Tlm eye brightens nml he puke skim nl mums lavish ucsspink and valur azuluu blood red ummllkns um um callon whik huds lhul line he long driveways In urml mnnslmu lhul once hnnrrssw way of life 10qu vunlshul The Ilricr lhc visitors rc cnll that on this spul Vurina llownll became he bride of chlcrson Davis pnsidunl of he Cnnicdcmlc slums Behind gram nor cuks stands Springfield here An drew Jurksuns lurbuknl mar riage to Rachel Ralmrds hcgun NOW lNCl They pass through halls that once looked duwn on sum of Americas areal Their nomils quiver Ike scent of mod smoke lying hmvy mLr Hm land in lhe cool March air NATCHEZ Mass AP From Al high quIf mo miles north of New Orleans over looking the mighty Illi ippl that was once the economic jugular vein of he suulh anchcz beckons lhe remun lic and the curious wilh its pilgrimage flfldny display nl Iinc homes and and memories or the confodurary They gather from nr and near those who wanl slnp back century and join caval lcrs in uniforms grey and gold waang luw More lhuir ln dies Special gucst was iliVisiun commisiuncr Mrs Lilian GraA ccy who onmllcd lhn alluwing brownies Anne Caldwell Sarah Anderson Marilyn Barr and Lesley McGloshcnl Mrs Gra ccy also cnmllcd these girl guides Debbie Hardy Debbie Bnmham Janie Langmuir Do men Grcenhalgh Karon Mas SIIANTY BAY SpocialiThu Guides and Brownies cmcrlain ed their mothers at pot luck supper held the Community Hall Mouth Of March In Natchez Means Return To Romantic Past Division Commissioner Visits Shanty Bay Guides Brownies Couksown council Is using llsjnlluence to act Ihc owper of this properly the north west corner of Genrgc and Queen Sts In fence ik in It Enfodaï¬gmtmÃ©ï¬ mammamHuirowxezmm DEBBIE REYNOIDS TuNYnANDAILPAULDuucIAs The Mating Game cmmim unnome Al Jm I005 wmwcw EINIMY Tll MUN about Young bve and Modern Maqqage Tlllï¬ MATINU UM no 5m TDIMV ONLY Fllmod on 0999er ll hlymckl COOKSTOWN ACCIDENT HAZARD MGM WANT lKlNlS BANNED DURHAM Saulh Mricn ilii Wumvns nrgnnizallom In his lndinn Occnn msart £in are prussing the city council lo bar uirh in bikinis rum the slrccisi COOKSTOWN SMELIDSOV oral Cookslawn piano sludcnl were succcsslul In their exam innlions held rcccnlly by the Royal Cansnrvulory Music of Tomnln In Harrie They were Grade VIII plnno Linda McFadgLn Grade 1V pi mm Heather Mandgcn both daughters Mr and Mn Earl McFadgcn Grade VI plnno honors James Cooper son Mr and Mrs Arlhur Conner son 0F FLUBBER The doors in he mnnslox are on display during grimagoupen In visitors pilgrims as anchcz cnlls lh during he manlh March In tableaux Ihn great days or Ihe south come alive agaln days when cnllon was king and calluns masters lived as cm pumrs sop Jan Patterson and Barb Keilh Another highlighl he eve ning was fly up ceremony in which Karen Brooks flew up from brownies and was welcom cd into heguidq wmpa The evenng claéed hbolh Guides and Bmwnies pnrticipnb ing in Thinkjpg pay skll ilrs Gracey thEnkéd the glrls ofinviljng to join l1e Mrs Sue Huhhcrl would like lo Ihnnk all the mothers who helped make the evening suc cess An average day finds helwccn 500 and 700 making Ihc indi idnal tours Piano Students In Cookstown Pass Exams is the site an old hnuse which burned down some llme ago snow lance placed umund the min by he De purlmcnt of Highway was re moved last all or winter use mm nlmy mnnslons durlng tho visitors or IMPERIAL SWALLOWS FORECAST Law lying swallow do are cast rnIn Theyarc sacking In sods which cant gain ammdo when Increasing humldily make their wings heavy cicnlisL accelerate pmtnns in huge nlnm smnshlng devices The nnw Brookhaven National Laboratory syncholron can accelerate prolnns to 000000000 electron volts over its halfmile track But the ntnmic nucleus lram outer space probably lhc