Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 7 Mar 1963, p. 12

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41x as 7IllthY no LIne 13 no IIafuwu llmuuy Illunxmu MAncll 00 Sun an Pony no nude Dull am You nut 00 mmw Pulml NEW The Unit hlblu you uni hu nol Anlml by gum ML and Mrs Mnlmm Mrflin nl spent the weukund with Mr Mr and Mrs Bunncrmnn of Markham visited Sunday with lhnir mulhcrs Mrs Bannormun and Mrs William Bcnrdsall who rcurncd wlh them Am my 11 Minna mu llama YHERE II No CHARGE FOR mls SERVICE nd Mrs Thom1 Connor and on Cooper were in Allison Thursday in lrihulu Io Ihe death SH llocy Mrs Banting Barrie wns guns of Mrs AL Beardsnll Fgljlny Mrs Train was men uucsl of Mr and Mrs Carson Ernwn nl Vnsuy Mrs Vasny Beardsall ls vlsiz In Mr and Mrs McCormick Toranln Miss Mnmmio Gracnlnw Mrs Graham and Mrs thlhv am spam Sunday wllh Mr and Mrs Callandcr of Bradford Mr and Mrs Mcdlunis Mrs Ritchlc and Mrs Vlll lnm Beardsull allondcd the fun eral Friday or Jnscph Walker of Coulslnn Vnsuy Beardsfil ls spending ock wllh ML and Mrs chrdsall of SL Cnlhnrlnus Mrs Lawson Roblnson has returned nIlcr spending couple of mnnlhs in Tuanln wIIh Mr and Mrs Cnpolnnd Friday night ihcre were 13 tables of unchre in play at Ihe Orange iinlL Winners were Mrs Malcolm McGlnnis Mrs King Alvin Plush and Harry Wailers gapr prize was won by Eleannr IiE 503w EVENING DRIVEYOURSELF CARS AND TRUCK Mrs Whitfield mm the ML dress compiled by Mrs Highnm of Elmvale Mrs Thompson and Mrs Ray Usher sang How Grant Thou Art accnmpnnled by Mrs Felghcn at the organ Prnyers were offered by Mrs Palcllcll Mrs Rllchlc Mrs Copeland Mrs Hnwker Mrs Thurlow and Mrs numxlcad By TERRY The Warld my 01 Prayer was held at St Johns United Church Friday There was splendid allcndanca mm three churches Angucan Presbyterian and Unl led Mrs McGuire nf hu Presbylorlan Church Mrs Ruhlnson the Annllcan and Mrs Trace of the United look purl AROUND SIMCOE COUNTY TELEVISION PROGRAMS CARRIER MISS YOU VAllEY TAXI CFTO CHANNEL ELMVALE CKVR CHANNEL PA 82433 spam no In spam 700 um um nu luloul um Mm Immml mm mm mel mu 1fTV Nnu nou Ian mun rlnn on mm mu Mllnlmv war Im in mm MM IIH ThuMl mm anll durum Mm Ammm Tlu an mu Mrlm rlml 1100 llle man How rnmu no Unmlna mun Ina ma nu ma khm In llnuu rm In nntlkl oa hlnml Thuln manor Innh mm Innklnl Up nu IOU no no In um no lel Waller SW 70 ldl Lon cuunlry nedowu 1m Pollllu PC M5 ubenl PnIIII 100 Tommy Ambm 9311 nnpm 10111 Mummy 1100 cuc TV NEW 1115 New Wum Spam 1130 Mom Non Prentbl IAKLIHMY Mncll 1215 Tu huem 1an rwpm Mun 1h 511mm 100 Wruulnl 1m uruu am Fllnre Shllnl Chump we nuullnl Klnlmhu Cove nun nunny Tum nm The Lucy Show II lllllhllllu mam Cam 10 Tell TM Trnlh 11m Gun w111 Trml NHL Hochy Jullfll mu Kpam Unllmlufl Cnc TV Wu rm mm mm anll Golden Dnlnll an 25 Dy MISS ESTHER DOWNEH Mr and Mrs Cecil Vhilcside and Douglas spell the Weekend In Tuxonto with Mr and Mrs Roger Rcivc Evcrcll Glbson ls home ugnln allcr spending week In Al lislun hospital He has been to Toronto lnr spcclnl treatment Everyone hope he will soon be well again Mn and Mrs Gllhm McMns lcr Dunnlo and Mr and Mrs Willlnm Grnnl Barrie span Saturday wllh the Earl AudA sleys Turqnm Mm Ann Tlu an Imvrnlun 01 so nut Km lhmullml umwl 1M1 lllu mm nuy hm 4mm mm Inll Innl wnm Tmn mun nnm Auvlvmy rummmu Ilumly llv mu mm Nun spam Annum lum lIV Nm lwn cars of member of St Georges Anglican Church vlslt rd Salurday nflcrnonn wilh Miller