Bunny Ahearneideors Russians In Tourney dont know who ha will be sald he larmer Boston vROd Sox slugger who balked 406 In m1 but were golnz lo see nnolhar 400 him withn Ihe next decade or I0 Now come Lo on oi ha most important munspeed last man can vlck un Ill where mm to 30 With mu lhrouuhnul awn The yen hit $06 got ulna Infield hits dun most ever mldc In my year In 1957 when hit 385 ms nu yam old Ind couId hardly run III dont mumber zulIng sinzln Inï¬eld The retired sluuer now serving in the Red Sox organ Iution in the dual £31230in executlm Hce presidcnl and ham Instructor uld Flrst he must have ouusundinl abil lty Second he must hnva lou ol luck By that mean avoid Injuries and mum Ilumps mm have ha mm circumsmncu such bum good players around him to Ihe pitcher will pitch La him To mm 400 player must hit yur when the good pkch on my mun Ind bl young pitcher no not quite ready H0 must play In park um luiled lo hll xtyle hitting Down 10mm cohoider ol the world middlewdghl boxlng lllle flopped Jimmy Beecham Mllml FII the ninlh round Ichcdulcd lMounder Nay dly nlghl Brillsh rdcree Tnmmy Lime flopptd the lam Downe chum the MM Amrrlun Around lha ring wilh flurry punrhu The daclxlon brouth boo 1mm lhl crowd flmhnm npmrd cut ovn Dmnu Iell en in he lhlrd mum and Illghl cut an un hrl£o nl live now In llllh Tb ComeWilliams SCOTTSDALE AHA APD Ted WHHams the last mnjor leaguer hit 400 predict 1h next 10 year wlll produce up ollm real player who will It aln lha magic goal 01 all hit ers What are Ihe essential in produce 400 batting average Deerhnm prMufld Ind evtn Duwnu 00km bll lurpflscd Downel hid plied up bl point lead Ind wu righl on lap whrn lhe Mam lltppfl In but nachnm pm up good llxhl Ind wn nun boxlnl plunk Ily annrl urmrrly lenlml world thlmplnll In New Yolk Mnmrhumlt and Eu mm wehzhrd 1m pound Dorchnm mu He wa speaking mm both ï¬nancial viewpoint and the call bra or III competition In which ll counlrlu are divded into hue groupings For one thing the evenly dlvtded menu the top Inur contender Canada Ruule Czechoslovekln and Sweden llmoet Kuanntecs Iellout crowd when they meet ench other in the spankan new Joe humuhov Indoor tadlum thlt hae untlnl capacity more than 18000 And the host country Sweden or only the third time In It hlalory the delending chem STOCKHOth CF Bunny Ahmne nyl he var the Rusxlans by frac tion In the 1963 world hockay championships that npen hm Thursdly but whatever he onl camz the advance ticket sales for the wday tournament Ind cale resounding ï¬nnnclal luc ms This In going to be lira besi lver championship said the European president of ha Inter national Ice Hockey Federation in Ill Interview Tuesday Fonner Champ Stops Beecham More 400 Hitters LONDON AP Tony We doql hm An Ionl hlvun uponlnp htnow fnrw Ilymu Knuth dont thohull HUBERT The big ilslbnliar with the blistering muslin delivery just about carried the Dodgers hurling stuck last year niler ieit hinder Sandy K001i wn lid0 third with iinzer niiment in midduiy It ms nu suit of his thlt Lon Angela inst flu Nul iannl Luxue pennant In piay of with San Francisco The