MAJOR ERNESTO Che Guevara tleit Cuban mlnis ter oi Industry wears pistol as he Is Interviewed In Cu ban sugar ileid by Knowiton Nash right CBC Washing ton correspondent and Don ald Cameron oi CBC News mogazina tCP Wirephota Cuba Appears Filled With Russians Guns It tour man Cana dlan Broadcasting Carports tlon news team recently spent inrtnlght in Cuba In this story one oi the party gives his peruonal Int presslam oi the Caribbean Island By Knowlton Nash CBC Washington Correspondent No oi the striking Impress sions you get In Cuba are that there are so many guns and so many Russlns Almost hall the people carry machineguns rifle or pistols To Canadian it seems un usual to be greeted by hotel doormhan carrying Czechloslllol air urp gun on ps packing room clerk Militia boys and girls some as young as is carry guns One young militia girl saw carried rliio al most bigger than she went to Russian motion picture one evening Many boys and girls on date held hands with one hand and carried their guns In the other Initially there is measure oi niarm at the sight oi so many guns You get ieeling at true tratlon at the sight at so many Russians constantly mistook us Ior Russians appar ently believing any lairhaired person is Soviet citizen It on tailed endless explanations that we were Canadian Iiundrcds oi Itussions In civi Iinn clothes wander about the city or are Iammed In the back oi trucks on the way to iac tories but saw icw Chinese The Chinese did see were the most properly dressed oI any body In Cuba even wearing suits shirts and tiessomething the Russians and Cubans gen eraliy do not do FOOD SCAltCE Food is scarce although no body Is starving and it Is ex pensive In restaurants stringy National Nominations To Date Have Reached Dy lllE CANADIAN PRESS Total to dnlOIDZ PC I35 Lil 111 SC ND 140 omm It Other PictouJohn Itiarkiu nor llsiltu two members xlto hert IticCleavc PC Fln Isy MacDonald IC Northumberianrl ltIlramichl Roy ltlcwiiilam tL thimnrlnnd Jean Paul Le DiancIC saint JahnAtbertJohn Sl monds NDI ï¬rgcntcuii Deux ltloutngnu xVinccnt Drouln Montreal OutrrmontSt Maurice Lamontagno Lac St Joanlira Ilarvcy iL GaapoIAluandre Cyr Champlain aGaston hiarcotto PC Laoolntsnitcno Cote iL Dorchestrr aFrancls OFar rcll PortacutaAndrcc Itivnrii iL Drummnnd ArlhllrasliIJclllt Claudo Couture PC Victoria OntaCharIrs Lamb IC Cochran Alphonso DrILson EC oronto nrordvtewGlcn lohn ston Ilny tIC Toronto Iilsh ParkJnmca II Stephens IC Vuhrllumbtr Dougius Mor ton IC Drrntiordxiomu Ilruwn ti undueLloyd II Allard SC nlrnrarnIrurntt lenicur Ethlor Total 0i 702 Waterloo NorthMax Lauer SC Oxiord Inmcs It Douglas SC ltliddlmx VutJomcs Wat son SC hliddlcsex EmirTine Watson lr SC Essex Southattichard Ihra shcr PC Ottawa ttcstDonold liuestnn PC xGeorge McIIraith tL York Scarborough Alex Ford SC Nipisring Ilaymond Larcc quo SC Prelxiirucc DM Fort VIIIInmxlluhcrt Badanai iL Irttilprl North CcntreaVaI Wimms SC Swlit Currrnt Maple Creek Ted Kouri SC MackenzieJohn Nakrayko Moore Mountain Stnniey Wil son SC Lrlithridga Peter Uganccz NDI Vrgrevllie nitaiph Stein hnucr tI Itnttlo ItirrrCamrou ltlircd Arnston NDP Vlclorll DC Itllllatd Mooney SC xmcmbcr oi last liousc nnomlnnlcd previously WA KEEN HWIMMEII Canadianborn television per sonality Art linilcltcr hold the Southern Calliornln so yard hnrlutrolia swimming We at colicits pork and elderly chicken with rice are the main dishes and outslda ilavann the nod Is rather less appetizing The Cu bans themselves are on tight ra tions including one chicken month an eighth ot pound oI butter month and live eggs month If they can get them Except ior some diplomatic meals did not see an egg or butter In two weeks in Cuba We were In Cuba at sugar cane cutting season and the government had launched campaign tor volunteer cutters The No man in Cuba ecc nomic czar Ernesto Che Gue vara spent two weeks cutting cone InCamogucy province My Interview with him In the can iieids was intriguing Ila stood beside canecutttng ma chine chomping cigar wear Ing what he called machine gun pistol that was told ilres so shots Around us In semir circle were his guards all csrv rying machineguns rliles pis tols and machctas