Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 2 Mar 1963, p. 3

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4H Clubs Will Form During This Month The 4H call tractor swine and mm clubs will be orgnn lzcd in Nnrlh Simcnc during Ilw month or March and accurdini to Ihc following schedule The Mlneslng nch and Dairy Clubs will he uruunizcd March al the Mlnesing Cunlral PublicflSchoal Cal and 4H Tmclnr Club will be organized In the Coldwamr Conn Hausa an March at 800 Lm The Oro HI Bee and Dairy Clubs will be organized in the basement Guthrie Hall March um 300 pm The Elmvale 4H Beef Dairy and Swine Cluhs will be organ 1ch in Victoria School nn March at moo pm Victoria Schmfl ls lacmcd two miles soulh Elmvalc on Highway 27 The Orillia Ml Call Club will be organized in UN Arls mu Crnfls Room Communily Com fire Orillia on March 19 at 800 pm The Onlha Hi Swim Club will be nrgumzfld llle lame lime mm humclcnl Interest handout MK Call Club will be organized In Jurmu llaLl on Mngch ascy mcm in be organncd In Vuwy Hall on March 26 at 300 pm The Harrie 1H Com Clul be nrguniml in lhc Hoard lhwm Oniono vanrlmvnl of Aurkuub iuru I14 Collier SI 3leth 13 at 300 pm Enrollmunl II Hm tlub is upon all ruml buy and girk wuhm 15 miles at Bar no Mrs Harold Walker rnprc senting the Lndles Auxiliary of Colllcr Streak Unlmd Chuth and the Gran Commiltuc Third Barrie Troop pre sented Queen Seoul Warren All rum boys and girls he mum and 21 yours and may join one or me we ulmvu club prumhnu you much your thh birthday Imlur and mll no lune yuur Zlnl hlrlluluy hvfuu ch Jlsl 1W1 ThAru is mu exupv Ion ln thnl bv jnlnmu mt nr club mm he IN NORTH SIMCOE Thun no 1mm in la huw nmny nwxnhru may Jmn CM mm our Lumly Imm bcr may mm In all lrucv tar and com um but my ml join more Ulllll 0qu club of llnl lama klmL you are plnnnlng ml join lng 1H club lhls ycur nu Almuld dclmllcly mlrnd Um ur gnnimllnnnl unflimz Ihry will In discmslng nll plumi ul nw ytnra work and cxplmnm ml mm mm In Ihe ptngriml ul h1 limo TmHh nlnnrl TMEIII Al nmp nmdrnl NIrIIthM Nnhnnlrnl Tnvm Ilnnzn Klrrn lmlnwllnn In Hw mu nu Cmuuan mum FN yuu Cannot be prmnl lhm HELPING HAND FOR SCOUT TAIES CANADIAN FIREARM ind out who is the 4111 leader or yuur area and la him know before the mcqling Perhaps ynu know or someone who may wish to become club member for he first time and so bring some or these boyhs and girls to the meeting wil Call Club member should arrange to have their call picked nut or bought before he and at March and preferably righg awiay up HI dairy calves may be born anylimc between July last pear and March 31 this year HI bccf calves may be born anynmc bclwcun Aug lasl year and March Ln or lhis yenr mmch or 56 results pwricncc has shown that prclcrablo In select call born Gmcrnor or 1961 Ontario QuuhccMarilimn Dislricl Kl wanls lncmalinnuL Viclor Hrnns of llnnmoulh NW Smhu um address Joint mLrlm Ike Kmanis Clubs nl Barrie and Kcmpcnlcll Bay Mnnduy Community House Thc muncr metinn skirt ma under join rhnirmam ship at Imxdcm llcv John ll Ihddnl of lhc Barrie club and hnrlvs Tmmcy Ihu Kem wnlcfl Iy clulm mrrnor Ulch III In In mum hy Nu Ukulmnm Guurnnr Division Ken Walls nl it Law with cheque for 5150 recently The money was tha proceeds from the Fur and Fashion show held at the church last week Scout Law alw received 5100 1mm John ML Imus Mu born DJ mulllll on Mfl 2L 1017 and uh umlod in that city He served mrrsrn vulh the Canadian Ar my mm ll HHS 0n rc lurn he nlnhlislmd menu In sunmu Luniml