Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 5 Mar 1963, p. 12

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All rlnlml Auind ESTATE ll ANMlICL ALLAN lollml wk nlm known In Norry luv Allan In pl lm My 04 mp ulm IN on or Him um day at Hahn 1m mul In m1 In In mulmlxned N1 Iatrr Hun Much llln 1m Alter whldl dill the um will be diumulrd pr minimHun ul um IKIJMIIJ IMN um an M4 1m mm In hnml mm In Illmln tum Int vln mumm mumm rA um 2J1 yoan old wilh nnlnr mnlrlr ulmlon ml 10 an dlrm nnd prolunlionnl mm paidN rrquhrs In nr ml mnn urrl millnn In nnrrie urrn lmmlly rxmflnyrd lml wlll mmltkr all nlulmluniuu Ilml Ilnrrrtly diwlny In unllmlltd lulurc Ilmm vanI Io ll lEGAl NOYICES um Eleclornl Officrr Mle Cnnlonxuny laid Mnndny lho mnllinl In upcrimrnl In ncu whtlhcr il reduces lhl number EMPLOYMENTWm LARK KIM WM Than meant and Fallulov or flu Um OTTAWA CWUrban ol In 12 anSlllucnciu are ung hy mail Ipcclll 51ch Ilmm plus mmnle ballot on mlnx procedum in the April ledvrnl rlccllon IO HELP WANTED Senator OLenry preslden cl Iha Ollawa Journal WM Ipcclnl weaker at convenlinn lhnl Mmlnnlcd lobed McCluvo and Finlay MnEDonnld undidnles for Ihe twoseal rid lm llahlax In lhu April elccllon HALIFAX CP Senator Gnlun OLrary Inld Pm naive Conservative mmlnnb in convcnlion hm Monday night that Ihe Liberal party provoked In April eledlon because lime was catching up with he Ialsiricalions lhey made during hl Junu ll elec tion cnmpalup MARRIED MAN Sample Ballots are he spok at the rally Mr Caouclle saw Social Credit Prima Minister electcd It Hull secondary schoolFran coil Fithnrd The deputy leader or he Sr cial Credil pany was addres ling rally of some 500 per sonsAln his Duawn suburb Caouelle sand Monday cml ser vants should be tree In supgort Lha political party of eir chalce Senator obeary has long been unequalled in Canada In his talent or artistic verbal lbllie In Senator OLenry poor Mr Diefenbnker who was 14 ways complainlng of lhe so culled smears of upponenls has enlisted lhe most accomplished of lhe smear arlisu In Can ada lo deal with Mr Pearson and the lecrals Provoked Election Mr Plekersgill member for Bonavlsta Nillingale In lhu last Parliament and former cllizcnship mlnisler told an Ollawn Vusl Liberal nonginalinz convention OTTAWA CPILiberal Pickersgill Monday night dam crith ngresslve Conscrva live Sanalor Grallun OLeary as Canadas most AD 009911531 mgar unis Free Servants Chevrlcr reckan revelec llon as Liberal member or Montrenl Laurier 1n the April federal elecflon sald only the Liberals areunanlmau on the necessity an Inquiry and on the urgency of revlslng Can cderalion if we want to rave An Inquiry mlo hlcullurallsm was hooded lo establish the laws In conIederatinn and in determine what can be don about them NOTICE TO CREDITORSAND OTHERS Ch pee pre pared nr delivery an free time polilical program an the 050 French television net work raid he consllluuon does not guarantee the rights of Frenchspeakluz Canadians In the country as whale and can rcuuenlly mus be rayjsedL EAsijw put CWTReal Chev 2r nrmer federal Iran port mlnlslnr said Monday night the hour has came to re move the min obstacles Mock Ing lhn routes French expan sion slid hlfluence In Canada Smear Artist ll BARR EXAMINER TUESDAY MARCH ON THE ELECTION TRAIL llnrrlo Examiner AMONTREAL gm Lionel Chevrier