Contralnlallons are in order fur the Cmcmore Curling rink Gordon Munn Murray GI Home and Harvey Swan who went in Durham re cenlly and copped honor or the day with lime wins Crumorc had one enlry in Eminr biz spiel last week and the rink of Harry Pelliginw Reg Weslhmnke Lew Cherry and El mer Gralnw posted two wins in their preliminary day to qual lfy iodhe second event finals In the last lircy 10s to Barrie nng Oriilla tunrsnmcs Clarence Pulmnn who has been valiant at he Collingwood Hos ï¬pltal or the East month Aims fully recovemd and ex4 pect In be hum shurfly AROUND SIMCOE COUNW Nun MARCH Mr Pwkcr hns bean chm at Colman fur Ihe past 10 years the hand office 01mm Thom son and Sons L11 nt Crccmore and also director of the com puny plants Alllslon and Kearney His dcnlh tollawcd paralytic stroke which occurred in hls ofï¬ce about Ms pm mun MAncll sunm mu Pauly rm Mlle DIHII Mlh Mercury Arm Andy Nu vmner yug rmn PPFPP 8285328 11 Inc Vsnu Spam Inlupol wnnxzsmv MARCH moo mu ma 11155 1130 um Tm Ilem Guod Mornlnl smdlo ruly Nzwl Hamper Roam Pawn Pmy Naomiy Reporl Movlu Haven ma mnpcm 5m mu Around Friendly Glnu Ian Ynunl Show Tm mny Fllnawlnn non mull Dlull kleburl Hound LAURIE PEAKER Funeral services or he lala Laurie Peakcr were held on Feb ram he Mumford and Craw ford Funeral Home Crecmure Rgu Douglas Glll olflclalcd no Ilucklebn1 Hanna III Ma le1 Wulher Spam 100 Thu Illnhlaml too in 100 SCIYIDH Papaya mm um Amu Nzwl WIIOII Cu run ll ymu unlu hn not mind by pm pluu phon THERE Is No mini FOR mus SERVICE ldgu Picchst Indenwa rmnl Pm Chlllcnil PulluulSC PalllluINDP Cnunlry uncflon cm TV New Walther spam Inlupol gm 31ml CREEMORE TELEVISION PROGRAMS DRIVEYOUR$ELP CARS AND TRUCKS Copy II Drllvmd To Your mm CFTO CHANNEL CARRIER MISS YOU VALLEY TAXI CKVR CHAN spurt PA 82433 IEL mi Oummr Svcmmll lnlo ch mu ms Mum nu no mm numn Haul TIIUMDAV Ilucll made In In Ind Lu Klddo mn mun Iwpl In oo rhnml WmdD no Lonllnl Al lau no so lmll or lldnuy no mama an so on lmlrmrl IHduuy mum lpa Wumu Nm 1mm mum ummoil Lunuc mu run my 1000 um um ms 11 Mrs Penellon was In charge of the St Valenllne pmgram with reading The Legend St Valentine and nursery ryhme contest The winner war Mrs Penman Sidry gave humorous reading for Mrs Monlgnmery ï¬ll the mgctlng come ln ogdcr The meeting was In the lust tutc moms and was conducied by the first viceprcsldent Mrs Isa bel Bunncr chen membersan swered lhe roll call Your maid EEJ CREEMORE WJ The Cmmqre Womeng Insu lute mednz on February had program led by Mls Bencllu who had mdlngn of Japan and Australla with an International name mnlesL Miss Emmclt was by prlle yinngr Feb 20 Ha wax rushed to the Colllngwood hospital by ambu lance with Dr Mavillla of Smyv ner In attendance He dlcd the follawlnl day Surviving are hls wile In Cm mure and two sons James Fonlhlll and Wcsiell In Toranlo He also let our gnndchlldrenh three brother and two sister In western Cnnudl Casket bearers wen 51x Cm more businessmen Hea llp Howard Noble Frank Gray Hiamld Stewart and Neg lL Inlernicnt was ll Crumore Union Cemetery imm Inll llInI Imam Haul TORONTO 1n law In Nun Vulher 5m Rlptord 11 Sum Elxlp Bull 66 Hullan our crv New Mann Flnll mm Bum our llxlnl mxormnm cnc rv Nwl We nu Spam Nun anl anlmln BARRIE Furlhcrmnro In plnnnlnu ha play he pay llllle attention to accumulation ol overulckl alnce ho value name or Ham or even pm more In oxcmla he value of an oven kick kick TM principle Imorlnl rwcnrlrlu nml mnccnlrnlinu on the mnlracl II dcmomlrnled In hodnlny Iha Iccnmplnyinz nn The dcclarcrl llrsl Ilm in make lhu conlracl In unempl Inz lhh goal he brushes nxklu hm hand he opponent may have Umt would rendtr lha mn lracl unmaknhlo and conten lrntrx Instead an hind that pcrmll tho mnlxgcl lo bc mudc Quotable nouhl The fol llns whlch man regrets most In his life ureylhasc which he didnt commit when he had the fnpdoflunlly Helen Row MI Did you know that anonymous luller writers who lick the en vnlopcs bciore scaling them new can be trapped by newly discovered saliva lest Odds The odds against your rolling perfect game £00 In bowling laumamenl are 1100000 to But golfer has ene chance In 60000 making holeInone on any site par3 hnlq The cbimii Mlh he most