lllllrlq II mumn and AIM numu mun Imm Ind mummy Ilullll IINNIIII IllLI Hill mum lulmm nu II III Nlrfllllflfl MI mun Dal II All muun lulu lubml on lll In lull by mu 17 nun 0M PM mun233 Hun on 11mm 011 II vï¬ In rl II II Io¢ll lit anIM run nlsmq IanIn lluw Hm nmln out we do not know We wuldnl cam Ion Our nnly cmuoln lion In that In cw yum lhoy wlll have acquired mmc mental poise nnd leave Ihcsn with fonts to llmso vho allow Il lor lhcm thl lhn Ilnmillon worldhluoru wm mum on In WM lo onmhllsh new WHEN YOUTH SEEKS FAME 51mm Observer Last week we road nownpnper Mnry mm llzunlllon In the effect that six my 111nt schnol student lhoro wore ncnrln llu halfway mark In an nllcmpt lo hren anulllcr world record WHATS WRONG Montreal Gazette North America cannot escape the Incl that while Its economy In legglng the economy of Europe has shown re rld growlh that he stunned the world 1x th5 conlrnst thnt he glvcn rise to remnsldernltons In North Ameren of III policies over recent yearn If the econo my lhe world showed lhe nnllle Iagglnr trendr these could be considered as al art or the same temlllions But when orth Amerlcn oes against the Euro peun trend and 00 lo untuvornbly the reesnnn for the difference mum be near cherl out 77 er Grand Opera Hours had one nlght only great song Pltï¬v by Gene Slut tonPortcr Freckles umnlced New York groducllon and cm or money re undo Box seals $150 reserved on flu and second floor SIM7541 Gallery llhlrd balcon 25c Colllns saved lrom drown ng vhlle working at in glam at Bell Ewart Jammy Icllon of Rowland who pul hlm from lake Flrsl hydroclcclrlc power turned on Colllngqqu llpna Adam llch ul dressed Fubrllcgntherlng It thlgygpgr WM 4n lumu mu mam mam 50 YEARS AGO IN TOWN annie Saturday Morning March II 1913 Hon Hanna in Ontario begin ieture said law would likely be enacted soon to extend voting franchise in mun icipalities to married women who own propeny Bond Head Methodist Church destroyed by fire Fred Laws 13 badg injured in accident on term at father scar Laws Sunnideie Elm vale hockey pin era went to Minesing Wednesday even to play or thlt 45 acre term Origine 1y it consisted of 50 acres but the orta generously decided to give onelen to thepeptist preach Slnee the program was flrst instituted total of 45995 students mostly young people have been graduated from tho clnsses ullnstructlon held by police of tlcers and other competent persons In operation since 1957 the hunter safety program of the Ontario Depart ment oi Lands and Forests is effecting some reduction in hunter casualties Therewure still 125 hunting acddents 17 of them fatal in 1062 This was dlsunct Imï¬rovement over 153 accidents and 30 fatalities In 1960 One of the City Councils problem has been to carry out this costly and muchneeded sewer program without dls rupting its ï¬nances If the charges had been assessed against reslty taxpayers Many citizens may have been taken aback by councils decision to institute system of charging sewer rates based on water consumption HoweverI careful study Indicates this method is the fairest and it has one importantt advantage regular realty taxes will not be affected Th6 announcement that Kempanfelt Bay will be suitable for all Ecreallonal urposea year analcom Ietlon at the £2000000 sewer program aces the pro ject in proper perspective Will BejDigéfributéd Fairly More The Barrie Examiner ISMm um Walls Pubflshar Waxy Wm OTHER EDITORS vm DOWN MEMORY LANE safety Publlshed by Canadm NewspapeuIJmlled 16 Hayfield Street Range Ontnrlo blishar man snugm Genengi Manager SATURDAY