Guevra was glad to answer questions and this seemed to he the attitude at the Cuban pcoa pie generally Those who sup port the Castro government are enormously proud oi their guns their communism and the new houses and hospitals they have built Those who oppose Castro are equally anxious to talk but only out oi earshot oi secret po lice or microphones illtar Guild Duties lit Ivy Discussed IVY Special thn the Altar Guild oi Christ Church hero met in February dis cussion on the duties oi an altar guild brought several sugges tions which were accwtrd Thcso concerned more ciilcicnt use at the new Vestry upbonrds Ihe mceilng held at the church was opened by Iicv Ii Ilarpcr Ito urgcd nil guild members to attend church dur ing Lcnt the president Mrs George Davis concluded the meeting The tmasuncrl report was read by Mrs Itichnrd Price Date oi the next meeting Ls litath it nt the home at Mrs George Davis FIGHTER APPEAR Former world middleweight honing champions lioclry Grit xlnno and Sugar Iiny Dillan will guest star on Car it Where Are You March l1 Tomorrow 1100 am SPOTLIGHT SPECIAL truism sorts 19th Annual Itleet Per Credit Union Ittl On February 20 one hundred and sixtyeight peapie enjoyed delicious hot turkey banquet served by the Stroud Womens Institute In Stroud Community Hall Guests and oiiicers piped to the head table by George Lawson and introduced by Ken Raiston were Entest Ncsbltt representing the Ontario Oo operative Credit Society Mike Collins vicepresident oi Geor gian Bay District Qiapter II Edmunds manager oi the IorantoDomlnion Bank Barrie and Mrs Edmunds Mr and Mrs Lloyd cumming Presid ent Boy Lennon and Mrs Len nox Mayor Les Cooke oi Bar rie and Mrs Cooke Mr and Mrs Don Wice Earl Babcock treasurermanager oi Rompers ieldt Credit Union and Mrs Babcock Miss Reta Cook Georgian Bay Grapter Queen Vernon Ayres Bud rWatson as sistant are supervLsor CIA Norman Alexander iieid rerr resentative Ontario Credit Un Ion league Allan Lennox ex pressed the thanks oi tho group to the ladies ot the Womens Institute for the line banquet Don cho Introduced Cooke the speaker ior the eve ning who delivered very iino address on the nsblect oi th tlo Things Ho was suitably thankcd by Frank Murphy halt hour at dellghtiul enter tainment was supplied by Lila King Edward Lndles Choir oi Barrie led by Mrs John Dob son SUCCESSFUL YEAR Greetings and words at wlso dorn were brought to the meet ing by tho oIiIclaI guests on be halt or their respective organ Irotlons All reports added up to successful year and the meeting approved per cent dividend on shares Keith Kali was reelected or another three year term on the board oI directors and Edger Ihompson replacck hill Wat son Frank Cowsn retired tram the credit committee other years oi Ialthitti service Ills seat will be titled by Robert Sproule Mervin Ayres was elected to the supervisory com mittee to replace Mao Porter GUEST SPEAKER In his address to the meet Ing Mr Cooke said that he started his trucking business in innlsill near llig Bay Point later moving to Barrie lie kit that great deal oi stress In placed on big things iorgetLing the many little things which contribute to the big things Young people migrate irorn small towns and Villages tortho Elect Oiiicers ilt Utopia Church UTOFIA Special Arnali liiuir was elected sectors wan den tor 196 at the annual ves try meeting oi St Georges Church here Peoples warden Is Frank Ei rhlck vcstry clerk Mrs Bush sldcsmen chairman ltigglnson lidosmon Jack large cities the Implication securing to be that worthwhile opportunities can be Iound only In the large centres The speaker reierred to some of the problems Involved in big city like Tomato such as traiilc control but still the cit Ies grow bigger The little red school house is giving way to large consolidated rdiools 111a littiastoro has been replaced by large shopping plazas where kingsire articles are ieat used Big business Is moving Into unprecedented told that our grandisthers never dreamed of Mr Cooks asked the ques tions How long can ireo enter prise survive in this atmos pherolCan the small busi ness survivat Is it necess aryt He said he was not against progress or