Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 8 Mar 1963, p. 16

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Only once in the Bible doe Christ tell someone tu sell ev erything he in and give it to the pour Tlmt occur in the in cident oi the rich young man described by Mark 0174 Matthew 193530 and Luke 181330 Thl young man seemed to have all the require ments lor line Christian lie apparently lived an exemplary mural life and was deeply con cerned about becoming an even better Christian furthermore Jesus loved him stood belween him and iuil surrender to God 4m wenlih This is one oi thn saddest incidcnis in lhe Bible for it is evident that even with all his promise the young man could no ime himself to do wig phrisl asked oi him Christhrfidihl ollowers are now on their way to Jerusalem The preciunsnoss child is nowhere painted up morn drn mntlcniiy than In Mark nousm Our great responsibility par ents to preserve and strengthen the purity lnith and lovingness ul child ls made clear or to such belongs the kingdom God in adult must welcoma God as child wnuld without reservation ln lllis manor and In the nne allowing concerning children Christ ls deallnu wlm human everyday pmblems Chrlsflan fly is more lhan lheuloglcal phl losophy it ls pmcllcal behav 1m ll wns there that the legal minded Phariues to test Him asked Christ whether or not dl voree was legal Jesus replied that whatever legal sanction was given this by Moses such provision was only because oi the hardness of thelr hearts ior lrom the beginning oi crea tion God designed that man and woman should leave all their former ties it necessary lo clenve to one another in mar tinge holy unityi Divorce He tells His disciples constitutes adultery except when lhc part ner has already committed adultery see Matthew 1M Scrlpluraerk 10 IV SPEER JONES As we continue our study oi Marks narrative we ind nub selves journeying with Christ in pari ol Palestine east of the Jordan known as Peraea Christ Revedls Value Of Child greaierl sacrifice brings the greatest glow Later Ihesu wo did indeed drink lhe cup they uiiered lo drinkJames was kilibd with Herods sword and John was deported to tha crim inaI selliemcnl on Palm ior long iiie oi suiierinl patiently lo Int them know that smh honor does not com except through lhe hind bnpusm degth He Emmi um mtmnnlumnym mmmthmm In the midst this prcdle non of Christs lncalculable sellalvlnz service In man we of those closest lo HimJame and Johnintrude note of complete nnlflheslvlhe height selfish vnnlly They ask to be given the greatest places of hugng Cglrlslx glory Just heiore they mach Jer icho Jesus all Hi disciple once more what is going to happen to Him in ienlsaiem and this third prediction in tha most detailed prediction iia ever make at this Matthew 2019 even records Jesus apa ciiic mention at crucifixion as the means oi His death Christ knew there was no way to ra deem men imm their sin but through His suiiedng and death one at many groups headed to ward that center celebrate the Passover Jesus nttended only one other Passover during III ministry the other two He did not attend The Son 01 man alto came nul In In urved but In um um Io Iva HI Illa union for many erk 1045 aoynnN TEXT The ale behind this bald gold label cant be matched for flavour Prove it for yourself pour yourself Bed Cap Aletoday Sunday ng Stroud Inm medlnlcs played wlth Cooks town In has two out of three series Slroud winning 70 Much cmdiH due to Slrnud goalio Freddle Greenland who had nn Gnals were scored other shutout INTERMEDIATES Mr and Mrs Grover Now mnnJunes and family have moved from he villaga Into lhe hnuse formerly owned by Jack Stephens who moved recently to Barrie llgnnnassm movsn ees went in Beaten Monday night to piny the last game out or series with Cookslawn Siroud won 10Gonis were scored by Keith Robinson Ross Slnrk and David Jackson This win entitles the team lo 30 to me NHL lournnmem inCanninginn soon MrfandMu Jackson have just returned mm trip home In England sgnoup HOCKEY Mr and Mrs Eric Jncksnn Blg Bay Pulnl spanhe week end wllh his brother In Frnvl dance Rhode Island travelling m5 mllcs Over night tables players were out in this weekly cuchre In the hall his week Winners were Phylls Boyd Mm Enr hnrn Park and Vera Nelson men Marlin Angus Dave and Blfl Johnson Si Pauls Orc as re went in Baxter Saturday evening to put on grimam Participating were Bo Cownn as soloist ne compunled by Mrsu Cownn Mr and MM Burl Mnlhallnnd and Bill playing old time music our little girls Karen Lynn and Debbie Webb and Anne Eoolh with several lap dance numbers Lloyd Booth Cornet solo and Mervin Booth Bass solo piano duet by Mrs Fitz Simmons and Mrsi Melvin Booth Jack Webster was Mn ler oi Cemmonies and did his comedy not ALL BQARD EUCJIRE sr Pgiyqs 93¢er Gonllnued lrnm page fifteen hers gathered Strand Corn munny Hall or pat luck sup per program or tongs ac cordion solos ducts andquar letle with Herb Shannon ns Master at ceremonies was stal ed