Wants Bicultural Study BOX 75 lll IllLII Om Wllurn hovel 1M Vlr glnlukhnu or the NnCATV khu mm mom my IN Mum lam Llhml hut Wlnlctmryer Ihnl lull upon an luvmlnclnl unlrmlly ummlun wlll ho mule In IM Mxl luv vinyl Thu mqu ulna wuuh dud wllh mm on lurlwl pnmlmm um um rm yum by Dr ll Wk ll Julim rlmdnr menu lulo nlw Educnllm and Dr John much Gum Ilnlvmfly Mllh Mlnlllrr Dymand mll llw Mnnmrnl Iu nukinl lu trnlivu In malnlnln an Adr qunlu Yndnr mullnllm In mulu array nl lhl prnvlnto HUI Mill lulnl Iyurnllu In nmilul Mld xlrnlnl Ilmlonll mm In unrk In mm um um gmmuon In Inn duvth mm In yrlr NM hunk of $60000 Mr mi hll puly Immhl mmwnllnu Um mrdlul 1m lrumn hm mum my wmhl up Our prlmlc luxur Anre rnnlr Jnmrx mm Tnmnhl Pmkllnlc ulrl bun ow ornlnrnl wilhln lhrco mouth lnklnz ollim In Onllrlo would have mm or pcrmm uvrr or Hmth and wrllnrn mm Mud lnr Hm unrmplnyrd lunlhly wllhln II lmnlhl nhnulul hMI Idmnr making nVIIiInMI mnlml turn lmurnnn lo overynno rrnnrvl In up henllh or mm Mr Dryden aim accused ha Llhernl pnrly plnylnl mu lira wllh Hm lune or yenn Ila nld the dtlnyumluhK he became the Kovcrnmrnl uhcmo wnx poor apology or tnm medicare hlll Mr nrydcn said gnvcrm mrnl pmmlsn In all med kn hmllh Insurance plan had not mnlcrinllltd In any ltuhlm on In Ihe 10 works xincn lho lexhlnluro Asian brain Th hoxpilnl plan In In my mum financial mullon Thll province ll now In position In mowl orwurd to full revenue at muiiul urn mvlcn Aduniiy proviuclnl appropria ilnnl for the hospital services commission dropped nearly $20 000000 bclwncn lasl ytarl and III earl esiimnlu ha nld similar Iype acm pmp axnnda was used last year when lhe provincial economist lold lexislalum committee the provincial haspilal insurance plan would ms an usiranoml cal ligurc in lnlnra yeara CLAlll Coflflr DOWN Mr amen NDPTomnlo Woodbine was making during legislature committee sludy of an gum in the In males Mr llryden an cconnmist and depuly minister of labor in Sas knlchewan lmm ms In 1949 sald farmer pramlnr Leslie Frost had publicly guessed cost lb NDP plan would be $250 000000 or mm equally ndl tulnu figure Dryden whose New Democratic Pmy suppam an OntHo med ical can plan similar in Sasknb chewann said Monday Ula 0n lario government Ill scare propaganda in convince he public the plan iI too ex pensive wvuzl He said due ngressive Con servative government had not sought an election because it did not think ll wan In the public interest to but one at his time The Liberal party pushed us lnlo one he sald speaking on the CBC French language television nelwork in the free lime election erles Election expediency had won nver the need the people Says Ont Govt Scaring Public 0n Costly Plan MONTREAL CF Minus Minister Paul Martineau wd Monday night the election is the result of rlsh impulse by the Liberal in deflating the gov ernment in the Hon because ey have links fmj power 11 Association President Harau Racine announcing his deci sion said in llalemcnl his group dulred In assure vic lnry for he Liberal party in Ottawa EuL UHAWA CHThe Ottawa East Liberal Association which nominated veteran MP Tn Richard Feb 11 without calling numlnaung convenflon has reversed llsel Ind announced convention will be held Thurs day nighl Kenneth Liberél Thirst spoiled ballots whldl num bered 82522 In the 1962 elec lion It It helm he