Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 7 Mar 1963, p. 15

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ROlling Logs Killed Youth LINDSAY Ont CFiA 15 yearold youth was killed Wed nesday and Wynnold man was In crfllcal condition In hmspRal alter hey were struck by three lugs which rolled tree from lrudt they were unload mg HallbIntan lumber 50mHus north here WASHINGTON MP The nrcsldcm ll Nauonnl Am clnllon of Broadcasters hu urged Congrcss suspend or the 1964 115 rlccllon campaign he lnw rcqulring Ihul radio and 00 down bani cadcs In Ihcir classrooms la mark the end Zlday shut ln strike at the Unhcrslly of Milan during whluh boy had kcpt pmicssors out MILAN CWStriking arch cclure slu on announced Wednesday that college author Ilies hnd bowed to lhclr de¢ marlde tax lgughcr course In letter Times Greene any the Interview was not broadcast out huslillly lo the legitimate French govern ment nor as nu or encour fzcmenl In conspirators ugnlnsl Suspend Law LONDON Reuters Hugh Caricinn Greene directorgun cral oi he BBC today dcicndcd in showing 01 the BBCs iiimcd television in wilh idaul onMumipy End Strike ML Harris said he has writ ten to Premier Hobart nsklng or an Investigation Mr Ro bnrt confirmed receiving the letter and sald he had ordered report on Mr Harrls chargci Allan Pearson son Peter Pearson reevc GnlwayCav Endlsh Township was klllnd while removing chains when the logs rolled rte and struck hlm on the head Frank slmms West Gllfard neur Hallburton was plnncd under the logs TORONTO CPGu Harm chalnnan of he Scarborough public utllilles commisslon say Ontario Hydro has been overcharged millions dol lars because of price lixlng by egeclrlcnl equipment campa mes the new drill was not disclosed but ihcré was in him may carry concesslons to sacniicd progressive group who feared the nriginnl version might harm eiiarts inward Christian unity Defends BBC ltrwns am of the lhomlesl Issues in the councils lull ses sion has all VATICAN CITY ANA spev clnl commission of the Roman Catholic ecumenical council has approved new draft the thesis on divine revelaunn nus council press olflce announced ngnesday Says Overcharged Divine Thesis CAPSULE NEWS DENNIS SHURGAIN VEALER BRADFORD SHURGAIN puts the GAIN In VEAL PRODUCTION Inca ShurGaln Fm bervlrn MIJI Sllnplu mix may In lml Jml lulan he linfflflfl rm Ihu lmn Cnlvrn MIRIIIHK nl Irnwl NH Kim lml mulln liuhlrr calm nquim lunarr lmlinu mrlml Iml can ho Jml nu pmllluhle Fur mnxlmum Elihu rnl talvrs nhmllxl ha mnlkclrd nl nlmul 21 In 130 mu In l4Ir prllml vll Mrkl llrptmllnu an In Ilmlluu mum the rail Nuxrlinln Verr mmiml Ir lhIII 700 Hm In Irlalls llxlny hm uur Shumnln Vrnlcr cnsla murh In In hrd lhnn hull milk ll ulm In low lnw ml cnnmninn pnuml nl gnln per pound of ShurUnln VEALIIIl ll nnrmnl SHATTERS PERFORMANCE RECORDS PRESENTS NEW PROFIT OPPORTUNITIES GAVE MASSIVE AID Reluch 19m und 1M lhn United States ullucnltd $62 000000000 for cmnumlc ussish mum lo 0er countries LlcuLCol Vincent The Royal Regiment ol Canadlun Artillery from Piclan 0n will be promoted to the rank of colonel lnlcr Ihis month lle wlll be nsslgnvd to flu department ol external allnlrs lor spcclnl dullcs in Paris wllh NATO Painting Town Special Duties Falls Ont was fined $150 in mnglstrales court Wednesday and had hishuniinz privileges cancelled unlil 1965 an cum loss hunting conviction after 11 wounded Reginald Roscngrcn 22 also oi Knlmbeka Falls Oct PORT ARTHUR CPIJudge James Ross has restored hunllng privileges to 65w old man who said he mistook or bear man he shot at and wounded HALEDDN NJ AP dozen homes and 18 cars received quick and snlnlchy red paint job when kcfllu pain in nearby industrial plant popped lap was taming the lime and Intwen the rain and quick hose work by firemen most of the paint was washed all Ian It could act The hrlghl red paint spewed up and out through In vent pipe when salcly valve mPpud The paint wished uboul 200 Ice me the air and was carried by he ulnd across In house and cam Leroy Colllns asked House of Representatives subcommit Ree Wednesday to give com plete repeal or me election and let us prove something to you we have not had an oppor unfly la pm ielevisiun stations give equal lime to opposing political can didaics Not Bear CALL US TODAY FOR FULL