until his Intn ha was manager 01 Oxsdcnl Phnrmncy on Dunlap mch In 1942 he unlined In the Cnnndlnn Army and was sent to Prince George 110 and ran sferred to he Medical Corps In 1944 he was sent to England when he aunincd the rank Sergeant Mnjqr He munnod lo Toronto In 19 and graduated mm In Facully of Pharmacy at lhu University or Tumnln He was employed by Charles qul and Com pany In 1907 In Mnnhul and was seat In Dogma Colomb la In South America as pro ducllon manager or new phar mnccullcal laboralory of the ï¬rm The funeral urvlcu wnl hcld Jonnclla Funernl name Hut 113 lnhu prlnu will be In law Ham In Barrie he lived In Allnndnlcand mended KM Ed wnni PubIIc School and Cenlral CoIIchaIe Ila received hl ap pmnllccshlp wIlII mey In Allnndnle and with Charles qughz In I1urrIc He is survived by his wife Mrs Nellie Fleld of RE Let lloy and son Harold Car paï¬hln Road Winnipel Mani la Funeral service was held for Elhrldge John wmon 45 who died at the Princess Margaret Hospllal In Toronlo He survived by wile Riln two sons Ricky 11 and Charles daughter Susan 10 mi his brother Kenneth of 1m Mldhmsl Is also survived by Ms father John Henna Wllhm He was predeceased by hl mother Ednn Alberta Wilton He was member mu Ang lican church to run backwml to catch up with himself and thats how Social Credit operalesno un employment insurance no mo tlms allowances or any other saclnl securityis their motto He said the Liberals need the Simeoe And Grey county rlding in help Liberal leader Lester Pearson arm the next cavem ment luncml service for Francis Ernest Field 71 of RR Le my whn died at his home was held at Jennell Funeral Home Burial was In St Pauls Corn alcry Born In Hampton Eveshnm England Mr Field was mar rled in Evesham Worcesler shire the former Nellie Lammnn in 1917 the Canadian dollar Rafting proving that the rest the wdrld eels were unstable Ita woxse than having tha Emmy money boy take over N0 IMPACT Thu New ngocratic Party and Soan Crzdil have always been minority parties whlcth 30 year at trying havent made nailonal Impact Mr Snel zmve compared Soda Credit as the Barry GoldwaQer of Ca nada In the exuemes duh wlnx preaching They say Parry polgwalgr Iled have OBITUARY WILTON FIELD Barrio TanninWesley wood 50 master of mm or Onlurla Nlmu 1hr Bahmu Vil iinm Henry Durrnu 59 Munb ml mining cxcculivo nnd or met president or the Canndinn Insiiluie Mining and Metal Iurpy Ollnwn Frederick Milli all GI oxeculivc vlceprcsidnn of Frcimun Llimled de partment 51m Once again the annual cuslorn of having Monday service at Trinity Is being repealed The services are hcid an Friday at 1230 and last approximately 20 minutes Before and afterward light lunch is served in the Parish Hall or 50 cents The ï¬rst service begun with the Rev Don Chmchar Cold wnler Rural Dean of Slmcoc East mnd3c1ngth medllallm Today Iiiv Dyii of St Georges Allnndnlc was me 313 Trinity Holds Lenten Services 11y THE CANADIAN PRESS RALPH SNELGROVE lull and Mn Snelgrovu lnlk over the Issues of tho day with the Hon John Pickersgill Lib era member or the New Ioundland riding of Bannvistn Twillingnte Mr Pickersgill DEATHS Marsh MM nnd dircclor He said lhn ï¬rst business of Libnrnl Kovcrnment wuuld be In rcslum confidence in Induser and business The xccond would be In lnlnnslfy mlnlng or he unemploy merit Mr Pickersgili said it Liberais term the gavérnmcnt there would probably be nn drastic change ior two to three months But he said he thought there wouid be improvement ii the Liberal government gm 11 majority vote There might be it the Progressive Conserva lives got majority Mri Pick ersgillsnid Mr Plckcmglll Id leurnl government would deal wllh um sllununn by long term mens uru 111m would be based on lhrcc mqln polnlx Asked he voters were becoming disenchumed by rush promises and It werent Incl that