and pmM rm and managing llircclur He Is also nininr partner In Ihc lllcims mel Smite Mr Imus Joined the Kiwn nil Cluh nl Durlmumh in 1m and Inn final as director hmwm nnd pmltlcm ln um He was llelrnnmunrch nor hivislnn ID in 1936 and um clrrml gunmm of he dialrk nl lhu convcnnon In mum Srpmnhtr He 11 mt Hunkn1 the Damnuuth we and In new Kiwanis Governor Is Here Monday Imp by $11 Wllilnlm mlulrlltwnn Blvd nnw 114mm nl TMrlu In nmnml mlmmy nlmlws makIn luur cl Clnlp Donia betwen Sept last yearand Feb of this year Those cal ves born before Jan are scalar and those born aner Jan Ere junior calves fiease nolermut bull calves and dairy steers are definitely nnrlr allowed An 4Hproject you ms to seec dairy cull Ihcn It must be holler and eilher rude or purebred juyjar or genior you choose bee call than may be Either grade or pure bred junlor or senior and either heiler ur steer ch cal ynu sel ect or your 4H prniect be sure to oblaln the name and registration number or the sire and lorward this lnlormaflon the time you send In your first cal ending Ieport Winchcsker chairman of the Board or Stewards the church Tha money is to help him on his way in Greece and the World Scan Jamboree this anmrnerr JExaminer Pho In dlrcclar ol the Senior Band Trade Ha In an cldcr Grant Unllrd Church um 1an dcmu Ssyllhh mm Mnson nvrrnor Blenm will be flu Tomnlo urea Nmprulnz lhm divlllons nll nut wuk He nddrrssinu Kiwanil mm Inga Imnxldm the Royal Ymk Hole Kinzlway nml II Ilnglon nlunK with chrcklng Kiwnnll ndmlnlurnllon the mum omen In Cm Inmn rn Army nml MAP School Frh 152 Turn Ihmflnl ulh be PM lovmnl 3w nlladm Hill he Ilnyll unwllan Mum Mann lNIllonll lklmu llwlol VICTOH HLENUE THE BARRIE EXAMINER SATURDAY MARCH 10638 SFAYNER sum Gene hum1n president 01 lb W39 33 Busch Chamber of Com merce will be guest speaker at the annual meetinu March 11 the filayner Chamber will be dmner meeting at the Slayner Arena sacrumy ueasurer Mrs Peggy Gilbert Inld Friday Election 01 officers with another pmsram high Will Addgesr sum bi Momhqr the CIeuvIew Wo mens Insmula will cater for the dinner Mm 100 guests an ex pected Mrs Gilbert said Sixty men mm 15 towns in the Georgian Bay area wrote examinations for their gu cer tificntes under an Inspector of the Department of Energy and Resources at Barrie District Central Ceilegin The examination ioilowed our course held by the Con sumers Go or Local 599 oi the United Association of Plumbers All classes were held under the supervision of Jim Wesihrook service super visor ior Consumen Gas Gogrgian Boyuaren Purpoga farithre Mm was to qunliiy the men to install gas equipment and give them help in preparing for their exam inatinns Sixty Men Write Gas Examinations but two 01 the men who wrote the examlnauons have been doing this type at work under supervision and those who get their certificates wm be legally qualified by the pro vinan government to do this type worhby themselves Those writing exam were mm Barrie Midland Colllng wood Sknyner Victoria Har bour Penetang Wasaga Bend Sixcud Lefmy Everett Wan hnushune Coldwmer Orillin Bollnn fmd Pngrave Seventh Barrie hoop Ken Bowlcs Scoulmasicr typical Scouung good turn was demon stralcd by Smulmastcr Doug Watson Steam Hnrrle and his nsslsmnt who helped Scan master Bowlos by taking charge the Scout Troop during Mr Bawles recovery mm broken tom Resultsud he eihmlnalions will be known in nppmxflmalely two weeks gmulcr Robert Crown also responded to lhc appeal or help inf is holgng Scolflur Vnlson