Hoot3 msqu Cali lomian won 25 games mm in the union Ind led both leaguu ln Itriimutl with 232 He wu named winner oi the Young Armd emblematic oi IO but pitcher in the m1 VBRO BEACH Flt AP Don Dryldale doesnt ï¬gure lo Improv Ml pllchlnl perm mnnco last season In 1963 but no an will he Iurprised the 26 year old IA Anme Doflxen rlzhlhmder doc 1m Annie rewuded Drys dale with belly salary rake Ind th 4000 contracl make Mm he hlghul mid pilrher 1n the dubx hislory Néw mx Dons lum Io pay back lha Dodgm Ho madu hlu Hm xprinx lrnlnlnz appur nnca In In inlrl qund xnma Al Vzm Burn Flt Nudny Ind looked Ia lmpreuha he leaned lo be In mld season arm He worked the llm hm Inning and Allowed no nuts and two hlls min Velnhnucr Inxlmu In In the Noun Common when he Indlln Ad camel up or rclelnn The Swedish an Kn lhl cap llAl city more than 1100000 peep alrudy hlva Innkzd down smlll fortune In toner or lckela Already we hm sold lichen worth 15mm Swedish kmnm 800000 Aheame said In Iddillon the HF selling the equivalent $77000 or leXuvi xlan Indndio rights to lhl gay Thu 51ycnmltl lecrnl rnndl dnln In Vtartvllla rhlimz Inn nnlwllr Ineml In Um nub rug lo lullMomlrd Cm UnlIIunéwwhll lnltrrxll mum mnlnly nrmnml mu on Saddh Lulu rrsrm plan by virtue ll nevenqlmn weep In year It Colorado Springs 0010 um Ml Gal Terriers Clnldll represcnla lives in second pllce SALES BOOMING Don Drysdale Should Be Tops Cree Interested In Indian Act Ono msmnlled an YEGnIJVII MM CF htnoy for ma TED WILLIAMS hurled block ol Ice mu mach Bobby Kmmm gashlnl hl head badly while Ihe Canadinn was lrylng la restore peace an he ice look llx amthes la clasc the wound SPAGHETTI Ahearne announced that the llHls council will an dlscipllnnry commlllee Any serlous penalties ar llghllnx will luv ll be reported ln wrlllnn by the relurcelhen we Ihlll declde what punlshmtnl ln lumrl out If relcreos dont do llwlr lob elllcienlly lhen lhey wlll Eel lhg sack SHORTENING 107 DAINTY RICE POTATOES CAKE MIXES HAVE CRISCO BRAVO SAUCE SARDINES FELS CLEANER COFFEE COD ILLETS 100 IGIILINER COD FISH STICKS 100 IHGIILINER HADOCK Fillets £13 HIGHLINER COD FISH CHIPS MEAL IN ITSELF SHORT GRAIN SIIIRRIFF INSTANT MASIIED FLAVOUHS DUNCAN IIINES DELU MILLIONMHE HAVE LIQUID MAXWELL llOUflIC IUIIIO RICLINER LANCM ASSORTED VARIlZIIES MACAIKONI 0R ILMN SIA AIS CROSSCUTSE STEW BEEF LEAN MEATY EASY TO CARVE SERVE STEW LEAN MEATY SHORT RIB Roastwssc BLADE ROAST w49ci WELL TRIMMED RED 0R BLUE BRAND lfé Easy fa Serve My lamb law009 wunl loo Xong 32a lhnl lhs prepuallon ï¬sh dinner In tedious limocomuming In Wm lung propaxallnn xcqulxad lo gm ï¬sh bouth horn limited nlecnan mad at Ibo pan ï¬sh roban mull pammhe urnin dial yp Nowadzyl Ihmh lo lha modern science ol Yman Foods 1320 who new way ol nouxhhing modudey ï¬sh mull Ideas In sum or Ru In addition In grealer with lho mum ï¬sh you buy ll mlnlon In ready or Iho pan Thu3 no lus nolhlnq In do belowhand mplo Inslrucflanl ln lollow on the llbol No wondar more led modem lamlllu enioy delicioul ï¬sh mull duxing Lam and IL yaax mund will Fmen Fish mm Damon WI 02917 Hs7 from FROZEN FOODS