Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 6 Mar 1963, p. 16

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AUCTION SALE Thursday March 14 pm sharp FOR THE ESTATE OF THE LATE JOHN VATERSON the north half of L0 10 Can cession Innisril annship miles east of Thorman on the paved road and mile soulh 0R turn right at Alcann Garage all No ll Highway mllu wcsl and mile south SALE OF FARM arm slock implements grain and 11 full line of houachold mom lnclud In Antiques Terms cash Nn mom bxcepl on lurm Terms nnd mnrlillmu ol Ihc fnrm will be given day sale and will he sold xublm curve bid JERRY COUGlllllN Bidders will use their own tender forms Scaled tenders hall be delivcmd the Treas urers Office and markrd lend ers as to tumours Lowest or uh lénder not necessarin accepud CARMAN DOWNEY Trensnmfi SiEncBe Counly County Building Barrie Onl For luflhcr particulars mn tad Mn Casey Governor Counly Jail In respect to Jail menu COUNTY or SlillCOE TENDERS FOR SUPPLIES Tenders will be received by the undersigned until Thursday March Hill 1961 at pm The price submillcd shall be forth period April 15 1961 in March list 1964 and deliv ered to the County Building and County Jail as required and for the supply of the following The unit price per gallon oi Na light Induslrial fuel oil iorlhe New Counly Building and Registry Dillon lolal app area 35000 sq it stor age innk size 3000 imperial gallons ML grade sinker coal ior the Jail aMiIk brand and meat or he Jnil Ia AUCTION SALE DATED of flame Ontario his 12nd darn Ecbruary 1963 BOYS Sig91mm AND ROWE All persons having claims against the Estate at MARG ARET MAY HEALEYl some time known as Maggie May Henley lnie oi the Village oi Elmvole In the County oi Sim eon Splnsler who died on the 1th or December 1962 must forward some to the undersign ed on or before the 18th day of March 1963 atier which date the assets will be distribu ted amongst the parties entitled Ihnrclo and the Administrator will not be liable to any person oi whose claim he shall not then have notice l2 TENDERS hnnnlnn uummx Chairm NOTICE TO CREDITOE EATON ll lEGAL NOTICES uni 1570 lrlnH 3100 JOHN OLEMAN FWD Mun 13 Owen Stéei Barrie Ontario Aucllnnccr EATON Colourful lightweight Plusticfurniture for Indoor or Outdoor Comfort PARIS AF Frcnth om cia sources have confirmed Ihe strapping plans to build Fronthficnnan medium unk They said he rmon was Ihal Germany oblian buy Dril lsh 105mm cannon In deal on ncrupnllon cash and these arc too heavy or the pmjccltd Innk din IMPLEMENTS AND MIS CELLANEOUS Oliver 70 Tractor in good working ord er Set of Tractor Tandem Disc iiay Loader Murrow Tractor Plow Quantity oi Toos Mii Ht col Binder Stiiiaoth mitivalor McDeer in Mower Mt cut Horse drawn Rnka section Set oi Drag arrows with drawbar Mii Hummer hill Sausage Grinder Rubbertired Wagon nnd Rack Grindsione Wheel barrow Quantity of Lumber Drum Set Heavy iinrneSS Qunntity of other Harness 1951 Pontiac Sedan in good working order Lawn Mower and many oiher articles HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS and Antiques Spinning Wheel ToileL Sets Electric Lamps Sewing Machine Antique iiall Rack 22 Rifle Bedroom Suite with dresser and stand Dishes Chesterlieid Suite Chairs in match Sealers Uprlgh Piano ln good condition llol Pleio Flower Sinnd hioitat annex cooking range Several small sinnds Dining momvinble Buiiel and drain Anquue Chairs Quebec heater Choi mnsier electric range Kiichcn able and chairs Several Books Benches Several Frames Other articles Picture Buyers mm dishmce mus prove their idcnmicafion with the clerk Owner will not be responsible or any accidcnls Terms Cash Dehnflely m7 reryg as nan sold Nothing be removnd until sclllcd for SATURDAY MARCH at pm sharp The following CATlLE Shonhnrn Cow years to freshen Inst of April Hereford Brindle Cow yenrn lo freshen In June Hereford Heller rising In freshen in Aprll lfelcfonl Heifer rising to freshen In May Hereford Heller rising to freshen April 15 Hereford Heifer ris ing CI to freshen Mny Here ford Heifer rising to fresh en in April Hereford Heifer rlslng to freshen in May Hereford Heifer rising to freshen April Hereford Heif er rlslng to freshen April 20 15 head of