the party lenders leernb nnd Conservatives wars awnm of mi feeling Mr Pickersglll said done Ihluk Mr Dlelenbaker feel that way and dont know of any rash prnmls Canadas main problem lodny 15 lhnl there are more than hall milllnn unemployed Hon John Plukersglll old press conference here yesterday prior his 14111 In Colllggwood Mr Pickerszl sn cy nu nlng to ï¬nd jobs and they the Conservatives say That normal for his time Ihe yuan spoke ln gupppn 01 Mr Snel nixave LibelIsl candidate for Simeoe North at rally Todays Problem Is Unemployment Says Pickersgill rxdvllnnlly wn would cs DOW MAKES IT BETTER BETTER MAKE IT DOW Mr Plekcrsgm said hodidnl think so blame Dielenbak er for lot things but not Ihls making he people law he said He emphasized bellow we have have in Canada shipbuilding Industry and shlpplng industry And dnnt think my gnvemmcni would be so ioollsh to undo nnyihlnx um belng done now In mnn Ialn shlpbulldlnz or to maln Inln employment the ship yum unlll something balkr Coming back to 1h umm played Mr Pickmgill snld In 195657 Ihey the pcoplc look jobs Have they slncu be mmc lazy because he Prlme Minister is Mn Dielenhnkm he asked Asked what mm LIbcrnI nownuncnt would hnvu on the Colllngwnod shlphulIdIng Indus try Mr PIckcrsgiIl snld nm from Newfoundland where ship buIIdIng and shIpping play an Important purl In lhe economy and am pnrllmlarlylnlemlcd In Lhe CaIlInzwood shipbuIIdInz Ingyst lnhllsh loan fund on large Stile he said There must he good pm pect ol gelling the money hack he Added It is assumed low Interest rate SHIPPING IMPORTANT Hnsnhi lo mumdpal fund proch must be approved by tthIovlnclnl gomnmenla Thursday night In heComing wood District Collegiate Inw um Examiner Photo Askch it rifbefléud we zmz HARRIS EXAMINERl FRIDAY MARCH 31963 must orcgo more Mara lex lslation to perm Canada to build her economy Mr Pick ersgill said No But do think he most urgent ask is lo get the economy expanding The Um first priority er adopting the minutes 01 the regular meeting Febru ary 25 and no special mcellng or March council will re ceive dcputallnns Tho lollowlng mmmunlcnllons wlll be prcsenled card of thunk mm Mrs Peter McAus Ian letter Iram the Depart ment nl Land and Forests Cunscrvnllon Aulhurlllex Branch rexnrdlnu lleod contml meas ures loner mm the Bell Telephone Company Canada requesllng permlsslon to cred outdoor booth on downtown sixeels letter from the Geor gian Bny Development Assocl ntlon about stnlllng ol Spam mcn Show boolh request from the Glrl GuldesflAssocla tlon to hold parade poll on Item the north route on runs for exlemllng bus servlce and letter from lhe Burrla Sknllng Club regurdlng advcr llslng ln llsflprogmrp Acmunls will be presented for approval Three bylaw wll come or him rqading They are byfaw to amend Ira lic bylaw No 2251 to authorize me exchange 01 land between the Darrle Public Ulllans Com misslon and the Corporation ha Cily Barrie and pm vde or the 1m expenditure an roads and streets In he City Barrie PLANS ANGLING CENTRE RINGWOOD England CF An anonymous woman hBl bought Avnn Castle Hampshire and plans to turn It nto an nuglm centre Some the 49 room wlll be sold us apart ments with salmon tlshlni rtghts rekulnr mcem City Council will day In the Counc begijninut p113 The councll will also rccelvo reports of standing committee an fire and trunk public wnrkx clly development and Human After motion dealing with wmmunicntlons lhe council will discuss deferred business and report at tho Finance Cammlncc Many Letters For Council On Monday lnlinl And Ibolh db lmhchuPuu noth Kldnuy Pill Dodh ume lb lldnm la HI lhll tnndilion whkh my on mm huh uhl Ind ind lulinl Thu ylu In Mm ml him ml bum Ga Doddn Kidnu Pill mw ml In Iho vih If Youre TIRED All IHE TIME hm uny nu nd In meeting of Banla will he held Mon Councll Chambers SE