lax1 gm AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SALE FRENCHMOTORS 15 Bradford St PA 85971 ml AUSTIN NS mu own mica Telephone strand 10ml 513358 EA dim 301 now will lowcos lie Insured SCOTIA PLAN LOAN THE BANK OF NOVA scom nsu ronano door Géod ex gnxgomugn £91 lull ml DLDSMOMLE Super 11 gm gulom lumen plum iueyhone FA M711 luck Able 1m 155s Illch Cnnveruhle Mum 010 Ind unnsmlulon 15 down 350 month all owe equipmtnl Telephone PA 1w xAmuANN mm or me Henge mm 0M mum on For my mnher Inlormmon plum le Hhom mound 5W mu mu METEOR or Hour door le cylindu unile Innsxnlr Ilan Remn ur mum owner new hll cnmplny cm Tilephom PA 501 Ind Ink Im Dam 151 ronn lnur door Immncumu thmuxhouL Mun ucrmce 11k on plymenl per week uljllï¬hcne Auhrcy Glnrd ml AUSTIN Mn and mndlllll ul condition Intennr exullen ms Alsn Alnllow Chrylkr 1m mm modll In nod condition Telephone Shmly my am 1611 ml mun two door cadet blue Illh munth mum One own nun be seen lo he Amarch 3257 per month Telephnmh mu 1m swusnuzn lwn am cum om ndlo and window wlshcn ouulmdlnz us down um um pu month Teltphono mu mu CHEVROLET Imp Convert mg Va nulamxuc ml power in llumln red wflh rinkMn trim Ahlolululy new 111 vhum PA um m2 lAflK Spark new nuuxo VI hucm mu belts red crum uphumery Cnrpnm fluoulhnul Owner luvlnl or USA 31300 PA um um NEED cm leUIlA Bll nv mu prrltmfl driven we mun my drile Hurdle null wen mm No DowN pyment nqulnd ma glymcnh only Per wetl or Ion mm cyhndtr 1m Hymnm ml new menhnno Mel Any um unu pm at PA was or PA M765 In Benny PA xmlwonm Tudor Tm aem zso cummlm mm mnm mm mm In 22 5129mm wm flux am £1 mimunu In leet umnu bedroom wun mu In mu mum leu buhronm plemy um med nulnmuc wumr npuomL PA Hm er rn llvlnl mom 1m egg 3ng Ln l1an or hm hm In 1mm Wll undu mun nu 111 L051 FOUND Lnxr mini thl wmh without hnrcle Ion ml wet In 610an mm rmpnmu 0m own Inan mule whuu hmum ulm nn muhnn for up In nlormllm mmflnl 1m dnl Ideth Mnulmm Coon nIIu nurvllnulll pmlllnn Mn wpm slnm lephnnl Nw me In All um um do ma 1m Ilmmd Ihl Imm mm ll pun runny Nn nll If mm InnMl mu TIMth um EMPLOYMENT WANTED mnnxï¬n m1 nmm man nr lurlnvr Inlomunon In mm 0mm WU cm coon DEAL AND GOOD DEAL MON AT Io HELP WANTED WHO ELSE WANTS NEW CAR wm Arrly my unm ml nunhw mun mmnnfumm mm mi Aprly Knhum hum lvlNmnl llnnm mm Ilnmullnlcly Heme lumnnl npplknllon lo LACHANCI 0X ANNIE ONTARIO TRUCKS TRAILERS TEACHERS WANTED SUPPLY TEACHERS Minn SEPARATE scnoox nomu AusIIN Au Clmbndl excznenl common Henna lelephunl Clmp Bordan MOBILE HOMES MALE FEMALE THY AN EXAMINHII WANT IIIINE frquim qmlllled MALE HELP Mm 1an unl Ari In Inm IIm LawH PERSONALS poutcsn 35v HSTmo EggnogIna iel mm was sum Nut Conurvnuvo Auocllunn CAR LEAVING pulnh dilly of Camp Borden mum mo pan Rmm tar punum Teh Dhunl PA new In MIL LADIES An yuu Immmd la new foundmon mm or um um Influx um um delu or lplecl llrmenll Minutemen taken In your homo by nppohw mm Fhona PA Hut PERSONALS EMU IIIOP CONWAYI Gnu by mum nmamm In yaw own hemu or no In mg Bunlu ma PA N557 usmm WANTED nlmncu qulnd Mm wIum ed Pl um wnrllnl conditions erll Box 11 mm ï¬lmlnu SECRETARY Wmml lot mum Imunnce mncy Shnrmndulw In Ind bookkuplnl menuL Telephonq PA am lo Ipwlnt men llAlRDREflml And An mu qulm lmmedllllly or and Sllon II Jom Glrritk Hllr Slyh 1le ml hold Onurlo men Tllrphnna PA Mm or Immlaw nscsnmmsr wlnlrd car nmce No bookkuplnl Mull uhll to vae Good worm candmom smdy emplnymnl Apply Du mom Alumlnum Compmy to Mum Avenul 3m 10 HELP WANTED amsunlss Immedllle mu ma putum nmxngx can And argue mmem or mum uppuunu Plum ml modm nun Apply 11 Rly PA Mm nzcznxomsr Stmllr or under name Full or Him 1mm hm and know can bookkeeplnl Ind mam Nunlnl umnm hglplul but not unn uu smne ml with plenum pan null marred Reply In own hlndwmlnl with uu puruculm lo Ill 93 CAM Burden CAREER FOR YOU In the exclan cosmcllc business Be an AVON Rep