Blmlnl Bhlmu Yam Ba hama Yarn Bahnma Blmlnl slapped llnrry Monroe 169 Augusta GA New Yorkluau Logan Cuba nulpolnlcd Waller Dan lels um Piusburgh Bukenfleld Call Deacon Dean Bonny lam Fresno CnllL defeated Dave Furch 20m Photnlx Adm lo unionTerry annes 15155 England swmwd Jlmmy Bea chum 15m Mlaml Flt Fresnn Cum Bnbby Scam Inn um Sacramento CallL defeated Ben Medina um Fresno CaliL By THE CANADIAN PRESS FIGHT RESULTS SPECIALS Vsmm 23 LA 59° SPECIAL 12 OZ PKG LB PKG OZ PKG LII PKG 01 TIN MI TIN Ln MG VERO BEACH Fla AP Snndy Knulax supposed lnbe Lo Anxelas Dodgers bl quu lion mark his sprlnz lluwever he myeawld leu hander eels so good after ï¬ve lnnlmg lnhlsqnud games that hes zrnwlng weary or his In asked about the audition at his nnceNublesome kn In Thu Inger is good as new Ind feel great what more can say Koulax remarked hmday when quesllnmd about me ï¬nger that sent hlm lo Illa sidelines July 17 Dodgers Koufax RaddyFor Actibn 49° 35° 55 SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL HIF CCCC 59c 29c 77 EIPCIMII HPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL TOMATO JUICE 24m 55 TIDE DETERGENT 119 TOILET TISSUE SKIM MILK APPLE JUICE YELLOW AQUA LAVENDER PINK WHITE DELSEY SERVE CHILLED SUN RYPE CHOICE PEACH HALVES CRINO INSTANT SAVE 35 SERVE CHILLED LIBBY FANCY TENDER AND SWEET FANC LIBBY PEAS AN IDEAL DESSERT TREES STANDARD At that lime had 145 wonInst record mu lame under his belt Ind mother mm In which he had tanned rm outlying 1a batters Doclors have old lhe hlz Ihe ballu Ihnt lhe clrculIUon has been ully restored to his in ger II has long since recov ered mm In lame and pain In bllsler lhal developed on the end of the linger mnkInz In possible for Mm to my base bal properly He hnsrrillched five lnlm squad Inning this spring with out permlmng an earned run Ail murthandlu told your will Snluuh Domlnlon flan II uncandl MARC I961 lumll umnmd DOMINION STORII you IATISFACTION LIMITED SPECIAL ONTARIO NO SNOW WHITE FLORIDA NO FRESH CRISPY CELERY POTATOES 139 GRAPEFRUIT 39° FLORIDA no1 RUBY RED SIZE 40 CHOCOLATEEECEHEESZQ ONLY AT DOMINION HILLTOP COUNTRV OIRL APPLE 0R RAISIN Doiï¬ihlon on In uncéiudl InnIlao umnmd lo 9le you MTISFACYION THE BARR EXAMINER WEDNESDAY MARCH 11 Standing Pnixup Tum Wear 121 Ken Sunuco nu anzls Stan 112 to Book oua qmmm PHUDIIEE SPECIALS BOWLING Mala ml Bu IW In Ihll flunk dun Then my Iinu than JIII Md an admit vm III wmflmzmmwum lanai Id mu mm mm In lh antu In my mull In Dnd WI r1 Iniupu Ever Hear of mm as Iiu m5 DmvuNc mm mm mm Vlluu Ellmlvo In Mull will Siluvduy MARC l9 DOMINION 510th LIMITED TM II 1h lille link Ma KHzy Pill uu In Huh MI III II nul Ilimulunl Mal mhu weal Ndmy Milan and unllm nyllcmk udillm mm hand me llni lulinl Wh duï¬d hzhfhc DIUREIIC keeping me Smllhs Dairy 10 McFadden Paving 30 Stewart Construcllnn 78 Vlcglns Fun 76 Lenaa 65 Spulnlck Hluh Ilnxle went to Jun Bu ley with 170 and law lrlple In Molly Vnrren 239 47° IIOZ TIN 01 TIN LB PKG 33 39° mum mm glutIndia luy Md Kflmy P21 £31 VI yawn yup Ln SPECIAL 31C SPECIAL FEATURI SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL