Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 7 Mar 1963, p. 2

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In hum Dflhm lhMIIVI Ann rmAl rimm ly run my Ali Alllmlmum 1mm Mlu Mul mun ml N5 mu Tvl mm 4mm mm mm 11mm mu mm It mun Mannu up um mm 91 II ran um um Ill Im nu Thrcu rlnxm Chllllnn from Mllkrrsl Public School mired Tho llurrio Examiner ulrnlny TIM5r lllldrfll IT tin He wants counly police Iorccs set up to ruplace small munici pal areas and fill gaps in lown ship coverage where there are no conlracls hcvrcen hc loun ships and he provincial police In January he submitted lengthy lhcsls lo SimCOE County Conn plainng his vim tow years ago chr lung career in dif fc nches police vork He and one council member were authorized to represent Elmvalc at ccnlurvnce called by Ihc Ontario Police Cammis sinn deal vxilh municipal pm licing problems is to be held Mnrchlzl in Tammo ELMVAKH ISmIH Clerk Harold Nash gained golden npparlunily mm Council Wed ncsday night to press for police reforms he has championed or 253cnrs Jan Golden newcomer to the cast Spring Thaw Iim bcrs up with Alan Lund chur Council Supports Policing Scheme Council alsn rchncd comes IN Ilvl Mrmm an mmmn 57 mm Mlnnlll NIM ll mum Mun 1mm nvl Mon 1le null lmma mm you Tum Im4 Inll my um rr an vnnln nky all TODAYS STOCK PRICES umpllrd by lmwum Nun hum Awuun Mummy up null uInn mum up Iin FIND PRESS CAMERA INTERESTING InJ ArmI lul ma mml In mm mm mkr mu Mun In hm rmqu llnm slum hum mu Iuw In rum In Mum um on ml um th Tunm mr lmlluH um Am Drum mmn IL nun LIMBEBS FOR SPRING THAW lennM MINan lnn mind In rpm umphlr gru rrally rrlrrml In pl41 rmnnn quilt lncrrslhm Thu rhllllrrn vmo shown Hm AITRACTED TALENT Charles Dickens Shaw and Lenin studied in the circular reading roam oi the British Mu seum and Karl Man wrote Du Kapiml htre Policing should he rclnuvcd from the municipal level in small communities lo cut it all from politics added councillor ll Lynn Also right nuw chairmen of munic ul polico mmmillecs ncul higher nu lhorily lo consult for advice an problems as they crop up and members last night agreed with Mr Nashs views Munim ipnl policing in lhn province is illknit and lncilicicm Dri Iachcll finance chairman said The Dnly saving grace so far is he comparative lack of crime Things wnnt always he that way cographcr for Ihe show whiIn Belly Robertson making her third appearance in the rnvue Im Mn IN am my Nu mm Novmm Nunmul mm nmhh rum mpmm rum NH mm Iannu mun um 1mm ml WHIva wmn Nnumn Nun tlvvl Nll Mm Imp mm um NI mm mm ml slnwm mu nunn mu 1le 7m Tm TIM hum in All muv Mu ml nu ll Mu on In 1M Nu mun pm mmnunml MIKE FAIII I7FlMNIl lvl ll vlvliul Nxlnl mlll AImcIm llnn Pm me In marlin II In Ilrc Ir ummlfll rlunro um unalllmnu In lnnl Townhip um Xher Mud muly nwmlm will IM nml nn nqwu pm Minna Mr lam Id Dullrrlnflimum 3min mhl vhtlnlo mel ummlnl will nl ml IIprll lllNUnl ll Tummy 1an lnnnhL lnwlrnl 1me Inc4m Iohl up phnml MI mmu nml umlillml wilh lhI Irrlmnm mnr Mrl wvnkmn urns Mllkhcll 5mm runuumu Mr Hm lnr unlultulmzmn lhlnm and 1le lurmc rallllldaln lur Mmm Aulh lurnumlililm mnnmllrr wul Ir up lur lhl rlcdlon um lrll MIMI my Im hold Tur liny 11w Ynum lllrrnl Amclm lith ll Lurli hIM mrcllmz Ill Hm Muml puny rmumilleu muluu nu olhcr mm lnl lIIIIM Socreds To Hear Lloyd Cumming FUMIHIWII npcmllnn from mlvnllsinu mu nlllnrhl lo Um IUIIMIM n1 Um prcu lIxnmlm rr llmlnl Young Liberals Form Committee Evurycno between Ihv ages and 65 can give blood with cw exceptions Penplc who have had jaundice malaria tn hurculusis recent heart con dition may not donate Neither may those whn have recently had pneumonia an operation baby within nine months or if the haemoglobin is below 85 do not have donate blood cmlc was held on Dec 11 and he quota of 300 pulls for lhq year was reached Twelve service club In Ear ric hnve begun in solicit blood danurs or the Red Cross Blood Dannr Clinic be held Monday in Trinin Parish Hall 130 lo aim and 530 Mrs MacLaren In charm of the Bland Dunar Clinic said trophy is presented each year lo the club producing the best rcsulls The Rotary Club won lug yum lurk is Blood Clinic Is On Monday looks on Spring Thaw 1963 edition will be presented at North Collegiate this evening 930 Maanrcn sald today wide open and people In be solicited to luenlt Tempeulum onllhl hllh PM Wmdwr 25 SI 1mm 20 lmnlun Kllrhencr 20 Mounl Pom 15 Vlnzhlm I5 llnmlllml 20 SI Cnlhurlm Tnmnlu 10 lcluboroulh 10 1mm yumm Mulkokn Nollh lay Hudlmry urllun Knmukmlnl Whfl le menro Hullburlon crn aka 0n lurio GNIKIMI my rulons Nurlh my Sudbury Clear and colder ml Allcrnoon Ind Irl day Wlndl Mcoming mm lo nlzhf and Fryny Mgomn mum wmu film Cochrnno nylons Slull Eta Marlo Mnhly clur and cold lady And lrldny Wind mnhrly IL Nlaznrn wealtm Laku On lnria regions Hamilton Tor onto Clearing thg nllemoon clouding over Friday mornan with occaslonnl llzhl snow by Illemoon clenllnl during lhe evenlnz mu colder Wind becoman 1le ml eveninl and nag an 15 m1 Synapllfl dislurbnncc mov Inz noulhcnslwam 1mm Manl luhn will bring some Huh mow lo the lower Great Lake region FfilQny to Canadian civilian lile he holed lhal curling was way llle llne way lllel Thu civilian youth spam programs web mlmr hoc key and baseball were un mcnu ol Cnnadlnn lile he found pleasing Cum lmxell wa Introduced by Mr arrow and thanked by Dr Em Johnslan Guest speaker Capl Traxeu of the Unllcd Stale Navy spoke on djflmnce 1n cullum Canada and the US Capt Troxell said he panic ularly liked the service mess dinners in Canada Ha mid they didnt have Inch thing in the States The spark pm gram Cnnadlan services Tn remainder of the execu Ive Includes Al Gemw vice pmldem and directors Char les Wilson Link Gow Ed Tschlrhnrt George mum and Fred Pearson Hersey was eluted president 01 he Veletam Club Ban19 at meeting last night at In Communlty House LO STUDY The firm enllsled the GEDA levernl months no to help It Ind lullable communlty for explnslon plans campaign 01 advertising flirted last Dec emhn lhmuzhoul he GBDA cov erage area all the cam mImltlea axnmlneddhallmnde cldod Elmvale we bestsulled tn ll needs both In lunar re serve and nvallable Illes lha former Toxonln Domin ion Bank building on the north side of Queen street is under going alteration to nerve as Ihe new factory slla ELMYALE tsum Localionof new small Industry here can ped won over the past month by the villages lnduslrlal cum mince Announcement the Hrms decision to open plan In Elmvnle cam yesterday from Navllle Kaela Georgian Bay stelopmunl Association gem5 mnnager small stitching In dustry to be called Elmval Shoe It will employ up 1005 women In the manufacture leather uppers or campanlasas minted with the Shoe Corpor ation Canada Mr Keefel nngquncemenl aald Represeniaiivu oi the rm and the GBDA were in film vale two weekrego examining possible liken They mci he in