Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 1 Mar 1963, p. 14

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wnmsn Slnlln Mm mm mm Experience pmlened cm woxklnl cndluom Elwood ma Nalxon lohnllunly Oto SIIHW lilephon am am inch Exrzmznczn qulpmcm filler min or MlsuyFlrlumn dull hlp Bux mm mm YOUNG Slnllo Min Ranked or curly employmcnl on hm unbrtd Bury hnn Guemn Efifillnd llrml Newmlrkal on Amcuuure mnum DIIllu IIIIY comment Aprfl lllor Inlet convenlonca o1 applium For mu pmkulu duuc Ind lallry comm IhI am 1h 1mm Suki 1mm BXPEIHENCED Mlchlnm to work In ml room ma mould mllmerh um department at prolnum 51mm manummm Liner1 mm menu wlu nuflr you round employment Apply Ion or In mum to Mr ax uomar 141 151 John 51 um All You mssnxsnln wuh your plfllnl occu Mon Ind your mun income to huv you cunsldma um posslblmy cm In Llle Vndcrwdllnll TM Northern Llrn Anunncc Compmy Cum pmznlly nu nlu nplnlnl 1n Illrrll whlch flu nun wna un qumly mun lecond tn none To invenlute luau wrlla Mr Dew LU Axency Minuet 11 Comm nle OnL All repllu IO HELP WANTED cImEzn Olloilllmlt nzpmenmlva or Cu dn ludlu 1m lnnmnco comp Inks Mm we look rohlbly mlrrlzd belwun 25 um dam well Prtslnt job yet lomcwhlt lmplllenl wlm rune Ap Hum will need mm Ion delerm nnlan ma am um nlherL To ml nun We oller yumMn ya non unflmked umm polenlll pension an ofler lndapem deuce own buslnels yet mm lion Ind lIlrrpnrl 01 um mun tlll Ann lupply Inlnlnl dint mlll plm mhu pmvm Mp to low huyen mu mu Opportunity to man Into mmxzmum For lnlurvlew wme Box 56 11min Exumxnu pm sharp FOR VICTOR CLARK Lot 30 Concession Noua waxaga Township miles west and miles north at Stayner off Highway 91 on the Duntroon Saieo farm machinery My household furniture including many nnthllxns arm is sold JERRY COUGIXLIN 13 AUCTION SALES Lot Concession Innislil Township right on Illmwny 27 mile souih oi 1110me Sale of arm stock lmpIomcnU almw wood househoid crtccu Including several antiques Terms cash No reserve nslhe lann Is suld JERRY COUGHLIN Vpdncsday March 20 pm sharp FOR OLIVER CARSON Lol Concussion 12 Vespm Township milcs NW Min esan Village or 15 mile south of lllgllwny 25 SALE of arm slack lmplc menls hny grain clmur seed poultry and housvhold cncm Terms Cnsh Nu mum the arm Is sold In 19 Calmsslon Vu prn Iowmhip mil 0th cl Ighwny 00 at Essa Stmlon Sale of head of mm luixh clnsx lnrm machlmry hay nnd min Tcmu cash Nn mcrvc we arm suld JlIllllY COUGHLIN pm sharp tor LONDAS DMHHGU MI onrmlun TM unurnl Tuwmhln mm on HIth 27 lnllo NH Scllnlnlwm Snln Mad Mock null lmlor Ilrrrlnn mle lnrm nmchinrry loud lmlhlrn nup pHu mu lmuwhnhl rHlflI Term umll ll vurrwlw mrnngnl Nu nmu NH lnrm mhl JHIUH OUGHIJN Mos Anything mumlrm Hunnl dnlv Tlmmllhv In mmh Slmnhlnlo lornrm SALE multirle mul nuulr Gurrnwy Mllu null llnlflrlll fawn lliflln chm 1mm Innchln rry My Krnln Ilrnw um um ummnm rflodv Tnuix rnxh Inrm mid ANDHISON ILOWMAN AN COLWHL 1T1 AUCTION SALE SATURDAY MARCH 30 AUCTION SALE Saturday March 18 pm sharp FOR EVERAL PATION YUM AUCTION SALE Saturday March 23 1230 pm sharp F011 JOHN GUIHHlls AUCTibN SALE Saganday March mmlhfi March 10 12 wharp lelllv IINIM Want Ads JERRY CDUGHLIN AUCTION SKIE AUCTION SALE MALE HELP Casi1 No reserve as the SELL Auctioneer Auctioneer Auullonccr Allcllunur Allonnrrn Audinnccr sink or so heda of cattle machlnery hay min mme household effects AUCTION SALE Tuesday April 1230 sharp FOR RICHARD STEPHENS At lot Concession Collins wood Township 10 mile SW 02 Terms cash Farm sold ANDERSON PLOWMAN AN COLWILL LTDn Auctioneer Phoner Elmvale 69W AUCTION SALE OF ALL MACHINE SHOP EQUIPMENT Wednesday til