choice Holstein Caf lle Including milk cows wlll he offered for sale on Saturdnyl lhe above consignment belongs In Mr Sonles HAY AND GRAIN 400 Bales of Hay well saved 200 bushels of Seed Onls VICTOR sell by public auction at lhe promises LUI 30 CONCESSION NMMWASAGA TOWNSHIP miles straight north of Dun troon Effects Including Antiques The undersigned has repeived jnsuumlnn from 01 Farm Stock and liplefienfi GralAnh and Household 13 AUCTION SALES Aucllonccr Phone Barrie PA BSHD of sale Allng Culham Clerk QRM TANK PLAN JEnny goudnm AUCTION SALE Ida link hr Amv mm IIrSIHMn Slump 549 1o 2120 In May 1938 he wrote re port on his lravcls for The Times at Lundnn in which he described the generosin and hospitality of the Eskimos He aiso told of visit with an kimo tribnl quccn remark able old woman who had been nbligcd Io eat hcr first husband and lhroe at her children alicr they had died of hunger in the interior of Cockbum Land He was he first plorcr to cross Ihu mnunlains of northern Baffin Island raw oiling by dogslcd with Eskimo companions and discovered new lslpndg in Fox Basin An Arctic river and slnnd have been named alter himin recognition of his wnrk as an explorer The young archeologlst and explorer spent most at the next three years In the Canadian norlh uplurlng unmnpped r24 gions and excavating the site of an early clvillzmlon near Igloolik communin on the northern part of Fuxe Basin CIEOSSED BAFFIN RANGE native oi Manchester Eng land Mr Rowlcy won imnars in naiurai science at Cambridge Universiiy and joined the Brit ish Canadian Arctic Expedition of 1916 which investigated the northern parts oi Hudson Bay and lira land adinininz Foxe Basin Formal presentation of the medal named or lonner gov ernorgeneral Vincent Massey will he made Friday by Gover norGcncral Vanicr The medal awarded annu ally by the Royal Canadian Ge ographlcal 50ch to moognlze outstanding personal achieve men in the exploration devel opment or dcscribtlon Cam dian £99an Séleé on Mr Rowley was annnunced the society an nunl ting Thqrgjny night Mr Rowley has been In volved with the Canadian north or 25 years an exploger traveller sclcnllst and adminls lrator OTTAWA CPD Thu 1963 Mnssay Mada has been awarded to Graham Row lay an Arcllc specialist with the federal department 01 north erp attain Arctic Expldrer Wins 1963 Medal not WATER TANK ONLY FFFFFFFF IS BAYFIELD ST BARRIE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION 669 or 320 2600 Install Hydro Rental nonunn mim mfm nunqmuunu CutM 11 cf KEEPS MAGNA CARTA The British Museum houses such priceless manuscrips as the Mngna Carts Bcowull and Alice In Wonderland He is former chairman of the Arctic Institute of North America and former president of lhe Arctic Circle club for Arctic veterans In 1953 Mr ttnwtex joined thc department of resources and development since renamed northern nttairs nnd natiunnl resourceslo coordinate Imi eral activtty in thc North He now Is secretary tn the advisory committee on northern develop ment Musimx which lasted eight months proved theories thnt force equipped with snowmw bile and tractors and supplied by airdrops could operate in severe winter conditions Ailer retiring mm the army wiih ihe rank oi lieutenanbeoi one he Joined tha Defence 1w search Board direcior of Arctic research He served oversea With the lst Canadian Dlvlslun return lng mm to command the ad vance party at Exerclse Mu knx rugged 1900mlle trip across he Arctic which eslcd wardeveloped army equipment HI gmup set up an airfield weather station and advance bass at Baker Lake in the east em mu Mr How was at iginalik in September 1919 when visiting mission ship reported the outbreak cf the Second World War twoweeks earlier He boarded the ship ior its return voyage to Quebec City and enlisted in the army Writing lhe rigorous daily mniine he reportedzu Every night building the igloo un packing the sled burying rnns af the dog food and cutting up the rest occupied unsperating hours But once inside he igloo wilh the door blocked up thick dealskin spread over the floor and the candlelight iiick ering on lhe while snow wail weieii we wereliving in fairy talel JOINED ARMY YELLOW OR CORAL llOflK IIOUMI VUHHL NonMum Ann II