Im rum an ma IMERvaYmï¬Ã© Elll Robertson of Orlllln span the weekend with Laurence Dayglus Jun 11123 per rurhul Irrl DO IT NOW SALE SPECIAL JohnsMnnvmo No WAIT FOR SPRING Aï¬cuchrc party will be held The Minn To SeeYflll For HOME MODERNIZING BALL MODERNIZING By MRS ARMSTRONG PROGRESSIVE FLOOR SERVICE Bllko 51 PA 391 Cemnlc nnd Vlnyl Mosul Floor Wall Tile Vc ulsn carry complete snlccllon bathroom Ix lures 48 ANNE ST Ceramic Floor Wall Tile home remodelling project today demands the services of specialist whose services include estimating planning and financing The quality ma terials installed by capable tradesmen from Ball Planing Mill ensure the home owner complete satisfaction in every detail Our record of service for 107 years is one that we will maintain for you lorne Carruihers CEILING TILES free alJ This new NUT JUST llllMF NOT THICK nnllllnn Mud Full 3i Dnuhlo Cull Mll LOOK TO US FOR THE KIND OF FRIENDLY EXPERT SERVICE THAT HAS BUILT OUR REPUTATION OAKLEY Lorne is widely known throughout the County He is ubiu to devote wealth of experience In your remodelling ideas iii is capable estimating pm jccts from rccroatinn rooms to arm buildings 3w successful service offered by Hall Planlng Mill provides complete home estimating for all your remodelling and repnlrlng needs FREE ATHOME ESTIMATES NO OBLIGATION Call lIs Today DIVISION OF BALL PLANING MILL CO LTD PA 39867 xqunru mu Nu Ulmon Ounllv Buildr um florlrnm Mr and Mrs Ingram Amos motored to Tomnm last Sunday Ricifllieard of Mellon and Mr and Mrs Bob Beard Janalts were vlallora with Mr and Mrs Rlx Beard ML and Mrs Orvllle Arm slrong and daughter Cheryl Ann nnd Johnslune vlslled Mrs Charles Bull and Mr and Mrs Hurry Armstrong 01 orillln Next church sixvice In Carley school will be held March 17 Mn Rcv Fraplg Hobbs at 27305m Rev Frank Hobbs of Hill ale is the minister in MOUNT ST LOUIS In Carley school house Saturday evening 830 pm under the nusplccs the Carley Vomcnls lnslltule By MM FRAWLEY lTD 429 BLAKE ST mun 60254 4x8 550 4x7 480 Bummu Slapping SERVICES BERTRHM BROTHERS SPECIALS HNIMHEII MASONITH Ind AfllTlm WAllBOARD nh Ind Curry lrluI Tun DOlTNOW 4x8 550 4x8 4x7 480 515 Mlchul and Tony King at lcnded the meeting and gave their respective speeches The February meeting ol the St Iaul Councll Cathollc Vo mens League was held at the parish house Plans were mud to have tickets printed Cami Tinney Elva Pddham and Michael Klng hnvu been practicing with ll mrai chair with Mrs Seill supervision Last Wednesday afternoon ihe songs were taped by CBC Ton onto technicians and ihey will he heard over CBL March 13 lull um your lrou Produdl Jack King Toronto spent the weekend at his home hare Mrs John Yates who celcbrul ed her umh birthday number from his cum munlly allended the Slmwe Ens Liberal nomination in Or Illia to Iflend lhe blrlhdayparty or PA 60902 antrd loo ANSWER ii II the npplicn lion oi mnny coats of shuilnc so xrcnuy thinned wlin alcohol that it mm in be Ilille morn lhnn wnler Very lhln coals oi this ihlnncd shellac are applied with pccini huiicr and well rubbed in ilnu sheen ll av enlunlly produced The iinnl ln uch is very light mblrlnx with alcohol long and indlous Jab but this mulls are very ilnc POO BUCKLE QUESTION have an aver hend garage door mnde ply wood The pllu are Alnrllmz lo buckle Haw can lrcnl lhls QUESTION large heavy aala wlth casters made sllght dent and dark mm in the floor We am now hnvlng tha floor rcllnlshed cnmpletely want to prevent this type 01 damage possible ANSWER wlde assortment styles altcs nnd klnd nl cups nr rests to be placed un der the casters or chnlr leg ls Ivnllable nt variety hurdw