J1 hm In Walking Is Good Antidote For Doldrums Caused By Diet Iltu munlwnhu mllllrnlc mu prrlrnlnl In llm my will lull enum llu mm Knro Ihlw llnytr wllh Mrl Jnck Ion phlnlnl or In Hymn and oHnrlary Mn Jnckum hm Inuzhl new Grace MIMI wnl um before the lunch unnl by Mrl Chm Hruwn Mu IL IIIInn and Mn Ilmlmn Mu Eleven of New mnlkd wnl 1mm lnr pm lhe meeting nml wnl prrnrnlrd wllh am lolluwlnu nn 1m Ilon an rrdnllnn Mr Hm help Hm md ulvrn uh uh llvrd and mi Evrrynnw enjoyed laps ro unded lnlrnlcw bctwrm MI Nancy Edwards of Ilnrklcy l4 dlo and Min llwlnh llounwl limmnm Ilnmllnl Kann out llnlna Hm manna work hrlnn done lnr Komm rhlldnn play cc nnd Wnlcr wm prunmcd by Mn Wan nnd hrr wmmlllcc Mrl Vllllnm nrcmct Mn Chnrlu Ilcox and Mn Vlllml Lnnl Thu plnylcl Ilmmd haw ha thurch helplnn wilh mhlcml nrlxlnu mm the Amcr can oct upnllan 1110 study man and mrmhm were mixed lo anther Informnllon on lhll The rcxulnr mccllnx or the Bond end Unlltd Church W0 men wtu hold work earlier than usual because 51mm Prubylerlul nnnnnl muan MIMI wm held In Cnlllnxwood Ncmy le member were prgenl Mrl Irvtn Watson prescntcd very Interesting pranrnm on Dkinnwn rum the Itudy bank On lulul Itlm Mrs Watml ave vlvkl dvscrlptlon at the country nnd the penplc and dc crlbcd the my both had been attacth 32y Vyrtdnr IL Exérclm should be both zen cml and Ipeclflc On air duyl you can cut out nnd walk TM In such cam 11 exercise lo ha rescue You have lightened yaur burden at so now ha Ideal llmu In step up excr che Also Is easier or yuu to walk and take simple lancn whlp out the tape and take your mzuaurcmcnls and for the next couple of months mark your mm by the tape mousum nsleud ha scales Alm to km the Inches lhul will In you wear 5120 smnllcr dress by Easlnr 11le will provide re lrenhhuz change In your pro gram and zlvo you wholu new outlook Japanese Theme At UCW Session have 105 30 pound on your hunger control diet and ml llkc new person But need lo reduce least another 20 pounds and Ive stopped 10 um even lhounh Im sllll keep lng my cnlorlcs wilhln 1100 day Ida Jenn lvo wally med But my wclum stick at lens 160 poundsand Im not qullo thl dol do now By IDA JEAN KMN So ynuvc stopped losing Many of you make excellent Emma dawn to certain num er pounds and then an the lam dlel um polnur on the lcnlcs Mum Ia budge Here Ilyplcnlfxnmple KEEP IN THE TRIM Mme Vnnier is silver bnr during vhlt la the Royul Cun ndlun Mlm on Tuesday Helplna mlnul 7mm Inc 1m EVES BEAUTY SHOPPE vwnmm un PERMANENTS $1000 bu Annm IA tn VANIERS VISIT THE MiNT xenernl loner llfla your mod and la wonderful nnlldule to doldrums ll you are bll rusty slur ynur wnlklng 5an wllh mlle lhon urndunlly ln arouse lo lwo or three mllcu It ynu have lulr lone In the ab damlnnl muscles walk vllhoul girdle Pull up lorclhly wllh Ihe lung lront muscle and pull In snuuly with the muscles spanning he sldc ho abdo men as you walk to lone your own good muscles Keep should eri relaxed In case her is mint mnsler Park cr right whllu the Governor Gcncrnl looks on The Vanlcrs Thaic nothing livké sketch PIERCE MOTORS LTD Or ll you pvoor you can how Mel dun wllh one of our wlmmon EiIhov wuy youll gut Ihs mmn Inovmulionx Ihe VW It bum lo lulu hauling No mlllm no loom pom nolldng bvl wild cur To make ma Iuy vb and go law round wilh Volklwannn You tun rock ll shake ll Ilam l0 door and bounce on Illo bumper you hour nquoulr no your cobbler You can kick it but you cant knock it as 5mm midrlfl slimmer Lie on floor on bucklno girdle and stretch Then stretch along right side reaching rlgm arm high up In buck on floor and crossing right leg over In nrclch Reverse and stretch nlgpg left side Now hip slimmer Lie on right side ien leg resting on lap 01 right palm of left hand bruned on floor or balance Keeping knee slruighi swing iefl log forward swing back larwnrd back again this limo holding the muscle conlmciion ior