Seventh Barnc Troop lhu SalvnIIun Army map In the Barrie nrca Ihnl Is they mm In the Armys qunnm Major Joe Craig Assislnm Ter riIorIal Yoth Secretary or the man In charge ol Salvaunn Army Scouts In Canada and Bermuda send Ml zrecnngs all cubs swuu rovers and smulm In Ihcsu Iwn counlrIcs 1901 being me golden Jubilee of Salvation Army Scouting Major Crnlu nnld ll cwr lhcro was an hour when Hm world needed boys mm and mm lxvn Hm dullcntlon mg purposm ll lodJY VSomcmlnzfi nil lo ro mmbcr Assillunl Dlslrld Commlh Iloncr llobm Ayn 5mm Ayers hogan hln cnrccr In swullng cub when he WM lml ll yum oh In lho Flm Inna Branch Cu Ho wm mlst to St Agnes Anglican Scum Troop In 1an when he rcmalnrd Iron unlll tho Ipdnz ul 1m hon KNOW LEADERS 1110 annual lhrrla Skl Cluh tlunmplumhlp uk mm nol un Irrwny lhll mornan ll Snow vgyoy 5H Cluh Tho llrnl mm lwoxlny lnurmnl ulmhllv man cnun try lwrxnll ll 10 Tho junlor lmyl mu llll ml maul mum wnl ucl Ivy Tum Ilnml lnn Man Amlrmn and Jun MrCnnly Md mllrl lunl Thu Junlnr clnn nu mnza II II and unch Sailor I107 and Mn will nun 13 mils mum ul by lamy llckrrlnm In Inl nvrr Um muro IMI mnrn Ina Tum llnmlllun nah mm ml and Hood nml um um Imp lhln Ill be mg mo SCOUTING AROUND The mom wrnl lnr lmlay llm Ilnlnm Inr Mn uncr nnon rmarunnnr nl lha Mum mun wll In Tmn llumlllum Em mn No The dnwnhlll ml lumnlun ev rnll HI hrld nmmmw and flu mm will he nunn lnr rub Ira today unlll 410 Nu fldlrl mm were vmnlllnl on Ilnl In he IMIIH mm to rnnlulnnll will In In hourr Illa 19 mlnulc 1mm sully ll Hug Omllm Buy Rghool my Amvrmlmnlc mulmxhfi am an In nu Jump wll be so ml Ind II pucllcc km Youngsters Ski In Championships By TED BEAUDOIN Enmlner Slafl 1er Will Explore Camping Area Ontarln could be mecca or mud 1mm lha United States and abroad This not only the thouahfi but alm of Jnck Garner Bar He who last week was elected vicepresident of the Ontario Progressive Conservauvn sodadon More people were hired through the Barrie National Emplayment Service in Febru ary this year than or the same month In 1962 OntarioCould Rule AS TouristflMagnet emer manager the Barrie ofllee said industrial hirinzs in Barrie were largely responsible for the Improm ment However the figure was less than in January this 395 He said Lhe hemmed hiflngs aver February of last youJock rlnce In 512119 of emailed hir ngs by ha Department Na thqalpcfence lamp Bordgn Unplnced applicaan register ed or employment was higher than year ago with an in crgasq oyerla¢ no Total unplaced flood 1930 for Fcbrunrymompared with 747 In January Th1 figure comprised 13M males and 546 females In Fébmary 1962 there was 1362 males and 521 males registered qnd Implacgd in 1011 Ms February omlled 166 There were male vacancies and 51 female vacancies unlill ed Executive and pmlessional Jobs are open for accountants IN FEBRUARY be all here lmopleader he came to Barrie and absent cd himsull 1mm scouflng unfll 1957 In 57 he became Cubmnslcr at Central United Sixth Barrio 01b Pack until April 1958 when ho was uppolnled Assist an District Commissioner CAMPING WEEKEND Ten Fart Wlllow Parlagers Rover New members left last night or Mckend camping session at Camp VIldman Tho boy will do prcliminary sur vey the Camp area which is almost no qunre chs They wnl explore the back of the camp and on Sunday they will rcport In council pms Idcm Douz erhwu camp dullrmnn pa ly the back ol the camp swamp land Ind 11 um rovm reports an any good more work can be expected In be underlnkcn to open up Thin Darrin Troop AI