re and housewares stores dlxtribute the welght at urnlt ure over slightly wlder area decrcnslng the possihlllty ol dents lrom concentrated pm Iure at one polnt FRENCH PflLlSlllNG QUESTlON What ls French pollshlng CASTEIL DAMAGE FIRST HID FOR THE HOME By ROGER WHITMAN ANSWER lhc buckling ls due lo the penclmtlon or muls lure All edges and surfaces the door should be sealed not only the nulsldu surface Clean all unpainted unsealed surlnces lo remove any grease coal gr ln clc by wlplng wilh steel wool and lurpcnllne Then apply any lop qualily vnrnlsh or hpuw palnldnnl overlook the top dze of the doorl RECEDAIHZING CLOSET QUESTION We have rather old cedar close In our guest room The cedar odor has dlsappcnrcd low can In odor be rencwcdl door to slop this wualhcring The nulslde has house palm on it Inside uygulnlcd For qunllly mm sum mi mod work Rum qu prlcu cull 1117 111 SPROULE MASONRY CONTRACTOR lrn Elllmnlu PA 60966 147 SYEEL ST III Aulll You In Planning Your Rnrnllan Room Wllh Produm l27 BRADFORD STREET 4U ANNE STREET SOUTH Whon Plnnnlng Your Rocrullon Room wllh uII Ink About Produm 49 ESSA ROAD Mum Dnlgnod Rocrullon Room Becki and PV Praduch Anllabll Nhlllhld by CANADIAN mluf PRODUCT MASYEflDESIGNID RECREATION ROOMS Bulldlna or umodnlllnzl Dont do Ihlng lll you no mass two new PVpanals now your hulldlng supply dealar Dlscnvar haw haautilul ydur walls can be In vlch Ixollc Teak Woodmln March hum with new Gnldanlonu Squaralax for the parka wallnnd¢alllnz combination Eolh panel In aenulna allwood PV Hnrdboard pmllnlshed to save you tlrne Ind money AllANDAlE UMBER FUEL llMITED THORNlEA CASH CARRY UMBER The Perfect Pair for any home BAll PlANING Mlll C0 llMlTED BEAVER UMBER COMPANY lTD AT BLAKE PM Pradutll Au AvIlnblo This finelydesigned pans In splnxlad gold on porcelalrwlhlta background adds life to warhead mu yak ls mkralned and unobtrusive Julnh and mining am lost In the mm mm pauom No messyavuhaud palnunz Available In panell wlul choice 12 or 16 boldrollel square pallun Stundnrd Builders Blueprint or this design Nor no cost 31500 for the iirst set and $500 lor nddilionnl sets They an avail able in Canada by return mail Ontario residents must remit sales lax Now available at this Newspaper allies nr lrom address below ls the New 1962 design book enlitlcd Cnn adian Guide to Home Planning and Dcslgn price $100 and is tax free This new edition in eludes information on Financing in Cnnnda Building Construc lion Details Landscaping Color Selection interior Decorating Furniture Arrangement Cuslnm Designing etc plus over 100 popular and new designs in choose lrom Also included in his book are tun details 0n haw to order biueprian an Innu un the Is It mper unit pmvldes accommodations and shopld be easy to rent Allnw ance has been made for ample skurage space in the upprr unit Construction ls Brick Veneer wuh venicnl board acccnl llhlwuse could he built on 50 land 11 ml mts ucluully two Inmin unit which will help pay for ltsell Firs sWry Is two bedroom plan ll has two front entrance one snrvlp Hum unit the other com unly gunk Service onl rum pug hu uniu Theres 10 THE Imam nxAmmuu up MAch 1m EXAMINER HOME THF WEEK Yar PV flfllDENTflNE SQUARETEX BARRIE BARRIE BARRIE boauiiiui ihemu mom with lloar plans cullan dlumms tompluios mic 116 ldoupncknd pages each 14 11 Thu groainsi homo idun book ovur published $300 per copy wnrih much mom has Hue star uchmlly ll your Building Supply Dom SARJEANT C0 PA 82461 THE ClemhumlngSunawH mom nmllcll your anlpmln Innlu In manly bvtndld sonny my mum ecnnummllhoml hlllm Call lor Sunm my V1 SUNUGU noun run THE Lona nun HEATING all PA 09711 PA PA MS PA assal