menmtlve In your spam time Write Mrs Walker 38 Thomson SL Barrie or en PA 66551 INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED FEMALE HELP KlDD FILTER QUEEN HEALTH UNIT THE ONLY HAGMZSS CLEANER You an nlso nave by nlmm oolng your own Iurnllurc rugs nml drama oull be lollghlcd with tho mt dryan Im dryer HOME BUILDING ALTERATIONS CHOOSE LOT AND HAVE YOUR NEW IIOIIIE BuIII In BARRIE VIEW SUBDIVISION Cull PA 85097 or PA 66745 AVON ha Now Why wait or Sprlng Leta all got bchlnd Onlarloa glgnnllc Wlnlcr Work Cnmpnignl Till the prlmu much ol the your or unemployment lets gel on the bum wagon and Give Man Job WHILE MEN AND MATERIALS ARE AVAILABLE THE FOUNDATION FOR HOME IMPROVEMENT FILTER QUEEN SALES 278 Burton Ave Behind Wonder Bakery PA 66551 ANYTIME Clean llm Alr with ALLERGY PA 04402 AUCTION SALE Thursday March 14 pm sharp FOR THE mum OF THE LATE JOHN WATERSON the north hall ol Lot 10 Con cusion Innlslil Townshlp mlles east of lhornlon on tha paved road nnd mlle south on Iurn rlghl Alcona Garage all No ll nghway mllu west and mlle south SALE OF FARM larm stock Implements urnln and lull line of household cllect includ lng antiques Terms cash No mscrve except an arm Terms and condlllon ol the arm wlll be Elven day of sale and wlll be sold subject to reserve bld JERRY COUGHLIN I3 AUCTION SALES DO IT JUST FADES AWAY BRIGHTON England CF Tangmere one 01 Ill most ac tive alrhnm during the Balllu ol Brilnln soon wlll be reduced to he slatusol an emergency landing slrlp During the Sea and World War plluu operatlnï¬ mm lhe Sussex base aha dawn morn Hum 500 enemy planes SALLYS SHLLIES Accountant Auctioneer BALL PLANING MILL CO LTD 48 ANNE STREET OUTH PA 82496 COMPLETE SELECTION OF FRAMING LUMBER PANELLING FLOOR CEILING TILES HARDWARE PAINT AT YOUR CONVENIENT ONE STOP SHOPPING CENTRE WITH THE FIVE DISPLAY ROOMS AND mum FREE PARKING BUY NOW No PAY TILL MAY LONDON CHThu lust aw cenlurlen have seen bleach ing of magic reputation and the black arts are out of ashlan In the bizarre club room of the Magic Circle In central London Lewd Unchristinni fPfacï¬ces Are Now Innocent lParloraTricks yellowed 1651 copy at Scot Dlmverie oi Witchcraft in the Magic Clrdes library connect lnlimutcly lilo im rlble art of poisoning and all the trick luullng and lager demaln Scots prejudice was that oi In an susplclnus olwelrd trick shuwlnl how magician could thrust dagger or bodlrln into your gut very strangely and recover it lm medlntely without hamflnu tha rtooge BARRIE METAL AND SALVAGE Now he lewd and un Christian practices are respeo table as pmiessional and am teur magician swap trick and talk over old times in comfort able brighiiy lit version the old alchemist caves CAN BE DONE They ponder or Instance wheher anybody wll ever win the £1000 oflmd by the Magic Circle or successful perform nnco ludlan ropa rick theplong of conjuring nzi trick wns dnno in the myste rious east the magician made rope rise into the air and sent his assistant up the top Thu assistant disappcnrgd an magcan climbed the rope carrying ward in hls leelh and also disappeared Pieces of the asslennt all to he grnund The maglclnn climbed dawn put llu place Into sack and reassembled the assistant unharmed our Kinney said Magic Circle sagelem fem Newcombg The crcles museum is Inscinnllng roanL Erlc Frank lln deputy curator pmduced grubby soup bowl REmnKAuLi lLLUSION spat hh hul lula Into Ihis he said of Imndedly He used In invite member of hu nudlcnce Ire rllle his chest Then ho would stagger bll tough and produce the bullet in his teeth It was remarkable llluslun Unrondnmcxy In 1913 the rick lulled and he was killed beige lqrggnqdlancef Mag to was lounded In 1905 lo giva maglclnns place to ulk In conï¬dence about their secreLi Early mem DEALERS IN SCRAP METAL STRUCTURAL STEEL For Your Home Remodelling and Repairs 204 Tiffin Sr 00 Dunlop SlTéï¬lWesL PA 82983 NATURAL GAS Name Brand Nutlonally Advertised DRYER $16400 AUTOMATIC WASHER $26900 MATCHING PAIR Rx FIRESTONE STORES TOP VALUES hem Include the famous can Julera David Devan and John Nevll lllgakelyne whose ghosts stlll allegedly prowl the club lnughlng qulelly as modem ma glclana try to figure out lhelr secrets Women are barred mm the Magic Circle We have not yet agreed to admit ladles say Magic Circle brochure per haps because cur members share the proverbial dlstnlst of their ability in keep secret BASED ON SUGGESTION Wandeflilg ilhlhe vicinity bl the club but conjure Mac W11 sun set upon reporter Smoke hu asked le0 me bit 01 Union lhn pack 55 FMaxlc these day largely based on suggestion he snld suha mlch the tinfoil Into 5115 Mslec Clrclé member never IN 01 Irylng out tricks on visitors They gathered Put that in your hand Now sow is IAPlTake out $63 llcence add measurool cllorl nnd sklll and you loo can be an elephant hunterll you come to flu mlddle Alrlca This the starting point or many hunters seeklng some tbs warldn biggest elephants lnmlllnr sight in the streets 01 Fort Porlnl is Jeeplike Land Rover back from Um hunt and carrying huge Ivory tusks trophies Ta the huh Murchison Full Park where elephants hlppos and girafles are seen To U1 50th 15 Queen Ellzu hem Park where more herd elephants leopard and Hon roam Ihu mat plains To tho west across the snow tuvered Ruwenzori mountains are lhe Congo Iarestn teeming wth big game at all sorts and also nearby Park Albert the major wild Illa preserve Thu Conga The animals are prulcclcd In the parks but much he for est and bush counlry outside lhu parks set aside game pre serve and controlled humln Elephant Hunting Requires LiCense 0111 AL ygnnda PAINTING AND PAPER IIANGING SPRAY PAINTING SERVICE SINCE 1020 RR Barrio PA 68056 PA was SBLLYS SKLLIES around and chuckled approv Ingly as the reporter qualled under Wilsonl Intense gaze and dropped the hat wad toll dis creetly on the 001 BAN CARS HERE SARK Channel Island CP hen tha Queen vlles ull tlny Island May 10 she will our It In nursedrawn curringel MD or vehicle are banned on Saxk urea ha Elva the hunter wig chulce gamg There an only two legal way to ship raw Ivory out of eastern Africa The hunter who lelnlly shot the clophant can do 0r anyone can buy usks at an trick commisshmcra sale of Iusks which have been con cnled from poachers or Ytaken from elephants ml by ha gage dppnrtmenl The eleph population in crenslng In eastern Atrlca There are an estimated 15000 In Uganda and mnny more in Kenya and Tanganylkn Tho gnme department In Uganda de stray approxlmntely 1000 Year resident of Uganda must hunt hero or ypar before he can hunt on clephnm on his nwn Vlsllnrs here or short time must lako Hang pm lessionnl hunter if they go alter elophnnls Ho omn Ml vay wm flu hnpplul In MI 11 Indthen ha Ill The ordinary huntlng llccnce tests 521 For elephant you need another costlng 341 Only mnln elephants mny b6 shall For some Alrlcnn tribes the elephant ls source at land Then you should conslder SUN LIFE MORTGAGE PROTECTION POLICY ln lhll way he mongnge wlll be pald all ll you should dle prcmnlurely and Iha hoqu wlll REALLY belong to your lumllyl You pmlcd your hume lmm flu and than Why not 1mm dcnlh1 Let us Ihaw you how enslly hi can be done 24A Clnppcdan sum Bnrrla Du Dmle llrpnlm WELL DIGGING Your Frlcmlly nooxm n3om 20 maomom Sc gnaw 02920 93m mmm nrmz OUEZ CARTERS USED FURNITURE ALL KINDS OF USED FURNITURE 15 Essa Road PA 89 SUN LIFE ASSURANCE CO OFCANADA Tank Pumml Out us up to 750 allonn hr Modern Equipment Contact any Member of Your Barrie and District Real Estate Board FURNITURE STORAGE VAREIIOUSFS SHIPPING PACKING CRAIING Multiple Listing Service JACK KING REPRESENTATIVE 1M nrmllord sum Is Now rKnown As 31mm Exam THURSDAY mmci mi IIAD HEART