Midhursl mnking nrcscnlpllgn radlu Annm smm Mr and Mrs Allen Miller Dnmlhy and Bella and Joan and Linda Spears visited the Elllous Bella Maud McQuay Mullen and Mr and Mrs Jurk Irans Scarborough Sun dny Mr and Mn Allen Miller Elwood Miss Bella Mlller and Mrs John Cacluane Barrie Mr and Mrs Jack Elli and Guam Ellls MI and Mrs Bruce Miller Mr and Mrs lvan Spears enjoyed Ummsclvcs at the golden weddlnx reception far Mr and Mrs Ellard Ell of Lackwaad Sask ll held In Alllslon Kiri ancl Brnllcy and Irene By MRS ALLEN MILLER Fourteen lnblcs DI euchre players played last week Vln nor were Harvey Nrnbull high score with 1M Indie prize Reta nunbull with aa Iona hands Maurice Mlllcr and Allco Master and Ruby McCann Mrs Lauii Hackrldgc and lam Hy ancrdown spell the week end with Mr and Mm Alvin Pinch Sympflhy ll éxlendnd lo the nmlly of Oscar Arthur whn dipgi March Guests Mrs Lionel Player during the week were Mr and Mrs Leonard Player and Tommy of Buwmanvllle Mrs Jnmcs Gloudall Jamie and Jan 10 of Coldwaler Kiddo lmnnnrl Illanu Thu um Wumr mu ll 10 flu mumn nummu lur Shaw Ngw and Mn Lullhmn McGlnnls Grand Valley AvltlunLIVMIluwu mm Vonnan Mpy Iunrh um Johnny now Cnlum TORONTO BARRIE plrm phnnl EGBERT UTOPIA run Fur example look hand plnycd In cum mulch Al lha um um nothing much happened Saul gol la mu lplldll on the bidding Ihown nnd vm Ind ll diamond Ens look Um klnn nnrl conlln ucd wllh he an Dcclnrcr lufl rd led lmmp and evrnlunlly Im wind mm Mammal II Did The nubllcUu nl dulcnse avnll nbln to pair In tune with much Inuhnr somcllmc canml Im pmdlng ducal Into vlclory Th1 mmnm unruly txchnnzcd he twcm good dtlcmlve pair nerd only In correctly undcr flood or flu but mull In he athlnvcd In on Jun ILIIOIorI ILOnmud all Ink llollnw DAILY CROSSWORD Opening lead our mondsl 10 lung Lu ll lIlImrhl 20711111 mmm 1117 pxuu uw Am Med mpm pm tubi 3Compmulo urnp IHV ham 9h ILot UM Al lhe cuchre hcld last wank by the Rcsldchls Association prizes were won by Ihe allow ing Mens high went Io Mrs Judson Kelly and second In William Mayes consolallon Gloria Piper ladles high Mrs Yvonne Noble second Mn nson the Toronto post office depnrlmenl was 111 at hls collage on Cliff Road Inst week with culd Leslle Whllty was also confined to Ms home for few days with flu AUHOII DOWN MN 71 Dhlln mod Ialfll um numm ILMInar 0A vnou QQHH 410952 mm mm clm When counting hose hm mm the shore hero appear to be about 55 There are smaller groups at Allandalc and near Harrie dock We understand lhal lhc fishlns was very good car Iler In the year but has dropped somewhat latcjyr In By ALLAN INGRAM One of Ike largest collccllon alumna 111me pgrx Ens dealcr EasHVLst our of Brampton spent Ihe weekend with Ms mother Mr Frank Thompson Vlnnr at last weekly cuchre were ladle hlah Kalb Icen Mooney lone hand Mrs Irm Blakey low Hazel Hm Iey mens prize were won by Gordon Blakely Vincent Halt mug phgrlg Randall mm in south Wu my Congralu atlans to Ronald Woods and Mlu Brenda ham or who were married in Cook town Unlde alum March VIsltou with Ealhcr Ind Vnt son Downer Saturday were Ar lhur Kenneth Water and Lyn da Wyghrldgg Mr and Mrs Clmard Mnonuy xpen Saturday avenlng In Thornton wllh Mr and Mrs Keyed Mganey Harry Downer CoHInzwood visited Esther and Valsnn Down er Mandy Mr and Mrs Harry Kara and family 01 Scarborough went Sunday with Mr and Mrs torg Cumplz Visllorn with Mr and Mrs Kenneth Brnllay or the week end were Mk Nora Bmlley Barrie