dustrial commlllee Lynn Dr Paicheii and Norman Cune to gain additional infor mation 111001 DONOR CLINIC um mm nmxnzn mumuu MAM 1m Allmood Veterans Elect Hersey President Stitdhing Firm Opens In Elmvale CANADIAN RED CROSS SOCIETY WEATHER 8383 83 TRINITY PARISH HAlI In I30 pm For nlormnuon Cull PA um DONORS UROENTLV NEEDED MONDAYNMARCH II wwwm mnva mm mm 0mm may WM MCANADA TRUST van III II Dunlap 022 04 41 4HN DEPUSITSW thvlnlod anlnwn ll people In come In vnlunlnrlly nnd buy Inn at lho vlllngu ollirc wed nevzr lcll any obscrvtd council member Council wnnlcd lhc doom door can cnnllnucd this yunr Houstholdcn cunironlcd wllh lhu need In buy do Ilcencc cllhcr do nr um lo have the Pnlmll Its Ihe moat emcch way an muncillor said He knew Iha address 01 all the dog ownerm ELMVALE SlumDo days are coming curly or village canines Police Chlel Horne El wcll out lo gel lhnm nlln Wednesday nlzht council num orized hlm la null don llccnccs glam doorlodoar In um he Frlday and Saturday this weak afllclal mm the Shoe Corpor allon Canada wlll bus at the old bank building after mm each day They will be Inter viewing women who want In work lnr Elmvala Shoe Dog Days Egafiarly wage rates and benefits for employees will be In lino wflh those paid In olher Shae Cor poration operations In Simeon thgnly My Keefe uld Nearest Shoe CarrolAnon plan from Elmvale In Mid land with another lnclnry la calcd in Bramplon and one In Quebec Preliminary plans had beun In establish the small xtllchlng plant In Goldwater The bulld lnx wanted by the firm was sold early In 1961 and no antle lnctnry alternntlva premises ln Goldwater could be and com pany olllclall tnld the GBDA Rnnnvnllona started blamed HI the bunk Mr Lynn with The old vault has to he re moved and Ike cxlsllngparll Mon lam dawn to make on big mm In Addllion lhe bulld lng needs to be wired or the machinery the factory wlll be using WeJmcw about week ago the firm was coming herubul couldnt any anything until the GBDA annuuucemant was made said HuLynn chair man of Ihelnduslrlal commit cc RENOVATIONS IIVIIM mm mm tulmu own mum MAJOR llEflSEY Highway 90 nppartnlly was lhu clearest hlxhwny In lhmuah Ihe nix The snow drllu plied nlong the cum llninn Ihe hluhwny nnd mLucd the road surface officials It ported Highways 27 nuth and mulh II 400 93 12 11 and 400 were all mporlcd lmmdnus lo drive on during the night bul ware char his morning Highway conditions lrom Vic Iortn Harbour to Drttlln and south OBradtord wcro repelled clear Good road conditions were also reported to the northwest of tho county Yul last night Department Highway Irucks plows and rol ling stock had lo be lnkcn all he highways because poor visibility Shortly belore 330 pm the powdery snow started 11 east erly lrck ram Georglun Bay and Lake Huron sweeping across Central Ontario Vind gusts up lv 10 mlIu an hour in some places made vis lhilily 1cm In win all lhls he now znnu today Light reeling ralns followed by llghl powdery mow resulted ln exlrémcly hazardous drlvlng condnlon across the counly lhmughout most he nlghl Wind And Snow Stalls Motoring Fighters Douse Car Blazes Brigadier Lons dale MBE Commandant of the Rayai Army Serving Carp Training Centre in the UK visit Transport Company Try IN TIN is different from any other wine BRIGADIER VISITS CAMP BORDEN its terrific The March puhllc mccllnu when Elmvnlc and Flu Councils nml Canudlun anlonnl Hallways officials um lo Ihrpsh om lhc