plum lo rebommend lo the parliament ary committee on elecunns Ihnl the pmedm bu allowed In I11 urban man In future Plan Convention mu Infill departmeuln esu mnch HEIH NEW lllfll WASHINGTM Ml 111 Jmu mm nnnnunml Mnn llny lhul Amrll llmlmnn will vwlm 1mm Mmllu 115 nmIvrnrrvelnry ul nm or wltllrnlnlfuln MrUhM VIIII he Inn ml Impurth nmlum Indmlul pml Ih Whllu llnluc uld lunlmnn now mlnnnl ummrnl Illlll Inr lnr cul un Alrnlrm NM 11 MVLUM DE JANE IAINTho Mn Venqmllom who nlml bl mum Amonluul Ian month Ind ullul lulu llmlllnn In It hell filvonpnlllh um hnvcliil iven with Ium In IL lurelu TACKLE F00 PLAN OTTAWA Cl lurmnl rcmmmcndnllan has bun mndn In Ipcclnl mhinrl rnmmlllro an Um pmhlcm nl gelllnu land la lhr population In ll cvrnl ul nuclmu nllnckv nlllclnlx nnld Monday This II III pm lhu lnvcrnmunl plnnnlnfl whch ln clullm mdl Ilrpl Ilvckplb In drug olhrr mnllrnl Inp pllu and lhu Illuy PIIOVIIIH PLANES OTTAWA INNTho Tll prnlhlilll luo Dflknlfl And In nlnglormzlnc llrr lrmu WM nlnrn In Indln lhr Dil llullnl will he llnvm Inlllll wilhln ll rw wrckl hr Hm llCM nlr mmsz mmmnml 11w Ollru wlll hp rrnlnl nnd Ihlppell Ily In In Apt IllVINO CONTINUHR TIMEONHUIHI 0M Cll Snlu nl nllllln luhncrn Is lnl lhrm buylng any Imvu rrndml lhrlr lllslml min mm lllln nl llm lllrz cum hrunn ln Nnmnllrr lmu Itrlhnnfl Ir Illlnnl rnrlavy II Ulllnlln Flm uml lulmrm lruwvn mulkrllnx Maul MM Mnmlny ll uylng wmpnnlu Thunduy ummml 195011 pullmln ul ln mm lan pr Hm Mom In ulll Flltluy lulu Wm lM7 puumh ml II cur llnuul Munvlay city in nwnrd hy lhe lcclric Pour Tommlsslnn ol Onlnrln mu privnle citizen Council will donate he silr lo lha unvcrsily St Cnlhur nu I1 chnstn NAMES WIDOW TITAWA CP The late chic Justice Patrick Kerwin leit an estate valued at 3110 we naming his widow Mrs Georgina hlace Kerwin sole beneficiary The estate iilcd for pmbato Monday consisted mainly oi securities tnlnlling 5100771 and cash oi $79M STRIKE ENDS LONDON Onl CP strike by about wholesale delivery salesmen ui Cannda Bread Limited which could have aliccted deliveries to number oi southwestern Ontario centres ended Monday night about line hour liter it stnried The strike we called to oppose term puny plan to cancel Wednesday hrend deliveries which would have required delivery solos men to work longer Tuesday to make up sales The company agreed to ramp the plan WOULD llUY SITE ST CATiiAillNES CilCily touncil moved Monday night in nilracl the proposed new ilmek Univerxiiy far this city hen they vnied tn put up 00000 iur purehnse oi siie The 550 acre site on lap hi the Nine1m Escnmment nt the north end SETS HEARING DATE SAULT STE MARIE Ont CWThe Ontario Municipal Board wlll hold hearlng in Saul Slur Marie March on proposed amalgamation nl Ihree adjacent Iownshlps with Sault Ste Mariel The nmnlgnmallon requested by Tarenloru lown ship would give Saul Sle Marie populniion 65000 compared in its present 43000 Prince and Korah lownships are the olher lwn involved SERVICE IMLTED OTTAWA CWAll mall ser vice lo and from Finland is be ing temporarily suspended due in Astrikel ol stale employee in the Baltic country the post olfice department announced Monday Um Lifeguard Alvln Janney looks over 700 pound sunfish washed inlo shallow water WORLDNEWS IN BRIEF CREATURE FROM THE DEEP DEMAND NATIIFMTTION UXFOHD Fuzlnnd lLII In hu hullnn MyrAp vhl vknr