MARCHLIW Pm one nallon If we III In frylng crcalc two ONLY BLAMI OURSELVIE Vlmlmr Slur Cnuadluna lrvqucnlly rumplnln about lho cost governmunl One reason or hm hlgh com II llmt we are avur ov orncd lmuly llonvc lhuum Inc all Anm rr that 11 Vunlwurlh Younly nlone hum on uluclud bcdm flu molnlud bomll Ind mmmhllonn Imam would no Ippllml In artum or lm mmurc In other mnrh conn Ilcn HULII mnzlnmrrnllon author Hu nonmnsr nml In Onlnrlo hnva only oursvlvus In blnme or lolmuuu It There nothing miom Ihmu them manage hlsmillcx M05 ux have one lhrou In similar min on the Hum Ilon boy on Furl Vll lnm buys and some nlhur ho Ian tho Hamlllon boys good luck to mm nll If Uon oullnnl the Perl anlam young Imru and begin In chum rcucllon It will at lcnll help the bowling alley proprietors who can turn thclr cutahlinhmonla lnlo montafmakcrs 24 hour day uan the Id 05 am world record or nonslop bowling This mark they say had been set in Fort William the previous vcck when sex tet II the Lnkchnnd roiled hails down al leys or 100 houn And in minulcn with on iciup ii is no business of ours or Inyane oisu what these boys do with their time They hnve much right to roll bowling balls without keeping score us their lol iawstudcnln had to awuiiow goidfllh no inside ieiophonn booiiu inmdlo los lnl bod down hluhwnyu or loss lump or back and forth house stressing that Collingwood was first Ontario municipality to venture on the new public 0wned line from Wau bauahene hllitia De artment at 0t Iawa authorized special ass in si mi traininï¬ at the Barrie Armoury on ul caster now farmers market The Lady Grey Foresters Elanned an Oriental skating carnival at Mammoth Rink Mayor Cowan called public meeting to tan or observance of Barriex Diam ond Jubilee Zeke Firman landed whiteiish weighln eight pounds Charles Poucher liandalea popular but cher has sold his business to Walter Marshall of Midland Charles Warren refereed an exciltng game of girls hoc key when the UKnowUa club deieated the BowKnots 60 The Public Lib rar Board elected Andrew Hay mathe ma to master at BCi chairman with An drew ilunter secretary and William Croasiand treasurer Collingwood Curling Club won Ontario Silver Tankard ior iirst timo Larfo crowd met curlers on arrival of train rom Toronto paraded with band to opera houae ior pubile eoehralion Skips It Rule and Brown expressed thanks for their rinks Seventeen fatal accidents In single your still represent 17 too many All new hunters In the province must now produce certificates of competence In gun handling in order to procure licences The reduced figures of accidents and fatalities In recent years are encourag lng but there is still room for Improve ment The classes not merely teach the pro per handling of ï¬rearms but the proper measures so that the gun handler and his associates are not endangered For Once the sewer program is completed and treatment glantln operation lha beautiful bay wll be fully restored to both heaters and swlmnlers The Bays value as tourist altracllon and as place for general relaxation will be ob vious The cost will be great but ll wlll ha worth It alone the mill rate would have gone up sharp and large percenta of users of hot sewer and water won not have been affected dlrectly In other words this would have been another heavy but dannon alleasy hardpressed gaquyals But the llsefflr HIM13w princlï¬le will embrace muchlnrger section of the population and spread the cost much more fairly ng pl Imulllnl urnIn In lo mm lnunm Vllmfl lun than and fromnlurlly II dunpr In Iml Illwulh the uh