allowed by talk from Rcv John Morris of Toronto farmer mlnlslar here STROUD RED CAP Mrs iiurlcr was hostess tn the Wamcns instilutei St John ambulance course will be held March at pm at the filth line schaul Mrs William in grnms program was enjoyed with Mrs Bridger reading on progress and Mrs Stephens gving constructive lniki singing mnlcst was won by Mrs Reid Euchre will be held Monday night The March meeting will bu held at Mm Ed Jacksons homc Congratulallun go In Doreen Hunlnr who wan lmphy which she holds for me year with score 01 2990 out 300 the annual skl championship held at Snow Valley during the weekend Dureen and her dad Craig are very and skllnl The mm meeting of the Slde Sew and Saws was held this week Roll call was 01 new paint have luunled about cutting on and marking garment It was answered by seven 4H members Mr Hunter discussed the up cation lhe waistband The ll 11 stitch was dtmonstrnled by Doreen Huntcr Work qantlnued on their garments CQNGRATULAHONS Mr and Mrs James Leonard and Mr and Mrs Peter Ran dull vlslled Mr and Mn Harry Randall Wesmlll called on Fred Leonnrds Lenslde nay attended he Angllcan church scrvlce at Dunhmon where Rev Smylll In charge MrSmyth was former mln lslcr St Pauls and St Peters Churchill Ill CLUB Strand Juveniles played alt Thundny night In best two out three series winnlru 54 Goals were acorcd by Fraud mm Blll Mulhalland Mulhal and mm Franck Mulhol land from Murphy Wnyne Feb Euson unassisted and Mulhol lnnd ram Frallck Thu next game come Thursday evening It Thornton Slmud vs Ivy by 5mmth from Vernon Ayres Smurlhvmlle Irnm Dun can Campbell Murray Amal from Duncan John Smurth walla from Wayne Aym Dunc Campbell mm Murray Wayne Aym mm Smunhwalte and Duncan lrom Mumy Amus SKRDUD JUVENILES By ALLAH LEFROY servaklans the approximate path was plotted by Dr Heard director of the observatory and head of the department of aslmnomy The March 12d Io lhe Parry Sound area about 125 miles northwest Taxunto Bu unlfl PL0ED mm When the Manitouwahlng me eorItonamed or the Nnnhem Ontario lake near which It was loundvcll mm outer apnea about 13 can ago It traced pnlh of re mm Windsor to Parry Sound Reports of the meteor pburzd Into Toronto Universitys David Dunlap Observatory They regard lhe Wmmd hunk of nickel and Iran as lanlasflc stroke of luck To the layman Its small lnslgnllh cant nleca of rock only 11 Inches by nine by six But of Canndns 25 discnv ered meteorites only Iva have been heavier Today the melteon In Iha eager hands of scientlm at the universitys geological uiencu department And but for chance find by span241mg prospeckor 51 fist might hnva miss once 1n lifetime op ponunlly to learn more About earth and distant planets Despr It bHHIAnce and he numerous reports that poured Into the University at Torontos nbservalofi meteorlte fly outed rt of sclenllflc searchers M97 716511311 fumedEm the skill of southern Ontario and disappeared Meteqrite Clue To Outer Spdce Late ln McKlNNON FURS Lid 11 Dunlop St lADIES You Mn Do Beltcr FINE FURS For 0f the five meteorle heav ler than the Manltouwabing specimen found In Canada the heaviest 368pound glen from So tar two small camera have been cut off the meteorite or chcmlcal and mum analy sis They shuw crystalllna slmclure common to meteorites bnl which has never been found nuywhere on earth the only mid evidence man has from outer space mel eorites are of great Important to astronomers To geologists they zlve dues to the slmctnre of earth or most scientist be Have meteorite are fragments of another planetary body which orbited between Mar Iand Jupiter mljllonl of yean no mg yNgnuz sgnucrvnz Profuse Peach and Barman of the university heard of the discovery and with theheln at Prat Lanz tord head the department bought the prize with fluid do nated by an all company On an nldmck pile he mind Ilranze rusty lpecImen when he Irled to 11 It he realized hh flndwas unusual last fall no tract of tha meleqr lle was found Then Fhmp Jnhnson Parry Sound furniture maker and sparetime prospector visited piece 01 land he 1m workad 1n the Jam 40 SIMCOE MdronsLu RAYS BODY SHOP rum 55 Specializing In BODY WORK or MECHANICAL SERVICE Alberta la owned by Vlclorla College Unlvcrslly of Toronto am on display lha Royal Ontarlo Museum Mast Canadlan meleurlte welgh less than 10 pound and havayheen lound as small as hall an ounce Gian meteorites like theme which belleved to have formed the twwmlle wide New Quebec Chubb Cra ter la Unnva explode on 1111 pact Id THE BARRIE WALKERS New Spring MlMory mm 108 Good taste 111 aShion need not be Expensive 2998 50 DUNLOP 51 EAST PA 6021i EXAMINER FRIDAY MAE BI MANY GROW WHEAT There are approximately 000 wheat producer ln Ontario CHIEF KEEPS HOUSE LEVIN New Inland CF Levlna fire chle Trans makes the beds of the three memen every morning clean their rooms and washes dawn the kitchen By tradition lha fire chief here also zeta the Job caretaker Ike station THE WALKER GIRL SAYS

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