In no lmluu nl Mn Illlon vnmm ntuIL rnlu Inlnu Mon Unlvmllyn Union floclbly mv Maurlra lluudump elm ma chub km In mnynmm lylo muons MIL polllcly 19 mm In aid lln Nam lo runllnm ulming lm pmw Al nmnllnrnlu Ime In New nhzmn Mn um Inrlnn In mil the WI Ilncnmru mum pnplflllr minr flmvmnl cnnlnlmun nu mul Iry nvlfu All ullrlru mn lnlmm IM Mr Hrnlannn ZI nhrrnrd lhc lmver mm Inlhrr Mm Klnllrd Iuhllnhnx ll In ma In uh mmumnlly vermnl 15 miles Mrflwnsi nl Hurlpll 11m rhlrr Mr Hrnlngum tlirtl lull all uhlln Jmlnlnx ii In nmullnn Nulumnl lilmldllon In 1mnnm Uth Ivlu Inhrr nrry llrr llullnn dorml Inlrnrl lo Ir mm Judgu hul he will In Inw Ill lulhrrl lMHlI hur lng Um mmlry nwmvphm buy Inllmi will Mn HAILINMAD Oul CI Curvy Hrrrlnglnna null newspaper Ix nulrlly or Mnls nml lhnll lhu My Want Ilun Inlhlhhrr rdflur nud prmtremlrr Ilu mnth llumn anrlrr uhlch Ml In 15m ullry planon nnd ml Ilnrk rrmlen llllnll ninth and 150 In Io United Slum lion no surhr puhllc or in prlvnlc 11m Sovlcl pouunn II nbslvlulcly rluid the mgnllnllnns In mare nny hmhcr hm wlll hau lo he wmc 5qu of film by tho SovlclUnlnn Thaw lmvu Godlmr told rcmrlm ho hapod Kuznclsov would per suade lhu Krcmlin lo mnmldnr its opposilion more lhan lhrcn nnnunl unsiio impedlans adding lie was he lask of the lap dclcgnlcs mm the three big nu clear powers lo leave He had been prmdod hy he Soviet first drpuly Iorciml minister Vasily Kulnclsnv and Us dis mmamcnl mic Wllllum Foster GENEVA ANThu British minister of stale Joseph GadA bar In the disarmament cow Icrnnce Iar homo Monday He was gloomy over prnspcm whim lroaly In um testing nuclear weapons Bird Magazine For Breeders SEES DISASTER MONTREAL CF Pnui Dnznix former Quebec cnbinci minisier says esinbiishmcnt of an independent Quebec incnp able ni functioning as an new namic unit would be ccriain disnsicr Addressing Union Naiionalu dinner in Monlrcnl Monday nighi the iormnr mu nicipal niinlrs minlslcr said we must make every possible cliurl iu slay in Conicdurailon UK Minister Returns Home LONDON ReuterslSir Vin slon Churchill now in his 89th year Munday enjoyed his first canniry outing since the start ol Britains big winter freeze up The veteran statesman set out by car on drive 10 Rich mond Park famous beauty spa near the capital Churchill has been nut of doors only occa slonally since his all last sum mnr when he lrnclurcd thigh bane mlnisiry spokesman said hlnn day The men had been held in communicadn in naval h05 pita in Nova Frlburgo 100 miles northeast here since their adventure an attempt to embarrass President Romulo Beiancourt of Venezuela ended Feb 19 mu cons our nn lhebeach at Daytona yu min The Ive foot long Iish swims vertically and need at least 500 feel of wa millnnnl hr the my hu DC all ASKS DEFERMENT TORONTO CPIThe Cnna dian Boating Federation has asked the Ynchlsmcns mutin firm America In defer for year Its recent challenge or he larmswonh Trophy The rcllremcnl Miss Superlcsl Ill dun to lhe clth of II driver Bnh Hayward has placed Canada In file puaillan or boinz unable to meat chal lenge his year Anolhcryrowm war moncynvrr the HALSAVER nu CAP Thix xpccial cap cull fuel low and checks ml ddcrinm lion by ltducing cvapomlion Aclunl mu lew that Innntr nnnually min 1200 gallons of gasoline lam 27 ynllnnl cad yur due vupmnlinn Wlun using le 1mm nu cu Ihe Jou l1 