nunlcus lde atom pad 3000000 mm to 54 In The Invader was men nucleus of an atom but physi cists say its energy was so great It must have come from some distant galaxy outside our milky lwgy ulnach ul lhe Laburnlory for Nuclear Science Massachusetts Insti tute of Technology LlnsIey de tected the shower at the val cnno ranch recording station nenr Albuquerque NM invndcr crashed into lhe earths nir blanket it struck the nucleus an atom ol the air and the resulting nlumlc debris grew by sort oi chain reacuon intw shower ol highAspced atomic particles Ille cosmic ray shuwcr covered an arm of several square miles The bombardment lasted anly an instant but long enough ta be recorded WASHINGTON AWA tiny superpowered invader from dslank space crashed into the earths atmosphere last mnnlh selling all cosmic my shower over New Mexico Theiéï¬n reporlod in Ihe current Issue Physical Rc view Leno by Jghn linsley has been unlenced since then Council is anxious Ia have lt exiced inAbelorc chil dren start exploring the char red tangle in ihe springl Ex aminer Pholol ubsmm bnower Caused By Atom mam stLgv Mncnw mums ymmmumximmsm HEATING FUELS Phone PA 66531 NOW SHOWING COOD roilfllE BARRIE on ollbcatnik horn Gmcnwlch AYillauelf ELMVALE Micah home 70 Scouls Cuba lathersgnd guesls attended lhn Father and Son hamwet In the Parish Hall Queen Scout David Williams med as mailer or ceremonies RESEMBLE DINOSAURS Crucodilel are the creatures nearest In general characteris IIcs lo the giant dinosaurs lha walked Ihc earth 1500001100 year ago Lullcdn llnc cancenlmlnr the unit canserve 52 loqnl elm phones on 11 trunk lines when prevlqusly It wouldhnve been necessary tavusc 52 trunk lines Mnrcel Eeuillepnlnnf lhq LMJ Company 01 ancu new to FortWilliam at the re quest McDougnll Iele department manager when local technicians were un able to instal the unlt Io their snllsfaclion The main problem was that the unit was dcsignnd to oper ate aver shorter diskmm in Europe than vwcro necessary hem FORT WILLIAM Ont CPI The Fort William lelcnhong de pnrlmenl inslpllgd $4790 uni In carry telephan cnlls miles mm Conmec Township and hen had In Impar an expert 1mm Trance In get the un mln operation Phone Expert From France Scout At Elmvale Becéwés Trophy Au Iar as Im canumtd Im no lukinq any chnnm Id have tltclnc hinting 1744 cost me mm In mnny munlclpnlltlm Ihu rnlo far elktrlu lmllnl has 1m mllmxl much ml 10 during the In two years nd mum that In hum man It Iain Io hm home clulriully Hum It does with other systems In ulnar pineI Elmtrio lmwlxmrd MMIHK Ila mum nlunn will at hmlmnul lnvul lnnulnlnd luclrfu Imullna unbln In hfddon In In will or lwlnw he nor And lhnm nru all uï¬lln mum lhnl flunh mount in calling and wnlla ELECIRIC HEATING REVOLUIIONIZES MODERN lIVING Only electric heating xlvus you cuslomcomlort You can dial uxnully nnd pmiwly thu Imnpornlum you want for my room In the Imum lhntn Immune Electric hunting 1qu you lwmuinlnt in my room The air in more healthful will electric llonlingnuvor dry 01 Htifling llluulric hull in unllo nlul cmmmnl Thom nm hover my cold upqu or uncumforlnblo blnulu of hot air Youll never be dinluylml by mumelectric homing In the quielml lmulinx nynlmn llwrn ï¬ll The worldl clonnosl hauling syltum Nut to uunlighl chclric honlhlg In the clonnmt in hu world ll uumnl cnnlu dual wmt mnuko or lllrl If nny kind It In wmpluloly oduurltwu You got more Ilvlnz Ipaco lkcnuu cluclric healing dwmt nml unmco you lmvu oxlm living men In Hm bnmnwul LECTRIC healing is safety brcnkihrough in homo hunting because it does not use flammable fuel of any kindit is mmplmly flamclm thu Hm weather your cool at any limo of year you just din the hunt you want At once war from is hmlcd directly with doctricily lhmugh