DETAILS VINCENT IRA WILSON COOKSTOWN 1mm 5150000 to establish land technology Insulule at Mysore India The Canadian campaign Is being supported by he Canndiun Instilme of Food lechnolog lhv national and local councils I7 wulncn and 10 cal branches of Ihe United Na liuns Association FAVORS NUCLEAR ARMS WASHINGTON AWDirk Slikkcr secretarygeneral of lhe Nnrlh Allaulic Treaty 0r gzmlmlian has firmly endorsed the US admlnlslrnllons pro posal that NATO be pruvitt nuclear force He said Vcd ncsday am personally very much in favor definitely in In or ll und um llopclul lhnl nllcr lam discusslans Me WI mnku something nl il KILLED BY KEG CHICAGO APJA beer keg belng Iopped exploded Wednes day ln tavern killing the bar lcndor and the mwner The vicllms were John Ghidolll and Polar Dnldassiri 72 Detcc llve Anthony Pruncle sold the explosion hnppenod when lhe men inscned lube lnlo the keg so the beer could be drawn om under pressure HUILD FLIMIING MOTEL EDINBURGH CWA Scol all shipyard ls building £2 DOOJXX 1W0000001 Hon in motel luxury car lorry for lhu lsrmll lmmcnl AIM FOR 8150000 OHAWA 1C Freedom from hunger week will be oh servcd in Canada 1mm March 17 go fly campaign oh iiiés Whilion said lhE pr pnsnl could endanger Ihe credit of solvent municipalities The board doc 1m permit munlclpnlily to accumulate cnpilal debt 01 more than 25 per cent of its assessment The resolullonwhich was also la bled would have had Ihe clfcc of Increasing municipal borrow lngpow it became law Miss tlun also successfully opposed second rnsolutlnn that would have made debts in curred by municipalliy undnr contract will he Ontario lly dro Commission not part of he municipal debt as consid ercd by the Ontario Municipal Board WWW commissinns work out their problems With lhcir municlpal councils he lnwa mayor sald Her opposition resulted in the prgp agntgglng Iqbled or sludy aunt think any mufinfiapal ily wants make Its hydro commFSIDIEI had gorporalq TORONTO iCP Mayor Charlotte Whition 01 Ottawa has successfully opposed measure that would huvl re duced the control of municipal councils over their hydroelec lrlc commissions Miss Whitton opposed Wed nesday proposal from the London Public Utilities Cum mlssion at the annual Ontario Municipal Electric Association convention that asked tor amendments to provincial ing islntion permitting utilities to hair and use at real astute Hydio Request Is Opposed By Whitton WORLD NEWS IN BRIEF ClARENCE UMMING BARRIE DOGS PANTIES SAVED BY BELLE There she was surrounded bv reporters and photogra phers and nll prepared to ln troduee herself as president at the Tomnlo Socion or ln decency to Naked Anlmulrl And her dugs pant loll olL Inslead at getting upset hlrsr Warren llumncn 22 ycnr nlll former model calmly hoisted the orange pants back onto he rear hall at Nicky her we year old French poodle Mrs fluinncn had called every ncwspapcr and radio and television station she cauld think of inr nprls coniercncci It ibiinwcd re poer Tucsdny n1 plckciinu by member Inc Soclcly Ior lndccunryio Nnkcd lini mnis in rent of Um While House nm Americnn mam hers want Mrs Kennedy to put ciulims an im hurscs inr dcrcncys snkc She advmflcd Him are problva mum nnlmnln inln clothes Alley cMs lur Co are Jusl out TORONTO CplTho lady cool as well as knack NICKY lhe poodles owner is retriever oi denuded dogs duds that is Mrs Warren Rutanen who says shes president the Toronto Soelely ior indecency Io Nak ed Animals had inst inim duced herself to breathless elly reporters last night when Nickys slacks plunged to something more than half mast Mrs Rutnnen 22 calmly hoisted them back to an appropriate spot on th modics posterior She pro ceeded lo mnke several allu sions to the brand name the slacks she and Nicky were wearing but most of the re pnrlers forgot it CP Wire pholot At least seven or eight or the unions are cxpecled to make representation In the CLCn eighlvman executive committee alfllhe offawnhtgfing SomeII not allwill likely back me 0R1 charge that Canadian bromerhood is rylng la stcal some 600 the our clerical member In small CNfl sinuous gross Canada The at Canadlan meIerhood only wholly Cann dian unlon among ha Imam tional lmlans representing rall wny workers contends that was forced to seek Jurisdlcdon id Wednes day that to inders oi