nrlslnw Scoutnuulcr my mm hfls weck Lu Warren Law who was presented wlth $150 cheque mm mm Walkm the Ludlos Auxillnry Collier Street United Church and lho Group Commifleo and he also mlv ml 00 mm John Winchester on behalf of the march Founh nnrrio Mp wlll be holding llmllnr how In lho luluro or IL uwl HUN Brecht nn maney L1 bcln raised hrlp lend lho two out lo the Wotld Jamboree Grm lhh summtr Ire my lndlcnuan lhll mul mum mlzhl be avrr run by In other In All prlm will bu pnscnltd lo mnnow nflnmmn In the Chum lrlm nr In In were damn hy Sprnlll Iurdwnrc lar rlu Sporll and lunch 5mm Elorr Irlm lnr Um MI In rludu rlnlhlnl nnd merrhnmflu lullrhulul hy Imx nnls hnulm nlm all lnr lhln event Ink Tum uml wn mm In nllucl ml tmmI ll nhmlldulm Ill uullcnl Ikllnl llov Dnvhl ma VIII llclnle II In dallcnllnn III In new Kulu 01 an at mulon Imnua lulu1 urrh lnmunuw nnmln ll oclock Dedicate Organ At United Church vlu 63m mlnhlor wlll In Dr Ken ndh II Cmnllnrl lvlnckul myuel Callus lg trawl mnnuu to Ill Aunmlu The mm mllnl wlll fa II km by 12ng Tohfllb exl not In Chuml will be miedlcled ll lhu ll oclock momma Itrvlu Oueu mlnmn wll luv Emmott Kmln 166 Are Placed In Local Jobs man or the Development Com mittee the Ontario Young Progressive Comervnlivermso elation said Ontario has far more natural museums than any other part of mm IL lakes megs streams andde land usuala beaulilul englneers draltsmcn and oth ers Mr Kramer said there Is strong demand or domestic angi wallmses ers and walkem will soon get underway in Barrie Anyone no working and interested in bemming pmflclem waiter 0r wgitress may take the summer sensun approaching the demand wm exceed nvnil able applicants for these Jobs unless sumcient applicants Shaw Interest in this type work certifies profic lcncy will be awarded to those successfully completing this training HELP STUDENTS The course designed to lamillarlze the student with pm pcr work habits techniques business conduct and relation ships Local employers have already approached authorities ollenng employment to gradu attest Refernng to the newly es tahlished execulivc and profs sional service in Barrie it is noted that more employers am taking advantage this source meet their needs Six applicnm profession al and executive status were placed Mr Kramer said 10m than 100 people are lending oLher courses under ijogngm Mr eerhq Ls am cgairj For lln past fmfl yrml Col IIer sum Unllbd Church hm 011cm lo Im own mlmhcrs and lha Kuhlle nl lum mm um hour mvko on lhu hxcsdnyi URL From the vrry llnl urvlro Iuyl Ilcv Skelly the mama was mml eumurnnlnx and rarh yrnr nllcndnnccs have been brllcr Hum berm Tho Irrvlm wlll be lwhl mm 11 an in lnllnwlnq uhlrll lunch wlII nxnln rm In 130 pm Mr Skclly Mulbulv lulldl ho mch Hm veu luru Hm In lhn excrllml rum Inl mnnxrmcnu nml mnndly In lhu Incl llml llm mvlrcl nm cmhllly li In ml meu ly nl Hm Thn WIND know In Inyl lhnl lhuy wlll lw him In rl had In wmk luy mm nclnck nml Uml In my Imme an An mquunln Inndvnlrh lunrh wlll 1m armd In Ilw lvflomhlp Hall mm 11 noon until hxw day Thu lhcmn ol lho mhlmm lhll grnr Milnlnfl um mudny wlll Cunlrnlln nl Camry Ilucly ul Um mnodu ml mm and mlnlln Um CIDII Noon Services Start Tuesday an oulsldo VHWI the modern curllnu and gall duh Mlldiu Cnmp Borden MIKINNON IUII le MDIES ADDITION TO SPORTS FACILITIES FIN FUR Van Alunl lIrlm If eves one of maimoblecfives on the senior associatlnn will be tn prex sent the Yuan FCs Ideas said he was pleased my the an nounccmcnl ghul the tourist in