at 12 noon arp FOR THE ESTATE OF THE LATE LORNE ARNOLD at Queen street Cooksiawn Village right next to ma Royal Blink SALE oi all shop equipment including presses pipe cutters and Waders grinding mach ines plumber supplies arm ers supplies are welder and many other miclcs loo numer ous in 1151 Term Cash No reserva the estate must be sailed JERRY COUGHLIN 13 AUCTION sAlas FRED MCFARLANE Saturday April pm sharp Lot Concesslon 12 Sunnldale Towmhlp miles NormEast Sunnldnle Corners AUCIIDN SALE of arm stock Implements hay straw grain and hnusehold clfects Including some nanncs Term cash No reserve as the arm is sold JERRY COUGHLIN AUCTION SALE Saturday April 13 pm Sharp FOR MAC STEWART AL la Concession Innis fll Township mile finish north of Churchill right on Highway ll SALE of form slack implem ants hay grnln straw and some Musthold effects Terms cash No reserve the arm rented JERRY COUGHLIN Monday April 15 1230 pm Sharp FOR NORMAN MONAGHAN Lot 29 Concusslon Osprey Townshlp on the county road 13 mllos Ms slnghnmplon or mllu east Maxwell SALE 75 hnad Slacker and Feeder Cattle Cows Pigs high clns lnrm Mnchlnfim llny and some Household Elleclsl Term cashl No reserve as the farm ls sold JERRY COUGllLlN and WALTER SEHLEY TOWNSHIP OF INNISFIL 1963 DOG TAGS 1963 Dog Tug Me now avall able from the Animal Conlnl 0mm Lurroy or the Munlci ml Olnec Slrouq On or nllcr Aprll ma own ers or harlmurcrs Dogs wllh out 190 Tags which musl be securely nllnthcd Don nl nll llmcs will be llable la PmA ancullon Dixmunl of two per Tug will be allowed on all Tau purchmcd btlore nprll 1901 ELMO FORD IITISHUHGII Ml Tum ntm unInn President Jnmu Hulln criliclzrd US Mlnrncy General Robert Kcnnuly Thun day nlxhl nnd Inld II US uv crnmcnl hnx hnd Mm under tomlnnl nunclllnmc or lwn yrnrl The lender In 1700300 nwmlwr unhan laid On mun hm nuluncd upc clnl rlllu flml 21 Icpuly nl lumrylprnrrnll lo wurk dc lulu on MK wllh you rauld hnvr lmn wllh me the pm we yrnrn Khan lune lmn kepl umlcr nurvrlllnncc WNH ln wrrk ml or hour da 14 PUBLIC NOTICE 1m Iurvrllhmu ll bfan milxl lm by me In paym II In Hoifa Criticizes Robert Kennedy EVERY FRIDAY 530 pm 1200 pm Imlmnl Connfiomm Phane mm 157 anon cm HONKY TONK ENTERTAINMENT Xficméiq SALE mnopm sum AUCTION SALE Township oflunhml CLUB 20 THE WELLINGTON HOIEL SATURDAY Auctidneér Aucllonecn Aucfidneér Auctioneer 1dr 31 MRS DUCKWOMH Cvl and MrIHWIllhm Canny and family Ramore Ontarlo Spent the weekend with their parents Mr and Mrs ErIcCan Deepesl sympathy is extended to Rev and Mrs Will and Alfred In the sudden pan lngoI Mn Willisl youngest brother James WChnytor Sar nla Hes the second her brother In dle wlkhln week Mu Willis is pnllant in the Royal Victoria Hqspltal Barrie Mr Willls and Aflrcd me both sick at home and unable to al genld MrChgyory lgngn ion Elden mama and Game Woolsey are patients In the Royal Vlcturla Ho Ila Earth speedyrecovery wished or am Sympnthy Ls extended to tho relative of Mlss Lllllnn Mc Mnster at Harrie and formerly of MIIUI whose lunernl was held Mnnduy mm the Jennelt mineral Home to Angus Union Cemetery Mr and Mn Jame Emu and Patty Glenmyraund Mn Lllllnn Falconer Toronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Ggqrge Fa Mrs Wilson Mansfield 15 spending the winter with her son and daughter tnlaw Mr and Mrs Arnott Wilson The father and son banquet was held In Hlizlnsons Hall last Wednesday mm with as in nttchdnnne Mn And Mrs Major Centre 51 have returned to their home 191 spcndlnz same month 11 Nova Stalin George Dexter patient In the Tuxonto General Hospital HI many friends hope to Ice hlm home again saun Gordon