currency per head tlny Swil znrlang 32945413015 papal And theane wllhthe least Isrlndnnesia with $215 TOOTH TROUBLE Dnnl so may cause tooth decay 11 Brillsh Dental Assoclauon report that nn npm mouth expose leelh gown from element in the DAILY CROSSWORD 31 SCOTT The card partying week had xix tables playing with print going to Muriel Adam with 35 polnls and Jana Kenwell columnlst might nééer know he dIdnt open his ma en name where christened and Mn Banner closed the meal lnx and social hour we enjoy ed over the ten cups The next meellng 310 be held the home Mrs Penullan Mrsf Emmett gave the motto rld 5mm aye ogrflAflaIrs UL MU 80th 1016 was Fun 1mm lull Am ma hiqu null ll MM Im um Common mm 11 ilï¬nlmml an lupuqu In an iwliilcu 111mm manl no In In Nlmoly lhlltvrr ll llnlm 50th II In lhrro nnlnlmp Ind nunAm and 103mm moldlnn IL Ind Anntum 11mm mm Choco lLlulllId III Unit Mar IIHLH Choco lLlulllId 00mm marl Unit mm Marl em ll HUI LWI CM uh Halcl mn of ILUthppy Mk MCIII for 10 awnuy My It Thu bidding Int 8mm Wm Nvflh Owning llIdVl at clubs East dealer NonhSoulh vulnerable NEW APTdngs iklava BNTEN MILLS CONTRACT BRIDGE NOB AKI 903 09 3m us 4332 nous 075 30m 0Q VAK1 AJUII mnn THE man TOUCH ILUnhlppy ML Althlhcll MCIII for Irlll lp ILHIhndry mum uvmm uculcham lqulml sum or Allomnyx Abbr pm mum at DOWN IO 11 Ulun By JAY BECKER Gossip Is Cause Of Tooth Decay 15 Kanhool 29 man II Inlomu By HAL BOYLE um Went hnl thl klnl the Hnem Always loses the cun Imcl while lhn Iu play wlru he cnnlrncl whenwer Wnll king Is ninultlnn Thll Inller posdhillty mmelhlnz Um db clanr ll dutybound to pmltcl nunlnxt Tnmnmwl Ifllllllonll hand Eu mx lhe king declam all mnku our nnlrump hy cnnllnuing with dlnmonds and Ill II can Mm to rerun the ï¬nesse Is wmlnl rick As It happens lhe eta cnlthe king and South winds up making ï¬ve nolmmp hul the incl lhnl lhIs occur In flu prmnl case does not by llscl mm the play Is thl Them lur holler reason hnn him 1th ior mnklnx the play Houvzr line of play wrung all right so In dummy and lead the qmn dlamonds but It wanIo lincssc humid declartr should go up with lho ncc me that many plantsmow Intdummy hls point wilh when or spade in order In lend the queen of dlamands and linusse If they did lhls they would go down In the Iclual hand because West would take he king and cash hls clubs to ducal lhe con lrnd one trick Wes ind club East lake the king and return club in Ihe Ice Ind West continues wiih 11 club which South wills Ens discarding spade How should dcciqmr pljncgcdi Identllled The real name of 1mm Bare old lime movle vamp was Theodosln Goodman Slim an 11 Ire near Maine pond Anyone caught ï¬shing In this nrivnle pond will be Iognd there the no mornl Ban mot Theres tranqu her cheese dip now or Inlkx who like quiet particuArn old Gllsow nguuge fare The exprey sion haywlm comes tromvlop ging camps when wire hat bound My bales wet used or all sort purposes When removed from the hay they hev came all mixed upand he lmn later began to mean just that It yin hard work belngI bride in he Ins century girls lmuueau often can nlned loo gammaand ah made most or them herself Vlsecrack the week Many mnn dcvelops leg tmuble alter marriage says actor 05 car Homnlka because his wife makes him toe the mark and 00 the NHL Lairy 5863 in Wednesday for Ms new poslllnn wllh lhe lmpcrlll Bank Commaco Toronto Mrs Ray Madlll and John Brnllhmfle aliende tha wed ding 1n Odflla last Saturday Anna Eelya and John Roberl Binnie He Is the son Mr and MrsBmca munge Tonugh Grace C013 ls vlsldng her Ils lcr Mm Bill Orrell in Toronto The In buzhn hit several In this vIclnlLy Mn Arthu Garvln ol 35rd vlglled nicently Enighgn Memorable descriptions child with memng Ice cream med Cluence Rllchla with 93 new ya we Kgnweu Mb 5vmmu 10th nlu lnL lludInLI mp mum in min cream xprey rnvlox hat ed for When ey hev he lust DONALD DUCK 1171 WI 04004 IIIROW UAUfAunAnnn HERE yo ARE MADAMJ AND youu mm var mMnorzmaL IF sou WEAR PROPEKU WONDERFUL MAD 1m 35mm EXAMINER TUESDAY MARCH ï¬wv Iimcunfriablirï¬ï¬s WilL NIW MORE KKWQD REPMRTKI ABM Fill AND NW RIGOINOy WW Am Ill do ASIIORF TOHKNII 10 Non mmmw wufl €915 NM pm mum Cnbmxwuwx womumvmno ms ma osmoss PARENT SWELLS WTH paws mINDIGESTIONI