Ronnie BrolIey and Mls Amp Mchpsgrg Toronto Blakuly attended the World Day of Pray in Tflnlly Unllcd Clhurch Thomton Friday av 11 MINETS POINT WEST $A6 BOUT 4993M VKQH OD 4K CONTRACT BRIDGE mun umoa VAI QYBY vulnerable flublldu llTnlIL humm 1mm Nnow mm Iollllun advnun will mum 51mm or mini ladr of EAST 75 V97 OAKIOB firqu By JAV BECKER Norm din Who 15 Arron 10 Only lnclwa Tnmomn Tr your vlly Ensl happlly nbllzcd and lhouxh he wm lemmrurfly dlr nppolnlrd when dcclurtr Ihnwed up wllh king lhh dld not prevent Mm mm 1min cluh rul Ihnrl Ime Illu when declmr ltd Immp Wnl look he nco Ind returned club And Sonlh wen dawn on III ull ha dtlcnu Vcst nl have In king Ind might have played thu dcucu on lhe are In deny ll bu ho dld hnw be ace apndc which his partner know nothing about slnco he mllwl that East wu lrylnu In gel club mu ha rlnycd lho nine on he nae uh nufnr gnolhcr club lend There no luluro to another diamond Irad he shifted to he nee club II rick He hoped la Hnd West with he klnz at clubs In which case ha planned ln lend nnalhcr club and oblnln ml loftmg he ponlrnrl West ltd the four oi dim mands Just at the first table nndEnsl wan with ihe kind But the East at this able did not continue he uli iie reai ized from the bidding and the opening lead that South ile ni mast suron started wiih nlnnlcion diamond lost club In make exactly our spades ho second table the lame contract was reached an ulmllar blddlng but here the delcns functioned mm correcfly and Sath down one llllll Illll Im fluxhad mm mm mu Kneehasw and Mr Grlmsby Gents Blll Bmakal Dnllan Meher Blll Wall and Don Sulherland Lucky lalllu Ethel Steers Gladys Doeler Edylhe Sheppard Rae Suther land Ben Stem Dan Sulher land Tom Whlleslda and Kellh Kneeshaw wlnner on he llck cl wm crocheted chester licld sol won by Sharon Harvey Hand Head Blanket Garry Blzg Bradlard crochclcd TlV cover Fred Leach Newmnrkcl There were In table playlnz at the cuchre on Mon nlzhL Ladle prlzcs were won by Mrs 13111 Clarlf Mrs Doeler Mn Mr and Mn Wllllnm Walt unended lhe capping ceremony Barrie whcnlhelr duughler Jean received her nurses up Mr and Mrs Eldon Sparrow ol Snelgrove and Mr and Mrs Wilfred McKinley of Cnledon East visited Mr and Mrs Wlll am Bronkl over the weekend Al Ihe Sunday muming lor vlca of the United Church Jane Ellen Inllnl daughter Mr and Mrs Charles Wilcox was baptized by Rev Jackson Canmlulntions Mr Illd Mrs Terry Phillipa on lhc birth of daughter In Newmnrket hospital Ronald Smith of tho RCA Greenwoud NS spent the week end wllh his aunt Mln Ida Smith and with Mr and Mn Alvln Smith WW nucuu xecullve ol our loan community nrganltntlon hop lnz or good lumen ha St Patricks Day Dance lo lake placa at Bayllalra March ll Full particular may be secured by phoning Mu BarbaraMc Bl PA 89127 ex meeting flu Mlnela Palm Auacluuan to be held at Bayslalrs Indie March 20 The Banla Barber Silo Chum will enteruln All re dafls are wekomeh mend the Toronto Conservatory of Multc examination held in Barrie Faith McLeod passed In Grade and Brock Strothlrd In Grade Both are puplll Min Jcfiteufirysont Kllgaur and consolation Mn Ingram BOND HEAD mm ID mumMM to mm mm bunny urnMo at dummi lalllu Doeler Suther Sulher NEW HATONEW sno LAMP mass yam rccymss THE BARBIE EXAMINER THURSDAY MARCH 1W1 MW 5le IV INTO 5T 12 5F OH $30 LHYHON 1f35°5MK gig JV msuw NATION KY mm All Momma wrmk you mig jnmmi MG mm

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