Broihei president oi ihe Beelun Agricultural Society allunded the Ontario Agricuiiur ni Convention in Tornnlo Mm Dlnnna Stephen Tor onto spent the weekend at the home Mr and Mn Carleton Lea Leggall pullenl In Stevenson Memorial Hospital Alllslon Mr and Mrs Cranslcn visited friends In Ornnguvillc and Shelburne Wednesday Lea Long Is In pggleng Mr NEI Mrs Cnrldnn and Mrs Ducknefl spent Monday in Toronto Dr and Mn McKelvey 3pm lew days wflh relative in Toronto nnd attended ha Agripullurnl Coqvenllon Mlis Crdfilhcrs éfvmonlo visited Mrs Cole over the weekend Mn nnd Mrs Gordon And rews nnd nmily and Mn Andrews vlsIled Mrs Jnrdlne Colllng Mu wmked mui Cookstown vlsllcd Mr and Mn noy Arm I5qng Bilgndny Mrs AL Andrews Orange villL spent the wtckcnd with hur son and duunhmlnlnw Mr and Mn Gordan Andrewn melon LOBA held the third cuchre the mlc In Ihu or unue Hall law Crowd at lmdld lrlze wlnnm wcr Mn Gilhnm Alliston Mr Vllllams Mrs T11on and Gordon Bray Lime and MIA Phylls Mk Mr nnd Mm Donald Wnlsan nnd daughter Toronto vhlltd the farmers lather Fm Wnlmn durlng the workaqdq Mr am Mr Jackson Glau lord vlsllcd rclnllvu nl Cultdon Sqlrdny AROUNDfISIMCOE TY Mr and Mn Irruusnn Tur unto and Hum Mr Femuwn Ollnwn vlsucd Mn lnlmcr Sundny Mr nnd Mn Dauxlnl bel ln Tomnlo vllllcd the form crl pmnu Mr and Mn to hymn Sunday Mn nnd Mr on Mchr mm and Mr Caburn vlu Iltd lho ormcr Imr and the MINI mum Mr IL nay cm Summit 51 II WW In lhc Ilayn Virlurln Hoapllnl mnlo Mr nnd Max Mikhail urn Iprmllnfl month with rrlnllvu mu riemh In 1mm Hench Cnl llumln Mr nml Mn Jnmu Wntwn lrll Frldny lnr Clenrwnler Flnr Mn whom lhcy upocl 9ch lwa munth Mr nnd Mn IL Lclll mm Sunday th nXnHm In limit Mr nml Mn Omruo Gauhl Call Bonnhciul Io gal cash 11011 in Clean up all ovor billll aka can of ponm youllnamoil Tm folks flunuliclal mm In lay Voul Call now BENEFICIAL By MRS WRIGHT nmmcz ea or cANAuA MRI I5 HnMd Stun I53 Milk muluug MI 3231 Qfley lmml up In 31000 and man Your lnan tan lrmmd the ONE place to call for the minute you mm It BEETON ANGUS ol Callln 00d vlllled Md wllh the punt Mn Thorns Hum Ind hair muslm Mr and MrInFred BaneuMr and Mn Hum and manna Mn Lloyd Roblnmn Mn 011mm Alllxlon sfm dnynal the home her llam Ind brotherm llw Mr and Mn Bull Thomp Ian By cam nuumpnm Mu Hnroid will be llama to the Evenn Circle Mnrch 030 mm Rel callil Your tamlly treai devotional Mrs Mlle chklln Mn Mau rlce Pnrfldze In lunch can vener Mn Howard Cfldwallw Mm Karen Slncinlr of St Mlldredl Collm Toronto mm the weekend hm with her pub ems Mr midMu James Sln clalr Mln Helen Kenny loh onto spent the weekend with her tagger llhm Kenny We extend weTcome to Mn Resale Spence and daughtm who have moved Inko the Audu lon house Mr and Mn David Yumn and chlldren Snrnln were mm on with Mr and Mn Neural Dunsmare lhll week Mr nnd Mn Teny Senwrlnht Gall Mr Ind Mn Leonard Dunsmm kayn md Paul were Sundny zuesu at Cecil Dunsmarel 11 cm Mm 1119th meeting 01 the girl wn held the home n1 Ulell lender Mn Bruce Chm pell wm iv lhll unending In CROWN HILL Carllng products are ho finest that pflzo lngrodlengs and modern brewing skill can produce Next ttlmo you order make It case at Carling Carling Rod Capand Carling Black Label are agnln Ontarlos host selllnz brands This makes the sixth stralgmmj that both Rod Cap Ale and Black Label Beer have topped all other brands In popularity 11 Naturally an of us at Carllna are proud of thIs recordYou can be sure that Rod Cap Ale or Carllng Black Label Boer CARUNG the nbunce the render Mu Chafpell conduct thahunueu nu on Belling wan demonIn ed Ind homework wu confined on he project The next meal