pmpnscd shuldnwn flu Pam lam line has been cnnccllvd cIrrk Hnrold anh reported to rauncil The CM sought post pnncmcnl while lhc shuldnwn is Kivnn luylhcy confldmllon III Sohm THE PARKDAL WINE LIMITED unu Inalnhhnu Must or In wiring to provide elcclricnl healing hookups an sccond floor hns been instal led Mr Lynn sald Esfimnlcs submillcd by oil gas and elec tricul heating Conlraclor shou ul he lathr be he must cc unomical The oil furnace i1 continue lq heal the downstairs with clcclrlcal healing livldunl mom can be healed as ncchLI instead of having one lhvrmmlnl controlling he hula svcnnd Hour urea he lold Coun cil Allornllons are hmshcd In the main hall downstairs except for Installation the new light fix tures Mr Lynn uald Some light fixtures have arrived but work has been held up until Ihe hm out fixlurcs are delivered he added Wnrkmcn are pulling Iinlshing coals at paint an the wushrooms INVG INSTALLE Reeve Alex McAulcy raised the subject at last nights coun cil mceungr He said he ladles washroom had been defaced dur lng recent teen town dance by girls writing on the newlypainl cd walls The menr washroom escaped the attention at scrib blurs he said Thats human nnlum Coun cillor Dr Pnlchcll answer ed No chaperone can cope with wall wricrx You have to keep can pain handy to cover It up whpn it appga ELMVALE Slum Why is It only the girls who write an washroom walls Councillor ll Lynn chnlnnnn nl the pro perly commillcc nskcd during discussion on rcnovallons Ihe communlty hall Why Is It Only The Girls Write 0n Washroom Walls RCASC winlcr warfare trial In displny He nrrivcd March for threedny visit to Camp Burden hnscd RCASC unils Len us right are Brig Lons dale Captain Viclar Smilh Conn rcjcded an Onlnrio ONEY mus UNI Nonvuy AP 1a counterfeit or US money $50 hill and $10 bill mm bran mind in his west Nam Rum uly Unidvnuhcd nulin er puma lhcm In Alums These days ll is almost un heard lor municipalny to withhold subsidy to lls ambul unto sarvlct Dr Palchrll said An ambulance is must lor Imvnlc nml the surrounding luxmshim But an ambulance ls nol moneymaking lhinu ll nlunys operates at luss There no reason why we cant hold the prcsm mlll rnlc finance chairman Dr Pat chcll commented as ho passed out copies of rough draft of the 196 budget nsllmalc Ito council No problems nppenr in bajgmc Mr anh said linai picture wnuld not emerge unfll Um nud iiars iinishcd unrk on the 1962 books Cnnsulialinns with Flo Tnunshlp inliowcti by cunn cil commiilee meeting will be needed In bring Eimvales bud gel in shape Dr Palcheil said No additional grants were suggested by Dr Palcilellona In ID communin band being inrmcd by the Orange Lodge and one subsidize the village ambulance service Department of Highway appeal for spcclal mcellng lo dlscus Elmvales dccision lo reduce tho speed limit nn lllghway 21 us it Approaches the village This reduction ls opposed by mm on gineers who in leller rend lo council contended that the Elm vale byan would be llouled by malorisls and would be Impos sible to cnlorce The ma or is closed Dr Palehell saidl Councll hud sulld hacking mm the residents in valved before Ihe bylaw was passed Vere nal gaing to back down lo department cnglnccgs at this angel HOLD MILL RATE Trainlng Ollicer Major Kem Wynn CD Commanding Officer and Co Hench nn CD Commandant of KM RCASC School Camp Borden Nalional Dnlcncc Photo

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