ormH Tm much mllurl ran tuum mm Um Iln In cm 1th mollnl In uudu mu ml have In be wunlad unly on at IIVIIII lmmhMu hm hm bum mmllunly In mulhm 111 no Imulu but may ad nom conlrlhullnl lllnlu or that tnndlflon nr may hnva bun mhlecM Io In Iccldenl orlhprk tom ilm Al Inhnm cumin dumm lly puskn or menlal do W0 hive lhc lmlhla Ind nul Iundml rumplu flrul II Ido and at lmnm ll occur In Int lmu mnnnu ol prunnncy mm knnw About 1nam ruuld bl ulhm pinup ol In dontHun olltcl MI luv nol ldonllllul union II mlo ralliculnrly In urly mummy llho no medlcnllbn ucopl by um Ipunn lmluu nro ho mmlnl more Ami mun uuuouu In lhn uu nl any msdlulkuu wlllv thh Huey hm 1M hml rlbnly nl nun mime IMA ll Ive lung mush II pm nblu prcmnnl wumm dldul omnko hut lvl mm gnllm In flue polm ol llnlly prohmlllnl Am now lnru monln Alan and wnnl lo know nor In my known mm II ohlld be Inx menlnlLv ur lenlcnlly dc lonnrd bacnuu Hm mother mwkcd Mm mcdlullnn Inle1 Dear Dr Molnm Whit Ibout ha pr womln who Inmku By JOSEPH MOLNER NJ Tahnkl lent lwo mval Vuld on Ion cruise during which llme noun lhl crew we to be permlllcd to leave the min On one Ihlp tho men rtceived he cummnry mlom pollshod Xch while on tha other the men erI Ivan load Iupnllu ll wercmllnmlry on Brillsh Ihlpl When he ihlps rclurned to hem porl lhu Ihlp wllh lhl rlco dlel wu vlrlullly hospilnl Ihln wllh lwo third mu man down physiclan lhe Japanese Navy maxi wan alarmed ll 1h drudlul epidemlc that wu causing so much sickness and death In lhs Imperial Navy At Int ha doctor lhaufhl they were up Against an nlecllaus dlsean bul Tklkl was con vinccd he scourge musl have Iomu mnntcllnn wllh Wflll the men were Ivan lo cal and lrndunlly decided that ha cauu ol the dlune wn rm This ldulmmd the nlvy commund but an the epidcmlc beume more more permlsslon wu llvrn lo Taknkl In enme In In uperlmcnl Hut mluhl lend lo vllll Inlormntlnn TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH The Vlumln Hunter By Albtfl Von lllller The Vllamfln Hunters In engrossing story the sclen lsla who discovered the cause and cure bcrlhed Icurvy pellaxra rickets Ind other nu muonal dlseascs Urge Pregnant Women ToCut Down Smoking AT THE LIBRARY Vitamin Hunters Is Story Of Nutritional Diseases EVERY AGE PRODUCES ITS FUZZY THINKING Mm uw yam ol ubum Iun IIIJ lludy wllhoul ï¬nding any nlxn um umth II mnln mm an renewny ma lhnl ll lnl Nol An 1m no Imne volummn EIM nl IN uncor lluul b1 rm God um um uh Tim mm In lholf awn Huh Thu cnnm Ihlno uulrkly lfll Ippamd In hullhy vnlur wryng qplr who nlm hd an llur nr MInm Mu hem lpllniud wlmhnr camu In nluloul IN rmmh Itlll In no uvMJIJL Cnum ll lum lnlo ï¬lm Wlll ll zxndunlly In wnml Would lumry 0nd lhu lrnuhlef Mn UWu mm Iurn Inta cnnrcr lml II In hum In murrnl lmnllh and mly lmpnlr 11min Hum In em one Hm 0mm compllullnnl ol menk ll my undmlnmlln ml mnny hm hron rlum hy mr rm but llopcmn nu mu rlnly when lhl infmlon ll loam um wlll any um rcducflon ol rxrrsnlvo umnklng hy mallurloI 11me mm mm non hm mm our yrm nun II It hlm wllh bully drun lnl ur llll wnnlll mul adm nldl Mm munvrd lvul mu 1le ml hplp man upon lndlvnlea Hm baMuI woth who Imukn excrulvoly end In be IlmlHH and an the nverm elm ounm lllhlrr Ihnn than nonImnk Wheer his mch dl lvrture In nulrlllnn or II lrlhuuhl In no nlcollnc mu nnl Iny know ol my evidento In lhu dimllnn Till hook Include mm on he work well weXknuwn mldlcnl men lllrvny John 11 Good PhyIIcIn BLWIIII Ill Dnyenpm doctors and medirlnc provldcs xllmpse medlclne lhroum um lflel It Ihum Ihe thrill dis covery and hu personl Inc rillce thnl