the 15 union that represent nonoper aiing railway wnrkers in Can ada are being invited la appear beiore the CDC later this month passibiy MalEh 20h make submissions on the raiding mn fllci between the leiegraphers union and the Canadian broih erhood way an on are expected In Intervene before the Canadian Labor Congas in he jurisdlcuonal dispute between the Order of Railmad 19er phersand the Canadian Bmlh erhood Rnflway Transport and Emma Worker Mr Caouetie laid newspaper iaisiiied campaign speech in Mormon NB in which Mr Thompson was reported to have said hi Quebec deputy would accept clear weapons ii nonvpoiilicai pnriiameniary cognmitgee recommended them lher are no real dlflerentcs opinion hetwccn him and Mr Thompson on nuclear arms Apparent d11 MONTREAL CHReal Ca uuefle deputy national leader of lhe Social Credit NEW my It L1 ridiculous to suppm that he and any lender Robert Thompson ave confllmng views on nudenr arms Interviewed alter telephone talk with Mr Thompson Mr Caauette Id newepapercre sled mnluelon will not chenze the march of the people toward total victory tn ever 01 ecm nomlc reform that we are ad vacating Repentan his poslllon on nu clear mm or Canada ll said am and wlll condnue to be against Ihem Both Social Credk lcaders were In Montreal briefly Wed negdny but were in touch with each other only by Idaphone Top Rail Union Leaders Invited To Attend CLC Ottawa Hearing Cédfietteflsays Idea 0i Split With Thompson Is Ridiculous 0n5WA CESome 01 the Its impossible to hang price tag on this lnotllc of blood Fortunntcly in this country no one ever does Your Canadian lied Cm pmvidcs Whole blood and blood products nbwlulclr frcc to nlinost 300000 vicllnn of lllncu accident and disaster cvcry year All Intn cvcr nskcdyit your support Your Rod Cross ncttl your help to help mvn lchl Give chiEmully when the Volunteer Rcd Crm Cnnvamr call at your door YOUR RED cnoss smvas YOU 31 The congress faces an un usual dilcmmn in lhe current raiding dispuk because the Cn nndjnn brotherhood won certifi cation for the OM member from the Canada Labor Rela tion Board in December The CLC executive council inner cabinet oi organized lnbor in Canada heard the positions of the rival union inst week but lei decision on he raid ing charge until it also con sldcrcd he views at other raii and unions in the Mnnpemting over the ORT members because morgnnizullon the CNRs system 01 operations He mude the statement in commenting on the report of speech Tuesday nlght by his partys deputy lrudcr Raul Ca oueue in whlchMr Caouelte said he would resign MP and deputy leader holore accepting the Idea nuclear weapo 0n hls return In Ottawa Wed nesday Mr Thompson sald in an Interview that ha had been asked at Mansion wheihcr Mr lerences were énused by the confuslon that crrlaln newsw per are trying to dlssemlnale about Soclnl Credit and tha 12955 ol 1135 party The evident aim oi hose tactics to make peopic be iieve lhal ihumpson and Cam olte are divided What could be moge ridiculous Newspaper porters had given Mr Thompsons state ments manning that did not reflect what ha wished to say OTTAWA CHSoda CrEdil Leader Thampsonsald Wednes day that when nonpollllcal committee Parliament can decide whelher of not nuclear warheads are needed Ior Can ada then we must accept the will of the majority es tu what is essential HEATING FUELS Phone PA 66531 BARRIE Caoucua wuuld acce the dub menlary commltee on the INA Elan of nonp0 parlln clear weapnn issue THE BAHMEiEXAMTNER mm MARCH 1M wvh It stes Bette Recause ltIcMade Better Traal your famlly In mm ROYAL OLDFASHIONED All nulm Dlnplnym no Royl In Cmgn mm Chocolate Chip CRISP ICE CREAM 99¢ half gallon EVERY am or WAY 1m lmulnl nan Awe hill ch06 ante Ln cmmy Vlnlfll In rum nm Royal 0M rumoned cm nhu CM 11 Try noun 10 And uvul spudl All Monlh ICE CREAM ICE CREAM We want you to try pint of Royal Coronet lee Cream Than 11 you are not Iallsfled that it the lines ice cream Um you have ever eat on you can bring Ihe conlauur hack to where you bought ll Ind you will get your full purchase price relunded We extend moneyback ofler because we know Coronet Ice Cream is the lines money can buy lry sonm nod lee CORONET TRY PINT OF ROYAL 49 wriniivérfifl Ice CH 1161 We plnl

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