expansion but was last pointing out some changes within changes In the past the man at the work bench was the general manager the accountant the tareman The inmilylarrn produced man who was carpenter mechanic and manager Mr Cooke said that Barries mayor was not made in Decem bcr not but that his lather made Barrlas mayor during the hungry ms Ills inther taught him two lessons In high finance The iirst was when he opened bank account with it When haiearned Iiity cents at his iathers suggestion he went to deposit this to his bank accwnt but ended up In can dy store When he reached home his father applied the board oi cducation to the seat ot learning this was his sec ond lesson to high ilnanco In conclusion Mr Cooke pointed out that the Bible em phasises the importance of lit tle things Saying that true greatness begins with things he said that no one can handle big things until he has learned to handle little things It anything Is going to be worthwhile it will only be so as veins is put on little things IticCaun Franklin It IIlggln Itlgglnson sldesmcn Jack son itonald Ellis liarvcy Ihirn bull and ltoss Iiigglnson en vclopa secretary and Sunday School superintendent ltlrs Gil bth Iilclttaster organist Arnall Muir INIITIIIIII Now swowmo little aaan name meson MILch Loss VIlu spiralin Is ilsian Type SARNM CPIDr Gordon Anderson medical health oIiIi cer said Mondayttra influenza virus responsible tor mild epidemic In the local area has been established deiinitely as being oi the Asian variety As tar as am aware this is the that time It has been oi Iicinlly ldcntliled In Ontario Dr Anderson said He said reports iroLn doctors Indicate the number at cases are Increasing but the epide mic has not reached the scrio stage MINTO CF iAlI schools in the Minto arcs have been closed as one out ot every seven students and one ot every three teadrers Is bedridden with influenza Fania secretary oi the Queens school dis trict has announced that the district has decided to keep the schools closed tor at least TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE PA lZtlt Announce New Healing Substance Shrinks Piles lldmlrlbaohngdotamprwnnluhrhk lambskin andnpalrdonagdtimo renowned research lnstltutl has iound not us heaiin aubuthnus with the abi ity to shrink hemor rhoid nlusly Itreilevesltchin ml Till Fillmiiimti tntiunadglssuo In use liter use while gently relieving aln actual reduction islulnkage took place Most im rtant ot allmutt were sothorpoï¬igh that tintimprove msnt was maintained over period oi many months This was accomplished with new healln substaacotliioDm which uic helps heal In cells an stimulates growth tissue NowBioDyno ts oilered in oint ment and In pository ionn called Preparation Asktoritstaildrug Istorespronuy hack guaranties new week on the advice oi Dr onniien dlstrict usii hesiuL oiilcerf The orderhas alicctcd It schools where 7000 students are enrolled with about 90 teeth crs Reports Monday set the iigure or those Infected at 1000 students and about to teach ers TO SING FANNY EDMONTON CP Sherri Lanyoa Demarco oi Edmonton tomes singer with New Yorks Metropolitan Opera and the San Francisco Opera will sing the title role In the musl cal Fansw playing hero in March TODAY ONLY LEGION BINGO EVERY WEDNESDAY Jackpot $250 IN NUMBERS REGULAR ROUNDC SHARE THE WEALTH DOOR PRIZE lEGION HALL 71 course 51 PERIOD OF ADJUSTMENT plus THE MATING GAME Feature At Its and 910 RIOTOUS BEDTIME STORY ARS THE HOTTEST IDEA IN HOME HEATING Now Esso pays for al the serviceyou pay forlust the all Now Essa pays tor annual bumornnii iumaco conditioning mow Essa pays ior midscason check of your heating equipment may Essa pays tor emergency service anytime You paviorlustlho olii Nowwith Essolioinl ttoattnwtcoyw not all the Ionian you hurt all you anI Including Leo quality Mm oitwlalhorcontrollod delivery budgoitormssittorths prim oithl oiii CALL ESSO HOME HEAT SERVICETODAYI PA 82763 tun oli hut II rigittuith the warmth mail ioroumoro wwtcsrrrmvslwsl WHITE FLOWER BASKETS WITH HANDLES Rog to $100 $150 15 Mluurss McVEIGH rursriausso horns t3 PENETANO sr yearns passer CARL BRUNSON E550 FURNACE OIL DISTRIBUTOR sao INNISFIt st mm PA M250