mlkl ha Hwy medlclne so lusclnaflnz 1c about nulnllon And what thoughts were upperth In their mind they made lhom Thll book ten or miny other dluuvcrle Ill lcd Io he con roll of nutrillannl disease and our present day dlutury can tap lhu Vilnmln Human vivid account mans muzzle lo advnnce the science of mum It Internallng to learn how nan made ghelr dlscavnr with beriheri 0n the other ship mu Iailors wet in hiih Iplriis and iuil of army This dam castration caused the navni com mand in make ndicai changes In the provllioninz oi he enilre nnyy Tniukl was unable to ex plain why the dlcl oi polished rice led to beriberi is only now due to the development ni ihu Iciencs oi nutrition lhul we know the signiï¬cance at the substances in our ioods but Dr Mnlnrrx Our annd Mn Downy firm awnrr And MmInt Ir lhu liar anh luL Annmmreu lm NM ln mum luulvlnullnn oi flu Allmmapnw Mow 11 MI hem laid ml the pal Ienl lhe Inrgoucn man In mcdldnc hul ll lnucrlnlnly not true In hm cum Mulch um mndu mum Inlelcflllm Imcausu the lmporlnncu he ml lmu and the ultra III lholr lives and drulhs on hlsmry Some lho cases discuncd Ire polio and President Rouse vell Hm hoallh ano loan the lnsanlly of Kim George III lhu lilo and death of mmch Burns and ma ulul lnryngllla Scum Vnshluglun In the Hten cum slulllcd Mr Stevenson doscrllm the ness lho dlngnnsl and he 1ch All lrunlmcnl Ila ulsu in eludes wmc post Inurlcm ex nmlnmlons In ml book the nuumr cm phnslles Interesting prnblums of flngnusls In lhe illnesses Iamnus people The numar bc llevn lhcsu lllMsscs and In some use the lrcnmmnl Ihcy mcclvcd may hmo Influenced lho courxo or history Thch are also less nmilinr names or doctors Mm hnve c0n lgihumd lo the slury medi EH10 me Informal nnlclos essnys edllarlnls blonraphlu hisluric and lectures um rdllnr has as scmblcd lhls anthology about medical man whlch will pravide Interesting and vnrlod reading Famous lllnesm In lllslnry lb Hunter Jenner Osler Cushlng the Maya brothers and the mis Llonnry doctors lejnumne and Albert Schwclucr day Mr MM Mm III nmmml lmr docnlnn um conlerrnm In Nu Yuri Illar mslgnlna mm Ilu Illll Ihhm WM nu In the pnsl some lncnl auth orllles have Iricd lo nslsl an Cnld viinéééxszérns to be pu thow nluc level and pruhnbly plgpcd Above me holiwnlcr tank up in lhu ministry These new roguinilons will bu compulsory All councils building inspch ors nrchiiccis and builders will have to cuninrm in them At one Aimkc they win sweep out oi existence the tangle of 100 sets building hyinws which lqcai nuthariiies iry Io enforce in Eng lhllli and Wales The regulations pmpnscd by me ministry will require Ihul all new houses In Iulurc must have No aulnlde snrvlce pipes The mnin wnlcr supply lnld under he house and emerging Into lean two feet slx lnchu Imm any outside wpll waste null Ana merit plants In be kept within the hnusc vI£h¢xils below the gruqnd No wulerplï¬csfllu uié mm and an insulullng blanket ta be placed In the ML NEW REGULATIONS Pnrllamem has been ndvlsed by Ihe mlnlsler hnuslng and local government that new build lug regqlnlloqsnre Ming drawn LOOSELY WORDED Appurnnliy en ESE houses were buili 1min thought was given In protecting the pipes ngnlnsl ironing but ihere is now definite ho that Ihinxs are gn inn in be Micron in tho houses that are built irom now an Cum pulsury ircezo ircc plumbing is now an lhe way but it will flpï¬ly only In new homes hulnfl ui By MélNTYRE HOOD LONDON The abnormally long spell of severe lreezlng weather which has covered the whale of Brllnln alncu mld December and ls sllll continu ing