ary Shellswcll who died Feb 27 was lormcr rosidcm or the 4th liar of 0m Mu Shells wcll had lived in the village Edgar for 12 years An active worker In the Community Mrs Shcllswcll was honorcd as life member the Edgar Womenn Insulate in Aug 1055 She had been In heallh the past hrce your and had been paliml at Mrs Mawforths hamm Craighanst IEDGAR Special Mu Edgar Resident For 22 Years Obscenity Charges TORONTO CP nxo Su preme Court Onlnrlu rc mvcd ludnmcnl Tunsday on mnllan mum Io erase the ram VinInn of lawyer Hurry ll Ilom log mnkmpt or noun Jun Mr Rose crlmlnnl lawyer hr years was inml $200 or 10 day In jail by Mnglnlmlu Dlnshy Illu Hm luwylrr mld lhe mnglalmlu Imd no Innl ncm qucsllonlnï¬ hl clltnl Mr Illaso ManeII lhu mnxls lrnlnl mum or nn npulnxy 11 ml sonic was March Temporary onloml men was made at Gulhrie Cc mcicry Chapel wilh Moment In he spring at West 0m Bapt lst Ccmcltr Lawyer Seeking Quash Conviction Defence counsel hnd told lhe cuun lhc magazines Imported mm Ihe United Slams had passed through Cnnndinn cus lnms and had not been judged nbsccne by customs ofï¬cials He aald was his annIon both Lady Challnrlys Lover and Iho magazines mm the store nporaled by Golden ClarkA son exploited soxbut not unduly Mngislrnln hippo nlgclow said he compared Law rences novel which the Sn prcme Court Canada has 19 dated not obscene under Canadian law to Ihc works in qqcsllon Mrs Shellswell TORONTO CmFortyï¬ve charges or possessing obscene literature were dismflssed Tues day against Torunln boo slum owner Alter lhe magi Irate read Lady Chutlcrlys Lover again during sixweek adjournment 45 Are Dismissed Lester Pearson charm the ladies durlng his current cam paign visit to Toronto as he CONVENIENILY lOCATED liDOWNIOWN DARRIE PEBBSONS PECK PLEASES MISS Fnlhcr rPreVlilp Annufl Parish Toronto gave the sermon on the fa of SI Cnrclssius p15 Junior altar boys also present were Allan Craddack Pa Gm nIcr Paul Marley Peter Marley John Ritchiee Brlan Slonc Senior Altar boys recelvlng crested sashes were Bobby Bur nett Dan Crnddock Franc Crnddock Michael Craddock Jlm Marley Loo Marley Pnl Marley Doug Stone and lb hncl Stone They were Ambrose Belcaurl Francis Eclcourt Bruce Eur nnll Gerald Chaput Mlclmcl Coughlin Allan Lnlonde Francis Lulonde lllchnnl ONclll Billy Ritchle Donald Stone and Erlc Stanc PHELPSTON SpecialiDcan Cinir Barrie alflcinlcd at tho invcslilurc ceremony which took place in St Patricks Church here Sunday evening Eleven altar bay received their snul nncs and surpiiccs HELP KIN KINSMEN klsses the hand at 21yeand Sandm Miller whos dressed in Hawaiian costume Said the Invest Altar Boys At Phelpston Thurs Feb 288 pm There are still few $200 tickets Ml SPRING THAW 63 North Collegiate Auditorium GAMES SHARE THE WEALTH GAMES JAC$POT$1l000 ODD FELLOWS HALL MARCH 830 pm Mavor Moores Produclion $2500 Coixbllflan Erin Evcry Thursday Night Kimmcn Bfngo Night Mn Wlnnm stepped off bus and started across he street mm behind the bus when she wns hlt Driver of lhc cruiser was Cun stnblo Nnmn Craig LONDON OnL CmMrs Elizabeth Winnnl dlcd In hosyitnl early today of Injuries suflcred when she was struck by city pallca cruiser about thgce hours before After lho czremnrw new on was held In Um parish Hall or the altar bays and their pan enls Inn of altar boys He Alsn ex plained the slgniflumca ol the figures on the ms an the sashes represcnling Ontario St Mich nels Archdiocese and lhe Can adlgn Mgflyn Hit By Cruiser Dies In Hospital Liberal lender Its just as well my wife cnnl sea mo Vnnw OP Wimphuloll HELP KIDDIES ml PA M306 Apple Sauce Toilet Tissue ll ALL POPULAR BRANDS 99 or Cat Food CIGARETTES COTTAGE PEAS MITCHELLS GOLD RIBBON SALMON APPLE RBERRY APPLE SBERRY HVATT MARGARINE Motherslam SOLO SAUSAGE CLOVER LEAF FANCY PINK gonncERoLL 59c COLEMANs puns PORK LEAN SLICED GOLDEN VALLEY Rindless BACON 59c LEAN CRYOVAC lEAN TENDER SIRLOIN WING 0R TBONE 16 DUNlOP ST CARTONS OF 200 ROLLS 15 01 TINS 20 OZ TIN OZ TINS 24 OZ JARS LB PKGS 15 OZ TINS TURKEYS LwLoo FRESHMILLED Eviscerated BONELESS RUMP 0R ROUND STEAK 0R lEAN 09 3LBS VEAI PATTIES on 4485 FARM STYLE SAUSAGE PRIME RIB SEE WHAT ONE DOLLAR WILL BUY IN OUR MEAT DEPT 2IBS lEAN MEATY SPARE RIBS on 3lBS MEATY PORK HOCKS 3LBS SLICED PORK lIVER 3lBS CHOICE BOLOGNA Celery Stalks Oranges FLORIDA INSTANT COFFEE PEANUT BUTTER McIntosh Apples BEEF or IRISH STEW GOLDEN RIPI CEE GRADE SUNKIST SWIFTS YORK NEW HOT DRINK SIPPIN CHICKEN BUEHLERS PlKRITE RESH PRoDUE gilt SAVE OZ Ito SIZE IJBI DOZEN 0T BASKET SPECIAL TIN LI Mn 39° OZ JAR