urmalinn bum hem Would be He admitted that much was being done to attract tourists to Ontario But theres still more that mum bardqne This is just one oftha many proposals put tath byr ma YPCs he suld We must be as nltenlivo tn slglm as to swkn mcrs in mentioning that it was an honor to be elected to the seninr group ML Garner said he wnuldnt disassociate hlmscll rgm ghq young group eel every young person should take definite interest and participato uttivelytn tho party or his car her choice ha sald In so dotngrs contin ued we are assuring ourselves and our children of continuing strength In the truly system of Simone County men cy Measures Organization will take part in an exercise Snowflake II beginning today Snowflake ll Is an clghtcnun ty operation In which hc coun lies Simone Peel Halton Duflcrin Wellington Waterloo Onmrio and York will part icipnlc The RCAF has been requested in take part in Saturdays exer cise The Nth Auxiliary Wing at Downsview will fly reconnais sance over the mock disasm area Mobile radin Irurks ha Consumers Gas Company will partiripalc as part special industryumergcncy measures cwpcralion planned or nalural disasters EMO Event Snowflake II Gets Underway Today About 250 EMO volumccrs 20 Cunsumcrs Gas employees and 50 E310 mobile radio will be used in he exercise Tlm lrmlru In School Arm 0m have 0chle ml Mhn approval lrnm Hm 0nnrln MuIIkIpal mm or now IIx mom 50ml In lhu Dalslun nna 5mm Kcyrs ha bun tn mm ummm In pmmru plan and npcclllcnllnn or this pmktl Mr Wth and Mr Murdock nun llm nlnrlu Ilyxlm wrm imml nml limuml rlrclrlr ililllfll Irhmll um Ilmvml plrlun MIUHI Idxmls ln HII dlflrkl lllnl um hcnlrd Uill Mlmllnnln Vctrnnl Allmlnhlmllnn llnlullnl Inhl Fthlny nlxhl lhnl thll Mrmnn Jl wnl dulnl llne Plans For School Are Looking Good cnndnuunn ulrlckrn wllh llm lmuh Tumlny wlll lm rfllflllml In Tnnmlo lmlny Nor mnuflrllnu tlmh ml Irnnllnn hm wuy Amxy The building whlch natures our sheets 01 mm In and beaullful lounge Man With Bends Reiuming Home Irllrr mm Um Townshlp of DUFFLO AllA Tnpgnln can Im In Ham 1mm um um um Intmt um um mm In mm nonM HIMn1 Ulllln lu rum EAnrn punmulflll mm hme nuu mam wm mu AMIH Innmm vmum mun 3mm and mm mm mxrr Man MAM ml 91m ml onwrm mlw huh 00 JOHNSON GO LIMITID THE EXPERIENCED TRAVEL SERVICE govémmehl democratic system It will be assumed that one at the eight munues has been MI by vlolenl Ice atomL Th disaslcr area will be the Alllln on district In 53ch County The call for help mm Slmm mordimtor Ray Alklnson will go In the Metro EMO ln Toronto but because of the recent In in ll conlml centre Metro wlll translu the call to the Pecl Blue in Brampton Maser Jack Adams will klckol the exerclsu with call or volunteers aver ClllC rndla ne mmmnnlcatlons such as the telephone will havu been hypothetically wiped ouJ by the 5pm and moblle rgdi mm cars will be dcspalched to key point In the eight countlex to provide emergency communica lions The air one will fly over the asmmcd disasm area to report mock damage Vuprn wax molvcd mun would be caponllblu or In pun llon ol um dcbcnlum hm Ilynuhavalmuorlm ixaliuu km whcuu you med hmth lid at not dont TWays To Hear Better lnlmnulin nu hound hf an Imudy valulblo for my win nilh hulinl tubbm mm Mp you enjoy llnwnh Mm hearing If wnl oillclnlly mud urlkr hu wtck by Mam Genera Gwmo Kilddnz lmlll lull hill no EMIan HEHVICI man nu wwqu um Num AMIn Ily JACK GARNER MAICO NEW FREE BOOKLET FIVE nvmmm WWW r3547

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