as Ihls being wrlllcn has brought lnlo hlgh relief the out obdnto condlllnn million Erlllah home so far as thclr plumbing arrnngemenu are con cLrncd Plumber everywhere hrvc been working around Iho elmk lhnwlnn out frnzcn wnlcr fines and mpnlrlng tho burs In hem And havu been lold by more llmn one wurnmnl plumber llml lhe mnln Iensnn or Ihcse burn pl was lho anllqunlcd and Inuly arrangement ol lhc waler pipes In many case cum plelnlly expoqed he icy blunt nl Ihe rwlnds In lcmï¬Ã©ralurcs we below hq regflng nolnL Dy TIIE lwlsGarmhn troops un cuplml he Runlnn city lev In tho Fin World War March 1m Texas declared ll lndc ponduncc Imm Mcxlcn 121 your ngn Indayin law On April 21 Sam Houston lead lnu Boo Texans defeated 000 Mexicansa Mexican Gen eral Santa Anna slnnud rea llcs ending hnslilllics and raconnlzlnu Texan Independ cnnc The Muxlcnn Congress rupudimd lh lruallcs but In I031 llm Unlled sane and Hrilnln nwznlud Texas in dlplmkncc Tun became In 23m slnlu of Hm Unlnn In December m5 lmThe and Rollo ilo null Ilrnnllard 0nL pornlcd REPORTPBOM UK FreezeFree Plumbing On The Way In Britain TODAY IN HISTORY CANADIAN muzss dnvm limit you whvn lhn rrlnlm Ilmrk Mnlnsl our Mher nlllu II dnya um IM melwm of IVI mMIuhen who mm He who would have ohm moxnixr his nurlll mm demon mnle that ha ll warmly at me nunmon Lrl nu man despise lhy yonlhx bul hr lhuu In rxnmple lhu hrllufll Timothy nu No art museum mun over how works of dubious authen llcily Elhlca in tho museum licld are simple Muinlainlug urds ls lhn eucutlal Hc mm puhlic uorvnnl at lhe aniunal Gallery und one the ruins Invohcs not dismiss iru conlidlnlinl manor In pub lic nne disagrees with Iho gullcryi policy one must rc sign my My Simmlns he sulcccds Earn Tyler who is minng nl ma Vancou cr Gallery The matter was raked in Um House of Commons when Judy Lu Mnrsh the Liberal member lur Niugnra Fnlk laid them were minus allegation nznlnst lhe gallery and it was lending lhe weight nl lls prestige tn unaulhcnlicnlcd and perhaps xpurinu paintings Mn Simmln resigned Col 20 while the show was slil on and said almply No public cum mom Nuw hc nuys people can drnyy lhcir own canclnsiam Richnid Simmlns 33 says Most art gallery directors do They cannot accept being nc glcclcd 11mm nothing worsu bun lndiflcrcnc When ho Nalinnnl Gallery showed lhls collectinn lust Sq lumber here was dcbatu about he nulhcntidly of some the plclurcs The new rcgulallons are now belng sludlcd and prepared or presentation to parliament alter which under the twmycarold Public Health Act they can be come lnw ntuny um But tho and part the story this they wll no nIfccl Britains 14 million old hnuscs whirh hnveprudumd most of the victims or lhls winters deep reczm director Ike vnncodm Aft Gallery likes controversy Mr Simmlns is no stranger lo cnnlmversy He reslgncd as director he Nallonnl Gallery Cnnndns exhlbillon cxtcnslnn services In Ollawn amid conlruvcrsy over the Chrysler cullcctlon system llkc this but most have Med because bylaws have been loo Innsnly wnMed or because they huvo had lo all housing cnsla But some authorities have svcn lnslslcd on uutslde plumb lnu In order In hm unlfarmity with older houses Qne archltecl IBM that all thu nuw rcgulnflom could be com plied with un addluun only about $150 lo the can of an aver age house In mid If this uyshm becomes law we may see change In house dcslgn wlh walcr pipe running lhrnugh lhu ccnlra he hnusc and but rooms and lnvnlnrlu placed ccrï¬rnlly and not on outside Wfl BIBLE THOUGHT Controversy Liked In All Galleries VANCOUVER cmThe new