ATTACK TORONTO CF Robert Macaulay mlnlster cl mum mlcs nd development appur enlly had slight heart attack when he callnpudpuuldu ha 1er the legislature cham bers nlexday hll doctor snld Wednesday Earlier upon al lrlbuled Illa mlnlslerl collapse to complete exhnnsllon AGAINST CONTROH TORONTO CF Premier John Roberts says the provin cial government nun no inlen lion oi placing iurlher controls on Ontario Hydro or its asso ciuled municipal electric aya teins Mr Robert said the government would not impede the iuneiionnl autonomy oi me two groups BREAK VME CASE MONTREAL CP Crown prosecutor Guy Desjanilne says police may have cracked the case oi 4000 counterfeit Voilng slip seized beioralnst Novem bers Quebec election Ques Iioned by reporter at line court house aiier lhree men pleaded guilty in connection wllh the use he uoid believe wu know where how and by whom the slip were primed list have announced new way oi making light perform lama tic can They produced Wed nesday new kinda lamn device creating nnrrow beam oi ilghl oil of one pure color or irequency The new laser action is produced inside piece oi clear pinsiic cheap to make in any desired shape the Radio Corporation of America said REFUSE TRIP CALGARY CF Seven Communist journnllsls reï¬ned gnodwlll trip to Western Canada elm member Ihelr group mold no oblnln travel permll It was reported Wed nesday spokesman 01 Cal gnry Olymplc Development A9 soclallon whlch sponsoring vlsl lo the Ben Altal area by 121 Eumpean wrltern and broadcasters sold the reasons for he Emslnns absence were revealed by Hans Hausser pres attache an West Ger mnn embassy in Perla FACES FLU OUTBBEAK OHAWA CHDr Dzel Kennedy Ottawnn medlcal olll cer health says he the cap llnl laces an lmpeudlnz major BUILDING HOME HEATING HOT WATER HEATERS STOVES REFRIGERATORS DRYERS ConlactConLumcrsGos PA 66558 IIAVE NEW LASER NEW YORK AN Scien ALLIED VAN LINES EFFECTIVE NOW COOP WORLD NEWS IN BRIEF PUMP SERVICE sou INSTALLED nsmnno SEPTIC TANKS KEN WINTERS IAomu um epidemic ni influenza He com mended the action two city hospital in closing their door in visitors Dr Kennedy said in flu virus is not of the Asian type and quoted federai heaim oiiiciuis as min then have been no cum Allan flu In Canada his year AWAII AMBASSADORS MTAWA CF Although Canada and he Cenlral Amer lcan republlcl ol Nlcuragua and Hondnraa agreed more lhan two year ago In estahllsh dlplo mallc relallons In two conn lrles allll have not named am bassador to Canada Panama and Costa Rlca entered the agreement lhe same llme an external allalra department spokesman rald but only the Panamnnlnn represenlallva has presented hla credenllals ln Ol lawa FOUR KILLED HARDIN Mont ABFour workmen ridlng in cable car across the deep Yellowtell Dam construction zorle were killed Wednesday when cable broke and hurled lhem hallway dawn the canyon wall One cable on the basketIlka conveyor snapped dropping the cart down the deep gorge The men were thrown lrom the cart which remained attached to the broken cable system LIFE THREATENED LONDON APlA British woman MP said Wednesday her ilia was threatened by an anon ymous telephone caller claim tng to he member oi the French Secret Army Orlaniza tlon Allen Bacon Labor MP lold police the caller speaking in French accent nld she was on the Secret Army death llst and had not lonl to live Scotland Yard immediately put an allvnipht guard on Miss Bacons home TAKE OVER PATROLS SAIGON AHTho young South Vietnamese Navy has taken over patrol of South Vlet Nnml coast from the United States 7th fleet military sources said Wednesday Vict numese radar stations havo been esablbhcd along the share and 50 destroyerType patrol vessels stand zusrd against reinforcement by sea ol ihe Communist guerrillas wag ing war against President Ngo Dlnh Diems Munichbacked government PA 8983 PA 66151 Agent