hr In 18 Drl Truemnn said he councll Intends to place greater empha sis on lnlarmntinn and publicity mum at promotan bet ler understanding ll pur poses and program and nrealnr public awareness of lhe councils need to Increase ils revnnue to meet constantly rls in demand upon ll lunds Council Director Dr Jzumnnn xald in annnunclng Ihe appointment nxesday the Mr Cole who has spent more than 10 years In newspaper work will nke up his new post nut Monday man Cate of the 01mm staff the Tomnlo Globe and Mail has been nppoinlcd head the in4 urination and publicity division oi the Canada Countil Newsman Gets Council Post Last November snatched in payroll of more than £10000 each In Britain In one at London Airport men wearing derby hats and carrying umbrellas grabbed payroll bag eonlalnlng £62 One of iha most common crimes is the seizure oi puf roils an crowded streets broad daylight The new me chanical arm device has been developed in warn police and passersby Immediately and prevent the lhiei from getting rid oi the ielliala evi dance Crime 15 an allum high In this crowded Island In lan don alone more than 200000 crimlnnl ofienm were com mined in 1062 an increase six nor cent over the previous year Th1 Inaenlous devlee one many new mechanlcal methods being used lo curb the Increasing number of Koh hefles In Britain ROBBER GETS AN IRON HST LONDON RemunThxjea mechanlcnl arms shot out of the payroll ha and seized the wouldbe Ihlela hand the same time police whisfle blew automatically YIIAWA ngeyln PA 66568 49 CELERY STALKS CABBAGE PEARS 23 Ivlulu flruwn VIIIw Coofilnl mm Today or or to guard against thu rulnaflnn church yard by unsightly monumenu the ecclesiastical courts am much more strlct says Ihe handbook Efforts are also being made In cleynlc ur pun the senll menu of memna vcrsc on up parent mg on Instructions issued last year in the Chute yards Handbook punlished by tho church lntonmtion servlce Ancient accleslasbcnl law 31 though seldom abscrved now adays holds that burial does no auIamaUcally mmera right to ct rnonumant ng put Into enact In the churchs Sonlhwell diocese in Nolllnghnm ltxpulales lhul no memorial made 01 marble or any other exotic Inrclgn slnne will be allowed willqu perm Man of the authorizlus eu dlaccse ls ap LONDON 1GP new Church of England ruling In vor gravestone maria of Dril lsh material and carved by Brfllsh qnflsmen AP PEAS JAM Park CHERRY PIE TIDE DETERGENT Chute Crum Slyl CASE OF 24 TIN $2M SAVE 30 Row Print MAVE chose cum AaP CORN ll mE BARRXE EXAMINER WEDNiEDAY MARCH CAKE MIXES Its HbOutv Time To Turn Over ANeVAHGrayestone 0n Poetry as on Dnl amy Crudr SIDE BACON WIENERS Dunlop BEEF KIDNEYS GROUND CHUCK MUSIC TO Sheet Mush See Us Far ALI Your Musical Need ROUND STEAK CNOOCI QUALITY Clusslcll Grnls BONElESS ROUND STEAK ROAST BONELESS POINT SIRlOlN ROAST BONElESS RUMP ROAST ALLOOOD IMOKED ILICID INDLKII Thu Lulu mu AllTuna ml FHIOHLV GROUND CNOICI MCOULDEI CUYI WIEIJIONT HAND ALL MEAT DONELE MI DUO BEEF ROASTS Ihnole Only Mum Fm Federally Inspected Packing hum CANADAS FINEST QUALITY RED BRAND EEK BEEF ONIONS Mb big KEENANS PLEASE YOU Fresh Fruits and Vegetables PA H296 35c BABE 0F 24 TINB IAVE 38° 05 Prln Mm IlaSAVE Mu Gm Arton fun hky lam Sin Nu Elude navcsmnel and In newspapeu widow in Twylord Berkshire was naked remove lhe words lomver In my thoughts from her husbands tombstone be lha minus lhu Or 5Day Fret Exchange on ANY USED CAR Purchased from WATSON MOTORS Chev Oldt Chev Truck Sfayncr 297 or thllngham nl leather Tun ImI 6m New Spring mp No 16ml MoneyBack Guarantee MIMI In YHI In Ialurlly Mum WI III Cullhrnln lamb cm rum In mier oh useem to IOIoawam99c ng Prlla Erasz pkg Mum Most children she wrltu said verses were Inducera and hypocritical Brillsh news paper prepare bookmls or obl luary verses or mmlmers who lack poetic lnspmuuvu One of the commonest is Look alter hlm Lord In the garden of r959 zor we all know he was on of the best Margaret Edward report in local educational bulielinJlrni her highschool class has 59 verely criticized newspaper epi taph she asked them In sludyr 2944915 am 244 pk ling xizn box 77 59¢ 57¢ II29 57 25¢ h45c 119 an

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