buililin mill in each room and arm ihnunnnds of Ontnrin homo ownvm now hnvu electric heat ing nnd conservative mlimnlm indicate that this number will have incrcnucd ï¬ve limm by 1065 My Sum Cakes 241 Front St East Sunthmy Ontario ONLY ELECTRIC HEATING GIVES YOU ACHOICE 0F HEATING SYSTEMS Electric heating eliminates the flame raises the standard of home heating safety REDUCED OPERATINO 00315 and lnlroduccd the head tabld gucsls Scouur Murtln lï¬lro duncd lhe members mu group gummlllce was to the Lndles Aule lnry who calered In the hanque was proposed by Bobbie Maoe and respondgd by he Auxil lary president Mrs Joyce Sle phcns mas lo the lather hyhstnphen Shnw was responded In by Chester Baker Jack Whililcld led in slug sang accompanied by Mrs Leckie at the alarm The guest speaker Scauier Fred Sewell Oshawa was lniroduced by David Williams He expressed his pleasure at being invited and showed slides af his Troop at summer and winter Scam camps Lynn Williams onbehail of his wile and himself gave to Norman Crpne chairman oi lhe group committee ha David Vllilums Trophy to be given annually District Commission er llqrvey Boyd presenlcd he Irnphy Jnhn Kidd For elderly and convnlcSA cm pallcnli Excellent facilities or private or semiprim Hot and cold wntcr In moms Register ed Nurse tn attendance STAYNER NURSING HOME STAYNER ONT MARSHALL Reg PHONE 124 Th xrléa no having flammable luel aloud var pipzri inla the 1mm laid me on helmsly of lumc healing NEW WESTMINSTER ML CF Jack McMurray knew hls mixed bnwllng team three womenand twa menhnd mllud up good score But It wasnt until he chcckéd the reo ord hook lhat he discovered Bowling Team Siruck Bacard CONVENIENTLY LOCATED Ii DOWNTOWN BARRIE any Mm Muiln Love ER WLLerloo Onurio THE LONGTERM ECONOMY OF ELECTRIC HEATINO PROVES THAT IFVOU ARE DUILDINO OR BUYING NEW HOME WHATEVER THE SIZE THERE IS NO REASON WHY YOU SHOULD SETTLE IOIT ANYTHING LESS THAN THE SAFETV CUSTOMCOMFORT AND CLEANLINESS OF THE HEATING SYSTEM THAT IS REVOLUTIONIIINO MODERN LIVINO mnro hermnllon nml MUIIIMM mnlncl your qunliflrd eloculu hunting mnlmulor at your local Ilydm ulllw Chm an electric hauling contractor who in qualified lo back his work with Iho lndualry rocngniwd Triple Sm of Quulfly gunrnnlw Thin gunmnlm wvm both equipment nnd Innulnllon Any homo with clcchlu hauling nhould be built to Hydro Mnndnrda of Innnhltlun Elcclric healing in may to lnnhlll No lumnco or fuel tnnk in required And with electric heating hero mo no annual nmlnwnnnm 009ml the coal is about the name In the few areas em aim am still alightly higher the difrcfunco in negligible compared to the extra value electric heating gives you The Electric Heating Amocialion of Ontario will guamnhc tho estimalod annual heating coat oln homo bull in Triple Seal of Quality standards The guaranwo covcm full twoyear period ELECIIHO HEATING FUR YOU lllmlmlIIUMR you nu plmminl lmmu mam or your Immu ml mm pmlmly lmud ynu um lzulnll numvluuwnlnly oluhlrhcntlnllorlununhmmwulmulyuurlvvmut hull your hydm Liv nmzn ELEcjrhlzékAlLlY GUARANTEED INSTALLATION LOW INSTALLATION COST THE BARRIE EXAMINER SATURDAY MARCH they had set JVcslem Canada mxxeu team llvepinmecorm Mchirray Xsam Rlchnrd 50x Lenta nIcLoucth Gladys Robinson and Sannv Valeau Vn league competltlon hll luresgame tonal of 4m pins surpassing du nld mar 01 417 auLln Sunny In 1953 jut fut bdlcr lnnmny Illa Ahm noflanu burning mid ham tan mu witch lht hm if loan lo and know that that wont ha any wait to warm up he ham namu uyx Sch Bude Oak1 lercd by other mixed team but 1hl rccnrdi were never am clully accepted because lho team comprised three men and two womer Instead ol the regulation three women and two men TllY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE PA MN