rcductd lo Ilgnllum saving olapplollmnloy 31165 llclp hep your null down with Illa 004 muuni nu rAri Iogululy priced at only 50 um an all boards were as nut ccsslui as hundreds of oiliclai bargained or lhe ulienllan of teachers Allanelhcr 2300 high school leathers were required and lhe only new malarial available was 450 graduates from me Ontario College nl Education Thqre have been prcdiclions that he province aces sorinus shortage at secondary school teachers 014mm check expessive cvaporatton storage ulnul on llmVSame ny to avold dls rupling universlly smdenls in their final year FUELSAVER FILL CAP large number of cducalion boards sent Interviewers lo Tor onto during the weekend In In loniow prospective teachers HI ds slag hiring lepphors Assistant Superintendent Har old Deane said Monday 103 up pIicanns had been fully pro cessed and more were under considerallon NHONTO CPl Toronlu board of cducallon has hlmd more hm hall iLa required 103 high school teachers Over 103 Teachers Hired In Toronto er pmhably will be cah rled back into deeper wnlcr during high tide Janney sald AF Vircflwlo 259 lnnlllll Bmlo Lcoon MW 200 10 Do mum llwin f1 Ollndlnl Omumcludlmm lam huvy auaun IM and minid wvalhvv 019 llnn HM lunl Cm an no yum only loci up you nmvmmuum lflAlnlll 0Mqu coor lhI Ouelln with lhlTllS MCYOfl rum v1 yuavmund male C0 01 qkldlm and IM Arn yum llm £00 mlmlum modul myn you buy CanonMM Imnl alm his US IACIOR III III Impala OanmNn and Whod IN buIIMu You also that In any who no hm It opmlfion STEER BY SUN WELLINGTON NZ CPI American sclcnxisls whu have been Mudying he Adclle type penguin In Ihu Antarclic bc Have they may use lhe sun or nnvlgnunn to Re with hulllln clock whlch comet or the movement We sun lho tonne of the day HOCKEY RECORD Holly no all Mann Elias 123 Tucson Arlz knocked out Tony Herrera 123 Inglewood Calif Rotterdavaim Snack I97 Netherlands nulpoinled Frank 2093 Anxclgs By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Snahlcbewu Senlnr Yorkmn Regina IBcslolseven umHinal lléd Moose Jaw Saskatoon 13 EfslaIscvcn scmHiml led ll Salkllchewnn Jnnlor Melville Moose Jaw nestnfscvnn quarterfinal lied lll Weybum Flln Plan chlmrn loads besmlseven quarlerlinal 21 Mondlys new Gall Chalham thnesdnya Gama Chalham at Gall Mnnltobn Junior Brandon Winnipeg Bastarflve semifinal Ilcd 21 Serial Ecswlsevnn scmllinal 1m Chalhnm 19 can ov 19 Friend will be 33 next Nov 21 He has pitched for the Fir ates since 10513 has mi jor league record oi 153 vic tories and dcicuis Many of lhe dcicnls were in UK our years he Pirates finished last and lhe three my finished next to last out oi the in i2 Ontario Senior Serlu meslaLsavm semifinal AN Windsor 14 12 Woodstock lndyl Sim Windsor at Woodstock FORT Mvans AmLil pitcher any Bob Friend of Plllllsburgh filralcs bcglngjt 30 you eep yourself res from Injury age doesnt make difference he say pitcher after so may not be as fast and overpowering but ha has lat more palm and knowhow Look at Warren Spahn and Early Wynn They md lhclr blg years aflcr turn ng FIGHT RESULT Pitchers Life Begins At 30 By THE CANADIAN PRESS PA ill Honk was key man on the Pirale pennant winning club ni 1960 Helen that he played with Brooklyn Chicago and Cincinnati Last year his hat iinz average dropped51 poinil lo 7241 oma mid fier was over he MIL Mummys mummy will be here