lnl wlllbe twoweelu Mme Gplhrla lost her olden and one 01 her mouthwabla pioneer lu week when Norman Campbell dled Mr Gumbel pulled IWBY in the Royal Vlc lam Hospital Barrie Ha Ind been patient or flva weeks He wu mm of gm klndnm and mlderstnndlng He had lived hh lull my year on the am where he wu born arm now wned by his ne phew Norman Campbell Walker Caldwall who hu been In Burrlelynayl Vlmfla Hay lullullerlnr from ppeunmnln home an Mr ind Mn Newton Ema vismd rehuvu In nuemu phla 11 week Mr Campbell was member the Presbyterian kirk end lireleu worker or the Bible Society Sympathy Ls extended In the bereaved relatives pm 99 hll the lame insinns ouchmt Frldey night good crowd amend the mum Scth or en evening of game such an luchre croklmle Ind per chesl Procuds were or pee wee and junior hockey telml ver 24 we contributed to the cam My Fan Pm By it cmnm GUTHRIE THE CARLING BREWERIES LTD enmlnlllom hzld by the Royll Cnmewalnry at Mull of Tomnlo In Barrie Join at our youm mm were mcceuful In comp their ym Donna Thoman grid Billie Ann was Pam Allan mac and Brand Allan zrldc lvnnhm wu ured In an joclclenL No Inger were mm In power IIW and muned lslulchu Mr ml Mn Jam Built vhlted and in Hlmlltoni KenhlCoum Ir plum In the Toronto Ganml Hoiplm Several flnklvcompeted 1n bon lplell In week No rlnkrol ladle competed In thaSoutham Ontario divmon unknrd lay downheid at Richmond H11 mler rink competed the Ron Bowl com cutlon Mind and lyreair IO lgdleg wan to three mi hdluwen 16 Conknlawn brinzlnx home tin ans 25 Mum um and Mary Sloan Mn McDonald Mn Sey mour Kell Ind Mr Page vlalted Min Tenn Regalum Been onSmdnyz United Church Women are planning for St Pnkrlckl lup perin Mu day School Ind Men nurl will hoid aiming party March tom pm to pm on Lelroy mun rink Ii pot iuck supper will be mud in the United Church Sunday School room Immadintei ouowinx kfiunl st Fem1 Anlllcnn Church Ind Ihu United Church will ob lem World Day at Payer ln MRI P1108521 CHURCHILL BARBIE EXAMINER FRIDAY MARCH 10¢ lb United Church on March pm st mm GA wlll hold lu praycr urvlne meeting In Iho Plfllh Hall Frl dny awning Thlmm ublu war In filly It lh LOBA enchrc 3am eld In the Parish Hall day mn Winning prim wm Mn Flower Min Luau normally Donna Fulrhend Willim Rul lel Grule and Blllle Ahrl The tuvelllnl prim wera won by Mn Bfldm and Jim mla Devil and the lonehand prim by Mn llowzr The Bookmoblle wax the library on Monday evenlnz wllh newnlacunn at book ub my hour aye pm Enemy evenly The Ind uoclallan held the line In Iecond series our euchrer lndre Flm Llne Ichool Monday evening The con venen were Mr and Mn Gould Prize winner were Mn Hutchlnron Mrl John Donnelly Mn Andrew Grnhnrn George Lum Dvevm end ck Saun ler Lone hunch Mn Boychofl nnrl Albert BurntPfizer were donned by Mr IndMrl Ken qomd The next puny In Maren MUSIC TO Dunlap PA um Clmlul Orell The Lulu mu AllTime lllll Sheet Mulle See Us ForAll Your Mmch Need KEENANS PLEASE YOU Mrs Excl and Mr and Mn William Gallup and family an the weekend In Oltm vmln Mr and Mn BrucI Wllwn And Mr and Mn wu lIam Wilton Mr and Mn Bruce Miner and mum visited Mr and Mn Edward Rica in Scarborough Sunday Louvmax In attending the road convention ha Royll York Hotel In Toronln thlg week Mu Demplter Banh Ipenl Fyldny main with Mr and Mn John Mann Mr and Mrs Andy Lukalu 8L and Andy Lakalm Jr v15 ed friends in Tlllsonburl Mon day TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE PA Mill By MRS WILLIAM GALLQP Specialuing BODV WORK Tlflln SI PA 311 SIMCOE M6TORSm RAYS now SHOP MECHANICAL SERVICE UTOPIA

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