count of six Swing again inr our complete cycles CilnngesldcsAand rcpan You win of course canllnuo to keep the calories to between 1000 and 1100 51 day Eventually ynnrc bound lo lnsu on this number Meanwhile increaso lhe exercise Io slim your mens uremcnu met more lhnn mo of U14 mints 21 employees CP Wirephola Bu donl Iuko 6w word for ll Tuh Hm VW or Iida apd by your uwn Inlpnclav Try Ihulling the door with Iha window dosed II wont bu easy Luau Iha Volks wuucn in practically uivlium Try again with Hm window open Youll luar llm Iolid mum of ur Ihuln boil lo Imf avory Volkswagen II povucl our anlary employ1 5000 lmpnclorx ANN LANDERS Linda frequently calls me Chuck which is nut my mum Chuck is icilow we are both acquainted with but so inr as knnw she has never gone out with him and there is noihin between them nanr Ann Landau Imcon sldering marrying Llndn whom Ive been dating or wo years The only thing standing In Ihe way problem which may have m7 slgniflcance but unwing at me and 1mm doum Lindasccms normal In every nlher wry and can remember Make point of what yuu are dolng Hr wll become aware that this habl annoying to you and cnn lhen set out to overcome KL at Mlsl More utlcn th not pawers anthers and nu gm are unaware they have the habit The best cure to genfly but Hrmly rcmnve the pnwera hands Jram your shoulders bunds collnrar xyha have you WRONG NAME This lencheris the only me In lhc school who teaches spe ciallzed subject and theres nn wnylo avoid him Bluntly he cant seem tn keep his hands nfl Ihc girls When ask him qucsllnn he puts his head close In mlnu nndyhlspers Into my ear SomcIImes he adlum my heads or flattens my collar or straighten my halyhnw Yesterday he put his hands around my shoulders when Im talked to me and almost died of embarrasxmunL This was 111 Km Ihu whole class He does Ihe same thing to many glrls so it 1521 Just me So arm know he never not any lnrlher than Just pawinu but It makes me uncnmforlnble and dont know how to handle It Can you helpl JUNIOR MISS Deur Ann wnut urbe fab io mu start at by guyan Ive had mnnv mule leathers and must at Ihcm were genllemen Jul Ihls male teacher am wrlllng about prahlem not only to me but to hexgirls Make Him Aware That You Are Wary ll ESSA ROAD llly 11yearold grandson sent me cake soap whlch was he only gm could use Slrangely enough hl mother wrote and apologized for 9h gill lhlnklng might be of lcndcd Please tell people Ann that sending gm just to fluke cam or an obllgnï¬onAls no compli ment And the rccelvcr can al ways MILALF COMPLAIN ING Deu Mm pom cramps in but my Im grandfather no and Inks lh inan who wrote Iselcct gin lortmy family withluving cure Yet year nfler yearmv children send me lhlnas which show so mm thought Idpmfer nogifl 3t alh F0 ma my daughter sen mealeniher he which Is six inches too small My son sent heavy wool shirt lhe kind men in Michigan wear for hunting llva in Miami and have nu use or such shirt Auolher daughter sen cull llnksI dnnl owu nne shirt with French cum Denr Ann lenders The inner from lhe grandfather who was dlsnnstcd because he rccelvnd birthday gm wllh hard which said With iove from Bonnlc Don Mac Sue 1m Mary Gerry Danniedc wuswnn dcrluL évnybndy 9154 mufï¬vruy cant she remEmthminc 011y ycslcrday he phancd her malhcr In my prescncc and mid her that Chuck would bring her home nbnut 11 nclurk Every mother Ive has ï¬led on of her chlldrcn by another childs name In fact some mothers go through three nr our name before they hit the rhth we The next llmu Llndn calls you Chuck say ch Ophelia Can this meanthnt Llndn has Chuck on her mind and that Im ntml In consider her fur WllelNm CHUCK Dear Not Pcogle often spsnk thcmsplvcs an Alsu You made the mamps can addnulh but my hrnks or wri look under Illa dmhbourd and lth 19 door lamb Youll ï¬nd the sum mom of push wn put on Hm oulxidm coal We have lo bu randy or anylhinyNolhwuuonl an Old mound Ihu would and drlvon In uvery dimuw Bo our own Cam In and kkkll mound mis Meeting Held lied By Barrie WI Mum um GoldemCirde Chlme aAnmE Exmlmgn WEDNESDAYLEMRCHE unnun wuuuum mu Mrs McGuire Mlnesing and Miss Pcuy Cnmpbdl Home Economist are Invited to the next mcellng to be held March Ihe home of Mrs Reg Adams McDonald Street ent urixi Pug Lucy suppe Klng VChaï¬e II of England gave he Hudsons Bay Com pany IL charter to trade In 1670 The meeting closcdrad lunch was served by the hoslessu membm were Invited to the home at District president Mrs Dawson Vancouver St to sea It film at lhe anen Institute Convention held at Van couver tlsh Columbia 1962 Plhn Skating Party shdrt business session was copducted 11 program consisted of varlnty of hummus papers Mrs Buwlcs gnv paper Child needs Grandma Mrs ll Lynn Retire Seventy and Mr IL Walsh Arabella and Sally Annf The President look thochmr wllh 13 members and visitors present The mll cnllI One step can Iukc toward world peace was mil responded Plans for skating party or 1110 Gnlden Circle Coupxgs CM Firs Baptist Church have been completed nnd lhe evenk will lakeplune March on Roman fell Bay Allerwnrd Mr and Mrs Gordan Wnnd will en tertain the skaters and mm skalers at their Mclrpsc Avenue home Enrrle Womens lnslllulo met at the home of Mrs no Adams fur lhclr regular mccllnx Malls was Today lhcre no rqum for Pelliness we need bl vlewm Fallowlhg an olilnshloncd slclgllrlde attended by 22 mpmv hers lhegrnun returned to the residence Mr and My flur bldge or short devnllonal period and refreshmenls GAVE CHARTER Grgifle911isé29éx Babies are our business 0er My businmsl Mrs Therese Casgrnln na tional president of the Vow said In Montreal the organiza Uonhns acknowledged with ml the hatter of reslgnnugn But she added that shecnnnat nécepl the npinlonexprcsséd by Mrs Pearson that thn Vuw has changed its purposes Eu seem some or them can she said In Toronto spokesman for Mr Pearson said Mrs Pearson reslgncd because he Vow had Iaken on eellain partisan pn flllcal overtones Our purpose are exactly the Mme they were when the OTTAWA CF Mrs Lcsler Pearson say she has resigned her pasillnn an honorary spnnsnr at Voice Women The Liberal leaders wife said In telephone interview THESA day that she leii the 70Wmem her organization week ago be cause it has become much more bciiigcfcni in ii oppnsi lion to Canada acquiring nu cicar arms This was nul he Vcase when Hrs became assoclnlcd wllh it she and prbss conference Ins week Mrs Helen Tucker Vow flounder ald It might bq dir llcull for members III Lib eral puny who were also mem bers the Vow to resuve their partys vlewswilh the Him lhe Vow convenience plus nourishment Liberal Leaders Wife Resigns As HonorarYSpdnsor 0i VOW WIDETOP JAR QUICKTWIST CAP SHOPEASY LABEL Makes it lulueasy Io spoon oul babys load uahl down to lho lasl bil In the heuam ol hu iar quick Ium and ma av is open Analhav tum means lha at in vehinume any unusad portion Varlely namcs are light al the top lhe label Io speed sclrclionsava pvecious shnppinu lime Aside from the great Gerber container conven iences or you your baby will thrive on Gerber Strained Foods Thats because theyre specially prepared in the absence of air to preserve the utmost in nutritiveI values Hell also enjny the truetonuture flavours and colours that have made these quality foods such baby luvourites All are prepared with scrupulous cure by special ists who work solely in the interest of better infant nutrition nflnï¬utgzun VoW was founded In 1960 To support all clforls to develop penculul meansol sulvlng Inter national problems In pmmole mutual respect among nations and to oppose rhe spread pl nu clear arm to countries not now helpilna lhemï¬ Mrs Cargrnln 5a HIT THE TRAIL In 1909 myearold mun walked mm New York In call Iornla and back in 152 dgnyx MRS LESTER PEARSON