tomorrow1 Long Distance tells us sol wk Mon ay he wIll concentrate this spflnx on wnrk In the pitcher he will have lo decide whelher to keep Ha plans in let his big threeWhllcy Ford Ralph Terry and 5111 SLalfardwark mostly against learns Ir spring gamut Houk let llama no Inst sen snn wlthout throwing pllch In rululur mason game The vet book an knock BUI Malcmski ra mam hasemani out of double play 11 do It and theyll do the lame lo me Thats base hall bear down all the way no more Igalnsl the Pirates than ugalnst he Mela WILL WORK DOUBTFUH FOET MUDERDALE Fll ANNew York Yankea man ager Ralph Honk isnt taking any chance an letting another Robgftflgetfiway There is no sentiment in baseball and than ahnuldnt be knew last August they were wing in make same Iradea had my worat year iigurcd was tho guy to go They wanted to make same changes They gut rid oi little payroll too with me Siu Dick Stuart now with Boston and Grnat Dick Groat now with St Louis Now thathes pm in Aland Firm his old male can expect no favors This Is my 1th National Lugue club nld lb 35 yearald Ihlrd baseman And Im happy to be here have animosity or the Plralcs any more IhanI had or the other clubs was with before Im out to beat lhem IIL CLEARWATER Fla AP Dnn Honk mapper If you get1n his way he knock you down He chews out ha umps battles all the way That Is why they call hlm Tlger EXPECT FEW HORK FAVORS my Mum Am cm mmm Mn Mod In IDM pm 94 mt Wm boon salssonzfifSPonT BELL enxo world champion lwwndlcr Jlm Bonny 105 Angola at Ihe Chlcago Daily ansalhlcun meet Friday nlght was learned Monday Kidd recovering from an In fected 00L MOSS WILL BE BOSS RIDGEFIELD NL AP Stirling Moss one of Britains most colorful ratlng car driv ers will serve as caplnin of the British Motor Corporation team In he lzhaur endurance race at Sebrinz Fln March 21 Mass will be In charge of tha AustinCooper entry to be driv en by two Canadian Grant Clark and Gordon Brown 01 To Ion The Co an Olympic Develop men Assoc ntlon which is pm mollng Ennli as the venue at the games is bringing the wnt er nnd broadcasters to Caidary aboard chartered let flight which originated in Paris SlVllillilERS PICKED VANCOUVER CPD Sandra Marks and hlnrylln Malanlnnt oi the Quebec City YWCA wereq named to represent Canada the Pan Amerlenn Games alter dominating the Canadian synA ehronlzed swimming champion ship which ended here Sunday But oliiclnls here said they have yet to be told by Fran Amorlcan Games authorities whether syn dtronilcd swimming will be among the otiiclal competitions WILL MAKE GRANTS WINNIPEG CF Manitoba Wellare Minister Br Carroll said Monday his department will soon announced In new sys tern of grants ler Mnnliohn amateur sports groups Under the governments plan iunds to promote amateur apart will be granted to municipal council throughout the province The councils in turn will pass the money on to sporting organiza tions and community recreation Introde within their municipal PROMOTE BANFF BANK1 Alla CPIA pafly of 130 Europeanbased writers and broadcasters nrflve today fur Iveday visit In lhis mountain resort lawn whlch ls belnz promoted as lho rile cl lhe 1268 wlnlerolyrqpiggnmcs emu picked up by lhe Balll more Orialcs woman to lho comeback 010 year KIDD TO RUN DpriTo lCPlrympe Kidd

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